Kansas Register Vol. 40, No. 28 July 15, 2021 Pages 1145-1168 1146 Kansas Register Table of Contents In this issue … Page The Kansas Register (USPS 0662- 190) is an official publication of the Legislative Branch state of Kansas, published by au- Legislative Administrative Services thority of K.S.A. 75-430. The Kansas Register is published weekly and a Interim Committee Schedule ...............................................................................................1147 cumulative index is published an- nually by the Kansas Secretary of Rates State. One-year subscriptions are Pooled Money Investment Board $80 (Kansas residents must include applicable state and local sales tax). Notice of Investment Rates ..................................................................................................1147 Single copies, if available, may be purchased for $2. Periodicals post- Notices age paid at Topeka, Kansas. Kansas Department of Transportation POSTMASTER: Send change of ad- Notice of Availability of Environment Assessment for the I-70 dress form to Kansas Register, Sec- Polk-Quincy Viaduct .........................................................................................................1147 retary of State, 1st Floor, Memorial Notice of Meeting ..................................................................................................................1148 Hall, 120 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66612-1594. Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Procurement and Contracts Notice to Bidders for State Purchases ................................................................................1148 © Kansas Secretary of State 2020. Board of Regents Universities Reproduction of the publication in Notice to Bidders ...................................................................................................................1148 its entirety or for commercial pur- poses is prohibited without prior Kansas Department of Health and Environment permission. Official enactments of Notice Concerning Proposed Air Quality Construction Permit Modification .............1149 the Kansas Legislature and pro- Notice Concerning Water Pollution Control Permits and Applications .......................1149 posed and adopted administrative regulations of state agencies may MidAmerica Nazarene University be reproduced in any form without Request for Proposals for Access Control Readers and Panic Buttons .........................1152 permission. Request for Proposals for Security Camera Software Upgrade .....................................1152 Hard copy subscription informa- Bonds tion and current and back issues of the Kansas Register (PDF Format) City of Spring Hill, Kansas can be found at the following link: Summary Notice of Bond Sale ............................................................................................1152 http://www.sos.ks.gov/publications/ City of Lenexa, Kansas kansas-register.html. Summary Notice of Bond Sale ............................................................................................1153 City of Goddard, Kansas Summary Notice of Note Sale .............................................................................................1154 Register Office: Executive Branch 1st Floor, Memorial Hall Office of the Governor 785-368-8095 Executive Order No. 21-24, Expansion of Paid Parental Leave for State [email protected] of Kansas Employees .........................................................................................................1155 Executive Directive No. 21-537, Authorizing Personnel Transactions and Authorizing Expenditure of Federal Funds ............................................................1156 Secretary of State Notice of Forfeiture for June ................................................................................................1157 Regulations Kansas Lottery Temporary Administrative Regulations ............................................................................1157 Index to administrative regulations ...........................................................................1163 Published by Scott Schwab Secretary of State 1st Floor, Memorial Hall 120 SW 10th Ave. Topeka, KS 66612-1594 785-296-4564 www.sos.ks.gov Cover Artwork: Wheat Harvest, Rice County Photo by Todd Caywood © Kansas Secretary of State 2021 Vol. 40, No. 28, July 15, 2021 Legislative Branch/Rates/Notices Kansas Register 1147 State of Kansas Legislative Administrative Services Interim Committee Schedule The Legislative Research Department gives notice that the following legislative committees plan to meet on the dates listed below based on current information and subject to change. Requests for accommodation to participate in commit- tee meetings should be made at least two working days in advance of the meeting by contacting Legislative Administra- tive Services at 785-296-2391 or TTY 711, or email [email protected]. Date Room Time Committee Agenda July 12-13 112-N 9:30 a.m. Unemployment Compensation Review of Modernization Proposals and Modernization and Improvement Audit RFP Development Council July 15 548-S 3:30 p.m. Legislative Coordinating Council Legislative Matters July 21-22 112-N TBD Unemployment Compensation Review of Modernization Proposals and Modernization and Improvement Audit RFP Development Council July 22 582-N 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Special Claims Review of Claims Against the State Against the State Tom Day, Director Legislative Administrative Services Doc. No. 049288 State of Kansas The purpose of the proposed improvements to the I-70 Pooled Money Investment Board Polk-Quincy Viaduct and surrounding transportation networks is to meet current roadway and bridge de- Notice of Investment Rates sign criteria, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devic- es (MUTCD) standards, improve driver and pedestrian The following rates are published in accordance with safety, increase roadway traffic capacity, balance acces- K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are defined in sibility, and to support economic development in the K.S.A. 12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g). downtown Topeka area. Effective 7-12-21 through 7-18-21 The EA covers the proposed improvements that will re- Term Rate construct I-70 to 3-lanes eastbound and westbound from 1-89 days 0.10% MacVicar Avenue to Topeka Boulevard. Construct split- 3 months 0.01% diamond interchanges between Topeka Boulevard and 6 months 0.03% Kansas Avenue, and 8th Street and 10th Street. Two new 12 months 0.07% viaduct bridges between Topeka Boulevard and Kansas 18 months 0.14% Avenue. New I-70 bridges at 4th Street, 6th Street, 8th Street, 2 years 0.21% 10th Street, and Shunganunga Creek. Reconstruct I-70 from Scott Miller Kansas Avenue to Adams Street. The IKE Transportation Director of Investments Program project funded for final design is the west project Doc. No. 049280 beginning at MacVicar and ending at 6th Street. KDOT is the lead agency under NEPA. FHWA is the State of Kansas lead federal agency. The City of Topeka is a project team member. The EA is required because KDOT will be using Department of Transportation federal funds from the Federal Highway Administration Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment to help construct the project. The EA concludes that no significant impacts to the envi- The City of Topeka Public Works and the Kansas ronment would result, and KDOT is proposing to request Department of Transportation (KDOT) announce the a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The Kansas availability of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for Department of Transportation intends to request a FONSI the proposed improvements to I-70 Highway from the following a thirty (30) day comment period in accordance MacVicar Avenue interchange to the Adams Street/Bran- with the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations ner Trafficway interchange in Topeka, Kansas. The EA for implementing NEPA, Section 1508.13 providing there was prepared in accordance with the National Environ- are no substantive comments that warrant further evalu- mental Policy Act (NEPA) to determine the potential ation. You may view the EA at www.polkquincy.org or environmental, cultural, and socioeconomical impacts. (continued) Vol. 40, No. 28, July 15, 2021 © Kansas Secretary of State 2021 1148 Kansas Register Notices in the lobby at the Kansas Department of Transportation All bids are to be submitted via email only to Dwight D. Eisenhower State Office Building, 700 SW Har- [email protected]. For more information, please visit rison Street, Topeka, KS 66603. There will be forms for https://admin.ks.gov/docs/default-source/ofpm/procure- comments with the hard copy at KDOT. Online comments ment-contracts/bid-submission-via-email-12-7-2020.pdf. on the EA should be sent to [email protected]. Com- 08/06/2021 EVT0008108 Crash Data System ments will be accepted until July 26, 2021. The above referenced bid documents can be down- David Lutgen, P.E. loaded at the following website: Contracts Engineer Doc. No. 049255 https://supplier.sok.ks.gov/psc/sokfsprdsup/SUPPLIER/ ERP/c/SCP_PUBLIC_MENU_FL.SCP_PUB_BID_CMP_ State of Kansas FL.GBL Department of Transportation Additional files may be located at the following web- site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for Notice of Meeting any changes/addenda): The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/ hosting a virtual industry kickoff meeting for the US-69 additional-files-for-bid-solicitations Modernization
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