LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM VOL. X Nº 25 AGOSTO/2019 ISSN 2177-2789 THE FIRST GERMAN REICH: BETWEEN THE THIRTY YEARS’ WAR AND THE CRISIS OF THE 17th CENTURY Prof. Dr. Jack Brandãoi RESUMO – Este ensaio procura traçar um ABSTRACT – This essay looks to trace a panorama do século XVII durante a Guerra panorama of the 17th century during the do Trinta Anos, cujo palco foi o Sacro Thirty Years’ War, whose stage was the Império Romano Germânico. Holy Roman Empire. Simultaneous to the Concomitante aos conflitos religiosos bloody religious conflicts, Europe knew the sangrentos, a Europa conheceu o meaning of the economic crises that significado das crises econômicas que se occurred in the continent at this moment of abateram no continente nesse momento de transition for the sprouting of the modern transição para o surgimento do Estado State. moderno. KEYWORDS – Thirty Years’ War, PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Guerra dos Trinta Reformation, Counter-Reformation, social Anos, Reforma, Contrarreforma, crise crisis. social. General aspects most eminent princes powerful – the To understanding 17th century German, Prince-electors. From a religious point of it is necessary to know two fundamental view, the region was the cradle of the aspects of the previous centuries: its Reformation, which would change the political and religious structure. Politically, destiny of the Catholic Church and Europe, there was no German nation, for it was provoking a series of conflicts and wars. divided into more than three hundred Martin Luther, the herald of the semiautonomous states and each ruled by a dissatisfaction that swept through all the prince, bishop, or count, despite the corners of Europe against the religious 142 apparent unity imparted by the Holy Roman institution, knew how to take advantage of Empire, whose emperor was elected by the the precepts and the development brought Página LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM VOL. X Nº 25 AGOSTO/2019 ISSN 2177-2789 by the Renaissance ideals that dominated belligerence went far beyond religious the 16th century. Paradoxically, we might questions and into secular matters. That is consider that the Reformation was both a made clear when nations of different creeds reaction against the Renaissance and its who were more concerned with seeking outcome, insofar as it were not for the alliances to defeat the Habsburgs, the more innovations brought by the Cinquecento, powerful House of Europe, than, indeed, there was hardly room for reform proposals the expansion of their faith. to succeed; on the other hand, many aspects Francis I (1515-1547) of France can of freedom that were achieved in the period serve as an example in this situation: he were also condemned by the reformers. allied not only with the Swedish and Danish If, on the one hand, Luther had the Protestants but also with the Turkish religious inclination to make Christianity Muslims (1543). All this to defeat Emperor purer, it was not what many of his Charles V (1519-1558). What about to say, protectors, among them powerful princes, years later, from the all-powerful French saw in the movement. That moment was Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642), who co- the opportunity them of appropriating operated with the Protestant King of ecclesiastical goods as an outlet for Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus (1594-1632)? bypassing the need for money both to It is not difficult to understand that when support an increasingly complex the Treaty of Westphalia put an end to the administration, and to equip their armies, or war in 1648, the era of religious conflicts even to acquire luxury objects for the there was over and political conflicts ostentation of their position (GREEN, established (LIMA, 1922); furthermore, it 1984). signaled that the medieval conception of However, what should only be a dispute Europe, long moribund, had come to term, between some princes with the prelates in giving rise to the emergence of the modern their territories, assumed considerable state. proportions, causing the great European powers to fight each other. That conflict Consequences of the Thirty Years’ War would be one of the most brutal wars It is commonplace to assert that human known by humanity: the Thirty Years’ War conflicts, especially wars, have their origin that began in 1618. in events before their outbreak. The causes The limits of the known Holy Roman- of the Great War – the fragile policy of Germanic Empire – a fragmented pseudo- alliances between European powers – are State –, became the stage where would well known, but it needed a pretext: the define the final phase of the struggle assassinate from Archduke Franz between Catholics and Protestants, well like Ferdinand. So like the invasion of the political interests contrary to the German army into Poland in 1939 trigged Habsburgs. That is because, from its outset, the successive war declarations that would 143 it became