Issued,, Thursday 1\jesday Thursday Issu e Saturday T he Courier-Gazette Entered a* Second Class Mall Matte, THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette. 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, August 3, 1939 Volum e 94..................N um ber 92. The Courier-Gazette [EDITORIAL] threv-tim esa- week MAINE CITIZENS FIRST APPEALS TO INNER MAN AWAY TO A FINE START “The Black Cat" Editor Tuesday. Aug. 1st, was an unfortunate date for residents WM. O. FULLER Associate Editor of Maine who come under the classification of aliens or who Contributor Praises Cooks In Penobscot Bay Rockport Regatta Gave a Fine Show Yesterday FRANK A WIN8LOW could not prove their citizenship. Under the law passed by the last Legislature they became ineligible to old age assist­ Rulwcrlptlons 13 00 ner year payable Area, “Capital Of Vacationland” With Gov. Barrows Figuring Prominently It. advance; single copies three cent*. ance, and in their places <the number Is estimated in excess Advertising ratea based upon clrcula (Ion and very reasonable of 830) will be placed an equal number of needy cases on the NFWSPAPER HISTORY approved waiting list. It is of course unfortunate for those Editor of The Courier-Gazette;— i of Knox County's best cooks. It is again evidenced that R ock-,2nd; Bobby Joy. Camden 3rd. Time The Rockland Gazette was estab- 11*,, u in -o-c In 1874 the Courier was i who have failed to become citizens, but it will be admitted by I have Just concluded a visit in ' We also paid a visit to Life Saver port stands in well with the 15 seconds. established and consolidated with the all fair-minded persons that the State should first take care Weather Man. for the dense fog Oazette In 1882 The Free Press was the beautiful Penobscot Bay region Cabins—Pioneers in wayside cater- 25-yd. dash, midget girls—-Won by established In 1855 and In 1891 changed of its own. which had prevailed for several Nancy Rounds. Auburn: Marion »S name io the Tr'bune These papers 0---------- 0---------- 0 which I am pleased to call the ,ng trad€ on Rt 1 at Warren were consolidated Mar.n 17. 1897 “capital of Vacationland ' and it days lifted Monday night and on Miller, Topsham, 2nd; Yvonne Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis of Warren I Tuesday clear skies and sunshine Dixon, Camp Coaquannock. 3rd. j DO NOT FORGET HOMELAND seems proper that I say a few words to summer residents and *h° Star* d ^ Tve made possible the last minute prep- Time 17 2-5 sec. ••• My country right or wrong ♦ Some Knox County persons who find their vocations in tourists if I may have the courtesy * r and MrS iarations °" the WaUr fr°nl fOr the 50-yd. dash. Knox County boys— By The Roving Reporter ♦ II right to be kept right; 1f ♦ other parts of the United States, lose, after some years, their of your columns start Was " “ smaU buildlng' whlch '14lh annual Regatta-Sportsmen Won by Don 'Rossnagle, Rockland; | » wrong t« be set right. Interest in the affairs of their old home town. They do not Much has been said and written e’ pand*d' ^ nlng “P whlch Wednesday at Philip Wentworth. Hope. 2nd. Time ... —Carl Schurz ••• . , . , , . the new Life Saver in its present 10 o'clock with swimming and div­ The famous Lindbergh-Carrel me­ always find in their old heme newspaper the names whieft of the beauties of this region and ... „ . 31 seconds. location on Rt. 1, Warren, nine chanical heart, the device on which were once familiar, and they become weaned to new scenes properly, but I have never seen in ing events as the leading features 50 yd. dash. Knox County girls— years ago. the world-famous transotlantlc flier and new friends It is probably a part of the scheme of life, print one angle on this section] _ , ... ,__ H................... " I Our final visit was to a brand collaborated with the world-famous but It has Its refreshing exceptions, and we are going to men­ which is all important to summer , _ , , . , span new resort on Route 1 above scientist, is one of the focal points Tonight’s Concert tion as two of them Albion B. Crocker of Somerville, Mass., who residents, tourists and year around _ . „ . _ , . , . ,. „ ' Camden called Beloln s where we of Interest in the Mrdlcine and Pub­ has been writing Knox County recollections for more than folk as well. That Is—that in no , . , , , . L bad a grand dinner of fried chick- lic Health Building at the New York The musical offerings for to­ three decades; and William J. Hatton of Lcs Angeles, Calif., corner of Maine may be found such , , _ , , . , , . en. Mr Beloin carries six specials World's Fair. And