SURVEY OF INDIA GENERAL REPORT 1925 TO 1926 From 1st October 1925 ro 30th September 1926. PUBLlSHED BY ORDER OF '. Colonel C. P. UUNTER, O.B.E., RoE., O1l'g. SURVEYOR GENERAL OF INOlA. • I ~Pe.~r~ at the Photo.-Lith'!. om ..... iJ.rvey of India. CALCUTTA. 1926. '.IS --f!UJ)et", ;,; One ShJllinlr and N me PeDC8. COLONEL VALENTINE BLACKER. C. B. THE FIRsT SURVEYOR GENERAL OF INDIA.IB2" -1826. (Du"l if> Ca)C'Utta IB~6 Vtd(' Appendix.) SURVEY OF INDIA GENERAL REPORT From 1st October '1925 • To 30th September 1926. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF Colonel C. P. GUNTER, O.B.El .• R.E.• ,01fg. SURVEYOR GENERAL OF INDIA. Printed at the Photo•• Lltho. Office, Survey of India., OALOUTTA, 1926. NOTICES. Page. 1. List of provinces and states in each circle 2. How we can help you (including addrUf" of principal survey ojlicers) 11 3. How to obtain maps and other publications iii ... Abstract of publicatioDs other than maps JV 5. Agent8 for the sale of maps, etc. v LIST OF PROVINCES AND STATES IN EACH CIRCLE. Direotor, Frontier Cirole, headquarters Simla, (tele­ grams "Surfrontier")-N.W. Frontier Province, Baluchistiin, Kashmir, Punjab, Punjab States, Delhi, Bikaner and States of Western Riijput~na, Sind and Cutch. Direotor, Central Cirole, headquarters Mussoorie, (tele­ grams "Surcent'')-~United Provinces, Central Provinces, Central Inrlia Agency, Gwalior State, Baroda State, Ajmer and Eastern Riijputiina, Northern Division Bombay Presi­ dency, States of Western India (less Cutch). Direotor, Southern Circle, headquarters Bllugalore, (telegrams" Sursouth ")-Bombay Presidency (less. N 01'­ them Division and Sind), Hyderiibiid and Mysore· States, Coorg, Madras Presidency and MadrtlS States. Director, Eastern Circle, headqnarters Shillong, (tele­ grams "Sureast")-Bihiir and ~ Orissa, Bengal Presidency, Assam and Sikkim. Direotor, Burma Circle, headquarters Maymyo, (tele­ grams "Surburma") -Bur J.!lII., the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. u HOW WE CAN HELP YOU. Surveys of every kind can be carried out for private firms as well as for all Government Departments on application to the following Sur.vey Directors:- The Director, Frontier Circle, Survey of India, Simla. (Telegrams "Su!rfrontier"). The Director, Central Circle, Survey of India, MU8soorie (Telegrams" Swrcent"): The Director, Southern Circle, Survey of India, Bangalore. (Telegrams "Swrsoutk"). The Director, Eaetern. Circle, Survey of India, Shilloug. (Telegrams "S'I£reast''j. The Director, Burma Circle, Survey of India, Maymyo. (Telegrams "Surbwrm.a"). Triangulation, Levelling, Cantonment Surveys, Tide Tables, Advice in regard to these, and 011 scientific questions, is obtainable from the Director, Geodetic BI'allclt, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, who also nndel'takes a good deal of levelling and similar work on payment. (Telegrams "SWl'tl'ig "). r Maps and Illustrations can be printed by the ])il'ector, llJap PublicatiOlt, Survey of India, 13 Wood Street, Caloutta, for. government departmeuts only, and special maps can also sometimes be prepared, on payment.. (Telegramll "SU1'pIW"). The Mathematical Instrument Ofliee, Survey of India, 15 Wood Street, Calcutta, supplies and repairs all kinds of optical and surveying instruments, and takes back surplus