-1841- -1941- International Artist Flying Scout Scouts Paints Fordham Page 3 Flying Dangers Page 4 Vol. 21 New York, N. Y., October 17,1940 No. 3 Off To Face Strong Panther Team ~ ~~~ ~ ' : • <* If We Were TteentyDne MaroonPlaywr ight Supermen of '44 Lower Crowleymen Leave Invade Air Lanes Fordham Votes Return of Mighty Sophomores Tonight For OnWMCA Summoning their mightiest ef- FDR-To Hyde Park forts, and emitting many a puff Pittsburgh end huff the brawn of the Fresh- Dramas by White, Cot- man class outtug-ged a deter- By ALAN CATERSON opinions, which included written-in Came Looms Large in ter, Breen, Ford Sub- The New Dealers round about will mined bunch of second year peeves, and marginal epigrams. The men, themselves victors as Frosh Fordham's Bid for mitted to Network be deeply grieved and shocked to sabotage department was at work, hear that Rose Rill has become a and two votes for Herbert Hoover last year, in the traditional National Honors Republican citadel in the heart of Sophomore - Freshman Tug o' The Mimes will launch their pro- were slipped past the eagle-eyed poll War which passed into the an- jected radio theatre in a seri ss of six the traditionally Democratic Bronx, guardians. Two votes were thrown By PETE CALLERV according to the returns of Theto Fiorello H. (Little Flower) La- nab of Fordham history one broadcast* of student written short week ago to the day. The Rams came through with a plays immedi- RAM's straw vote held last Friday. Guardia, and one Sophomore, who convincing victory over the Wave, ately following The returns show 88% in favor of covered the entire ballot with a dia- After the defending champs and are now drawing a bead on the Election Day, Willkie, the students declaring them- tribe against both parties requested had been dragged by the victors Panthers from Pitt. The team from selves emphatically against the third that no attention be paid to his vote. across pay dirt a real scare was the Smoky City did all right for itself over WMCA, on The accolade for the most original either Saturday term. thrown into the Yearling camp last week, holding the strong ^Mus- Of the three reasons set down, vote must be shared by two Seniors, when the Sophomores rallied tangs from Southern Methodist to a or Sunday after- one of whom marked as his reason noons according third term, domestic policy, or for- valiantly (with more than the 7-7 tie. Despite the Mustangs being eign policy, over 50% checked their "Sistie and Buzzie Call" and the moral support ot their class- a heavy pre-game favorite, Pitt out- to the station's other who confessed that his only temporary opposition to breaking the tradi- mates, it is alleged) and liter- tional policy of no more than eight reason for supporting Willkie was ally pulled the suddenly hapless schedule. The "prejudice." plays already years. Domestic policy was scored by Frosh all over the Quad. But chosen are 'The about 29%, and foreign policy re- The present straw vote is the first the official decision stood and Dreamslayers" ceived 21 %. A goodly number of stu- loll held on the campus since Wil- hats off to Fordham's newest of Richard L. dents admitted that their votes were liam Jennings Bryan. The overpow- heroes, the men of '44! Breen, '40, influenced by a certain omni-present ering Willkie vote came as a bit of "Equation On. lady columnist, and a prominent a surprise since a prominent and in- solved" by Fran- n. Wh u, '42 young man who has recently pulled fluential member of The RAM staff cis P. Ford, '41, "The O'Neill" of Jo- a captain's commission out of his has been sporting a Roosevelt button hat. Ballotting was heaviest in theof late. The Elwood boy's success is seph V. Cotter, and Richard White's believed largely due to Blaise Pas- "Time to Think." Junior sections, and it was here that the Commonwealth and Southern quarelli '42 (see last week's Ham- Team Stnd-Off Other works will be selected from blings) who deluged the campus student written plays sibmitted alumnus piled up his greatest ma- jority. The Sophomores were found with Willkie buttons. The only cas- early this year. Adaptations were ualties of the day were two arrests, Today «t 5:00 made this summer by Director Al- to be the strongest supporters of the President. The Roosevelt group based one of Joseph Cotter, of the I.R.A., bert L. McCleary to transform action for attempting to plant a bomb in the All disciples of Bacchus are suited for the footlights to the mi-their arguments chiefly on domestic issues. ballot box, and William Vander Lin- warned to remain away from the crophone. Try outs for the casts are den, officially declared a Belgian now being conducted throigh the The RAM's political observer alien, who attempted to slip his vote vicinity of Edward's Parade this courtesy of the Council of Debate waded through a RAM office knee- past the eyes of your RAM reporter. afternoon at five for on that hour a broadcasting system. deep in ballots, in order to sort the spectacle which would chill the heart Breen's play won the annual one- of