Your Hometown Week in Review . March 23, 2020 Arcadia | Atlanta | Cicero | Sheridan | Carmel | Fishers | Noblesville | Westfield Hamilton County Your Hometown Week In Review www.ReadTheReporter.com Reporter Facebook.com/HamiltonCountyReporter Governor postpones Mayors act to protect public, Primary Election The REPORTER ers, who are the backbone employees from COVID-19 Last Friday, Governor of election day process, de- Eric Holcomb issued an termining they wouldn’t be The REPORTER Fishers Mayor Scott order moving Indiana’s Pri- able to work. Fadness issued an exec- mary Election from May 5 Williams continued, utive order last Monday to June 2. “Implementing declaring a local disaster Hamilton ‘social distanc- emergency in the city. County Clerk ing’ would be “By declaring a local Kathy Williams, very difficult at disaster emergency, I’m whose responsi- the polls and sat- able to implement a travel bilities include ellite voting. The advisory watch for the city overseeing all time frame to mail of Fishers,” said Fadness. county elections, out a ballot to Travel in the city of said, “Moving the every registered Brainard Cook Fadness Jensen Fishers is only permitted Primary out was a voter would have Williams for the following reasons: trative offices, police and watch Brainard’s address. The City of Noblesville very difficult -de been impossible • Travel related to med- fire departments and the Noblesville Mayor government remains open cision made by the Gover- to do. There would not be ical reasons Grand Park Sports Cam- Chris Jensen announced to continue to provide es- nor but I truly believe it was enough supplies available • Travel required to pus. Westfield has also an- last Friday the issuance of sential service to ensure the the best decision. We have statewide to get this done.” provide care to another for nounced public city meet- an executive order as part safety and well-being of been preparing for the ‘what “We know we are going whom you’re the primary ings will be canceled for of a multi-faceted strategy residents. The city would ifs’ all week and there are to have to work through a lot caregiver the next two weeks. Go to to address the coronavirus like to remind the commu- just not any good answers of issues but I am very confi- • Travel for mandatory bit.ly/2vzkKso to watch (COVID-19) pandemic. nity that all permit appli- at this time. We had already dent in my election and clerk work activities Cook’s address. “Issuing an executive cations, forms, and online started to have polling plac- staff that we will get the job • Travel for food, gro- Carmel Mayor Jim order allows us to com- bill paying can be accessed es canceling and poll work- done,” concluded Williams. ceries, medication, essen- Brainard signed a new municate clear parameters at cityofnoblesville.org. tial household goods, and order last Wednesday de- and enforce restrictions Noblesville City Court hygiene products claring a local disaster on door to door solicita- has been suspended until County courts declare Go to youtu.be/ emergency, prompted by tions as well as close city May. If you have a hear- VJxjEeRNZrI to watch the COVID-19 pandemic. buildings including public ing, please contact the City Fadness’s address. Among the new orders are safety buildings except in Court at (317) 776-6344 or emergency operations Westfield Mayor Andy an end to unnecessary trav- the case of emergencies in visit cityofnoblesville.org. The REPORTER • Fact findings for CHINS that Cook announced the City el and the closure of all Car- an effort to mitigate per- All ticket payments may be In response to con- are time sensitive of Westfield has closed mel public playgrounds. son-to-person contact,” made online, via mail, or at cerns about COVID-19, • Protection order hearings to the public its adminis- Go to bit.ly/396GF7T to Jensen said. the drop box. • Civil commitments the Hamilton Circuit and • Probate mental health hear- Superior Courts have de- ings clared an emergency op- • Detention hearings for CHINS erations plan which will and juvenile delinquencies change the way in which •Any other hearing at the dis- the courts operate. cretion of the Judge. The courts are working With regards to Jury with local emergency man- Duty, individuals who have agement and health depart- received a jury summons ments to ensure necessary for March 18, 2020 through steps in response to the vi- May 4, 2020 should not re- rus are taken. port for jury service. The Courts will con- All attorneys/litigants/ tinue to be open and hold parties to a case who are essential emergency hear- scheduled to come to ings during this time. This court for any hearing from includes and is not limited March 18, 2020 through to the following: May 4, 2020 should consult • Initial hearing for in-custody or contact defendants