Sports~ The men's hockey A&E: Michael Urness team defeats SLU at the reviews Whalen's, a local Kiel Center. See page 9. Irish pub. See page 5. The Student Voice 30th Anniversary of UM-St. Louis 1966 .. 1996 Issue 870 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS November 4, 1996 ernton country: Poll reveals UM-St. Louis students want four lnoreyears of Clinton ,y Scott Lamar cent. ditor in chief Surveys by the Washington Post and the Wa ll Street Journal also give Clinton a If tomorrow's presidential election was 2-to-l lead over Dole among voters under to UM-St. Louis students, th ere is no 30. estion who would prevail. Although many have said that polls According to an informal survey Friday aren ' t reliable, Michael MacKuen, a pro­ 100 students, 60 said that they would vote fessor of Political Science, said that several r Bill Clinton. Bob Dole finished a di stant different preference polls conveying the cond with 27 votes. Only three people said same results prnbably renect opinion accu­ ey would vote for Texas billionaire Ross rately. rot. And J 0 percent said they were unde­ "If you have a handful of polls that ed . show Clinton has 50 percent and Dole has 40 The poll, conducted by The Currellt , perce"t," MacKuen said, "at th e moment, sely resembles a poll of 47,000 college you'd bet a lot of money that it 's 50 to 40." dents conducted by Follet College stores. However, the only percentages that re­ e results showed Clinton with 6 1 percent, ally matter are th e ones calculated tomor­ Ie with 27 percent, and Perot with 7 per- row night. photo: Kim Hudson Dan Nolte gives a young patient at Children's Hospital a Halloween treat. INFORMAL POLL OF 100 STUDENTS SHOWS STUDENTS FAVOR B ILL. Nursing students take Halloween CLINTON•••••••• • 60% spirit to Children's Hospital by Kim Hudson een last year. This year, he got the campus He \Va speaki ng of his treatment fo r news editor chapter of the National Student N urse the brain lumor he de eloped when he was Assoication involved. Jill Sterrett, a second 18- j ust two years ago. He said that he DOLE••• •••••••••• Many children in tbe St. L uis area 27% year nursing stud nt and BSNA member, spenl6mollth in Children' , 10 t4 months w e anablc to ceLebrate Halloween this said b found au ab ut the e entthrough a f hi memory, bad 13 urgerie , ,Te eived year because they are hospitalized with class ann ounceme nL. everal chemothernp tr am en and en­ s rious illne scs. So several UM-St. Louis "Dan and I are in a communication c1os ' durednumerou - week' o fphysical therapy PEROT•••••••• ••••• 3% nursing students teamed up to bring the together and he made an announcement for se si ns. He credits Children's Hospital Halloween piril to those kids. anyone who wanted to help," Sterrett said. for saving his life and tries to give back to On Mond ay, members of the Barnes Nolte was able to involve several stu­ th e hospital by giving other hospitalized Student e Assoiciation, under the Nur d e nt ~ through class announcements and w rd chi Idren a way to have fun . UNDECiDED•••• •• 10% Ie dership ofDnn iel Nolte. t give young of mouth. 'This is one of the ways I can attempt Bill Clinton patients at Chil dren's Hospital a Hallow­ However, Nolte's ties to Children's are to return the fa or becau 'e you can't repay een they would not otherwise be able to much closer than just occasional volunteer anyone for giving back y ur li fe, ' Nolte have. Nolle, a econd year Nursing stu­ work. ·aid. dent, started pas"ing out tickers and tell­ "Children's Hospital is responsible for *Poll conducted Friday before the electi!ln .. ing stories at Children's around Hallow- performing a miracle with me," Nolte said. see Hospital, page 12 omb threat Layin' down on the job r-~~~~~~~ __-,~ ~ University considers nterrupts post-tenure review by Doug Harrison research and service." ~lasses managing editor Pierce said that calls for a so­ called post tenure review process In an effort to stave off "external'" come predominantly from rnSSB criticism of the productivity of UM­ organzations and people who are not St. Louis' professors, the University associated with the University. ~tudents given is exploring the possibility of en­ "People on the outside tend tr hancing and restructuring the annual ' think that once we get tenure, we review process for tenured faculty. have these cushy jobs, and we just Jption to leave According Lois Pierce, associate here anddon'tdo anything," she said. Iy Kim Hudson professor of social work and chair­ "Thatjustdoesn'thappen. What most ews editor person of the inter-campus