Ridgewood 53 AV 52 CT 82 ST 80 ST MT. ZION CEMETERY 68 ST 54 AV 53 AV 55 RD • • • 53 AV 53 AV 54 AV MADISON56 AVST 84 ST 43 ST BUSHWICK GLENDALE54 AV MASPETH MIDDLE VILLAGE 54 DR QUEENS MIDTOWN EXPWY SR 53 RD 57 AV 65 PL 54 RD 66 ST 53 RD 69 ST 44 ST 59 Road, A8, C5 67 Avenue, F8, G7 76 Street, A10, B11, C12, E12 Chestnut St, M12 Gray St, D12 Maurice Av, A4 Scott Av, E1 Cypress Hills Cemetery, J12, L12 IS 77, H6 Middle Village Post Office, D11 PS 128, D10 St. Matthias Church & School, H6 67 ST 53 RD Streets & Bridges MAURICE AVPoints62 ST of Interest Subway Stations 46 ST 59 Street, B5, C5, K8 67 Drive, E12 77 Place, A11, C12 Clinton Av, A6 Greene Av, F5, H3, K1 Mazeau St, A9 Seneca Av, E2, G4, J6 Emmaus Evangelical Lutheran IS 291, K3 53Mt. CarmelRD Cemetery, J10, K11 PS 151, K5 St. Pancras RC Church, H10 57 RD Key accessible 60 Avenue, B9, C5, C6, C7 67 Place, G10, H10 77 Street, B11, C12 Clover Pl, K8 Grove St, E6, G5, J3, K2 Melvina Pl, A4 Shaler Av, G8 Church, G7 IS 383, J2 Mt. Judah Cemetery, K9, L9 PS 153, C6 73 ST St. Pancras School, H10 47 Street, C1 81st Police Precinct, L1 DeKalb Av L, G2 Y F entrance & exit W R P A 48 Street, B1 60 Ct, D5, D6 5467 RDRoad, E12 78 Avenue, J9, K7 Cody Av, K6 Halsey St, L4 Menahan St, E6, E7, F4, H3, K2 St Felix Av, J7, K7 Evangelical Fellowship Chapel, F6 JHS 93, F6 Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, H12 PS 299, L2 St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Forest Av M, G6 X N 83rd Police Precinct, J2 E C I 43 ST 74 ST E S N 63 ST L O Metropolitan Av, D2, E9 St Johns Rd, F5 D E 49 Lane, A2 60 Drive, B9, C7, D5 67 Street, C8, G10, H10 78 Street, A11, B12 Cook Av, F12, H10 Hamilton Pl, A7 First Calvary Baptist Church, M1 JHS 162, F2 Mt. Neboh Cemetery, K11 PS 309, M1 Church, J3 Fresh Pond Rd , F8 I T M T D W 54 AV 104th Police Precinct, G8 M BLV S A S I R E S T 53 DR 53 DR I B L 49 Street, A2, B2 60 Lane, B5, C6, G7, H8 68 Avenue, E12, G7 79 Avenue, K7 Cooper Av, G12, J8, J9, L5, H10, K7 Hancock St, J5, L3, M2 Moffat St, M5 St Nicholas Av, G3 First Church of Christ, D4 JHS 296, M4 Mount of Olives 7th Day Adventist PS 376, J2 St. Stanislaus Church, A6 Gates Av JZ, L1 H V D Beth El Cemetery, K10 W VD BL N 53 DR 84 PL R E elevator 73 PL Halsey St , J5 60 Place, B5, C5, D6, E6, J8 68 Place, G10 79 Street, A12, B12 Cooper St, L5 Harman St, E4, H2, K1 Monroe St, M1 Stanhope St, E4, G2, J1 Garden Beautiful, M2 Juniper Valley Park, B11 Church, K1 PS 377, K3 St. Stanislaus School, B6 L H 53 Street, D3 T Bethel Evangelical Church, L5 R O to street or stairways N Halsey St , M3 L Y Cornelia St, H5, L3 Hart St, G2 Mt Olivet Circle, D7 Starr St, G1 PS 384, L5 Salem Field Cemetery, M12 J .I. EXPW 60 Road, A11, B9, C5, C6, C7 68 Road, E12, G7 80 Avenue, J9, K8 