NEWS OF THE GOIF WORLD IN BRIEF Jim Brown resigns from pro what's left of Deepdale GC job at Hyperion Field Club, after expressway is built Des Moines, la. Will play through ... Option on old Deep- tournament circuit . Henri dale now held by builder who Tubach from Red Hill CC, Up- plans subdividing. land, Calif., to be sec. and gen. Harry Obitz, pro at Shaw- mgr., Irvine Coast CC, New- nee CC, Shawnee-on-Delaware, port Beach, Calif.... Tubach is Pa., lost $30,000 shop stock by a veteran star at club manage- HERB GRAFFIS flood and his home also was ment . He started in Chicago washed away . Obitz had one dist.in club accounting 33 years ago ... Skip of the nation's finest, busiest pro shops . Alexander, pro at Lakevvood CC, St. Peters- Waite Memorial tourney, put on by Fred burg, Fla., awarded $75,000 by Federal Waring shortly after flood abated, was court for injuries received in Civil Air played on part of Shawnee course and Patrol plane crash five years ago . Skip this remainder of the course anchored had sued for $200,000 . Government de- much flood debris . Not a complaint fense was that he was a hitch-hiker . made by a contestant . Everyone Pros who are in habit of taking non- thought of how lucky he was, considering scheduled plane flights should have their loss of life and property in the flood . insurance men examine their policies Worthington Mower Co. in Stroudsburg, . Most insurance policies cover only Pa., a few miles from Shawnee, did a scheduled plane flights. miraculous job in reconditioning ma- Party to Bob Jones preceding National chinery, getting new equipment and hav- Amateur at Richmond and celebrating ing production line rolling quickly after Bob's 25th anniversary of the Grand Slam the flood receded. was merry and inspiring affair . Bob Robert Renner, sports writer of Ft. looks better now than he has for a couple Wayne (Ind.) New-Sentinel, named as of years past . Getting around in a Tournament Bureau mgr., Ladies PGA . golf car has been marvelous for Bob and Renner, an energetic, able and resourceful for the fellows who get to see him . young man, started a study of the LPGA In a way the Amateur this year was like promotion needs when the girls were play- the Jones days with all the preliminary ing their tournament in Ft. Wayne and talk favoring Harvie Ward and Harvie's submitted a promotion program that got practice rounds justifying it . Plenty of him the job . Blaine Eynon, active in hot talent could have derailed Harvie and Detroit district golf and in promotion of came a photofinish away from doing it the LPGA event in that territory, aided . Hillman Bobbins, jr. and Joe Camp- the ladies valuably in sifting the candi- bell looked to most of the observing pros dates. viewing the Amateur as members of the Aaron Blaskowsky now pro at Leaven- class (outside of Ward) most likely to worth (Wash.) GC . Mrs. Blaskowsky succeed. managing the clubhouse . Considering Harry Pezzullo re-elected pres., Illinois building an 18-hole course on Willow Oaks PGA . Sam Eig, Silver Spring, Md., Corp. site near Richmond, Va. C. to build 18 hole course alongside big Porter Vaughan heads Willow Oaks Corp. de luxe motel he is to build . Johnny . Plans being completed for new course Bulla resigns as pro at Westmoreland CC, and clubhouse of Colorado Springs (Colo.) Pittsburgh, Pa., to go into business in CC . Tomah, Wis., group headed by Phoenix, Ariz. Lake Success, N. Y. Lowell Schettler and Charles Nuzum plan- residents want to retain as public course ning 9-hole course . Robert Kesler heads committee for building a coarse at Warsaw, Ind. Jeffersonville (Ind.) Elks GC new course now open . Norman Kruse is pro . Highland CC, Indianapolis, Ind., host to Indiana PGA championship with member- ARMOUR pro event as curtain raiser . Pro Lou Vertagreen Bola's members entertained their pro guests royally . Highland will be host HERE to Western Seniors 1956 championship. USED Don Erickson, from Oakmont CC (LA dist.) to pro job at Antelope Valley CC, Lancaster, Calif. Lawrenceburg, Tenn., (population 5,483) very happy about pub- licity its fine new country club got In Business Week magazine . Story about the club which now is being completed got inquiries from other industries in- terested in relocating in attractive small town with attractive country club. Palo Alto, Calif., to get $47,000 muny course clubhouse, as a gift from Joseph Eichler, local home builder . Harry Griesmer, pro at Bethesda CC (Washing- ton, D. C. dist.) says he'll put his junior ARMOUR FERTILIZER WORKS squad against the kids of any other club ATLANTA, GEORGIA in the world . Clifford Caudill is new pres., West Virginia PGA. Lee Armstrong, asst. to A1 Ciuci at | B U 1Y/^ "J fJJ J11 [rf nTH 