mycase.in.gov • Bond reviews your attorney to receive the • Initial hearings on CHINS and advice of counsel to verify continued initial hearings your court date. Taxpayers: Please pay Photo provided County Commissioner Christine Altman answered the public’s questions during a Facebook live broadcast. taxes online or by mail The broadcast was recorded and can be viewed on Facebook at bit.ly/2QDgKhJ. The REPORTER Hamilton County Treasurer Jennifer Templeton is en- couraging taxpayers to pay their property taxes online. “In an effort to protect the community and our staff from Security screenings in place the further spread of COVID-19, we’re asking taxpayers to avoid coming into our office at this time,” Templeton at Judicial Center, Courthouse said. “We’re still available to answer any questions you might have. We just The REPORTER the Hamilton County Gov- security officer will be sta- East door (public entrance), encourage you to contact us over the In a Facebook live ernment and Judicial Center tioned inside the West door. Buildings and Grounds has phone.” broadcast last week, Ham- and the Courthouse. Buildings and Grounds has set up a hand sanitizer sta- Taxpayers have several options for ilton County Commis- Historic Courthouse set up a hand sanitizer sta- tion. Security staff will di- making their payments including the sioner Christine Altman The North, East, and tion. The security officer rect each person entering the following: announced steps being South doors to the Historic will direct each person en- screening area to sanitize • Pay online at bit.ly/3ac3icj. On- Templeton taken at county facilities Courthouse will be locked tering the building to sani- their hands. Security staff line payment fees do apply. e-Checks are $1 and credit cards to prevent the spread of preventing entry from the tize their hands before pro- will ask each member of are 2.5 percent. COVID-19 and reduce the outside. All traffic to the ceeding further. the public four simple ques- • Drop off payments at the antique drop box outside the potential risk of exposure building will be directed Judicial Center tions. The answers will help east door of the Old Courthouse. If you’d like a receipt, to the county’s workforce to the West door. Signage At the security station the officer determine if the please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. and visitors, security staff at has already been posted. A inside the Judicial Center person may proceed further. • Drop off payments at the following banks: BMO, Busey, Citizens County’s new State, Community First, Quakenbush announces COVID-19 Farmers, Fifth Third, webpage lists First Farmers, First Merchants, Horizon, online services safeguards at Sheriff ’s Department Merchants Bank of Indi- The REPORTER The REPORTER is at the top of our 72 hours, please will be processed inside ana, and Star Financial. The Hamilton County Com- Hamilton County Sher- priorities.” do not come to the lobby. Necessary back- Property tax bills missioners are asking residents iff Dennis Quakenbush an- The Sheriff the Sheriff De- ground checks, public re- will be mailed no later to do as much of their county nounced changes his office is said correction fa- partment campus cord requests and many than April 15. To help business online as possible. making due to coronavirus. cilities will oper- unless you are other inquiries should be expedite the process, The county has created a “All services to the pub- ate without inter- court-ordered.” requested by fax or email. the Treasurer’s Office webpage listing all the county lic will continue,” Quaken- ruption. “We have Quakenbush ex- Local background checks has made them avail- business that be conducted on- line – including how to file for bush said. “My number one medical housing, plained that if you for gun permit applications able online for ear- an absentee ballot and how to goal for our community is quarantine facili- must report to the will continue; however, the ly viewing at bit.ly/ pay your property taxes. You to ensure confidence in the ties and a 24- hour Sheriff’s Depart- Sheriff asks that you call 39fmLHH. Quakenbush can find the list at hamilton- fact the Hamilton County medical staff to ment campus as (317) 773-1872 in advance. Businesses needing county.in.gov/1616. Sheriff’s Office will contin- maintain a safe correction a result of a court order, the Tax warrant payments in the signed Property Tax ue to operate and provide environment.” Sheriff asks that you call form of money order or ca- Clearance Forms are the duties and functions, Jail visits will be restrict- (317) 773-1872 during busi- shier’s check can be mailed encouraged to send them by mail with a return envelope for while also making the nec- ed to remote video visits.
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