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ASBURY THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL SPRING 1999, VOL 5 4, N 0 Canonical Reading of the Old Testament in the Context of Critical Scholarship ...................................................................................................... 5 Rolf Rendtorff The Old Testament: Jewish and Christian Bible ....................................................................... 13 Rolf Rendtorff The Limits of a Limitless Science ................................................................................................. 23 Stanley L. faki Development of Womanist Theology: Some Chief Characteristics .. ........................ .41 Rufus Burrow, fr. William Bramwell: The Last of the Ancient Methodists ...................................................... .59 Charles Goodwin . Hebrews I I : I I - "By Faith Sarah Received Ability" .................. .................. 67 /. Harold Greenlee Book Reviews .................................................................................................................................... 73 Vicky Balabanski, Eschatology in the Making: Mark, Matthew and the Didache IC.R. Nicholll Bruce Chilton, Pure Kingdom: Jesus' Vision of God [Knox Chamblin] Ralph P. Martin antl Peter H. Davids, eds. Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments [Robert W. Yarbrough] Michael Eaton, No Condemnation: A New Theology of Assurance [Richard Heyduck] Mark G Toulouse & James 0. Duke, eds. Makers of Christian Theology inAmen·ca [David P. Whitelaw] Glenn T. Miller, The Modem Church from the Dawn of the Reformation to the Eve of the Third Millennium [Marc A. Clauson] R. David Rightmire, Salvationist Samurai. Gunpei Yamamuro and the Rise of the Salvation Al11!Y in Japan [Roger J. Green] William C. Spohn, What Are They Saying about Scripture and Ethics? [David Alan Reed] David C. Steinmetz, Luther in Context [Roger J. Green] Catherine Stonehouse, Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey [Sondra Matthaeil Douglas M. Strong, They Walked in the Spirit: Personal Faith and Soda/ Action in Amen'ca [Amy G. Oden] James B. Torrance, Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace [Roy Williams] Kevin J. Vanhoozer, ed., The Trinity in a Pluralistic Age: Theological Essays on Culture and Religion [Roderick T. Leuppl Geoffrey Wainwright, Worship with One Accord: Where Liturgy and Ecumenism Embrace [Wesley D. Tracy] James Emery White, Rethinking the Church: A Challenge to Creative Redesign in an Age of Transition [Howard A. Snyder] ! ! 1 ••A ASBURY THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD BOARD OF REFERENCE Maxie D. Dunnam, Publisher Eugene E. Carpenter President Director of Graduate Studies Robert T. Bridges, Editor in Chief Professor of Old Tesfllment/Hebrew Vire President! Bethel College Seminary Aduoncement George W. Coats Laurence W. Wood, Editor Professor of Old Testament Frank Paul Morris Professor of Lexington Theological Seminary Systematic Theology Stanley Hauerwas Jerry L. Walls, Assodate Editor Professor of Theological Ethics Professor of Philosophy Duke University of Religion Helmut Nausner Brent A. Strawn, Assodate Editor Superintendent Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies Methodist Church in Austria Bill T. Arnold, Book Review Editor W. Richard Stegner Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Professor of New Testament Languages Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Kenneth J. Collins, Book Review Editor David D. Bundy Professor of Churdi History LibrananlAssodate Professor of Scott R. Burson, Managing Editor Church History Executive Director of Communications Christian Theological Seminary Michele Gaither Sparks, Assodate Editor Assodate Director of Qimmunications Dana Mautz, Qipy Editor Published in April and October by Asbury Theological Seminary. ISSN 10905642 Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Asbury Theological Journal USPS 547-440 Asbury Theological Seminary Continuing The Asbury Seminarian 204 North Lexington Avenue Wilmore, KY 40390 Printed in the U.S.A. 2 ! ! 3 THE ASBURY THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL provides a scholarly forum for thorough discussion of issues relevant to Christian thought and faith, and to the nature and mis- sion of the Church. The journal addresses those concerns and ideas across the curricu- lum which interface with Christian thought, life, and ministry. The primary resource for contributions to The journal is the Asbury Seminary facul- ty who engage in dialogue with both the roots of our religious heritage and contem- porary thought. Scholars from other academic disciplines and various backgrounds are invited to submit articles for publication. The positions espoused in articles in The journal do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or of Asbury Theological Seminary. Books for review and articles for consideration should be mailed to: Scott R. Burson, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY 40390- I I 99 (telephone: 606-858-23 I 0, e-mail: [email protected]). Manuscripts should be in English and typed double-spaced on white bond paper, 8 I /2 x I I inches. Send only original copies (not photocopies) with an accompanying computer disk <3.5 inch). Acceptance for publication will be acknowledged and will obligate the author to submit a I 00-word abstract; in return, a modest honorarium payment will follow publication. Sermons, poetry, and devotional material are not used. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned unless a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage is provided. Queries are welcome, and a style sheet is available upon request. Articles in The journal are indexed in The Christian Periodical Index and Religion Index One: Penodicals (RIO!; book reviews are indexed in Index to Book Reviews in Religion (JBRR!. Both RIO and /BRR are published by the American Theological Library Association, 5600 South Woodlawn Aven_ue, Chicago, IL 60637, and are available online through BRS Information Technologies and DIALOG Information Services. Articles, starting with vol. 43, are abstracted in Religious and Theological Abstracts. Articles in appropriate cate- gories are also abstracted in Old Testament Abstracts and New Testament Abstracts. Volumes in microform of The Asbury Theological journal (vols. 41-) and The Asbury Seminarian (vols. I -40l are available from University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48 I 06. Articles and Reviews may be copied for personal or internal use, and permission to reprint all or portions of any of the contents may be granted upon request to the managing editor. SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (2 issues), $5.00 (outside the U.S., $8.00l Two years, $8.00 t$14.00l Three years, $I 1.00 ($20.00l ! ! 4 ! ! 5 CANONICAL READING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF CRITICAL SCHOLARSHIP - -■11111.44.0411,■.--- ROLF RENDTORFF In the early seventies of this century a new term appeared in biblical scholarship: Canonical Criticism. It was James Sanders who explicitly introduced this term in his essay Torah and Canon (1972). The discussion on this program was from its very beginning also closely linked to work of Brevard Childs. In the meantime this term and its manifold implications are widely used and debated. Let me first of all say something about terminology. The word 'canon' has been used, of course, much earlier in Bible scholarship, but under a different aspect. We can now distinguish between two main aspects of canon studies. I quote the categorization by one well-known expert in this field: Sid Leiman in the foreword to the second edi- tion of his book, The Canonization of Hebrew Scripture (1991), speaks about two related but distinct categories, not to be confused with each other. The one category may be termed 'canonization studies.' Its focus is on the history of the formation of the biblical canon from its inception to its closing. The other category has been termed 'canonical criticism.' Its focus is primarily on the function of the biblical canon throughout the reli- gious history of a particular faith community. For the latter Leiman mentions explicitly Childs and Sanders, "among the founders and major proponents." In my eyes the first category is very important, not only
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