1111 n Today's Lowest Priced Gear- Driven, Precision Built Machine! In use bjr oyer 400 Golf Courses from coast-to-coast. Portable compact . lightweight. Can be used either in the field or shop foi lapping all models hand, power or gang mowers. Equipped with attach menu to fit different reel ihafcs, metal blocks for roller, steel suppor LIST stands. Patented adjustable feature for various height mowers Use MIC* cQQOO V4 h.p. motor. ASK YOUR DEALER OR WRITE FOR BULLETIN ^^ ^^ Motor WITH MOTOR $61.50 Atlas Lawn Equipment Co. 9761 Oltv* Street Rd. St. Louis 24. Mo. : Fresh Meadow GC (N. Y. Met dist.) to | be winter pro at N. Y. Giants' course at SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Sanford, Fla. The course wants to put on a $15,000 Open in December. Mock Seed Company has been appointed na- tional distributor of the famous New England golf course supts. got much favorably publicity in newspapers Pennlu Bentg rass for their work in restoring courses to playing condition after the hurricane stolons grown by Tenos Brothers of Wex- floods . Sam Kinder, pro at Plainfield ford, Pa. With 33 years experience in the growing of lawn, golf and athletic field turf, (N. Y.) CC west course has made two aces. the Tenos organization is growing Pennlu Bentgrass from propagating material direct from the original breeding plots at Penn- H. L. Boudon, Jr., chmn, of group plan- sylvania State University. To assure prompt ning to build course at Port Allegany, and efficient distribution of these Pennlu stolons, the Mock Seed Company has lent Pa. Springfield (Mass.) Recreation its highly regarded processing and mer- Authority expected to build 9-hole course chandising know-how. Mock's well earned reputation for highest quality and fair deal- opposite city's Franconia course . Ed ing, combined with the painstaking care of Furgol, in telling how tough it is to get the Tenos "Emerald Turf" Nursery in skilled turfgrass production will guarantee into the black as a tournament player, you the best of satisfaction in every aspect says he's spent $7000 in plane fares alone of your dealings with them. this year . Ed is returning to West- Write for complete price and availability data wood CC (St. Louis dist.) as pro for 1956. on new crop Pennlu Bentgrass stolons—receive free our new research paper on Pennlu Bent. We also welcome inquiries on Merion Blue- Edgar A. Dudley now pro-mgr. Lexing- grass and other items in our large stock of ton (Va.) GC . San Francisco (Calif.) fine turfgrass seed. Examiner says "subdividers, dairy farmers MOCK SEED COMPANY and real estate men are scurrying thru the rolling foothills in search of a com- PITTSBURGH 30, PA. bination golf course-modest estate tract." . Pitch-and-putt course opened at the NEW "NY" ROY E RS ELIMINAhand TEshoveling Where large quantities of top dress- ing are required, the new Royer "NY" series Compost Mixers will eliminate all hand shoveling. Model NCYP-E illustrated is an electric powered unit capable of preparing up to 150 cu. yds. per hour. Model of like ca- pacity, gasoline engine driven, is 12 cu. H. bucket as fast as the loader also available. can deliver. With its 60" wide receiving hopper Whatever your needs may be, from and 3' wide combing belt, this ma- 1 to 150 cu. yds. per hr., there is a chine can handle the contents of a Royer to do the job. Write for details. Golfdom Veterans' hospital, Marion, Ind. CUT SHARPENING COSTS Arthur L. (Lou) Shue, jr., formerly at with the Navy Commissioned Officers' Club, Nor- folk, Va., now pro at Country Club of Keswick, Charlottesville, Va. Richard IDEAL' S. Slee Is the club's new mgr. Work started on revamping first 9 of Olympla Club's Ocean course at San Francisco . BED KNIFE Supt. Elmer Border and Green chmn. Nick Ayer on the remodeling job. GRINDER Earlington GC, Renton, Wash., operated by George Puetz, enlarging from 9 to 18 . Campaigning to get public course The Model 50 at Vancouver, Wash. Mostly members' Ideal Bed labor and donated materials accounting Knife Grinder for new clubhouse being built for Platts- is fast, accurate, and inexpensive. Mow- burg (Mo.) CC. ers cut better, last longer when bed knives are kept sharp. Tapered cup wheel Western Golf Assn., plan for life in- grinds both edges of any bed knife in surance for golf club department heads one set-up. Improve your turf, cut costs and employees, up to $5000 policies and by grinding bed knives on the Model 50, at moderate cost to club, already having lap the reel in with a Simplex Lapping beneficial effect . Plan Is making it Machine. possible for clubs to hold desirable em- ployees against competition of other em- THE FATE-ROOT-HEATH COMPANY ployers .
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