Saturday. Mav 7. 1988 8:50 Iatroduction and Opening Remarks MODERA~'OR: DICK MOSS, Attorney, represent- JOHN WENDEL, President, Sports Lawyers ing professional baseball players. Former Association General Counsel to MLBPA and former Attorney 9:00 "Sports Medicine Update" for United Steel Workers of America J1~CK C. HUGHSTON, M.D„ Orthopaedic Surgeon; Panelists: ROBERT E. FRALEY Founder and President, Hughston Sports Medicine JOHN McHALE, Attorney, representing major Foundation league baseball clubs in salary and arbitration hearings Panel Discussion: 9:30 DOYLE R. PRIOR, Attorney, outside counsel to "Sports and the Media" MLBPA, regulating salary arbitration MODERATOR: LEIGH STEINBURG TOM ROBERTS, Major League Baseball Players Panelists: SCOTT OSTLER, Columnist-Writer, Los Association. Chief Arbitrator in the first baseball Angeles Times, LS Times Sports, Times Mirror collusion case SPORTS LAWYERS Square (tentative) FRED ROGGIN, Sportscaster, NBC Sports 12:30 Presentation: FIRST AMERICAN PROPERTIES STEVE ROSS, Divisional Sports Marketing Manager, SECURITIES CORPORATION ASSOCIATION Rogers Merchandising "Real Estate Investment/Partnerships" 10:30 Break Speaker: C~IRLTON D. HODGES, President, First and American Properties 10:45 Panei Discussion: "Representing Players in Salary Arbitration" 1:00 Annual Sports Lawyers Association Meeting Who Should Attend of Los Angeles and Southern California. It is also across the plaza from the ABC Entertainment Center, and the Century This program is designed for attorneys, agents and/or representatives of professional athletes, attorneys for pro- City Shopping Center. Special rates for hotel reservations fessional sports teams and leagues, attorneys for players have been made with the Century Plaza Hotel. Rates are associations, attorneys for numerous companies tangential- as follows: Single and Double — $105-$175. For further in- ly involved in and with professional sports, students and pro- formation and reservations call 1-800-228-3000. fessors of sports law, and others generally interested in the field. Save On Air Travel Although the program will be primarily directed toward United Airlines is the official airline for the Sports Lawyers those experienced in the field, a substantial portion of the program will be meaningful to and directed toward the Association SPORTS LAW -1988. As a participant in the novice or those just considering entering the field. Seminar/Convention, you or your travel agent may call 1-800-521-4041. When you call, please refer to Account Format #8131-C Sports Lawyers Association. Individual presentations generally will include question Tax Deductions FIRST and answer sessions. Certain subjects will consist of panel f' '~ / discussions. There will be numerous breaks and other am- Income tax deductions for expenses of education in- AMERICAN PROPERTIES SECURITIES ple opportunities to meet the faculty and other registrants, cluding travel, meals, lodging and registration fees under- CORPORATION HCA/Hughston as well as to learn about the Sports Lawyers Association. taken to maintain and improve professional skills are allow- Sports Medicine Hospital ed under Treas. Reg. 1.162.5 and Coughlin v. Commissioner, The Century Plaza Hotel 203 F. 2d 307 subject to the recently enacted tax reform act QUALIFIES FOR NFLPA CONTRACT ADVISORS SEMINAR CREDIT The Century .Plaza is located in Century City, the heart of 1986. AND CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION CREDIT Fr~ri~tr (r~nn'+ 1 Thursday— -- --- -- ---- ~ 7_ Mav— - — -- r 5.— 7 1988- _ _ _~~, ~.....a ,, Managing Director of "The Viability of New Leagues — R Historical 9:00 Board of Directors Meeting PROGRAM B: To be announced ART WILKINSON, Attorney, 3:30 BREAK NFL Pro, Anti Trust and Labor Law Attorney, Perspective" 12:30 Introduction and Opening Remarks representing numerous well-known athletes. 3:45 Breaking into fhe Sports Representation Business MODERATOR: RICHARD R. BERTHELSEN, JOHN WENDEL, President, Sports Lawyers Assoc- Presently organizing a new union to represent Panel Discussion: "Establishing a Sports Represen- General Counsel of NFLPA iation NFL Players tation Practice" Panelists: DAVE DIXON, Founder of the USFL and 12:45 Panel Discussion: "Americas Football Teams" to debut Spring of MODERATOR: GARY UBERSTINE, Attorney, Walt "Changes and Trends in Player-Agent Regulation" 2:30 Panel Discussion: 1989 Disney Television. Author of various Sports Law "Franchise Free Agency," an inquiry into selected D~ VE MEGGYESY, Western Regional Director MODERATOR:ROBERT H. RUXIN, Vice President- publications expansion relocation and facility development NFLPA General Counsel, Kazmaier Associates, Inc.; Panelists: GREG Mc1-~LEEN~IN, Attorney, specializ- issues EARL FOREM~IN, former Commissioner and Author of AN ATHLETE'S GUIDE TO AGENTS ing in endorsements. Represents