the most hearty inebriate will be act play, contest in 1939, an! was a presented when three (not one but ' spectacularly staged denunciation of Richard Crace, '41, Plans For Fifth three) elephants will contribute to • the totalitarian state. Ford's nroduc- "BIG CHIEF" KVZMAN I tion, a drama with the debate on Heads Press Club the immensity of the Pitt send-off. I Mercy Killing us a background, was Mission Dance At that fateful hour three of Dr.played and outrushed SMU and | awarded th» plum* l«t yeir. Cot- Officers of the Press Club, the should have come off with a victory ter's work was cnosen becaune of the Pierre Bernard's trained pachyderms in their bag. campus organization for journal- secured for the rally by Captain ; lilting quality of the Irish iialogue istically inclined students, were Move Ahead Tonight the Ham entrains for I which should be especially effective announced this week. Richard H. Ernest C. Hopf, Director of the Ford- Pittsburgh to bait and trap the Pan- I on the air lanes. While, Who has Grace, '41, Managing Editor of Hunt's Records To Beham Band, will cavort for the ther in its lair. Since the departure submitted two plays to jrdh am con- the RAM, will be President for amusement of the student body of of the "master," Jock Sutherland, I tests, has dealt with tl psychologi- the new season. Alfred J. Han- Previewed in "Cat" the University. Prominent among the the tendency has been to underrate the prowess of Pittsburgh elevens, cal effect of a sermon •n a Jangster non, '41, of "Ramblings" fame, is feats in the repertoire of these brutes taking refuge in a re »at house. Next Week but that has been proved a popular Vice-President, John T. Dugan, is the walking on a joist four inches All four authors hai been promi- '41, who covers "Off Campus" fallacy. nent in dramatics fo at least two for RAM readers, Secretary, and The formation of plans for thewide and the performance of a com- Charlie Bowser's burly pupils arc years, and the boan of directors still another RAM man, news Harvester Club's Fifth Annual Dance plete revolution on that same joist. by no means the clawing tigers of wished to choose pla; which have staffer Alan G. Caterson, '42, on November 8 moved into high Following this performance the the Sutherland era, but nonetheless already been worked ver at Ford- Treasurer. gear under the members of the Fordham football they are going to be tough to take. ham. The determing f incipal of se- supervision of team will be introduced and theOn any given afternoon the Panthers lection was adaptabili to radio. Chairman John band will render musical selections. (Continued on page 5) F. McGuinness, •41, and club president, Wil- liam T. Shields, Graduate School Celebrates •41. Erich Hawkins Chosen Director Shields report- ed that the re- wenty-Fijrtthh Anniversary cord ings of For Oedipus Choral Action Leigh Hunt's or- Father Dum s. S.I., Urges Faculty to Limit Activity chestra, chosen Students Research Committee Is Formed as Cast to play at thn nd Curiosi to Own Specialized Fields annual a IT a i r, Shapes Into Final Form With Choice of Chorus la to lecture In a Catholic graduate will be played Erich Hawkins lias Just been an- mil and continued his career with Fordhal Graduate School during the com- J' McOulnn..., '41 Arts and >i(?ncea .is celobr school. He may admire Einstein for nounced a* the new director of cho- interpretations of the Greek dra- his mathematical theories, he cannot inff week in the Cafeteria. In thl.< ral movement and dramatic action ,' matic iiiovcuuwit. twenty-fifth anniversary 111i way everybody will have the oppor- conjunction with accept nor disseminate his atheistic for the centen- The new dlrecti>r has been con- pronouncements. He may discuss tunity of'listening In on a preview n I a 1 production nected with the modem choral- the Centenary of of the hand us well iu the fmtiii'cil t li e University. with Bluclents materialistic and imtu- of Oedlpux Ty- dnmNitk' nmvi'itU'ttt k n n w t\ tin inlhtic concepts, but lie can never vnritllxt, Lorraine Wilson. r a n n u H, t ll i' ' "American Cnravaii," under the dl- Bou I n ii I n K n Cluilrimin McCluliuieaa In aniinunc tl r e e k pi a v reelluM nf I,lnci>ln K irate III mill diii1- quarter of (i ccn- lose xliiht of the fact Unit mini's (Will IIIJ4 the members of the l)eciiriiUmi which will mark Ilii; Ihr punt -,lllllMiil wulkl'd With lury HK" with » h lirimiilcrliil, supcrn/itural iind de- nted for Odd iiloiw," Ciminilllce Ilivllcil nil who liel"H« hi KilKSi'vil/k.y, ('niiiliirlni' uf (lie few studniits mid In Uio Urn venter Cluli In lend Ilielr IIII^IIHI Symphony Oi ehi'slrn, In in tin extension "We know thill only (l'«l In Hie the celi-liinlliMi HiM'vleet III WiulilliH up the Imvel 111 Hie Mpl'llltl "if iiniiiri'linn wllh n tiiiiiitin-r iliidy Hch IIDI, It him 11 it tit and Unit He m'lit Ills only be en Hun as the Way, the Truth iiurllf H'hlell Will lie tin' feilluii' "it ll'llif Will) uciiwn to mi (Ii |.i .Vein's ili'Ctil ill lulls.
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