8eS4- Cep\( (OS .**Se-\i«V)* \ I « VOL. 13 '6 PAGES. NELSON. B. C...WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 28, 1914 50c PER MONTH. NO. 168 CHECK GERMAN ADVANCE ON COAST RETREAT OF TEUTONS FROM VISTULA HI IMPROVES 1 HOST DEADLY STRUGGLE OF WAR Thourout Taken By Allies | Bayonet Fighting in Russian Villages Lengthens Casualty Despite Terrific Losses Both Sides Are So Strong That Who Await Foe Silently $ TO PROTECT LONDON 9 Lists-German Landstrum Complains It Is Given 9 BRITISH COLUMBIANS * Battle in Northwest May Continue to Rage for Days. 9 TO SUPPLY SOCKS 9 FROM NAVAL RAID 9 Impossible Tasks by Commanders 9 Get Calais at All Costs Commanded Kaiser 9 VICTORIA, B.C., Oct. 27.— 9 -3> LONDON, Oct. 27, G:07 p.m. 9 9 Tho knitting muchlnes all the 9 9 —To frustrate the attempts or 9 9 Co(-uitlam hospital for the men- <?>] **• hostile cnaTO to reach London 9 9 further channels m the Thames, 9 {BATTLE BEGINS ON EAST PRUSSIAN 9 tally afflicted arc to be used 9' FLEET AGAIN IS 9 several of which previously hnd 9 BREAKING PRUSSIA^ LINE NORTH OF 9 for miking soeks fop the, Brit- •$• 9 Ish troopers at BHe front. Hon. <*> 9> been closed*, were banned today 3> FRONT, MUSCOVITES REPEL ATTACKS 9 H. 13. Youhg has issued' nn up- 9 SHELLING GERMANS by order of the British admlr- 9 NANCY FRENCH-JRCE FOE OVER BORDER 9 peal for wool yarn contributions 9 <S> alty till -further notice. 9 9 so that lirltlsh Columbia may <$ <$> "Within certain limits vessels 9 9 help in providing a prrn.ortlon •? <S> at anchor in the river must not 9 Petrograd Calls Victory in Poland Essential--Take Three 9 of the 300,000 pair;: of socks for ® <$> show lights between 7 p.m, and *$>Teuton s on Their ^rt Wing May Plan to Hold Positions 9 which Lord Kitchener lias up- <* 9 *6 a.m. 9 Thousand Men, Cannon-*Austrian Flanking Move­ 9 pedled. <$ Enemy Posts Heavy^Artillery 9 9 All Winter-!*, jr Canal Choked With Bodies of Enemy. 9 <? ment Frustrated, Division 5iufferingl,Annihila- on Coast-Infantry Few 6'V/ifdse Who Crossed Returned--Allies tion--Vienna Claims Capture of Ten Thousand Charges Futile SIKHS AND GHURKAS Gain Some Ground South of Dixmude RUMOR AGAIN HAS 1 (By Dnlly News Leased Wire.) 5:07 p.m.—Reliable information de­ INFLICT AWFUL LOSS (By Dally News Leased Wire.) ding the use of infantry. • PETROGRAD, Oct. 27.—The Rus- LONDON, Oct. 27, 9:15 p.m.—The ceived here from Warsaw, giving a LEIPZIG CAPTURED (Special Cable to The Dally News and Kaiser Ordered Deadly Tactics. I •etans nre now engaged in a eonstan" detailed history of the attempted ad­ German raid on the channel ports, as succession of hand to hand hn-'tle*- Montreal; Star.) Twenty Thousand Prussians Lie Dead AS reports filter In from the north vance In Russian Poland, gays that and Wounded in Line of Retreat it is called hero, seems to have been wlth the Germnn columns falling batk Fierce Engagement Indicated by Num­ LONDON, Oct. 327.--A despatch checked for tiie time being. At any it becomes evident today that the re­ from the Vistula. The main Strength the Russian generals are absolutely ber of Wounded Aboard, Doctor from B. A. BarLlet4 the special cor­ —British Suffer Little. cent battles along the shore ot the of these now extiendi .oyer a large ares at it loss to explain what they call a rate the Germans have made little, if Tells Vancouver People. respondent of the,' Telegraph, from any, progress since they succeeded in North sea have been the most ter­ Jn the direction of Pietltow and* to th- German error In delaying a night at­ Furnes, Belgium, (dated yesterday, (Special Cable to The Dally News and rible of the war. From Emperor Wil­ p'dUtli of Itawn. tack until the opportunity was lost. Montreal Star.) crossing the Yzer canal on Saturday (By Dally News Leased Wire.) says: last. They are, however, still push­ liam hmself, It Is said, came the or­ The bulk of the heavy ensunltfo' VANCOUVER, B. C, Oct. 27.—Ru­ The situation nloAg the line of the NORTHEASTERN FRANCE, Oct. ing with all tlie force at their com­ der that the German advance down comes from bnyonoi fisrhtln-r It th- At the same time, however, the 27.—Last week the Germans gained the coast must be continued at any Russian 'getiernls, who always are mors are again floating around re­ Yzer, extending from Nleuport to mand and are meeting with most deserted villages where the G^'m-in garding the mystery ship, lhe Gor­ Dlxmude, Is materially changed for the briefest victory of the war to cost and that Calais must be taken. nre, seeking to establish Hio.m*.