instruments, on valnation, from all government departments, whether Imperial or Provincial. (TeleUI'alltt ;·SurimJt"). General enquiries should be addressed to the Assistant Surveyor General, 13, Wood Street, Calcutta, (Telegram8 "Sul'o/llce"), as the Surveyor General of India (Telegrams "Survey.") is on tour during most of the year, iU HOW 'lO OBTAIN .APS AND OTHER SURVEY PUBLICATIONS. Maps. The Map Record and Issue Office, SUI'Ve), of India., 13 Wood Street, Calcutta, (Pelegrama "SUNlUJpt") can supply maps, on a great variety of scales, for all parts of India and most of Southern Asia. These are also obtainable to some extent, from the Agents detailed on page v and from the Directors of Circles detailed in the notice on page ii. A Catalogue of Maps, showing Survey of India maps available for all Southern Asia, and itself forming a useful -atlas of the Indian Empire, is obtainable from the &DOVe, at the cost of One RUp88 only. ForeBt Mapa are obtainable only from the Forest Map Office, Survey of India, Dehra Diin. (Telegmms " Surforest" ). Geologioal Maps are obtainable from the Director, Geological Survey of India., Caloutta.. Publioations. -An abstract of professional publica­ tions, other than maps, is given overleaf, and a complete list of these is obtainable gratis, from the Director, Geodetic ~ranch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun. ( Teleg"ams " SUl'tl'ig" ). i .. ABST1U.CT 01' PUBLIOATIONS. Survey of India Publications other than map. may be divided into- (A) HI.torical and General Reports (B), Geodetic works of reference (C) Catalogues, Instructional handbooke, etc. (D) MieceDaneous papers .. Historical and General Reports include the Memoirs by Sir Clements Harkham and by C. E. D. Black, the Annual General Reports, Narrative Reports, Records .Volumes, etc. Geodetio works of reference comprise Everett', Great Axc Books, the G. T. S. Volumes, Triangulation and Levelling Pamphlets, and Tide Tables for various ports between Suez lind Siugapore. The. G. T. S. Volumet form a series of nineteen volumes, describing in detail ~he various operations of the Great TrigOno~ me$rieal SurftY. D.taUed aecounts are given of Bsee·line measure­ ments, of the nciaction of Principal Triangulation with each main figqre treated separately, of Telegraphic Longitude and Astro­ nomical Latitude operations and of Levelling of high preeision. Catalogues, Instructional handbooks, etc., comprise Departmental Orders, Catalogues and Lists, Tables and Star Charts, Mannals, Hllndbooks, etc. Miscellaneous papers include vllrious unclassifi~d papers on Geography, Geodesy, Exploration, e1C., and other jIrofeaaionaJ and departmental papers and form .. A oomplete catalogue of all the above. may be' had gratis on application to the Director, Geodetic Branch.. Survey of India, Dehra. Diin. ',' - A.GENTS FOR Tl!E SALE OJ' IIrnUN OJ'FICUL PUBLIOA.TIONS. London. :roB.AP8 OBLY, A.. COIIITAIILS 01: Co.. 10. Orange S~".~. India.. r " Fur",_ ".0. P. 8. Jt:Jn " 1IDIr. 2 .... 4, en.t 8ndth DBLHI. 8_.. WeotmlDlFter. 8.W. OUOBl) -BOOK .urn Ib'ATlOnllY 00., XBo.ur PAUL, T8m<0B. TIIuBlllllt .t 00 •• XuhmlrGate. 88. CtIrter Lo.ae, B.C. SI:r.ILA.. B. Qa.a.-. 11. GNftoa ..... 3.­ BaDlisa-,W. h ..... SmIx .t Co. \ - Hull\' 8. XnrCl .t Co., 8~, Comhill.1II.0. CALCUTT.... GIIDIDLAY' .t Co., H. Puliament ... S.W. ."'