", Down South Shower" Cooler The Dally Jowaa PreseDt. ~ IOWA - Oec.,tonal thunderahow­ us, eooier lD IOQtheut toda,: ~­ a-Waf Look at the So.tIl morrow _ttled lD northwest, See Feature, Pace t thllDllenhowl!l'lll In east and south. , I o w a Cit y , If o r n i N e 14) , p a p e r FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1938 VOLUME XXXVII NUMBER 267 " • • • • • • • • • • Thousands of Reserves Join German Regulars Roosevelt F. R. Praises Highlights Social Security l.~ There a De,~ocratic Governor in the H oltse? Act'~ Backers Hitler Watches WASHINGTON. Aug. 15 (AP) If at First You Don't Succeed-- - Here are some sentences from * • • • • • President Roosevelt's address to­ Expre es Hope For Beginning Of Try, Try Again, Or Lupe Gets Her Divorce night commemorating the third More Medical Aid From Tarzan lohn·ee anniversary ot the social security In Radio Address wi.ll be i\rmy Drill~ act: wi.llbe tI LOS ANGELES, Aug. 15 (AP) didn't want a divorce. 1 tried so Today many of our cltb.ens are WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 CAP) Cease to Suppresli -Lupe Velez told the judge to- hard, but it got so I cc5uldn't still excluded from old-a,e Insur­ - President Roosevelt gave high day: "He didn't like the way I dId stand it." ance and unemployment compen­ praise tonight to the "legislative Public Misgivings everything. He was always telling The Welssmuellel's were mar- sation because of the nature of iathers" bt the social security me to get a c;livorce." ried rive years a,o and separated their employmllnt. This must be nct, among them Rep. David J. Over Demonstration So Lupe got her long-threaten- finally July S. They also separat­ Lewis of Maryland, who is cam­ ed divorce from Johnny Welss- ed in 1934 and in 1935. Both set arightj and it will be. paignlng a t a "100 per cent new By LOUIS P. LOCHNER mueller. times, Lupe sued for divorce, but dealer" to unseat Senator Mil- BERLIN, Aug. 15 (AP) The peppery Mexican actress the actions were dismissed when We must face the fact that in lard Tydings. Thousands upon thousands of testified In superior court that the she and her John-ee kissed and this country we have a rich man'l Speaking to the nation by radio German reservists dressed up in Tarzan ot the films was "very In- made up. lecurlty and a poor man's secur- in observance or the act's third swastika-decorated uniforms to­ suiting," went Into rages in front Lupe said Johnny didn't want ity and that the government owes anniversary, Mr. Roosevelt ex­ day and reported for nationwi.de of her guests, broke a lamp, threw her to go places, even to a beauty equal objectioIlli to both. National pressed hope thnt the next con­ maneuvers with the regular army dishes at her, called her "dirty parlor. security is not a half and half ~eress would broaden the statute. -operations which military ob­ names" and threatened to kill her "He probablY thought you didn't matterj It is all or none. AI his request, he sald, federal servers estimated would put be­ little dog. need beauty treatments," com- tween a half-million and a mJl­ o1flcials had been studying ways "Your honor." said Lupe to mented Judge Burnell. The loolal security act offers to extend the people "more ad­ lion men under arms. Judge Charles S. Burnell, "I Lupe gtggled. Reichsfuehrer Hitler himself to all our citizens a workable equate health and medical serv­ witnessed part of the first day's and worklJll' method or meeUnl' Ices" and also "some protection operations on a visit to Jueterbog, urlent prescnt neeilll a.nd of I' gainst lhe economic losses aris­ 40 miles south of BerUn. The Winifred Kennedy Dies After loreslallfn&' future needs. ing oul of III healUl." terse announcement of his pres­ Then, in conclusion, he said ence gave no further details. What we are doIng 1s good . But he wanted to thank publicly tour The Jueterbog camp, one of the Being Strucl{ at Inter ectioD By It is not good enough. To be truly Ic,islators who had steered the largest in Germany, is known es­ Ilatlonal, a social security pro­ present social security program pecially as a camp for reserve of­ iTam must inclUde all those who through congress. Car Driven by I. L. Moore need Its protection. ficers. Pra ls~s Lewis Misaivinn Natural The lirst one he mentioned was 1 am hopeful that on the basis There was no longer any at­ Wet Pavement Blamed Lewis, who is campaigning in the tempt to hide public misgivings ot studies and investigations now under way, the congress will Im- democratic senatorial primary in over the torthcoming demonstra­ For Part in Accident Un-American Marylanti aga;nst Senator Tyd­ W. Lee O'Danlel, Sam HoUlton Allred, MIke