CRAFTS of NJ Auction April 14, 2012 Lot High Bid # (US$) Description 1 35.00 Broad Axe by Beatty 2 20.00 Stanley Miter Box & Saw 3 30.00 Lot of 6 Plumb Bobs 4 15.00 Mason's Tool Box w/ Tools 5 30.00 Lot of 2 Bit Braces: Stanley No. 2101A 12" & Craftsman 10" 6 20.00 Large Barn Auger 4" 7 25.00 Lot of 2 N. Spalding Planes, Ithica (as is) 8 30.00 Lot of 8 English Hollow & Round Planes 9 210.00 Lot of 7 Stanley Spokeshaves No. 51, 55, 60, 64, 65, 67 & 152 10 70.00 Victor No. 2 Block Plane 11 170.00 Stanley No. 9¾ Tail Handled Block Plane 12 35.00 Stanley No. 71½ Router 13 35.00 Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane 14 15.00 Unusual Breast Drill, 20/2 15 20.00 Small Breast Drill (unusual) 16 45.00 Boxlot of Stanley Folding Riles 17 50.00 Boxlot of Forstner Bits 18 70.00 Lot of 4 Good Complex Molding Planes 19 40.00 Lot of 6 Various Molding Planes 20 25.00 Beam Boring Machine 21 20.00 Stanley No. 81 Scraper Plane 22 25.00 Millers Falls Bench Vise 23 15.00 Lot of 3 Cooper's Tools: Howell & 2 Croze 24 50.00 Bow Saw by Wm. Johnson 25 70.00 Lot of 2 Saws: Disston Stair Saw & A Rosewood Fret Saw 26 30.00 Primitive Wagon Jack 27 30.00 Lot of 3 Molding Planes: Conway Tool Co., Auburn (AWP***); Shiverick, Brooklyn NY 28 30.00 Steel Pencil Sharpening Plane 29 65.00 Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane w/ 8 irons 30 95.00 Stanley No. 113 Circular Plane, Type 1 31 65.00 Stanley No. 131 Double End Plane 32 40.00 Sargent No. 104 & 105 Miniature Block Planes 33 30.00 Sargent No. 714 Jack Plane 34 35.00 Stanley No. 81 Cabinet Scraper 35 60.00 Stanley Gage No. 4 Smooth Plane 36 30.00 Dubby Cut-off Fixture for Table Saw CRAFTS of NJ Auction April 14, 2012 Lot High Bid # (US$) Description 37 25.00 Ship Adze 38 25.00 Boxlot of Plane Parts & Irons 39 55.00 Wood Tool Box 36" X 16" X 12-1/2" (1800s) 40 20.00 Lot of 2 Richardson Saws, Newark, NJ: Crosscut & Fine 41 10.00 Large Wrench, Dowidot, Germany 42 5.00 Pipe Wrench Stillson, Boston, Pat'd. 1882 (24") 43 50.00 Millers Falls Miter Box w/ Irwin Saw 44 25.00 Stanley No. 3 & 4 Planes 45 30.00 Excel Multi Head Wrench Set, Pat. 4-29-25 46 35.00 Lot of 5 Blacksmith's Reins (tongs) 47 35.00 Lot of 5 Blacksmith's Reins (tongs) 48 40.00 Lot of 6 Blacksmith's Reins (tongs) 49 25.00 Lot of 2 Rules: E. Preston, Birmingham; J. Halden & Co., London 50 35.00 Paving Hammer 51 20.00 Stove for Heating Soldering Irons 52 60.00 K & E Proportional Dividers, w/ Gear Adjuster, German Silver 53 35.00 Lot of 3 Eric Sloane Books: Spirits of '76, Museum, Diary 54 20.00 Lot of 3 Different Sargent Model Maker's Planes 55 25.00 Lot of 3 Saws: Disston Defender, Acme No. 120, Geo. Bishop 56 20.00 Lot of 2 Maydol Hammers: Claw & Fall Peen 57 20.00 Chisel: Jorey's Patent, 1859 58 50.00 Toothing Plane by Hills & Winship 59 60.00 Pair of Wood Planes: 31" Jointer; 22" Trying by Sargent & Co. 60 20.00 Lot of 3 Primitive Edged Tools 61 35.00 Small Anvil 14-1/2" Long, 2-1/8" Wide 62 25.00 Mortising Axe 63 10.00 Wheelwright's Clamp 64 10.00 Railroad Hammer, NYC-HR RR (19th Century) 65 45.00 