.... SmIx .t Co., 8 Raplaude But. T. PIIIID UtnrD. lim•• I. AcleInhi T-. NIIWKAII .t Co •• aOld Ocntrt HOllie Street. - 'W.e. lIOMB&Y. W. TlrACIDB '" Co., S. Creed LIIIUI, Luclpre Bill. lII.C. • TIuoDa .t Co., lim. LDs&a .t Co~ '8, a-, B-n Streea, W.c. D. 3. 'r.uAPOaavALA 8oII• .t. Co. EcIiD.barp. lUD1lA.8. OLIV.. .t.IID BoYD. Tw.eddal. Cou~. BIaoDBortt"xI, lim. DllbllD. 1A.NGOON. B. ~f. InD.. nil, Ch&fto.a &r-. 'I'D Clnuva. Goft.lIeoJr Daft. B1IaKA. OXford. LlH01llll• Cambridre. NOH.a.1I hmu Bool: DaP<l'l\ DmoRlU.B&r.r..t ~1mI., Triaitr 8&-. DBR'UT. ON THE CONTINENT. Ozroan BooK .um STA'rlOna1' Co. ~ Laaouz, Rae Botoaput., - l'raIIoe. .mma. :\IAIl~ RullO),),. The Hog'uo - Holland. 8cOTTI8U 1I1B1101r hmVI'l'BDIiI. 0'l"Io HAlI1IA8IIOlrITZ. LoIpoig} XA.SHlIlB. Paqm:............. ~. Ooaa:auu AGaau, r 7 au.. :rOB MAPS ONLY. BIoLih & Co., u Londo.. lWZA.PJr,uPll'1L BDww.c... u~.&DOaD, Lm" It-If, Lnic.a.. :8vuwr .t Co. 8_Alllr TO mil Hilla 00"111111_ A.merica. FOB 1ImIA, (GanBAL D .....TII .. ,,) G. S. HAxxOllll .. Co •• 30 Clnanh St. 63, ~~ 8.W.l. • ..... ~B.Y.... CONTENTS. P.lG1L Ph.,."... ....... Co1oIlel ValeiltiIUI Blocker. C.B. !'rolltiopi..... Lil/ ./prwi ..... and ,tatu .11 ",c. eirel. BoUl t ....... h.lp yo" ... ii BOlli 10 ....in .....,. iii .4 bflrad of p"lJli... Uon, ... I.. .4g.,." /Of' Ih' ,.1. 0' ""'P" 'etc, v GENERAL REPORT. Introduotlon and. Suwwary- I I. ABSTRACT of Su.. ey. in eaob provinc. 811d .tate 6 U. ABSTRACT of Top0JP'l'pbi... 1 work 1 In. ABSTRACT of Forell. Cantonment and Specitol StU'ft)'1 13 IV. ABSTRA.CT OF GEODETIC OPERATIONS .. 16 V. ABSTRACT OF MAP PUBLICA.TION AND OFFICE WORK 18 VI. SUBVEY RBPORTS. CKNTB.A.L CIRCLE- Summary 26 RaIlw.y Survey n.t.,,)m.AI·treport 26 No. 1 Party ..,pore H No. 6 Party ,report 27 ;/billa S"",,, Detaehment report 27 No. 22 Pwty report 26 No. 23 Parly report (Sntlej v.noy IrrigatiOIl Project). 29 VII. SURVEY REPORTS. FRONTmR CIRCLE­ SIIIIUIUU')' 31 A. Comp ....y report ... 31 E. Oomp .... y roport .. , 33 18 (Air Survey) Party report 34 Settlem... t SDl'V8)' DetachmOllt report 34 Vln. IlURVEY REPORTS, SOUTHERN CIRCLE­ Summa.ry 37 No. 6' Party report ... 31 lIo. 1 Party repon 38 No. 8 Party report 38 IX. SURVEY REPORTS. EASTERN CIRCLE­ Summary 40 No. 4 Party report 411 No. 9 Party report 41 I!edI,A Fromior n-m"lpp... report 42 X. FlURVEY REPORTS. BURIIU CIRCLB­ S1DDJD&l'f ... 44 No. 10 Pwty report 44 No. 11 Pwty report 46 No. 21 Parly report 46 XI. MISOELLANEOUS SURVEY REPORTS­ ReYioion of Pacbwarhi CantonmOllt mop 48 No. 20 C.... tonment Party report 48 Bhopll survoy 411 ,Commonlia1 Levelling ropon , __ 60 Sutloj V.ney Levelling ... 61 APPENDlX.-Tbe ..ntonal')· of the d ..th of Oolonel VoIeutW. i Blacker. C.B. INDEXBS- At eouI. 1 Mod..... puh1ioations loole. I inch and i laob =1 mile. 'I" II It i" " .. It = 1 .. :I .. oanoyo and """'po' ....... SURVEY OF INDIA GENERAL REPORT 1925 TO 1926 From 1st October 19135 To 30th September leu INTRODUCTION AND SUDt.ARY. L Amlual Report&-Amlaal Reporie are DOW pahliahed in three separate volumee as follows:­ GetIWtJl &port. Geodetic &port. Jlap Publieation. au O~ Wori :&ptwt. The firat two are for the survey year endiag 30th September bat the lut ill for the financial year up to 31st March.
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