"flrt-,ISATroN .ERTTFT.ATE FoR THE 2020-zruNDER MG.{REGA FOR.... " SULKAPARA...... GRAM PANCHAYAT'EAR UNDER ... NAGRAKATA... BLOCK State - West Bengal. District- Jalpaiguri. Certifled that a sum of Rs. 1423. I Lakhs (Rupees ..... One four tr.vo three point one eight eight five l) Unspent Balance of the previous year 20tg_20 (As per three lakh... only) was received by the pIA as Grants- Audit) in-Aid during 2020-21 from the Govt. of India, Ministry of Rural Development and p Schernei Programme & RD, Govt. Balance (Rs in lakh) of West Bengal. Out MGNREGA Rs. 0 Lakh of the above mentioned fund, a sum Rs. 0.27100 Lakh (Rupees.. zero point Others* Rs. 0 Lakh. two seven zero zero lakh only) frorn tlie Block vide Letter No. & Dated given Total:- Rs. 0 Lakh. on the rnargin. *Specify the scheme (SGRy Further a sum o and NFFWP, if any) (Rupees ..only) 2) Grant received during the Year ZO2O-21 being urrspent balance of the previolrs year 2020_21 Rs 1423.18853 lakh. was allowed to be brought forward for utilization during tlre cument year 2020-21. BIock Letter No. & Date The nriscellaneous receipt of the agency (Ils. in Lakh) during the year 2020-21 was la (Rupee................. ...........only) It is also Certified that out of the above mentioned total funds of Rs. 1423.18853 lakh (Rupees. 3) Fund received through N-eFMS (National Electronic One four two three point one eight eight five three lakh.. only) Fund Management System) a sum of Rs. 1423.18853 Lakh (Rupees. one USK Rs. 929.24500 Lakh four two three point one eight eight five three lakh.. only) has been utilized by the PIA during 2020-21 for the 4) Fund received through e-FMS (Electronic Fund purpose for which Management it was sanctioned. a) SK &SSK Rs. 1il.39242 Lakh The expenditure on wages and materials (including semi-skilled and skilled labour) are b) Material Rs. 382.28011 Lakh Rs. 929.24500 Lakh (Rupees. .nine two nine 5) Administrative funrl received tluring flre financial point two four five zero zero lakh...only) and year 2020-21 from PO & BDO Rs. 493.67253 Lakh (Rupees. ..four nine three point six seven two five three lskh... only), Letter No & Date Amount of Rs. respectively. 0.27100 Further Rs. 0.27100 Lakh (Rupees. .zero point two seven one zero zero lakh...only) has been utilised on Administrative Contingency permissible under the MGNREGA. 6) Miscellaneous receipts ofthe Agency, ifany, under MGNREGA (tike Bank Interest) It is further certified that the unspent balance of Rs- kh. Rs. NiI Lakh (Rupees. 7) Total funds available: (I+2+3+4+5+6) remaining at tlre il ;;il ;i; M;;;i,, ;r; #'il1 utilised for the programme during Rs. 1423.18853 Lakh. (Rupees.. one four rwo three the rernaining period ofcurrent point one eight eight five three lakh..on!y) fi nancial y ear (2021-22) Pase: I of3 filled /are being full dfied that the conditions on which fund u,as sanctioned have been duly full been actually utilised PIA-wise ,fled and have exercised foilowing checks to see that the money has for the purpose for which it was sanctioned: - Kind of checks exercised: by the Charlered (i) The Agency,s statement of Accounts for the year 2019-20 duly audited Accountant have been obtained and sanctioned' year of the PIA have (ii) The Utilisation Certiflcates and Audit/Inspection Reports for the prescribed been obtained and duly scrutitized. MGNREGA has been (iii) It has been ensured that the physical and financial performance under of according to the requirement, as prescribed in the guidelines issued by Government India/State Government. correctly. (iv) Certified that muster rolls in all works under MGNREGA have been maintained taken (v) Certifled that only permissible items of works under Schedule I of MGNREG Act have been up. (vi) Certified that wages as per the notified wage rates have been paid under MGNREGA. (vii) The utilization of the aforesaid fund resulted into the following: a) Phvsical outPut: (i) No. of households provided employment - 5892 (ii) Total No. of Mandays Generated -....4.44104"" (In lakhs) (iii) No. of Mandays on which payment are to be made: -....0.48144..... (In lakhs) (iv) In addition to the actual utilization shown in the pre page, there is a pending liability of Rs. ...258.92122...1akh towards works done and measured but not paid inclusive of both wage and material comPonent (v) Wage und Muterial Ratio= 67.43:32.57 b) Details of committed liabilities [as on 31-03-2021'l Total No. Amount Amount of Amount of of No. of No. of MRs/ committed Pending Pending unpaid of unpaid Vouchers Iiability Name of unpaid material SSK & SK Muster MRs unpaid for (Col.3 + Col. the PIA Material (Rs.in bills (Rs.in Rolls (Rs.in * bills 5 + Co.7) * Biu SSK&SK* lakh (MRs) lakh) lakh (Rs.in lakh) (1) (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7) (8) SULKAPARA 17 0.48144 239 186.35842 772 72.08136 258.92122 * It is certified that:- (i) Aforesaid no. of MRs antl bills/vouchers of material procured are maintained in concerned offices and their details /copies would be furnished, if demanded. (ii) No others MRs and bills/vouchers of material procured are lying rvith the concerned PIAs. (iii) The MIS data entry against the aforesaid MRs and bills/vouchers of material procured have already been done. (iv) No others MRs antl bills/vouchers of material procured are lying with the concerned PIAs against which MIS entry has not yet been done. Page:2 of3 c) Outcomes:- (i) Works and activities Works/Activities No. of Works Completed In progress Water conservation and water related works Livestock related works Fisheries related works Works in coastal areas Rural water related works Rural sanitation related works 13 Micro works 188 18 Provision of irrigation facility to land owned by SCs and the STs or BPL families or to beneficiaries of land reforms or to the beneficiaries under the IAY of the Government of India or that of the small farmers or marginal farmers as defined in the Agriculture 28 Debt waiver & debt relief schemes or beneficiaries under the Scheduled Tribes & other traditional forest dwellers (recognition of forest Act2006 Renovation of traditional water bodies I.and Flood control and 19 RuraI 11 J Bharat Nirman Raiiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra (BNRGSK) Any other activitrr(approved bv MRD) T 259 21 iD No. of households completed 100 days of employmentz- 257 Gp...suLKApARA.....M"-oNoV1gJ.:..1f..f Date...11/0st2021.. ,tf ,In tr\u{,u-l Signature of sig n radhan Nirman w ,.J 0 +az t Block.. .Mem o *,.2 il. .l .!.:.{.ry.ff .9.1./Iff." c tl...t.............. Copv forworded for information ond necessarv actiort to:' (1) The DPC, MGNREGS & District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri (2) The ADPC, GS & Addl. District Ma,gistrate (ZP), Jalpaiguri. Officet Jsnlct ock Officials P.O & B.D.O Paee: 3 of3.
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