O'DallIeJ. ao,.. lunea V. Allred aad. Leon PhIWpI prove and extend the law. tion of mili tary power. At Linn, Burlington ings, opponent of some major new Such misgivings, said the Cor­ House Group Disput l~ there a governor In thp house? tamount to election. He Is hold- c.cratlc Ilomlnatlon for governor Because It bas become In. deal proposals. respondence Service Dienst Aus Winllred Kennedy, 62-year-old Yes, three ot them, we might say. ing Sam Houston Allred, son ot of Oklahoma. In background, ere.. lnlly clUllouU for Indlvtd. Lewis, who has stressed In his Deutschland, were but natura I In Own Activiti campaign that Tydings voted Iowa City resident, was filtally In ­ AI the left is W. Lee O'Danlel, Gov. James V. Allred of Texas, Rmlllng, Is Mike O'Daniel, son uala to bllild their own .eourU:r view of the facts that: F Worth flour salesman and ('rnter. Alired was given a 1ed- of the Texas gubernatorial candI- Ilnlle-handed, I'overnment must "present" when the social secur­ l.-Germany for the first time jured at 7:30 p.m. yesterday when WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 (AP) 11IlIbllly band leader who won the ('ral court appointment by Pres- elate. The picture was taken In now lJtep in and help th~m 1&,. ity biU was passed, arranged to since the World war was drafti ng she was struck by an auto as she ·~A democratic nomination for gov- id('nt Roosevell At the right I. Austin, during a visit of O'Danlel the foundatIon ltone, as speak by radio to Maryland vot­ reservists for maneuvers with the labor leader's suggestion that Just was crossing the street a t the cor­ Hnor of Texas, a nomination tan- 1.,(on PhilUps, who won tbe dem. and Phlllips to Allred's home. I'overnmea& In the past hal us immedlateJy after the pl'esi­ re~lar army, and the special houge committee in­ ner of Linn anll Burlington ~tre.et.q, hcolped lay Ihe foundation or dent's talk. 2.-The- government tor the l. L. MtJOreo d1'1 ... er of< lite car, y IIgatlD' II "'" mericen" wctlv­ tirst time had invoked a law bllalD fndustry. Mr. Roosevelt's concluding said he had stopped a t a stop sign Illes turn its attention to federal words, In the lext given to news­ authorizing requisition of private at the corner of Linn street, going hovernmt'nt departments led to­ equipment and goods. south, when Miss Kennedy started Dodge Fortune Heir Drowns The act does not oUer anyone, men, were as follows: The correspondence service, crossi ng the street from west to day to a dispute among committee either individLlally or collective­ "Finally, 1 thank publicly, 8S which usually reflects government members as to whether It already • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ly, an easy lite--nor was it ever 1 have so often thanked them east. Intended so to do. views, spoke approvingly of the Apparently neither had seen the had done so. privately, four men who have had effect abroad of a statement Sat­ long and dislinguished careers other before the accident occurred. John P. Frey, head of the urday issued through DNB (Ger­ Wet pavement was believed partly 'Prince' of Cinderella Story fwasonWay "Finally, I thank publicly, as I in the public secvice--Congress­ man official news agency) which to blame. American Federation of Labor's tI have so often thanked them pri- man David J . Lew! of Maryland, asserted "interested foreign cir­ Miss Kennedy was Immediately metal trades department, made • • • • • • To Hospital vately, four men who have had who is known as one of the cles" had tried to "stir up uneasi­ taken to University hospital where the suggestion In the midst of Dodge Heir Married Tugboat Captain's long and distinguished careers In American pioneers in the cause ness in the European general pub­ it was believed she suffered sev­ festimoDy Intended to show that the ,Public service--Conaressman of social security; Senator Robert lic" over the fall maneuvers. eral fractured ribs and Internal In­ lhp communist party had altered Daughter Early in Augu t Dynamite Explosion ~avld J . Lewis of Maryland, :vho F Wagner of N w York, who also Play Down Importance juries. She died shortly after 10 Its policy in the United States lS known as one of the Amenc~nl was long its advocate; Senator Dienst Aus Deutschland said p.m. "fler the formation of the CIO in DEROIT, Aug. 15 (AP)- Danlel a honeymoon In Ontario's and Injured Youth, Wife pione~rs in the cause of socml 11arrison of Mississippi, and Con­ "German pOlitical circles note , . Moore made his report to police order to "take advantage of the George Dodge, the heir to automo- Michigan's woods cquntry.
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