45 113 ' — 1' — COPYRIGHT.] London. [all rights reserved. "Best" Plate. The | We liclievc ii was i • -^ H r Holmr* who laid that he i ^ : lue for the man that didn i cuu^ilci Uis wife, hn family, and his home the t«*( in the whole world. Very often, however, thk tmme opti- mi^m nppeart in connectioa with the i: of photographic good»—cvcr>- the " best." Now this word i)^t IS largely a mtanomer enM applied to the " Dc«t nukn " at a w«ddiag. Ask any bride who is the btsi man ther* t " Be*t." in Uct. is a word that has loat mnst of ii^ mi'.^nint( Word* ahcmld " " carry a me-isagf : but wonls like beat " lart^f." •• finest " no Umgrr mean vwy reader. Hn mind alipa ease. He tee* the word. It I* fail* to cooiure np • ' l>i t the writer mean*. \S:u-i. ^:_ic A-Lild yoa prefer to nae: a " bMt " piaU or on* made better than the best' ! II yon want a plate that i* 4 c iiiiM arcor at 'r oar ah impmrniAL platm. the beat, evea m wireleaa is I the old Nona teUnraph. and me v»i[>ie writing machine better than the old- taihioiied typewriter which conwlad SUCCESS. SPECIALISATION. I ita^prodocts. then yoa ikoald we RAPID. IMPERIAL Plates. Imperia] Flatea an beini; made better every year ! POPULARITY. Never has i!re.alrr care liera expeadcd RELIABLE. on of material : nor have the selection Imperial Plates, the Plates that we ever spent more money on makinK ' Imperial I" than the bc*t." Lead To-day, as Ever. It B al< ' '-rvice to photo- RESULTFUL. (rraphers ...., ..i:n consistently Til' m.tkrs It* plates " better pnd liettcr." 1. , itn are Wc liave spent immense time, energy the larK' . I'Uivs in .in<l mori'V iroviiling [ihofrmraphefs Iha United Km);ilum, The Great Professional Plate:— with p^ ifi'if itr.-. whirh .\rc reliable 2. For nearly a quarter of aw^iry the in <i in .ill details Imperial Dry Plate Compailyilfffl^fpecial- i.f v' vl Plates to-day iaed in the manufacture of Dry Plates. .-ir.- I were—they are 3. Imperial dales are proved by every in ingredients, test to be the finest quality plates on the imperial llrtti.l. mir'...t •!,«. ......11 in use a* it i-* .... (>r<rtnU* foT iphic dry plat> Ireedom I* 1 ease in l! H firm's effort working r.iir •i^ Special Sensitive and better." Why are more Imperial rialcs to;d than •• have and any others' Why is it that the sate of toKrapber* Imperial l'lai<^ extends year l>y year > The pu- «o. • <n Imperial Plates are made in \ I-. i!i' I'lDj,; arm il Hlale» foremost fourteen other kinds suitable for ler. Merit is the II in >li>ul>|, &iiii)>ly um: In.peii.ii forca which tends lm|ierial Hate* into I'Lites every class of photography : r<xuUrly and consiatently for every civilised country of the world ONKMONTHI Then stndy yoor tesnlts ! lo-dav. Yon will crMitinoe to am Imperial FlaUi Readers should consider the nomberad then. 10 Non-Ortlios, 3 Orthos, and slatemenis above, and remember that TMK imPKRIAL DRY PLATE CO.. LTD.. Imperial riates— roost popular and most CKICKLMWOOD. LOMDOH, K.W. widely used—cost no more than others. 1 Panchromatic. AM The Camera thai became famous in a month. ITS SUPREME POINTS :— #]" British Made from selected materials " by expert workmen. ^ The smallest, lightest, simplest and ^^ best finished reflex camera. Shutter gives speeds I/I5 to 1/1000 C sec, and can be set and the speeds altered with plate in position. works smoothly ^ Self-setting mirror ; ^^ and free from vibration. £T Camera can be used reversed or held rr ALDIS-BUTCHER F/4.5 Anas- ^^ tigmat—a perfect lens. - £9 15 . - 12 15 Jllso supplied with Cooke and Ross lenses at slightly increased prices. Dealers all over the world stock the Popular Pressrran. Full particu- lars and a special booklet de luxe byF. J. Mortimer, F.R.P.S., sent post free to all apphcants. W. Butcher & Sons, Ltd., •lamera House, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON, E.C. — ALOIS ^ 4*5 ^ The Lens f>ar excellence for reflex cameras and all classes of work requiring rapid exposures and good definition. ! K ^ The Lens that we guarantee to be equal, as regards optical performance, to any other F/4.5 lens obtainable. M The Lens that gives beautifully crisp and brilliant definition right into the corners of the plate. ^1 The Lens that has popularised high-speed work—that places the amateur on a level with the press photographer. ^ The Lens that is British manufacture throughout, giving results equal to the most expensive foreign made anastigmats. ^ The Lens that became famous all the world over in the first year of its introduction. M The Lens that you should buy if yov-are desirous of obtaining the best possible value for money. Wrila (or fall partKalan o( til Akin tniWigBiH. which will be miiI potl frw. If yoa can lo okIom • Maiap wilh jroor •ppfacalion we wiU lead fon an acloal contact priol Iron poMcard negative, takn wilh oac of oar i-pUle F/4.