UNIVERSAL * Districted Offices SAMPLE BALLOT This is a Universal Sample STATE REPRESENTATIVE Ballot* and contains all races. On Election Day, only the State FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE GENERAL, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND SPECIAL COUNTY ELECTION Senate and State Representative DISTRICT NO. 96 race for your district (and School (Vote for One) Board 5, if applicable) will NOVEMBER 2, 2010 — MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA appear on your official ballot. RANDY DAVIS Republican See voting center list on back. For more information, visit www.probate.mobilecountyal.gov Write-in or call (251) 574-8586. BALLOT FRONT BALLOT BACK Postcards with district FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE information will also be DISTRICT NO. 97 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE VOTER FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR COURT OF FOR CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE, Shall the following Amendments be PROPOSED STATEWIDE (Vote for One) (Vote for One) CRIMINAL APPEALS JUDGE 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, adopted to the Constitution of Alabama?" AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR (4) mailed prior to Election Day. TO VOTE YOU MUST BLACKEN (Vote for One) PLACE NO. 7 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS WHICH Relating to Blount County, proposing an YVONNE KENNEDY THE OVAL ( ) COMPLETELY! DO JAMES H. ANDERSON (Vote for One) APPLY TO THE STATE AT LARGE Democrat Democrat amendment to the Constitution of JIM MAIN STATE SENATE NOT MAKE AN X OR ✓. Republican Alabama of 1901, to prohibit any SARAH HICKS STEWART PROPOSED STATEWIDE USE ONLY THE MARKING DEVICE LUTHER STRANGE Republican municipality located entirely outside of FOR STATE SENATOR Write-in PROVIDED TO MARK THE BALLOT. Republican AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE (1) Blount County from imposing any DISTRICT NO. 22 Write-in FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE IF YOU SPOIL YOUR BALLOT, DO Proposing an amendment to the municipal ordinance or regulation, (Vote for One) Write-in DISTRICT NO. 98 NOT ERASE, BUT ASK FOR A NEW Write-in FOR SECRETARY OF STATE Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to including, but not limited to any tax, provide that the provision in Amendment MARC KEAHEY (Vote for One) BALLOT. (Vote for One) FOR CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE, zoning, planning, or sanitation FOR STATE SENATOR 778, now appearing as Section 269.08 of Democrat 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, regulations, and any inspection service in NAPOLEON BRACY, JR. STRAIGHT PARTY VOTING (Vote for One) SCOTT GILLILAND PLACE NO. 11 the Official Recompilation of the its police jurisdiction located in Blount Democrat Democrat DANNY B. JOYNER Only the State Senate race for (Vote for One) Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as County and to provide that a municipality Republican ALABAMA * your district will appear on your amended, which prohibits the payment of prohibited from imposing any tax or SHARON L. POWE BETH CHAPMAN Republican DEMOCRATIC official ballot on Election Day. CHARLIE GRADDICK any fees, charges, or commissions for regulation under this amendment shall Republican Republican Write-in PARTY the assessment and collection of any See list at right of page. not provide any regulatory function or special ad valorem tax on taxable police or fire protection services in its FOR STATE SENATOR Write-in Write-in ALABAMA Write-in property levied by the county commission police jurisdiction located in Blount DISTRICT NO. 33 FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLICAN (Vote for One) FOR STATE TREASURER pursuant to Amendment 778 (Section County, other than public safety mutual (Vote for One) FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, 269.08) shall only apply to any ad DISTRICT NO. 99 PARTY (Vote for One) aid. (Proposed by Act No. 2010-226) 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT valorem tax first levied and collected VIVIAN DAVIS FIGURES (Vote for One) Only the State Representative (Vote for One) Democrat THE CONSTITUTION *race for your district will appear on CHARLEY GRIMSLEY pursuant to Amendment 778 (Section STATEWIDE AMENDMENT NO. 4 JAMES E. BUSKEY Democrat PARTY OF your official ballot on Election Day. DON FOSTER 269.08) for the tax year commencing YES BRAD MOSER Democrat ALABAMA See list at right of page. YOUNG BOOZER Democrat October 1, 2006. (Proposed by Act No. STATEWIDE AMENDMENT NO. 4 Republican 2009-286) NO RASHAWN FIGURES Republican Independent FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE ASHLEY RICH FOR GOVERNOR Write-in SUPREME COURT, PLACE NO. 1 Republican STATEWIDE AMENDMENT NO. 1 (Vote for One) SPECIAL COUNTY ELECTION (Vote for One) Write-in YES Write-in FOR STATE SENATOR RON SPARKS Write-in STATEWIDE AMENDMENT NO. 1 FOR STATE AUDITOR Shall Mobile County in the State of DISTRICT NO. 34 Democrat NO (Vote for One) FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE RHONDA CHAMBERS (Vote for One) Alabama be authorized to issue from Democrat FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, DISTRICT NO. 100 time to time and in one or more series its ROBERT BENTLEY MIRANDA KARRINE JOSEPH MOBILE COUNTY, PROPOSED STATEWIDE RUSTY GLOVER (Vote for One) Republican Pay-As-You-Go Road, Bridge and Republican KELLI WISE