SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Development, Environment and Leisure Directorate REPORT TO CITY CENTRE SOUTH DATE 15/10/2007 AND EAST PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS AREA BOARD REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS Chris Heeley 0114 2736329 CONTACT POINT FOR ACCESS Lucy Bond TEL NO: 0114 2734556 AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 07/03575/FUL Davy Sports Ground And Premises 7 630 Prince Of Wales Road Sheffield S9 4ER 07/03550/FUL Land To Rear Of 140, 142 & 144 Ridgeway Road 13 Sheffield S12 2SZ 07/03471/CHU Direct Wholesale 20 1 Holbrook Rise Holbrook Sheffield S20 3FG 07/03469/FUL 19 Rutland Park 25 Sheffield S10 2PB 07/03451/FUL Unit 16 33 Drakehouse Retail Park Drake House Way Waterthorpe Sheffield S20 7JJ 07/03429/FUL 105 Cowlishaw Road 39 Sheffield S11 8XG 07/03370/FUL 115 Manor Lane 44 Sheffield S2 1UH 07/03292/CHU 21 Orgreave Drive 57 Sheffield S13 9NR 07/03184/OUT Site Of Broad Elms School 62 Broad Elms Lane Sheffield S11 9RQ 3 07/02983/CHU 12 Hartshead 74 Sheffield S1 2EL 07/02962/CHU 262 Handsworth Road 82 Handsworth Sheffield S13 9BS 07/02961/CHU 262 Handsworth Road 89 Handsworth Sheffield S13 9BS 07/01936/LBC Woodhouse Trinity Methodist Church 97 Chapel Street Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7JL 07/01815/FUL Woodhouse Trinity Methodist Church And Church 100 Hall Chapel Street Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7JL 07/01379/CAC Land At Crookes Road And Taptonville Road 109 Crookes Road Sheffield S10 2AZ 07/00898/FUL 113-117 Devonshire Street 111 Sheffield S3 7SB 07/00868/FUL The Forum 127-129 Devonshire Street 116 Sheffield S3 7SB 07/00746/FUL Site Of Shiregreen Hotel 122 416 Sicey Avenue And 251 Ecclesfield Road Sheffield S5 0EN 4 07/00715/FUL Elliot House 136 Sylvester Street Sheffield S1 4RN 07/00714/LBC Elliot House 150 Sylvester Street Sheffield S1 4RN 05/03130/FUL Land At Crookes Road And Taptonville Road Crookes Road 154 Sheffield S10 2AZ 5 6 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Report Of The Direction of Development Services, Development, Environment And Leisure To The SOUTH Planning And Highways Area Board Date Of Meeting: 15/10/2007 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Area Board date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 07/03575/FUL Application Type A Full Planning Application Proposal Formation of multi-use games area including erection of 5.8m high fencing and 4 No. floodlights - resubmission of planning permission Location Davy Sports Ground And Premises 630 Prince Of Wales Road Sheffield S9 4ER Date Received 04/09/2007 Team CITY CENTRE AND EAST Applicant/Agent Davy's Sporting Club Limited Recommendation Grant Conditionally Subject to: 1 The development shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this decision. In order to comply with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act. 2 The floodlights shall only be used to illuminate the multi use games area between 0800 hours and 2200 hours Monday to Sunday and at no other time unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority. In the interest of the amenities of occupiers of adjoining property 3 Prior to the commencement of development details of the design, colour finish and appearance of the ball stop fencing to be erected around the multi use games area shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. In the interest of the amenities of occupiers of adjoining property. 4 The landscape bund shall be provided prior to the commencement of use of the multi use games area and thereafter retained unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Loca Planning Authority. In the amenities of adjoining properties. 5 Prior to the commencement of development details of the surfacing including colour finish and materials so as to minimise noise transmission shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. In the interest of amenities of adjoining properties and visual amenities of the locality. Attention is drawn to the following justifications: 1. The decision to grant planning permission and impose any conditions has been taken having regard to the policies and proposals in the Sheffield Unitary Development Plan set out below, and to all relevant material considerations, including Supplementary Planning Guidance. GE1 - Development in the Green Belt GE4 - Development and the Green Belt Environment GE24 - Noise Pollution CF1 - Provision of Community Facilities This informative is intended as a summary of the reasons for grant of planning permission. 8 Site Location © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 10018816. 