$ lema at fall apenare. Thii prim ihcwt the marvelloui deining powar of the Icat, and we gnaraalec ererjr F/4.5 Icim raaoufaclared by ai lo be opable of giving rtaah iaal •• ^ood. Oar experience it at yoar lervice. and we are al all timet pleated to give Mtvie* aa to dioic* of apparala* and lo antwer any lent query. FMeate addrru all apjilicationi lo : Sparkhill, i^ROS. Birmingham. "^^w^^y^ SINCLAIR EFFICIENCY " "WHERE CAN I GET THE BEST ? is a question constantly asked, and the answer almost always is "SINCLAIRS." SINCLAIR stands for EFFICIENCY, and nowadays this is the characteristic which tells in every department of life. THINGS THAT MAKE FOR GOOD WORK. WHAT IS THIS SHUTTER?" "WHAT IS THIS CAMERA?" .It is the N.S. Patent "Accurate" Shutter—the efficient British Shutter. It is the I NEWMAN- SINCLAIR PATENT REFLEX CAMERA IT HAS NO RUBBER BLINDS. HAS THE SPEEDS MOST USEFUL FOR PRACTICAL WORKERS: ^i 4) s, T^, 7T2) n'it 3-nd -rio sec, as well as " Time." HAS REVOLVING BACK. HAS REVERSIBLE HOOD. The N.S. Reflex has "ARE NOT ALL SHUTTERS ACCURATE?" considerable rising front, and can be used with "No! As a rule they unblushingly lie, and the speeds engraved them are upon only plate-holders, changing pleasant fictions." box or film-pack adapter. "HOW DO I KNOW THE N.S. ACCURATE SHUTTER IS REALLY ACCURATE." With F/4.5 Ross-Zeiss " Because the speeds are engraved upon it by Tessar lens 3 plate- the National Physical Laboratory after actual and scientific tests." holders : Speeds from \ to ^ or xjo second, and time exposure can be given. i-pl. £23 10 Tube Diameter Price including Iris Aperture. for Leases. Kew Certificate. 5x4 The N.S. Reflex with hood ^$§j No. ... i inch It's incli £2 5 30 arranged to take objects to left of worker. No. 1 ... 1 inch l| inch 2 5 the th? *^" ^^y^"-^^ JAMES A. SINCLAIR LTD., LONDON, S.W. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from ^ IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/1914photogramsof00lond' THE ELEMENTS AT WAR B,, F.RP.S. F. J. MORTIMER PHOTOGRAMS^'"' OF THE YEAR 1914 THE ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE WORLD'S PICTORIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK hDITED BY F. J. MORTIMER, F.R.P.S. BMmr ^'^Tht Amutar Thmptphtr a»d rktmgrtfUt Nrmm " ?r>v London: HAZELL. WATSON & VINEY. Ld., Long ACRE, w.C. NEW v^. L ^PVNANT * WARD. CANADA: THE Ml'SSON BOOK CO. LD., Tonoirro. AUSTRALASIA: MtLSounNR— «ODA- <!«) LD : HARRINGTONS LTD. Stdhit-HARRINGTONS LTD. ; KODAK (Ao»t«aiji»ia) LD. Adilaide— KODAK .«») LD . HARRCNGTONS LTD B»i»m»«—HARRINGTONS LTD : KODAK (AurrmAUisiAi LD. Auc»laiip. NZ—KubAK Uuvtwalaua) LD. : HARJtINGTONS LTD. Wblumoto*. N.Z.—HARRINGTONS LTD.; KODAK (AvnaALAmiA) LD SOUTH AFRICA: CORDON A GOTCH : LENNON LD. INDIA: Calcutta. BoHur. Maoia* and Tiavarcoiii— THACKBR • CO. BowuT—BABAJBB SAKHARAM « CO. SINGAPORE: ROBINSON * CO. JAPAN: Toito-MARU/BN: CO LTD . V OKURA. rmamtA, Ktoio. Omu-MARUZBN CO. LTD. Voioiiama. Kobb-Z. P. MARUYA * CO. CALIFORNIA. KtUBALL UPSON * CO.. SACBAMnTO. Pa production of a book of pictures of the character of THE"Photograms of the Year" during such a war-obsessed period as the autumn of 1914 may be considered by many a venturesome proceeding. But, to paraphrase the motto of the British Navy (which the Service has so adequately put into practice), Si vis pacem para bellum, we may say, "In time of war prepare for peace"; and in the publication of "Photograms of the Year " for 1914 we are guided by the fact that the two pre- ceding volumes have created an ever-increasing demand for the book in all parts of the world where pictorial photography is practised, and also that the failure to put on record the best work of the year, as produced up to the time of the commencement of European hostilities, would, by breaking the continuity of the series, react adversely in the future when the arts of peace again have an opportunity of uninterrupted development. It is, there- fore, with every confidence that the collection of pictures contained in the following pages is presented to that large public which has already shown so marked an appreciation of " Photograms of the Year " in the past. This year we have again to offer sincere thanks to those who have contributed. There has been no falling off in the number of pictures submitted ; in fact, in the months immediately preceding publication far more pictorial photographs have been sent in for selection than in any previous year.
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