2018 Desktop Flora & Fauna Study India Bore Diamond Holdings West-Kimberley Diamond Exploration Project 08 November 2018 – Final – Version 1 Prepared By: KEG (ABN: 63 985 545 404) Exploration Tenements: E04/2398 & E04/2404. Phone: (+61) 419 276 205 Email: [email protected] Executive Summary Kimberley Environment and Geotechnical (KEG) was commissioned in August 2018 to undertake a desktop flora and fauna study covering exploration tenements E04/2398 and E04/2404 of the Indian Bore Diamond Project. Two main literature resources were used to compile the information for the desktop report: State and Federal databases were accessed to compile a species list and a rare, threatened or vulnerable list of flora and fauna that are likely to occur in the Project area. A comprehensive review of flora and fauna surveys of the directly adjacent Ellendale Diamond Mine was undertaken to provide detailed background information and a local and regional perspective, and to expand the species list with flora and fauna known to occur in the area and to use this information to compile a comprehensive species list and rare, threatened or vulnerable flora and fauna list. NatureMap was utilised as the primary database to undertake a search for flora and fauna predicted to occur within a twenty kilometre radius of the centroid of the two Project tenements. This search generated a list comprising 269 species; 140 Animalia, five Fungi and 124 Plantae. Of these, eleven are conservation significant; five mammals, one bird, and five plants. Compiling all previous fauna surveys, a total of 240 species have been recorded at the Ellendale Diamond Mine; 138 birds, 29 mammals, 12 frogs and 61 reptiles.1 Compiling all previous flora surveys, a total of 397 taxa from 190 genera and 72 families have been recorded at the Ellendale Diamond Mine.2 When the NatureBase results and the Ellendale Diamond Mine flora and fauna surveys were combined and cross referenced for duplicates this generated a comprehensive species list of 749 species of flora and fauna for the Project area. This list includes 21 conservation significant species; 10 birds, 5 mammals and 6 plants. Two of the 21 conservation significant species on the comprehensive list are on the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) threatened species list and are therefore protected from significant impact; the Gouldian Finch and the Bilby. An impact assessment completed as part of the desktop study indicates the Project should not have a significant adverse effect upon either the Bilby or the Gouldian Finch. Nonetheless, impact mitigation measures are recommended within this report to further reduce threats to both species. In addition to flora and fauna, six introduced mammals are likely to occur in the Project area and 13 exotic plant species have been recorded at the neighbouring Ellendale Diamond Mine.3 1 (Ninox Wildlife Consulting, 2008) [47/51] 2 (Mattiske, 2009) [3] 3 (Mattiske, 2009) [3] Page 2 of 22 Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Location ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Climate .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Landforms and Soils ...................................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Flora and Vegetation ..................................................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Rare and Threatened or Vulnerable Species ................................................................................................. 4 2 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 3 Method.................................................................................................................................................................. 7 4 Results and Discussion .......................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Flora and Fauna Species List ......................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Presence of Rare, Threatened or Vulnerable Species ................................................................................... 9 4.3 Potential for Impact to Conservation Significant Flora and Fauna ............................................................. 16 4.4 Introduced Species ...................................................................................................................................... 18 5 Impact Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 Protection of Conservation Significant Flora and Fauna ............................................................................. 19 5.2 Habitat Protection ....................................................................................................................................... 20 6 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Appendix 1: NatureMap E04/2398 Species List .................................................................................................................. Appendix 2: NatureMap E04/2404 Species List .................................................................................................................. Appendix 3: NatureMap Tenement Centroid with Twenty Kilometre Radius Species List ................................................ Appendix 4: Species List with Conservation Information (Tenement Centroid with Twenty Kilometre Radius) ............... Appendix 5: Species List Compiled from NatureBase Results and all Species Confirmed during Ellendale Flora and Fauna Field Surveys ....................................................................................................................................................................... Appendix 6: EPBC Gouldian Finch Conservation Advice ..................................................................................................... Appendix 7: EPBC Bilby Conservation Advice ..................................................................................................................... Figures Figure 1: Tengraph map of NatureBase query area .......................................................................................................... 9 Tables Table 1: Conservation codes for WA flora and fauna ....................................................................................................... 5 Table 2: Table 1: Conservation codes for Commonwealth listed flora and fauna ............................................................ 6 Table 3: Conservation Significant Species List ................................................................................................................ 10 Table 4: Gouldian Finch Impact Assessment .................................................................................................................. 16 Table 5: Bilby Impact Assesment .................................................................................................................................... 17 Page 3 of 22 1 Introduction Kimberley Environment and Geotechnical (KEG) was commissioned in August 2018 to undertake a desktop flora and fauna study for tenements E04/2398 and E04/2404 of the Indian Bore Diamond Project (the Project). This report summarises the results of this desktop assessment. 1.1 Location The Project lies approximately 110 kilometres (km) east of Derby, south of the Gibb River Road. 1.2 Climate The climate of this area is semi-arid to dry hot tropical, with a summer wet season for 2-4 months each year, and annual precipitation between 250-800 mm.4 1.3 Landforms and Soils The landforms and soils of the region are described as extensive riverine plains with grey and brown cracking clays; extensive sandplains on red earthy sands, low uplands of sandstone and limestone with shallow stony soils.5 Beard comments that much of the Kimberley is characterised by steep-sided tablelands and hills with rock outcrops and shallow immature skeletal soils.6 Alluvial and erosional plains show relationships between soils, climate, drainage and parent materials, with, for example basic igneous rocks having red earths on better drained slopes and cracking clays
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