Ali Coming to Hartford; Housing Agency Delays Softball Title on Line Bolton Blueberry Patch Is a Neighborly Place Hospital Visit Canceled New Admission Policy Tonight at Fitxgerald Page 10 Page 11 Page 15 Page 16 liattrljfHtpr Becoming Cloudy, Chance of Showers DeUllt on pago 2 i/ Sea Collision • A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20$ Single Copy • 15(t Home Delivered Voi. xcvill. No. 276 — Mancheater, Conn., Thuriday, Auguat 2 ^ 1979 POINT JUDITH, R.I. (UPI) - I A 300-foot barge carrying as much I as 5.2 million gallons of gasoline collided in heavy fog early today with a 31-foot sailboat carrying four passengers about 3.5 miles | Closed-Door Talks I off the coast of Rhode Island. The Coast Guard said the I I sailboat was believed sunk and one passenger was missing. The barge was reported undamaged and proceeding to Boston under Set on Palestinians 1 t o w . UNITED NATIONS (UPI) - U.S. bassador Abdalla Yaccoub Bishara East special envoy Robert Strauss The Coast Guard mounted an said Wednesday, including if Ambassador Andrew Young, trying when asked whether he would accept I air and sea search for Bill Austin necessary “a veto.” of New 'York City, r ^ r te d to be | to avert an embarrassing American a postponement. “There will be a showdown with the Arab states over vote and a (U.S.) veto Friday.” “We don’t want to face that,” he the captain of the sailboat, named said on NBC’s "Today” show. "We I the Change. Palestinian rights, called a closed- Another Arab delegate said, “There will be no further delay.” want to encourage that it (the debate) The sailboat’s other three door session of the Security Council Arab delegates said if the resolu- be postponed.” I passengers were rescued by the prior to a scheduled debate of the tugboat, named the Exxon (3cean issue today. tion was killed in the Security Cktun- Young’s meeting with the PLO observer at the United Nations, State, that bad 'oeen pushing the Arab and Afro-Asian represen- cil they would call for an emergency ZehdiLabib Terzi, and what the I barge, the Exxon New York. tatives rebuffed American efforts to debate on the Palestinian rights issue in the U.N. General Assembly, where Israeli government believes to be a The survivors were identified postpone discussion of a controver- sial Arab-backed resolution reaffir- the U.S. has no veto power. re-evaluation by Aashington of U.S. I by the Coast Guard as Robert ■policy toward the Palestinian ques- Roesch and Guy Severing, both of ming Palestinian rights to “self- Ironically it is Young, who tion has caused strained relations Mattituck, N.Y., and Peter Hirch determination, national in- resigned over an unauthorized dl between Israel and the United States. I o f N e w Y o r k C i t y . dependence and sovereignty.” meeting he had with a PLO represen- tative during which he tried to obtain Israel said the phrasing of the The United States is committed to a postponment of the debate, who Arab-backed resolution amounted to Dollar Steady veto the resolution in its present granting statehood to the Arab form, which automatically prevents must cast the veto as permanent representative of the United States. Palestinians that would present a LONDON (UPI) - The dollar I its adoption. And there was little doubt if Young threat to the Jewish state and jeopar- I maintained its steady trend on the Young Wednesday proposed a dize the Egyptian-Israeli peace trea- European money markets today further postponement of the debate failed to obtain a postponement of the debate the U.S. veto would be ty- and gold held close to the record — already pushed back from July 30 But some Arabs said they believed overnight levels in a quieter | — to gain time for more negotiations, used to prevent adoption of the resolution. the resolution was not strong enough I bullion market. but it was rejected by Arab represen- and want the word /’statehood” for Gold was up 25 cents in Zurich I “We will take such action as we tatives. the Palestinians included. I to $310,375 but down 25 cents in "Impossible," said Kuwait’s Am- deem to be appropriate," Middle London at $309.50 - a record opening price for gold in both | I centers. Dining trading Wednesday gold Improved China Relations I soared to a record price of ^11.50 I mld-moming but then receded | I slightly. remains firm but a much I quieter atmosphere was evident Goal of Mondale Mission before the Bank Holiday weekend, ’The Army Corps of Engineers, the a dealer for Mocatta and WASHING’TON (U P I- Vice Presi- businessmen-are at a'disadvantage 1 Goldsmid said in London' bureau of Land Reclamation and the dent Walter Mondale’s mission to because the United States has The currency markets were ] Tennessee Valley Authority are Peking beginning Friday is an.effort provided none so far. I also