*'lv<1" frank in ndmittiug the achievements stubborn resistance from the French, man cruiser Leipzig. This time It is the better during thfe lust two days. date. In the neighborhood of Lille British and Belgian troops. The The desperate assaults which follow­ From the nature of thn ouei-ntion"* no- of the enemy, express admiration of stated on what resembles good au­ they massed strong forces behind a ed, particularly along the Yzer canal, | In progress It Is foreseen (but Mifr- Gen. von Morgens' lightning advance ie The Germans huyp now altogether losses on both sides continue to be thority that t' I-elpzlg was towed ceased Infantry ajttacks on the slight elevation and suddenly poured in proportion to tiie fierceness of the huve few precedents In modern bis- wlll be several day- of nPpalllntr cn-u of five German army corps, over the into JSsqnlmalt harbor this morning into nearby British trenches un irre­ toy. nltlcs. The Russians gfeailv outn-m difficult swampy region approaching trenches around Dixpnide and content battle, which means they are greater her the retreating coljimns. whoo- by a Japanese warship, presumably themselves with a desultory bombard­ sistible torrent, than those in any battle since war British newspaper correspondents Warsaw, from the southwest. the Idzuma, which has been on this ment of the smokitjg ruins of what Despite a rain of fire from heavy estimate that some 5,000 -Germans vriniftt and constantly throatoned ]>•* Tho appearance of tlie Germans In was declared, now nearly three the approach of new Russian tronp* coast for somo yme, and that she is was once tlie town.; guns their huge columns, by sheer months ago. succeeded in forcing their way across 1 thiB quarter was most unexpected, The Austrians In Gnllci,, nre w«**>-- In a battered condition. It Is difficult to understand why the weight of numbers, reached the the Yzer canal. They did it at a enlng nnd the Rhsflan tfonni resu^*-*1 since the German network of railway 1 trenches and turned our fellows out. Along the coaBt, where the allies frightful cost. Into a hail of shrapnel By stems and the previously construct­ From the statements which have Germans persist in , these futile ad­ the.ndvancp along the lines to th- bqen made by a doctor who arrived vances against entrenchments. The The Germans followed up their ad­ have the assistance of British and and shot the Germans charged night foothills of the Cnrotithlnns. Con">M- ed platforms for heavy guns pointed vantage most enterprisingly, pursuing French warships, they have apparent­ after night, only to be cut down by erable demoralization |q ronortn*f in VanoouVer today there must have policy, which seems to have become to tho probability of a German ad­ been a fierce engagement somewhere u perfect fetish with them, only the Tommies and enthusiastically ly more than held their own and after the thousands until the canal was among the Germans, onrtioulnrl- th vance from the northwest or west, or inflicting heavy losses on the Ger­ landstrum. which has been flghUn-** |r in the Pacific, as the Leipzig had a serves the allies well. cheering and singing as they came. choked at points with their bodies. from anywhere except the southwest. large number of wounded who are All went well until they met the mans liave compelled them to try for Those who succeeded in forcing their Poland. It complains It is given im­ The Germans made a grave error, Wounded Suffer Privations. an opening further inland. possible basks. now being attended. Beyond this The German retirement near Dlx­ British reserves, who happened to be way across came to death grips with It Is said. In not pursuing the advant­ their waiting adversaries and with statement no confirmation can be ob­ mude enabled the Belgian stretchei Losses Heaviest of War. Surrounded Austrian Division. age derived from their unexpected tained of tiie story. (Continued on Puge Three.) rifle shot and bayonet the struggle The attempt or the Austrian*- th en­ parties to go out and bring in the Ger Up until yesterday the aiiies had advance which would have enabled man wounded. Many of them had went on. Of the Germans who crossed velop the 16ft wing of the nrm«- «•**•" them to approach within eight miles been forced to give way at some the Yzer canal, according to British Gen. Brussiloff has* failed, aoordl-" been lying unattended for 24 hours points but today, according to the to a semi-official announcement. O- of Warsaw without their presence be­ ou the battlefield and were in a ter­ SIXTY TRAPPED reports, few escaped alive. Ocfc 21 about 20 ver-*-t<* (lfi m'I»f' ing made known. DECLARES GERMAN French official communication, they rible state. Among tliein was a beard­ have succeeded in holding their posi­ south of Sambor lhe Russlar* trono- Walt Until Morning Fatal.
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