BORDEN AV Glen Ridge Park, F9 Knickerbocker United Methodist Mt. Olivet Cemetery, B7 54 Place, D4 NEW CALVARY CEMETERY building level 55 AV Bethesda Memorial Baptist V 58 AV A N 64 ST Jefferson St , F1 60 Street, A5, C5, E5, G7, J7 68 Street, C9, G10, H10 80 Road, K9 Covert St, K5, M4 Himrod St, E4, H2, J1 Myrtle Av, H3, H6, H10 Stephen St, J6 Glendale, G11 Church, J2 National Cemetery, M11 Ridgewood, F5 San Martin de Porres Day Care L W 54 Street, C3, D4 Church, M2 WY Subway station and L.I. EXP Y C K Knickerbocker Av , J2 M E 55 Drive, A8 61 Drive, C8, C9 69 Avenue, E12, G7 80 Street, A12 Cypress Av, F2, G4, J6, L8 Howard Av, M2 Norman St, J6 Stier Pl, F7 Glendale53 DR Post Office, H11 Knollwood Park Cemetery, K7 New Apostolic Church of North Ridgewood Baptist Church, G8 Center, K4 58 ST Bushwick, J1 X V exits A ETR P A 54 AV M OPOLIT IC AN A W A V Y JAM BORDEN AV Stockholm St, G2 Metropolitan Av M÷, E9 55 Street, C3, D4 61 Road, C9 69 Lane, B9, C10 81 Street, A12 Cypress Hills St, G8, H9, K10 Hull Av, A6 Nurge Av, D4 Glendale Public Library, G12 Lahawith54 AV Chesed Cemetery, E3 America, F7 Ridgewood-Bushwick Youth Center, J3 Saratoga Square Community Ctr, M3 Bushwick High School, J4 73 PL Myrtle Av , J4 AREA OF 58 AV Summerfield St, J7 JAY ST L 57 AV 69 Place, B9, D10, G11 82 Place, A12 De Kalb Av, F3, G2 Ingraham St, F1 Onderdonk Av, E2, F4 Linden Hill Cemetery, E3 Newtown Creek, C1 Ridgewood Cinemas, H5 Spanish Church of God, K2 56 Avenue, A5 61 Street, A6, B6, C6, D6, E6, H8, J8 Goodwin Gardens, L1 71 ST 60 AV Bushwick Playground, J4 D THIS MAP BLV Seneca Av M, G5 DEN Subway route 62 Avenue, C10, D5, D7 69 Road, F12 82 Street, A12 Decatur St, J7, L5 Irving Av, H2, J4 Otto Rd, F9, G9 Suydam St, G1 Greater Ridgewood Historical Lutheran Cemetery, D8, F11 Our Lady of Hope School, B10 Ridgewood Post Office, H5 Starr Playground, F2 LIN 56 Drive, A5 Bushwick Salvation Army, L3 R OC JZL 54 AV KAW A Wilson Av L, M6 Y BLV symbol 56 Road, A3, A5 62 Drive, C9, C10 69 Street, B9, D10, G10 Admiral Av, E8 Edsall Av, F12 Jackie Robinson Pkwy, J9, K11 Page Pl, B2 Tonsor St, E5 Bushwick United Methodist Society, E2 Lutheran Church of Our Savior, M3 Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Ridgewood Presbyterian Church, H7 Tiger Playground, M4 D 61 ST 69 LA 73 ST Wyckoff Av M, H4 56 Street, A3, C4, D4 62 Road, C9, D7 70 Avenue, F12, G10, H7 Amory Ct, E4 Eldert St, K5, M4 Jamaica Av, M12 Palmetto St, F7, G5, K2 Traffic Av, E8 Church, L2 Grover Cleveland High School, E4 Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Church, E6 Ridgewood PublicMAZEAU Library, G6ST Trinity Cemetery, M6 60 RD 56 Terrace, A3 62 Street, D7, G8, H8, J8 70 Street, B9, D10, G11 Andrews Av, D5 Eliot Av, B10, C8, D6 Jefferson Av, J5, L3, M1 