quiet. barred from helping China by old to solve problems that are un- Tlie administration has concluded expectedly complicating develop- a trade agreement with China laws prohibiting paid work for an Early Primary "unfriendly country under inter- Possible Showdown ment of U.S. relations with the promising normal trading terms on national communism.” CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - People’s Republic of (^ina. the same basis as its other trading U.S. Ambassador Andrew Young, shown outside the U.S. partners, but the accord must be I Traditionally New Hampshire He also hopes to use the visit to Finally, the Chinese have passed Mission in New York City Wednesday, trying to avert an em- reviewed by (ingress, and the White I holds the first presidential make broad contacts with the new laws of their own allowing barrassing American showdown with the Arab states over House has delayed sending it to 1 primary in the United States, but Chinese leadership and make foreign countries to participate in if all goes according to plan, Puer- Palestinian rights, called a closed-door session of the Security progress on establishing an Capitol Hill because of the crush of joint development ventures. other congressional business. to Rico will hold the first Council prior to a scheduled debate of the issue today. (UPI American consulate in Canton. Mondale will seek clarifications of Since President Carter broke The Chinese have made Republican balloting, leaving photo) these laws, but the administration New Hampshire's status only for diplomatic ties with Taiwan and preliminary inquiries about ob- extended full recognition to the taining U.S. help in building must also decide how to provide in- its Democratic primary. vestment guarantees to U.S. com- People’s Republic of CJiina last hydroelectric, multipurpose dams. Puerto Rico has scheduled its | panies which would like to par- December. U.S.-C!hina relations have But here, too, unexpected problems GOP primary Feb. 17 and New Town Continues ticipate. Hampshire’s primary will be held progressed uneasily. cropped up. Feb. 26, But, because Puerto Rico Peking objected strongly to the is a commonwealth instead of a Taiwan Relations Act passed by state, the potential threat from Four-Day Week Congress, providing for a continuing I there apparently doesn’t bother military relationship with the | Nationalist Chinese government on Government Sets New Hampshire’s Republicans. By CHARLIE MAYNARD Werbner said the town has saved « "We don't really consider Puerto $70 in gasoline expenses during the Taiwan, but decided to look the other Rico’s primary the first in the Herald Reporter trial period and has noted some in- way instead of making an issue of it. United States,” said Republican MANCHES’TER - The administra- creases in productivity. Sewer But the United States, in the mean- Insulation Rules State Chairman Nancy Sununu | tion has extended its experimental Department crews did about 31 per- time, ran into unexpected problems UI four-day work week to (jet, 31 and cent more work cleaning sewer pipes trying to stimulate-economic I We d n e s d a y . WASHINGTON (UPI) - The “In the next few years millions of will make another evaluation on its than in the same period last year, he assistance of China. government ordered the home insula- consumers will spend billions of merits at that time. said. The Export-Import Bank, for Kidnappings tion industry today to tell consumers dollars on insulation,” the Federal Personnel Supervisor Stephen Werbner said he met with the union example, has an unsettled $26 million Trade Commission said in issuing the VATICAN CITY (UPI) - Short- Werbner said this morning that the president this morning to see if both claim against the People’s Republic exactly how much heat or cold protection they will be buying in order. '”rhese consumers need basic I ly after Pope John Paul II ad- administration and the 25 affected sides would agree to continue the for railroad cars bought by the products for which they will spend information so they can evaluate . dressed a general audience for workers agreed to the extension to experiment. One month was too short predecessor government and cap- billions of dollars in coming years. competing products before they I 20,000 people in St. Peter’s Square see bow the plan would fare during a time for an effective evaluation, he tured by the communists. Interest on Among other things, the new rules buy.” Wednesday, police announced “the longer, darker days” in the fall. the cars today amounts to another said. will enable buyers to compare the The FTC said the investigation that three kidnappings, bringing to 42 The town adopted the shortened ’The plan has gotten mixed reviews.
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