TiTonfKitwlleads goioi:ig into fm>ml roundl-ara:S~CO pen — Z i M i B 0 ^ 0 * 3 — ttz'6:/ a ■ < A LUVAR ' C O R P ' 2.Z._S_3.R D...E__________ II SALLT LAKE CITY UT l-.O b ' ZM B41h year. No. 1.69 _________________ T w In F^allsTldafe a l — Scmdayr^one 18:i ^89—-------^ IIN E lE T w / h a t '' s i n1 t h eg g r <o u n ( :— j» “ -•»' ‘ ______ — ■ M— = i ^ p Photo eoiift#iyonneL -------- ^--------------------------- n^ood o uratars in-1962-a:and-1969-left-baiTcls-05-of-nuclearlwaste.float]iUng-at-thcJNEL:wastc5tc sitcr Radioactive na:particles then leached intoti the ground below-)w-the site ________________________ f D i r oQtirgI p w s m nA t■■ f ® u r i e INEL ByNTSTNOKKENTV^^ 5 5 = = I The nrecords tell q sirnngo a Tlrries-Neuia writer ieaitoHaI'=^4— soih'etiniiim09'“m ncabre—story: - Aio: V es-on~INELLrbegan — S p>edal e report — A7 with thefio day-to-day refuse of nudeS ■ Serte ----- TWIN FALLS - A Dodge Power projects,ts, the site contains barrels ictive bengle, cimary m -Wngon w as th e ir c h airiot’ n t ........ — ed clothethes, tools and equipment, cutcut- with1 simple qu.ujestion • With a ahotgun-wi(wieldmg hunter up reacUctor fuel rods, brokcn-dovmI rere- B I . I salm onn carcasses.c ■ erics-that begins dioactivetive w aste burTtifl o r stored a t Btrappod to a tractortor seat on the. actor paiparts, organic solvents, almosilost H M I !%■^ g A lsobiI buried beneath the sagebru>rush The six-part ser astern Idaho installation. | fender and hie partnerner at the wheel, half a tont< of plutonium and morelore H 1 ^ 0 ^J I an induslrial lathe, a crane: aiand today grew oul off ia single, simple ■ the Easte buried in INEL’s Fourjr monthsr later, the Postal the vchide cruised ththe e E astern Ida- »><nn9tYnJOtoDsof-uranium------- ^k^^^^H_jthc_rcmmnan rj ts of a n expe ri mentalll rc-r quc.stion: W hat's b ce-d3ivert!d^-21^i>und=box^ ............—: —^^^range ln March ofm Jo nArabbiu:j^-T.he siisite' also contains' such-oddi'ddi-' ^n^^nB|F~eciorthGlKat;iixplode3-in-I95_l— trioitibn^' “Tndionctive^asltf-tj-tlumps?— - Scrvice-t with intenternal organs removed fromfro On Dec. 9, 198988, The Tim es- conlaininining 1,600 pages of records. Researchers dissectected the felled ties as9 barrels1 of animal feces,, ac IH B liillililB lH i 1 formal request Those)se records, together with rabbits' to analyze thehe efiects of nu- couple ofc automobiles and threeiree al Freedom of Infdrmimotion A ci, The '’“ ■‘'i!dies of its three victims duriijring NevvH initiated a for governmentml documents documentnents already in the public clear experim ent onfl wildlife.w ___ ntom ic_(iL_nirerafV pnijinea th a t nevei^cr Timea-Newa asked foror and received autopsieslies. •dom-of-Informa— domain-iiin-and-intcr.viaws_witlLpast _____^ ---------- Gla8auicd-as*lcf«^ev the'ground. -doeumenlHr^also-revoQl-th-th a t-------through-the^Pr«ed( epartment of En- and - pretpresent- federal-cmployecs, carc a sse s lie buriedi iiin a come'r of gainers of waste, some off it documenting much of the raSoac- ’’oactictor's explosion sent u plunlum e ■ tion Act to the Dep providele tthe Magic Valley wilh its the sprawling fedenleral site now ^jidly radioacliven 'and some off it tive contents of INEL’iL’s w aste-burial ™dioaioactive iodine drifting over.*r ian ergy. ir all available first internlensive examination of what known as the Idaho) .NqtionalN E ngi-_dcadly... have_bcgim_to_Jeak._andand—areas-and-the.methodf d s o L its rlif?nfi<i- unsuspeclecting Magic Valley. _ We a.sked for 'h<nv” “ ■■records qutljm^ T he n atu re ol ra- lies'Tjurieijrie?l'ab'ove'its~aqaifcr . ~ _ n eerin g L aboratory.'- • ,,. sbme—of"of“ it~has moved -into-theth e - a l:------------------------------________ ' ____ \VHatt tthe'recordsTel' Today, buried with;h thet rabbits a t g ro u n d1 belowb. the site. Study of these recoi:ords and other, the gover/ernment has handled radioaioac-' 1_________ —___^-------- INEL are several millilillion cubic feet 'p^c threatth of waste seeping intointo government documentnts. along with ^astaste is as important a^lH6“iie ih- the buried items, notjtTiirdG scri^lions linckTd~u'd1ip~U) the pits an d Ire n c Hes . - .....o p a d io a c f r e _ w a f lte;_^tho.dcbm-oL-t|,s-gg,h ^ ake-River-Aquifer.-the-Ma'tric I'gic—in tcrview s~ of^currontnr'and-form cr—^entoryy-itself.* It ------- -— =------------------------— \vera"nccurntOTFor'^r*"cxaniple. sorne un'd“dis'gcisgbrged their loads ifnielter- - —...... 40 years of nuclear devievelqpm ent and ■ ValloVB'a waler'supply,' has 'raisedd a INEL employees, yielelds tne Magic They-nrrevesl-di.sposQl-mi'lhodtuaT ^ " d —wasle-prpduct^rs shipiipped w aste to he ~ fikeltor~h<r-hoaps-oC boxcs-and-barrels------------- - - weapons production___---------------- - ----------lo c a l c lalamer i for.cleanup_and_agamstinfit Vnllcv’fi firstjiom p.rehi‘hensive looTc ot -keeping practices th al .seemiJm - buried in socond-hundnd'harret.'