2005 LOCATION AND PROPOSAL This application is a resubmission of 07/03575/FUL following amendments to the siting of the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA). The application relates to the erection of a flood lit all weather sports training pitch (45 m by 32.5m) within the confines of the existing Davy Sports ground. The proposals involves the formation of an all weather 3rd Generation training surface, ball stop fencing up to a height of 5.8 metres and the erection of four flood lighting columns to illuminate the playing pitch. 9 The application site is located in the green belt on the edge of the housing area as defined in the adopted Sheffield Unitary development Plan. The existing site comprises of the sports club building associated parking areas, a number of grass playing pitches and a flood lit bowling green. The proposed playing pitch is located on part of a former tennis court, which has now been abandoned and has reverted to scrub land. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 07/03575/FUL - Formation of multi-use games area including erection of 5.8m high fencing and 4 No. floodlights – Withdrawn. 87/01278/FUL - Erection of floodlights to bowling green - Granted Conditionally. 97/01208/FUL - Provision of 8 floodlights to tennis courts for multi-use – Refused. 98/00502/FUL - Erection of 6 x 8 metres high flood lights and 4 metres high fence – Granted Conditionally SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIONS 4 letters of representation have been received. The issues are summarised as follows: - Flood lighting would intrude on neighbouring properties privacy - Noise and disturbance associated with playing football including the use of foul language - Parking difficulties on site already, increased traffic flows on site. - Light spillage will cause disturbance loss of amenity. - Lighting will be intrusive - Noise levels are already high at the front of the site due to the proximity of Prince of Wales Road. - Lighting, noise and increased hours of activity will have a generally detrimental impact on bird life and other wildlife. PLANNING ASSESSMENT Policy Issues Policy CF1 ‘Provision Of Community Facilities’ states that the provision of community facilities which are readily available to all Sheffield people will be promoted, particularly where they would be for disadvantaged people, be located where there is a shortage and would be easily accessible by public transport, located within the community they are intended to serve. Policy GE1 ‘Development in the Green Belt’ states development will not be permitted, except in very special circumstances where it would, lead to unrestricted growth of the built up area, contribute towards merging of existing settlements, lead to an encroachment of urban development into the countryside and compromise urban regeneration. 10 Policy GE4 ‘Development and The Green Belt Environment’ states the scale of any development which is permitted in the greenbelt, or would be conspicuous form it, should be in keeping with the area and, wherever possible, conserve and enhance the landscape and natural environment. Policy GE24 ‘Noise Pollution’ states development will only be permitted where it would not cause noise levels which would cause a nuisance, or locate sensitive uses and sources of noise pollution close together. PPG2 ‘Green Belts’ states there is general presumption against inappropriate development. Such development should not be approved, except in very special circumstances. Inappropriate development is by definition harmful to the greenbelt and its open character. The application site is located within the confines of the existing Davy Sports ground where recreational and sporting activities have been long established. The site is in the green belt on the periphery of a housing area. Floodlighting can have a significant impact on the character and appearance of the green belt if located in isolated rural environments. However the site is located on the periphery of the housing area within an existing commercial sporting facility that currently has flood lit sports facilities. When viewed from the greenbelt the illumination will be viewed in the context of the ambient light levels from the surrounding housing and commercial areas. Therefore the additional flood lighting is not considered to detrimentally affect the open character or visual amenities of the greenbelt. Amenity Issues In order to mitigate light spillage and noise disturbance the pitch has been resited. The MUGA is located parallel with the northern boundary of the existing site, splayed at an angle to the existing bowling green. The closest corner of the MUGA is 30 metres from the properties on Prince of Wales Road that back onto the site. This distance is considered acceptable to mitigate any noise disturbance generated from the site.
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