f^vr^'.fifir^j^ «:%««w<itJKj»MSfl»*'»i<ia^i«(«VW*'«t^^ *.yv-^<V'».»%-i>#»%»»»t^»^'i!>'N'»^'»V^t^%»4*^ ' lln-i^^iMnLii. Library iio:j'j Rwun. Conn Page Eight THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN., MAY 15, 1941 bara Rodman, Betty Anno Rogers, >• >iii <t<v'f'%mi*'4"* vm <nu ym^mmmmmmi^m Scholastic List Jennie Zobroski, , Boys Trained in Michigan Industry property of Mrs. T. J. Toole, In the THE HOMt TOWN PAPER Grade 4—Barbara Larrabee Sa­ Just Arrived Charles H. Pond, early years of his life he sailed with TIIE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A Cnntlnued from page on« hara Rodney, Alice Struzlnsky. his father. He was a brother of the y of VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TO^VN gard, Robert Young, Elaine Blgo- Grade 6—Paul Garrlty, Stephen Help to Put China Back on Ker Foet ; late Mrs. George Sheldon and the BRANFOfiiyi-NORTH BRANFORD Flnta. Aged 90, Passes STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD PORTRAYING AS IT DOES • low, Helen Boyle, Carolyn Carsten, DEAnBOIlN, Mich.—A hundrail Mr. and Mrs. Arnold V. Noble late Mrs. Lucy Averlll. For the past Dorothy Hopkins, Ruth Johnson, Grade 0—Morgan Rodney, Joyce young Chlnofto Btiidontn who ro- (Joyce Cudgma) announce the few years he had been a resident of SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS ' Joan Komlnsky, 'Barbara Pepe, Ferguson, Dorothy St, Louis, Eu­ cctvocl h icchnicnl RducnMon a birth of a .son, Arnold Vincent, Jr., The funeral of Charles H. Pond New Haven, and was a member of FAMILUR LANGUAGE fow years n«o In Henry Ford'fl A 'liailla-Ford Boy' COVJE—EAST HAVEN Wi^t Ptanforb Ivebteto genia Tomulovlch, Mary Zvonkovlc. In Grace Hospital on May 4. the City Point Yacht Club. Two Phyllis Rico. RUtomobtIo plantfi today are tgaing of 405 Greewlch avenue. New Ha­ AND EAST HAVEN NEWS INDIAN NECK SCHOOL Ihlfl training to help put China ven was held Monday afternoon at daughters and one son, Mrs. Ed­ HARBOR STREET SCHOOL Grade 3—George Sabo, Robert arade 3—William Gordon Rach­ back on hor Induntrlal feet. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Cavallaro, 2 In the parlors of Beecher & Ben­ ward Yeomans of West Haven, Mrs. Tramontane, Janet DeBernardI, The Ford-tralnod youthH have f Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, May 22, 1941 el Brooks, Patricia Kennedy, Mary announce the birth of a son In nett, 100 Broadv;ay. Mr. Pond died William Hudson of Maiden, Mass VOL. XIV—jKO. 6 Price Five Centa Grade 4Rlchard Baldwin, John become flrat Ueutonants to Kowt Gainesville, Florida on May 8. and Benjamin Pond of Hyannls ' Zurowskl. Sullivan, Joan Roth, Oeorgeanne Alloy, the Now Kealander who Friday afternoon In his 00th year. Grade 4—John Ambrulovlch, Jo­ originated tho unique Idea of vest- Dr. Cavallaro Is a lieutenant at He was born In Branford, a son of Mass. Wolf. pocket Industrlos to rovlvo a Camp Blandlng. seph Ambrulevlch, Joseph Bodner, .STONY CREEK SCHOOL nation left holplosH by military Captain Russell Pond and Lydia Phyllis Caruso. Grade 3—Edward Murphy,Mttrl- Invasion. Tyler, and resided In the homestead Joseph Daly Is on a vacation Juniors Giving Rosenthal Block Local Clothing Equipped with a mechanical, Mr and Mr.s. Peter Scalla, of 115 Hoiisehold Art Classes Sale Of Buddy Poppies Grade B—Francis Reynolds, Val­ lyn Erlckson. In Montowese street, now the from his duties at the post office. erie MorawskI, Shirley Holmes, engineering and admlnlstratlvo Ashland St., Ea'st Haven announce Class Dance Being l^epair_ed Grade 4—Anthony Console. knowledge acquired In tho Ford the birth of a daughter, April 23. Workers Benefit I Barbara Hanson, Carol Crawford. Grade 5—Harriot Doollttle. school systom, tho students Grade 0—James Murphy, Don­ started working with Alloy In Mrs. Scalla Is the former Miss For Bfellis Co. Inaugurates Branfords Grade 0—Ray Landcs, Alberta 1038 to put across tho system of Frances Roco. Joiri Manuel Department ald Delgrogo, Bertha Arrlnglon. Kane, Chinese Industrial Cooperatives. Friday Night By 10% Increase ' SHORT BEACH SCHOOL At last count, these small "guer­ Branford Junior High School The Rev. and Mrs B. Kenneth {aliefioodfOMBays Heat Treating Co. of Meadow St., Grade 4—John Corning, Roger Grade 7—Eliza Barnes, Margaret rilla" industries numbered 3,000 The Jinilor Prom will be held The Connecticut office of the . Pinch, Janet Taylor, Helen Mesha- units, producing 100 dtfTorent Anthony, Rogers Street, announce ki Annual Exhibition Friday night In the Country Club Burned Out. Causing $10,000 Amalgamated clothing Workers of Memorial Week Program Baytor, Louise Blanchlnl, Patty items ranging from ghoos to the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth . ko, Maury McClees. Bergen, Alice Daley, Eleanor Del- chemicals. Pine Orchard, with dancing from D Damages—Willi Operate Now America announced an agreement - Grade '5—David Stevens, Joan Kuan Pel Liu, former Ford stu­ Whitman, May 10 in New Haven to 1. The committee In charge is Factory In