clear that the motives for lead to World War II. Why did nothing Página LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM VOL. X Nº 25 AGOSTO/2019 ISSN 2177-2789 happen after the Anschluss of Austria and part of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis, for example? Figure 1 Destruction of religious images during the Puritan Era, London (?), s/d In the face of these events, we are often in the territory comprised by the old Holy led to think that only these were the worst Roman-Germanic Empire. moments in which a significant part of To understanding the core trigger and humanity fought on a world level. There the confrontations' complexity in that was, however, a period when the European period, it is necessary to know its genesis. nations participated in a conflict of Exactly one hundred years before the war dimensions until then unknown in the 17th broke out in 1517, Martin Luther had century and only revived in the 20th century. posted his 95 theses in Wittenberg, Such a conflict was known as the Thirty inaugurating the era of religious conflicts. Years’ War, that extended from 1618 to His ideas soon gained the sympathy of the 144 1648, and whose stage was central Europe, German nobility, for the Lutheranism had Página LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM VOL. X Nº 25 AGOSTO/2019 ISSN 2177-2789 become a sure ally of the political emperor Charles V, for the reformer ended particularism of its princes. Whether or not up also fomenting the particularism the prince was genuinely converted to the between the princes diminishing the truth of Lutheran ideas, he profited from imperial authority. Besides, that could break the confiscation of church property. He is the unity of the empire, which the emperor increased his control over ecclesiastical intended to make powerful and centralized. affairs and acquired a higher degree of Political, military, and religious quarrels independence from the Catholic emperor. such as the rivalry between the Valois and (GREEN, 1984) Charles V, were pursued and intensified, as Luther, being condemned by heresy in well as social conflicts such as the Peasants’ the Diet of Worms, is welcomed by German War that widespread in some German- nobles and lays the foundations of its speaking areas in Central Europe from 1524 doctrine. That will be fought by the to 1525. (fig. 3) Figure 2 145 Pamphlet against the Luther Reformation (The Seven Heads of Martin Luther), Leipzig, 1529 Página LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM VOL. X Nº 25 AGOSTO/2019 ISSN 2177-2789 Luther's ideas did not reach only the occurred in 1525 with the death of Münzer, princes who saw benefits for themselves, although insurgent foci were extending until but they also the less fortunate, represented 1526. by the peasants. Led by Thomas Münzer, Despite this, the conflicts between the they saw in the Reform movement the princes of the North and the Emperor opportunity to break the feudal structure continued, when a truce was established in and bond that bound them to their masters, 1555, the well-known Peace of Augsburg, even if they had to use force to gain land when it was determined that each prince from the Church and the nobility would decide which religion he would adopt themselves. Luther, however, strongly (cuius regio, eius religio); Lutheranism or condemned such an attitude, urging the Catholicism. princes to crush the insurgents, a fact which Figure 3 A scene from the Peasant War, in which they imprison a knight. It is observed that the peasants carry the Bundschuh flag, literally “tied shoe,” a symbol used by them in opposition to the boots, employed by the nobles, Augsburg, 1532 The treaty was not to defend tolerance was clear that such a commitment would since it only consented to the existence of eventually be challenged. two religions. Neither the people nor the The challenge, by the way, was constant Church would have the right to choose: in the 16th and 17th centuries, as it became 146 either accept it or withdraw to another clear in European geopolitics with the place, leaving behind all that is had built. It continuous clashes between its powers, Página LUMEN ET VIRTUS REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR DE CULTURA E IMAGEM VOL. X Nº 25 AGOSTO/2019 ISSN 2177-2789 which aimed at greater territorial, economic and political participation. Some examples This reconquest, it is evident, goes may be mentioned: through the walls of the Church and gives us a clear idea of the exaltation of the moods a) If, on the one hand, Spain sought as well as the feedback of the aggressive to maintain itself as a hegemonic spirit between many princes. That were power on the European continent; either arduous defenders of the Catholic France, on the other hand, tried to ideals – like Maximilian I of Bavaria (1573- destabilize its performance and the 1651) – or the Protestants – like Gustavus power of the Habsburgs in its two Adolphus.
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