! .^ ith -—that oftoriften split open in-the-process.-------------- Newly released federderal documents ^ew deveivetopmcnts a t IN EL. the nuclear refuse lyining beneath the hindsigsight - woefully inadequate,te. out changing lhe label)ClS. •show the waste include:ides contaminat------- U n d eer r the provisions-on-the feder-ler- ■ Euslcm ldah'o'desert. --------------------------Thoughigh-an-invenlory was-kept-<pt-o f------ P o r-m a n y >-ears, - trucks simply------ •-SJec-WASTE e c - on Page-A? ---------------- - I s e n t ^nces 8 tot h in upmsing \ 'RobJin HUDy gave The A sso d atcd Press3 After the'ceremony)ny the children were truckick ed M o re o n CChina t — AS. 12 _____out of-.Tiannnmen. wwhicbJs-stilLblockccLntLiLhiL______ .i _ ___ YL. - ^ -R R T .n N G -^ E ightht people were Bentcnccdd to ■ ^ “ arraed soldiers.-Pedeidestrians are not allowed : ____d eath S atu rd ay for alleallegedly beating soldiers"and ar drive out e tu d e n t protcEateeters andcrusn tneir severen^ siy^n p TietTdsyrineedy 'burmng_yehicles whenlen troops took'over Tiananan- -weelc m o v em en t fo r a frfreer society,......................................China’s evening T>TV news on Friday show p^^e-- The Baltimore Sur men ^uare at the staiJtart of the crackdown on1 thetl ■ About 10,000 childrenren wearing red sc a rv e s o f ththe crews disinfectingjhe;he square, rep airin frth c-p a' "" ; HUEUP troubles - A3^— __ ^ammuniat youth group, linened m c n t an d replantingg bbushes. The' m ilitary took i ____ Dro-democracvmovominment._______ :_________________ Young P io n eera. a Coni __BAlrTlMOKIi;—— On-Thankngiv— ......- = also soid two m en w oro ca; quare in central Beijing whilnle lected reporters on a ttour ot the square Knday. The government a!« cap- up on the 100-acre squa ing Day -Iwn yei/ears ago, Mary boughtll vwith "HUD money. Unlil the The eight sentencecced to die were the first to tured afler they firecired at soldiers giurdlngig a group members placed:ed a wreath of flowers at th home to tlie house Decembember, Mrs. Harrell also paid .! condemned for tryinghg to stop the People’s Libeib e ra - M oorman cam 6 hu bridge early Saturdaylay. Four Western roportcirtcrs Heroes’Monument, her disabled hus- Mrf'- MoiMoorman an annual salary )ving on the student protentc>-tAra shares wilh hi loft China afler'beingIg texpelled for v io la tin g mnar- a The monument, whorhere thousands of pro-demococ- tion Army from movii rhanksgiving has- of$12,00C!,000 for babysitting the chil- lymbolic centerofChino, ■ band to find a Th tia l law. racy demonstrators gagathered doy and .night fofor in T iananm en, the syn j.dining_tfibleJn-_ jlren_ofaf lolow-income fam ilies. _____________ ^ co*------The-seven men-andnd-one-woman-wcre-identifilined ■ k«'itlTO»nll>eJ ------ ^Authorities“allowed'’d civilians onto-Tiananmtmen three weeks-until thcle aarmy moved in,'Tva8'decc :ey. potatoe.s, cel- “T eleral d ^ Investigators arc .ry- time since soldiers backodd by1: rated with banners inclincluding one that read:-l'Lov3ve. in an official televisicision report os workers, peipen.,- Square for the first tim ____ ^ ~ cry and onions,!, bread, baking ing toI tratrace what luippened.to-tho------------ tanka' entered'^L'^laz -------------- --------^ C T r € i » sodn and a bible.le .'At the'liolUii'n ^it lcjisriiil' 35.J IllllllUli'liv iifOCiiOdS"'■ — * w as an L-nvolopc”h'-holdinlg flvc.$100--frum-lhethe sales of HUD properties, t r bill.s. moneyy oienlrusted to Mrs. Harrell . " r t f ® shingtorn apple>s hit n<lew lowy . The bills w erere tucked into u as a privatepr closini; agent for Sales • in-Prince George’s-Countyr - - ■ 5"*^TcctiiSg card, sigigned "Friends of HUD in- . The A sso c ia M I^essI February contendingJ ththat eating Alar-treated apap^ ro^th’er thari sold at aa lcloss to retailers. the F ather.” The; ;message on the Md. MrsMrs. Harrell confessed late ---------ploa-incroaflod c a nco rii-riek ri inxhildran. , , Grawcra accuse reti W . r . ,_c„rtl;-God-bleHft-y<■your-^-justr-KtHrU - JQSl..ycar. •r- -- YAKlMA^ft.sh. -— As/ Bales of ^ B ^ n g t o nI aiap- About the same timeme, thff federal Environmeren- . maricet prices in thele <wako of the-plunging-who.jiiolc-.. ■St—Moorman re-—to.herrown ow accounts from 11^ un-. pjes h it th e ir low est poiipoint of an A lar-plagiied^a•cap, • tal P rotection A g encyy sjsaid tfiarit‘wa8"considcrin,ln p ~ sale a p p le p rices, thusJUS holding down sales, .
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