Rose Street. with the Shirt Institute whereby grego, Elmlra Doollttle,' Gladys Hospital. • Duffy. dent and now general secretary Charles Baldwin, chairman; Patrlca 15,000 shirt workers along the caat- Sunday Memorial Service In Tabor Church, Sunday Eve­ Edwards, Carol FInneran, Nancy of CIO at Chungking, China, com­ High School Students Exhibit Types And Quality Of Grade 0—.Toan Armstrong. Jacooks, Evangeline Joyner, Viola municated recently with Ford o(H- Yeal^s Work — Public Invited — Prizes Will Be Boutelle, Nancy Fitzgerald, James Hundreds of Branford residents jern shore will receive a 10% In- ning—Short Beach Union Chapel Welcomes Veter: KopJanskI, Hlldcgardc Macaltis, cials, explaining the Important A daughter, Patricia Ann, was Mellor, Edwin Poulton, Carol Brad­ flocked to the scone df spectacular i crease and vacation with pay.^ CANOE BROOK SCHOOL part his fellow students are play­ 'jorn May 4, In Stanford Hospital Awairded For Best Work. ley, Robert Fletcher, Doris Polastrl, two- alarm fire Friday morning I" conformity with the decision ans Sunday Morning, Grade '3—Anno Fitzgerald, Bnr Margaret MarowskI, Joan Norrls, Emily Nygard, BoLsy Samson, Bar­ ing In tho cooperatives. to Dr. and Mrs. John J. Moore. Mrs. Barbara Welles; faculty advisors. when one of the buildings of the of the General Executive Board of bara Solarlnl, George Costello, Je- "Most of our key men aro Ford Moore was Miss Josephine Calla The second annual exhibit of the Miss Alice Murphy, Mrs. Marjorle Bellls Heat Treating' Company, In'the Amalgamated, the Union Will Tho annual Memorial program men," bo said. "All over China you han, a granddaughter of John P. rorne Garrlty, Charles Lake, Maria will find Ford-trained men making Manual Arts and Household Art B. Clifford, Miss Bernlce Sarfert Meadow Street, burned and caused Immediately request similar in- Representatives for Branford will start Saturday, use of their training. Most of DKAKllOltN, Mii;li.—Onn of ihc Callahan, Laurel Street. Correct Vision and Johh E. Knecht, Jr. Patrons Moy 24th with tho sale of Buddy I'ape, Francis Paluda, Arthur Sy- oriKhliil "niiMif:-l''nrd Hoys'* who Department; of the Branford damage estimated at $10,000. creoses in other Unionised sections them are on tho road In technical schools wili;'be held at the high and patronesses will be Mr. and Popples by the Sons of Legion co­ monds, Richard Whltcomb. work, some of them cfecupy high came front Chiiiii to f^ct ii tccli- So great was thejstart before the of the Industry which will alToct a Speak to Women nicnl trnlntnf; in Henry Ford's fac- Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Sullivan school next jwednesday. The exhibit Talk Is Given Mrs. R. F. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. M. total of DO,OO0 shirt workers. operating with t li 0 Corcoran Grade 8—Jean Ablondl, Jean Ad­ admlnlstratlvo positions." blaze was discovered' that the ef­ Sundqulst Post, American Legion, Liu explained that the boys loricK IK IIMiIln^ Kui Li (iihove). of New Haven announce the birth is sponsorod by tho Malleable Iron P. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. T. Holmes The agreement, with the Shirt ams,/ Janice Baldwin, Marjorle IVow a drai'lHUinn In the Ford of a son, Richard Daniel, May 8 in Bracken, Mrs. Flora K Goldsmith', forts of volunteer firemen were Of GO.P. Club under tho direction of Past Com­ Baldwin, Nancy Bradley, Edith wore sent to Michigan from China power and conHlriiclion dcpiirt- Fittings Company, G. A. R. Hamre, By Dr. Battalin futile. , Institute, according to Aldo OursI, for training between 1022 and tnoiil, IJ hears frctpicnlly from his the Hospital of St. Raphael. Mrs. and other ;;Branford citizens. Its Mr. and Mrs. Thorvald P. Hammer, mander Ernest Albertino who Ccccollnl, Ann Ely Gay Farrlngton, 1030 through tho efforts of Joseph •Wlicn the first o-pparatus arrived Manager of the Shirt and Clothllig Is chairman of,. the Sons. fellow "IlHllle-Furd Boj-s," knows Sullivan was Miss Elsie Mattson of purpose Is;to show the people of Election of officers was held at Mr, and Mrs. Irving N. Harrison, A mooting of the Women's Re-| Alta Hagar, Faith Hboghklrk, Ruth Bailie, a Californian who was in ull the details of their success in this place. about 2:50 A. M., the fire had al­ Workers' Union in Connecticut, A. These popples which are an 'e>mot China building roads. Feeling the the town the types and quality of the meeting of the Branford Ro­ Frank J. Kinney, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. W. A., provides for a; general publican club was hold Monday i Kolsoy, Antoinette Krewsky, Vir­ Ohlneso youth needed greater helping relinhilitalc China by Arthur Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. John ready broken thro'iigri the wooden afternoon in the homo of Mrs. M.'replica of tho popples that grew ginia Lovesh, May Lindberg, Betty technical skill, ho arranged with nicsns of '*veHl-pockel" industries.
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