Penelope Av, C10 Troutman St, E2 GroverCLARAN Cleveland Park,CT E4 School, H11 Palmetto Gardens Houses, L2 Ridgewood Reservoir, L10 Trinity Lutheran Church, C5 I Point of Interest Calvary & St. Cyprian’s Episcopal 68 ST 84 ST 66 ST Jefferson St, F1 Perry Av, A6 Vermont Pl, M9 63 ST Trinity Reformed Church, F6 57 Drive, A3, B4, B5 63 Street, B6, D7 71 Avenue, H7 Arnold Av, D4 Etna St, M12 Church, K1 Heckscher Playground, K2 Mach Pelah Cemetery, K10 PS 45, M4 Ridgewood Senior Citizens Center, G7 JFK 57 Place, B3 64 Lane, J9 71 Place, G11 Bleecker St, E6, F4, H3, K1 55Evergreen AV Av, L3 Juniper Blvd North, B11 Pleasantview St, D11 Weirfield St, J5, L4 #Cemetery of the63 PL Evergreens, M7 Heisser Triangle, J2 Maria Hernandez Park, G1 HULLPS AV 68, J7 Ridgewood Seventh Day Adventist Union Field Cemetery, K8 AIRPORT # Tourist attraction 69 PL 83 PL Fairview Av, F4 Juniper Blvd South, B12, C10 Putnam Av, F7, H5, L3, M1 WilloughbyMAURICE Av, G1 GRANDChurch, AV F5 United57 Presbyterian RD Church of 57 Road, B4, B5 64 Place, G8, G9, J9 48 ST 71 Street, B9, C10, D10, G11 Broadway, M2 Cemetery of The B’nai Jeshurum Highland Park, M10 Martin Luther High School, A5 PS 68A & PS71A, H5 57 Street, C4, K7 64 Street, A6, B6, D7, F8, G8, H8, J9 72 Place, G12 Brown Pl, A8 Flushing Av, B5, D3 Juniper Valley Rd, D10, D12 Ralph Av, M1 WilsonPARK Av, J2, K3 and Shereth Israel, L11 Holy Cross Elementary School, A6 Maspeth, B3 PS 71, E5 Romanian Orthodox Church, G7 Ridgewood, E6 83 ST 57 RD 144 5658 RD Avenue, A7, A8, B4 65 Drive, C12, D10 72 Street, A10, C11, D11, G12 Bunnecke Ct, E6 Forest Av, E5, G6, H7 Kleupfel Ct, G7 Remsen Pl, A6 Woodbine St, F7, H5, L2 Central Baptist Church, H1 Holy Cross Roman Catholic Maspeth Creek, A1 PS 75, J5 St. Aloysius Church, F3 #Vander Ende-Onderdonk House, E2 Building numbers 50 ST 58 Drive, B5 65 Lane, E8 73 Place, D11, E12, G12 Bushwick Av, M3 Fresh Pond Rd, C6, E7, G8 Knickerbocker Av, H2, K4 Rene Ct, D4 Woodward Av, F4, G6 Church, A6 Maspeth Jewish Center, A7 PS 81, G4 St. Aloysius School, F3 Washington Irving73 PL Public Library, J4 Christ Tabernacle Church, H9 70 ST 57 RD 58 Place, B4 65 Place, E8, F9, G9, H9 73 Street, G12 Cabot Rd, K7 Furmanville Av, C12 Linden St, E6, G5, J3, K2 Rentar Plaza, E8, E9 Wyckoff Av, H3, J5 Christ The King High School, E9 Holy TabernacleJAY AV Church of HULLMaspeth AV United Methodist PS 86, H2 St. Barbara’s Church, J2 Wyckoff Heights Hospital, G2 58 AV Hospital 58 Road, A8, A9, B1, B4, B5, B7 65 Street, B6, D7, E8, G8, G9, J9 74 Avenue, H9 Caldwell Av, A8, A10 Gardner Av, E1 Logan St, M12 Ricard55 St, RD E5 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Deliverance, M3 Church, A7 CLINTON AVPS 88, G7 St.
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