faculty universities are finding is that thei r council, UM-St. Louis regularly faculty remain productive." Last week, a bomb threat tempo­ monitors tenured an non-tenured fac­ The annual review, of which ev­ arily interrupted classes in SSB. ulty alike. ery faculty member is part, draws On Thursday a person called the "Everyone goes through an an­ from student evaluations, assessments Jniversity switchboard a told an op­ nual review at the end of every aca­ offaculty by their peers and a record ,ralor that there was a bomb in the Photo: Ashley Cook demic year," Pierce said. "Faculty of publications and grants" , Pierce locial Sciences Building. Beth Buschard,mass communication major, makes some room for herself in the crowded members have to report on what they According to the operator, who Thomas Jefferson Library. have done in the areas of teaching, see Review, page 12 vishes to remain anonymous, the :aller was an unidenified male and nay have placed the call from off­ Colleagues remember staff member of over 30 years :ampus. by Kim Hudson service to UM-St. Louis. "There were so many things she did; Inside "He called and said, 'There is a news editor According to David Ganz, asso­ I don't think anyone knew how much lomb in SSB,' and hung up." she ciate dean and director of the School until she retired." aid. Members of the UM-St. Louis of Business Administration, Botkin AlthoughBotkin gave many years . Editorial . ..... 2 According to UM-St. Louis com­ community remember the service and joined the University in February of of service to the business school, her nunications director Bob Samples, friendship of fallen University vet­ 1965. For 25 years, she worked full work was also remembered by people ;ampus police and members of the eran Joyce "Elaine" Botkin. time as the administrative secretary outside of it. Deputy to the Chancel­ , Features . .... 3 acilities management department According to the Oct. 23, 1996, for the dean of the business school, lor Donald Driemeier met her as a Joyce "Elaine" Botkin vere called to the building. edition of the St. LOLlis Post-Dispatch, and then continued as a part-time finance professor when he joined the "The bui lding was searched room Botkin and her mother were crossing employee until her official retirement UM-St. Louis faculty in 1965. tial Life and Carol Hartzer of the Iy room, closet by closet," Samples a street in Ringold, Ga., when they in 1992. "She was the only staff employee Foreign Languages Department. aid. "People inside the building were were struck by a motorist. Hermother, "She was a very, very dedicated of the school of business when 1 "I knew her family as they were :iven an option to stay or leave and Mildred Popham, was injured and is person," Ganz said. ' joined," Driemeier said. "She worked growing up," Ddemeier said. "Ihad Sports . ..... 7 nany people left SSB." expected 10 make a full recovery. Botkin continued to participate with me beginning in the fall of 1965 a lot of respect for the committment Samples said the University po­ However, Botkin later died. The with the School of Business Admin- untill moved to Woods Hall in 1990." that she gave to both herf amily and ice determines if the situation war­ motoris t was not found to be speed­ istration as a consultant and was of- Members of the University also the University." ants evacuation. Classified . ' ... 11 ing or intoxicated; no charges were ten called upon by her successor, knew the family well and described "My heart goes out to them," {o bomb was found and no one has filed. Kathleen Mohnnann, for her exper- , them as close knit. Two of her sur- Ganz said. leen charged with the threat. Samples However, colleagues were less tise. viving family members are ber "We are going to miss her, we aid the incident is still under inves­ concerned with the details of her death "When she retired, I would call daughters and UM-St. Louis staff really are," Mohrmann said. "As Life in Hell. 11 igation. than with the details of her life and her all the time," Mohrmann said. members Terry Alaniz of Residen- both a colleague and a friend." ()PINIONIEDITORIAL Page 2 The Cur.rent N ovember 4,1991 ~el) £VEHINC,I :t It! (ol-eN Dlilft IGRDU Recess is over; Has the time GRwtrIE([) .. cANDfh,s IS umsL.­ CAN'T Y&I.l "II NE~ , MY r,~ IT s;roP-.,(' .. ' LEAVE f1E you're an adult now :r Do~k 1HEf2E WItS A BomB THREAT by Doug Harrison come for s rNcv.l LAST WED,AT -theS 8 ~lAlld, ~mst..- managing editor lNovR EV6R UAlollS Q~n E Tf<U1 H, U rn~ l- NrulS 15 GofH Mrs.
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