there are prob­ another regular contributor, who likes California and the night's band concert at the Public splendidly prepared food, served as daj]y ably enough unscientifically minded Pacific ocean, but who finds many days when he would will­ well, in such attractive resorts, a t , ' .. „ .. Landing show a careful selection for . There are other fine eating places persons who will say that they had ingly swap both for a sniff of pine cones and a glimpse of the such reasonable prices. This is a ' the public's taste. The program , in the section that we missed, but rather see Lindbergh. frothy Atlantic where it makes in over the ledges off Port highly important factor, especially these certainly are an asset to Knox follows; Clyde These two fine men are traveling the sunset trail, but to the summer transient, and I wish George l aw Director County and the coasted area. minds undimmed, and ears ever attuned to the magic to voice my experience that others "Where does Two Bush Island get March—America Victorious. We had a happy experience at E C Bagley word "Maine" The Courier-Gazette is proud to have their may profit likewise. its name?" asks a recent visitor, who Selection-—New Era. J C. Heel | Beach Inn, Lincolnville Beach, on Cornet solo—Tramp Tramp. long-time friendship, and that goes for other contributors, My first experience was a most adds that there's nary a bush on it. Tramp. Edwin Pranko Goldman /Route 1, enjoying a grand chicken happy one when motoring along Maybe the popular light keeper, Trank Young regardless of their age. , dinner wh.*e viewing the blue waters March Belected, Route 1 in Camden, Mrs. Chamber­ Harry Smith, can enlighten us. Selection Bohemian Girl, Balle , I of Penobscot Bay with the ferry March Selected, lain’s attention was drawn to an boat crossing to Islesbcro. Another Selection Oold and Silver. Franz Lehar attractive eating place, called Ocean I got this letter from my friend March Selected HE’S NOT GIVING UP ! day we tried the fishing and swim- Selection—The Glow Worm, View Tea Room, which true to its Fred C. Green of tlie Boston Trans­ IPaul Llncke ; ming at Sandy Shores. Warren, on We like the tone of a letter Just received from Congress­ name commands from one of its cript; March Selected South Pond, and topped off with one man Clyde H Smith, relative to the Maine Inshore Patrol broad verandahs a view of Cam­ "Helen Gushee's symposium on of Mrs. Dorman's delicious lobster State Librarian Oliver L Hall, which we seem fair to lose at the end. of the present month. den Harbor and the open sea be­ epitaphs calls to mind that famous stews. The next day. enroute to ; speaking at the dedication of a tab­ As Congressman 6m ith has already told this paper's readers, yond Most obliging and competant vaudeville monologist. James Rich­ Portland, we were intrigued by the let at the birthplace of Edwin Ar­ he had assurance that the Department would take the matter waitresses served us well from the mond Olenroy, better known as name and stately pillars of Aunt lington Robinson at Head Tide Sat­ up with him before it acted, but his first intimation of the bread menu, topping off with deli­ "the man with the green gloves." Lydia's Tavern and found therein urday. said, “Robinson has been proposed transfer came with Admiral Waesche’s formal an­ cious homemade ice cream. who specialized in doggerel of that the same hospitality and fine cook­ characterized as the Merling of nouncement that the die was cast—that the unit would hence­ Rockledge Inn saw us next day. sort. An example was; ery that prevailed m days of old On Modern poetry " Hall pointed out forth be located at the Government depot in Southwest Har­ located amid rugged scenery on Here lies the mother of twenty-eight. the return we were tcld of Green There might have been more, but now the spot was within a half-hour bor. In the course of the letter which we received from our Spruce Head Island, nine miles Gables on Belmont avenue. Camden, it's too late Journey of "birthplaces of three Representative in Congress he said; from Rockland over a fine road. Just off Route 1, and found it a If Helen Gushee is ever in the other great American poets; Henry I want to say that I have not relented one inch of the way Following the amazingly complete beautiful tea room with splendid vicinity of Surry, which lies be­ W. Longfellow, in Portland; Edna and have today delivered an ultimatum to the Coast Guard Maine shore dinner for which Rock­ cuisine and service. tween Blue Hill and Ellsworth and St.
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