Vol. XLI June 9‐11, 2011 No. 1 MINUTES OF THE GENERAL SYNOD OF THE ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TWO HUNDRED SEVENTH STATED MEETING JUNE 7‐9, 2011 BONCLARKEN CONFERENCE CENTER FLAT ROCK, NC MINUTES OF GENERAL SYNOD 3 STATED MEETING JUNE 7‐9, 2011 BONCLARKEN, FLAT ROCK, NORTH CAROLINA The 207th Annual Meeting of the General Synod of the Asso‐ ciate Reformed Presbyterian Church was held at the Bon‐ clarken Conference Center, Flat Rock, NC. Monday Evening/ Tuesday Morning June 6‐7, 2011 The Pre‐Synod Conference “Free Offer of the Gospel in the 21st Century” The Pre‐Synod Conference Dinner was served at the Camp‐ ground Pavilion. The first session of “Free Offer of the Gospel in the 21st Century” was held at the Youth Activities Building Mon‐ day evening. The conference featured speakers John Kimmons, Adams Farm Community Church, Jamestown, NC; Andy Put‐ nam, Moderator‐Elect, General Synod; Greg Conover, The Bridge, Simpsonville, SC; Jan Sattem, Good Shepherd, League City, TX; Morrie Lawing, Christ Church, Denver, NC; and Stephen Myers, Pressly Memorial, Statesville, NC. Tuesday began with breakfast at 7:15 a.m. followed by the Tuesday Morning session at 9:15. Special Synod Week Denominational Activities The Principal Clerkʹs Orientation for New Ministers and Dele‐ gates was held Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. in the Jean White Room of Founders Hall. Christian Education Ministries “Menu” offered Leader and Teacher Training, educational resources, family and Christian living resources, and information on events at the CEM Cafeʹ from 10:00‐11:30 a.m. daily at York Cottage. Synodʹs Kidʹs Camp for those from ages 7‐18 was held Tues‐ day through Thursday at various times. ARP Women’s Ministries Pastors’ Wives Brunch was served 4 MINUTES OF SYNOD Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. The Erskine Theological Seminary Barbecue Picnic was served Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. at the Headspring Pavilion. ARP Women’s Ministries “Oasis: A Special Invitation to all Women at General Synod,” with Carolyn Whiting speaking on the subject of “The Faith You Confess,” was presented on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in Synodical Hall. Outreach North America’s Church Planting Breakfast was served Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. in Dining Room B. Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 7:00 p.m. General Synod’s evening activity began with the Psalm Sing led by Earl and Harriet Linderman. At 7:30 p.m., the 207th Annual Meeting of the General Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church began with the Opening Worship Service. OPENING WORSHIP Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Youth Activities Building 7:00 P.M. Informal Psalm Sing C. Earl Linderman Harriet E. Linderman, Accompanist Prelude Greg Reynolds 7:30 P.M. *Call to Worship *Hymn: “O Worship the King All Glorious Above” Lyons *Invocation and the Lord’s Prayer Gloria Patri *The Constituting of the General Synod Stephen J. Maye, Moderator Memorial Service Paul G. Patrick Vice Moderator‐Elect The Listing of Deceased Ministers The Listing of Deceased Ruling Elders Lesson from the Old Testament Isaiah 40:1‐11 *Hymn: “The Heavens Declare Thy Glory, Lord” Uxbridge Lesson from the New Testament II Timothy 2:1‐13 Prayer for Illumination Sermon John R. de Witt “The Mighty Gospel” Text: II Timothy 2:9 MINUTES OF SYNOD 5 Prayer for Blessing on the Word of God The Administration of the Lord’s Supper Invitation to the Lord’s Table The Law of God Assurance of Pardon *Hymn: “Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face” Morecambe *The Apostle’s Creed *Doxology (Old Hundredth) The Words of Institution Prayer for Blessing upon the Gifts of Bread and Wine Distribution of the Bread and Cup Prayer of Thanksgiving *Hymn: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” Hamburg *Benediction Postlude Greg Reynolds *The congregation will stand for these acts of worship. (See Appendix for the tributes and the list of deceased eld‐ ers.) Wednesday, June 8, 7:00 a.m. Earl Linderman led an informal “coffee and singing of the Psalms” on the Dining Room porch. The opening worship service was conducted by Kyle Sims. The President of Bonclarken Conference Center, Joseph H. (Chip) Sherer, welcomed the delegates to Bonclarken. Principal Clerk C. R. Beard constituted the roll of Synod and introduced the Unfinished 2010 Business. (See Appendix for the Official Roll of Synod.) A motion carried that the Unfinished Business from 2010 be submitted to the appropriate 2011 Moderator’s Committees for review and recommendation as a part of their reports to the Synod of 2011. (See Appendix for Summary of Unfinished Business from 2010.) 