Democrat PLACE NO. 1 AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO (2) Republican (Vote for One) Drainage Facilities Bonds, not exceeding VICTOR GASTON Proposing an amendment to the SAMANTHA "Sam" SHAW $31,000,000 in principal amount, for the Republican Write-In Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to Write-in Republican GEORGE HARDESTY purpose of raising funds for the Write-in Republican amend to Section 269 of the Constitution construction and improvement, or either, FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR of Alabama of 1901, as amended by Write-in (Vote for One) of hard surfaced roads, hard surfaced FOR STATE SENATOR FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE Write-in Amendment No. 111 to the Constitution SUPREME COURT, PLACE NO. 2 Write-in bridges, and surface water drainage DISTRICT NO 35 FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as JIM FOLSOM, JR. (Vote for One) FOR COMMISSIONER OF facilities, or any thereof in the county, (Vote for One) DISTRICT NO. 101 Democrat FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, Section 269 of the Official Recompilation AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES which bonds shall bear interest at a rate (Vote for One) (Vote for One) MOBILE COUNTY, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, SCOTT A. BUZBEE or rates to be fixed when they are sold, KAY IVEY TOM EDWARDS PLACE NO. 2 as amended, relating to special county Democrat JAMIE ISON Republican not exceeding twelve percent (12%) per Democrat GLEN ZORN (Vote for One) educational taxes, to provide that the Republican Democrat annum, payable semiannually until their BEN BROOKS taxes may be levied by a majority vote, MICHAEL F. "Mike" BOLIN MIKE McMAKEN respective maturities, and shall mature Republican Write-in not by three-fifths vote, of those voting at Republican JOHN McMILLAN Republican and become payable on December 1 in Write-in the election. (Proposed by Act No. Republican the aggregate principal amount of FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR 2009-551) Write-in FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE (Vote for One) $3,100,000 in each of the years 2012 Write-in Write-in DISTRICT NO. 102 Write-in through 2021, and shall the said county STATEWIDE AMENDMENT NO. 2 SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 5 (Vote for One) WILLIAM G. BARNES FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, be authorized to continue to levy annually YES Democrat SUPREME COURT, PLACE NO. 3 FOR PUBLIC SERVICE MOBILE COUNTY, a special tax, on all taxable property in FOR MEMBER, MOBILE COUNTY CHAD FINCHER (Vote for One) STATEWIDE AMENDMENT NO. 2 Republican COMMISSION, PLACE NO. 1 PLACE NO. 5 the county, at a rate not exceeding six BOARD OF EDUCATION, RICHARD C. SHELBY (Vote for One) (Vote for One) NO and one-half mills on each dollar of the DISTRICT NO. 5 Republican MAC PARSONS assessed valuation of such property, for Write-in Democrat JAN COOK GEORGE A. BROWN PROPOSED STATEWIDE Democrat Republican the purpose of paying at their respective BILL FOSTER AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE (3) Republican Write-in TOM PARKER maturities the principal of and interest on FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Republican TWINKLE ANDRESS CAVANAUGH Proposing an amendment to the the said bonds and all other bonds at any DISTRICT NO. 103 FOR UNITED STATES Republican Write-in Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as time outstanding which may be payable Write-in (Vote for One) REPRESENTATIVE, amended, relating to the Alabama Trust Write-in FOR MOBILE COUNTY out of or constitute a charge on the said 1ST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Write-in Fund, to provide for the appropriation of JOSEPH MITCHELL SHERIFF special tax, all pursuant to the provisions Alabama law specifies Democrat (Vote for One) funds in the Alabama Trust Fund to be FOR COURT OF (Vote for One) of Amendment 18, as amended and FOR PUBLIC SERVICE distributed for state and local that fictitious “write-In” JO BONNER CIVIL APPEALS JUDGE modified, to the Constitution of Alabama? (Vote for One) COMMISSION, PLACE NO. 2 WILL JOHNSON transportation purposes and to provide Write-in Republican (Vote for One) candidates and Democrat for funds for the County and Municipal FOR said proposed Mobile DEBORAH BELL PASEUR FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAVID WALTER SUSAN PARKER Government Capital Improvement Fund. County Pay-As-You-Go Road, comments are not Constitution Democrat SAM COCHRAN (Proposed by Act No. 2010-555) Bridge and Drainage Facilities DISTRICT NO. 104 Democrat Republican Bonds and the said proposed counted. The voting (Vote for One) TOMMY BRYAN continued levy of the said special Write-in Republican TERRY DUNN STATEWIDE AMENDMENT NO. 3 tax. machine can’t process Republican JIM BARTON Write-In YES Republican STATEWIDE AMENDMENT NO. 3 AGAINST said proposed Mobile write-in votes. Write-in County Pay-As-You-Go Road, FOR MEMBER, MOBILE COUNTY NO Write-in Bridge and Drainage Facilities Ballots with write-in BOARD OF EDUCATION, Write-in Bonds and the said proposed candidates and/or POLLS OPEN DISTRICT NO. 5 continued levy of the said special FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE tax. (Vote for One) comments must be DISTRICT NO. 105 (Vote for One) NOVEMBER 2 On Election Day, this race will hand-counted.
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