numerous pro- MODERATOR: RICK HORROW, President, Zev founder MISL Panelists: LARRY FLEISHER, General Counsel, fessional athletes. Bufman Sports, Entertainment Group P~IUL MARTHA, President, Pittsburgh Penguins and NBAPA RICHARD WOODS, Attorney, representing clients Panelists: JOHN WENDEL, Attorney, Baseball former President of Pittsburgh Maulers (USFL) LIONEL S. SOBEL, Professor, Loyola Law School; such as Cornelius Bennett, Bo Jackson and Aun- Consultant, President of Sports Lawyers Associa- and Pittsburgh Spirit (MISL) Editor-Entertainment Law Reporter; Author of dray Bruce tion and former General Counsel to the Major HARRY USHER PROFESSIONAL SPORTS AND THE LAW DONMILLINGER, Partner, Wolf, Block, Schoff, Solis- Leagues of Baseball EUGENE D. ORZA, Associate General Counsel, Cohen, representing professional baseball 5:00 Adjovm ARTHUR T. JOHNSON, Ph.D, Lincoln Government MLBPA players such as Mike Schmidt, Bob Boone and Fellow National League of Cities 7:00 Presidents Reception/Banquet JAMES H. CURRY, Deputy-in-Chief, California Labor Don Carman representing a Sponsored by: HC~I/HUGHSTON SPORTS Department Division of Labor Standards-En- PETER S~INTIN, Attorney, currently 4:30 Panel Discussion: "Women in Sports Represent- group to attract profesional MEDICINE HOSPIT~IL forcement private development a tion" teams and develop a privately financed Speaker: CURT FLOOD, former All-Star center RICH~IRD A. GLICKEL, Attorney, representing pro- sport Panelists: KIM~IRIE R. STR~ITOS, Attorney, first multi use facility in Phoenix fielder of St. Louis Cardinals. First baseball fessional athletes; Chairman of Grievance-Ethic female attorney registered as a baseball agent player to challenge baseball's reserve clause Committee (ARPA) Association. Represented with the MLBPA 3:30 Break bringing on the advent of modern day free- Brent Fulwood and George Kickliter in action ROBINMUREZ, Attorney, Sports Agent, represents agency. Currently involved with Baseball brought on by Norby Walters well-knowns such as Terry Commings, Becky 3:45 Panel Discussion: Network. 2.00 ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS Herbert, Kenny Fields, Rosie Jones, Diane PROGRAM A: NFLPA Contract Advisors Briefing Williams ** Seminar Credit 6:30 Opening Day Reception RICHARD R. BERTHELSEN, General Counsel of An opportunity to socialize with other sports lawyers NFLPA and speakers over cocktails and hors d'oeuvres Registration Form SPORTS LAW • 1988 Seminar Fricl a v _ Ma v 6. 1988 NAME FIRST NAME TO APPEAR ON NAME BADGE 8:50 Introduction and Opening Remarks ROBERTFRALEY, Attorney, representing numerous SPOUSE/GUEST ATTENDING JOHN WENDEL, President, Sports Lawyers Associ- baseball and football players ation 10:45 Mock NFL Negotiation ORGANIZATION/COMPANY TITLE 9:00 Representing Referees MODERATOR: RICHARD WOODS MEL N~IROL, Attorney, official and longstanding Panelists: LEIGH STEINBERG, Sports &Media ADDRESS legal affairs columnist for REFEREE magazine. Attorney The leading authority on legal issues faced by STEVE ORTMAYER, General Manager, San Diego CITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE( ) referees at all levels Chargers 9:30 Representing Boxers 12:15 Luncheon ❑ Member ❑ Non-Member ❑ Student ❑ Full-time Profesor MODERATOR: MIIRC D. RISMI~N, Attorney, Sponsored by FIRST AMERIC~IN PROPERTIES represents Larry Holmes, Trevor Berbick, Tim SECURITIES CORPOR~iTlON Registration Fees Witherspoon, Virgil Hill SPEAKER: HARRY USHER,-Senior Vice President Seminar Fee includes: 3 days of Seminars, Thursday/Friday Cocktail Parties, Friday Luncheon, Presidents Banquet.(Please check Panelists: ROBERT ~fRUM, Chairman of TOP of Weintraub Entertainment Group. Formerly appropriate category.) RANK. Former Chief Deputy United States At- Chief Operating Officer of LA Olympic Commit- Prior to April 15 After April 15 torney in charge of boxing tax cases. Promoter tee and Commissioner of the USFL. ❑ Sports Lawyer Member........................................................... $295 $345 for well-knowns such as Ali, Hagler and Hearns. 1:45 Panel Discussion: DE~IN GETTLESON, Attorney, advising various "Developments in ~Intitrust Law and the Labor ❑ Spouse/Guest .................................................................... $175 $225 members of the boxing community worldwide Exempfion" ❑ Non-Member ..................................................................... $345 $395 regarding rules, regulations and decisions at MODERATOR: LIONEL S. SOBEL ❑ Student/Professor (including lunch and dinner plus two cocktail parties)............... $150 $200 Commission Panelists: GARY ROBERTS, Professor of Law, various levels before the Athletic ❑ Spouse/Guest (Thursday and Friday Cocktail Parties plus President's Banquet only).... $ 75 $ 90 and Courts throughout the United States
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