6 MINUTES OF SYNOD RETIRING MODERATORʹS ADDRESS Following personal statements of appreciation, the Retiring Moderator addressed the Synod. Dear brothers in Christ, first of all, I’d like to recognize some folks who have served the Lord with gladness this year and have made my year as moderator easy. Is Paul Bell in the house? Paul has put up with much from me and has graciously guided me and provided valu‐ able counsel. I listened attentively as the obituary for his father, Dr. Jim Bell, was read last evening. I never met Dr. Bell but know him by the testimony of others. I was speaking at a men’s retreat for a Bap‐ tist church in Harrisonburg, Virginia last fall and met a man who told me of Dr. Bell’s tenderly leading him to Christ. Paul, I am so sorry I didn’t have the privilege of knowing your dad. Is Cindy Scott here? Cindy is the most cheerful face in the office. She solves prob‐ lems fast and professionally. I will miss working with her. There is one problem though. Cindy is a Baptist. As a former Baptist, I am making it my special calling to see that she becomes an ARP and truly sees Beulah Land. Also, though I haven’t worked with them as much, I’d like to recognize Leland Beaudrot and Brian Such for their work as well. I am most thankful to Delores McDonald for the patience of Job in putting up with me as a writer held hostage to the ARP Magazine. A special thanks to Andy Putnam and Vaughn Hathaway for help‐ ing me navigate choppy waters moderating meetings. Additionally, I’d like to thank Dr. Ron Beard. Ron and I have not always agreed on everything, but there has not been another man in the ARP who has been as kind and helpful to me. Very often he has gently helped me understand the best way to tackle a particular issue and has kept me from making foolish mistakes so, Ron, I am most grateful to you, Sir. Finally, I’d like all the former moderators of General Synod to please stand. Men, why didn’t you tell me what I was getting myself into? Thank you for your wise counsel and assistance and your service to Christ’s Kingdom. Men of the ARP, first of all I’d like to take a moment and thank those of you who have prayed for me this year. This last year has brought a true test of faith into my family and I have had my fill of MINUTES OF SYNOD 7 men who are false professors, Pharisees, and hyper‐reformed legalists. Because of that, I am all the more thankful to be an ARP. There are times when the pain of seeing what has been inflicted on my family has been almost unbearable, but I am here to tell you that God is good. It’s not just a slogan. Our great Savior has allowed us not just to survive but to actually thrive. There is a very special joy‐ true joy and a certain intimacy with God that only comes through adversity and pain. The great C.S. Lewis once said, “Pain is God’s megaphone.” Indeed it is and as crazy as it seems, it can be a wonder‐ ful sound that comes through that megaphone. So, I am ever grateful for men who don’t just pretend to love doctrine but truly love God and are thus able to love both doctrine and people. You, ARPs, are such men. To God be the glory! As I look across the theological landscape, I see a lack of Biblical balance. Most in evangelicalism despise doctrine and have little knowledge or understanding of God’s Word. This is not something for us to be haughty about but something for us to mourn. However, in many Reformed circles, there is no love; no brotherly kindness; no grace for others who don’t yet fully understand what we’ve been taught. This cannot be. A few years ago at a meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee, the question was asked “If the ARP ceased to exist, would it matter and would anyone notice?” At the time I wasn’t so sure. Now, I am. It should exist. All around us we have Presbyterian denominations that have resorted to heresy. Even in NAPARC there are members who are wrestling with women’s ordination, theistic evolution, Fed‐ eral vision theology, hyper‐covenantalism, issues of patriarchy, and Reformed legalism. I am thankful we are here and I pray we will get the right balance between grace and truth. Not 50% grace and 50% truth but 100% grace and 100% truth. What may serve us ARPs best is heeding Paul’s words to the church at Corinth in 1 Corinthians chapter 16, verses 13 and 14. He gives us five imperatives there. These instructions come at us in short and powerful bursts like some of you men when you empty the magazine in your 9mm or .40 caliber pistols.
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