Goodell Pratt No. 747 Valve Tool 66 95.00 Chapin Stephens No. 40 Ivory 1f4f Caliper Rule 67 180.00 L.C. Stephens No. 78½ Ivory 2f4f Rule 68 120.00 E. Preston & Sons Ivory 2f4f Rule 69 140.00 Belcher Bros. No. 101 Ivory 1f4f Rule, 1822-1877 70 45.00 Lot of 2 Push or Archimedean Drills 71 50.00 Leather Draw Gauge by Crawford, Newark N.J. 72 70.00 Starrett No. 101A Transit IOB CRAFTS of NJ Auction April 14, 2012 Lot High Bid # (US$) Description 73 35.00 Metal Candle Mold 74 20.00 Back Saw by Tyzack & Turner 12" 75 10.00 Metal Brace 76 10.00 Lot of 10 Clock Maker's Tools 77 20.00 Rosewood Miter Square 10" 78 20.00 Lot of 2 Drill Press Mortising Attachments 79 70.00 Stanley No. 984 Corner Brace 80 160.00 P. Lowentraut 20th Century Patented Wrench Brace 81 120.00 Ayvad Patent Claw Chisel Hammer, Hoboken N.J. 82 45.00 Turning Saw by Richardson, Newark N.J. 83 80.00 Patternmaker's Saw by Richardson Bros. Newark N.J. 84 25.00 Level by J. Haslam, Newark N.J. 12" 85 50.00 Stanley No. 8 Jointer Plane (Broken Lateral Adj.) 86 70.00 Lot of 8 Stanley Catalogs & Charts 87 15.00 Lot of 2 Wooden String Winders 88 45.00 Rusby Patent Drill, Newark N.J. 89 45.00 Yankee (North Bros) No. 994 Vise w/ 4" Jaws 90 15.00 Wooden Compass 18" & Chalk Line on Mortised Holder 91 20.00 Medical Tool for Animals 92 90.00 Tinsmith's Wiring Machine by Peck Stow & Wilcox 93 80.00 Large Tinsmith's Burring Machine, Buffalo N.Y. 94 100.00 Tinsmith's Beading Machine by Peck Stow & Wilcox 95 35.00 Lot of 2 Hand Forged Double Calipers 96 20.00 Bit Brace & 8-Piece Auger Bit Set In Box 97 20.00 Wagon Jack 98 25.00 Tenon Machine For Cutting Tenons On Blind Slats 99 30.00 Lot of 3 Disston Handsaws: No. D7, 8, 23 100 25.00 Rosewood Spokeshave 101 35.00 Folding Drawknife, Wilkinson 6" 102 30.00 Folding Drawknife, P. S. & W. 9" 103 45.00 Ralli 220 Pro Swiss Plane IOB 104 25.00 Millers Falls Brace & Bit 105 75.00 K & E No. 6487 Inside Reel Plumb Bob 106 80.00 Stanley No. 1 Reel Type Plumb Bob 107 90.00 Stanley No. 2 Reel Type Plumb Bob 108 55.00 Stanley No. 78 Duplex Rabbet & Filletster Plane IOB England CRAFTS of NJ Auction April 14, 2012 Lot High Bid # (US$) Description 109 80.00 Union No. 311 Compass Plane 110 10.00 Stanley No. 220 Block Plane In Box 111 40.00 Embossed Double Bit Axe "Cayuga" 112 30.00 Tool Tote w/ Tools 113 50.00 Boxlot of 9 Chisels & A Gouge 114 60.00 Large Machinist's Level by L.S. Starrett 115 70.00 Lion Miter Trimmer 116 20.00 Auger Bit Set by James Swan 117 80.00 Miner's Sticking Tommy (Candle Holder) 118 75.00 3 Tier Box of Russell Jennings Spur Auger Bits 119 35.00 Stanley No. 30 Angle Divider 120 75.00 Stanley No. 31 Angle Bisector 121 45.00 Union No. 41 Swing Arm T & G Plane 122 35.00 Plow Plane by T.J. McMaster, Auburn 123 40.00 Small Moving Filletster Plane 124 20.00 Jack Plane by R. Eastman, Newark NJ 125 20.00 Decorated German Scrub Plane 126 20.00 Circus Beetle-Maul, Iron Bands 127 140.00 Cooper's Adze, 7" 128 25.00 Carpenter's Adze by Beatty w/ Maul Poll 129 65.00 Flooring Saw 130 25.00 Lot of 2 Machinist's Tools: Starrett Indicator IOB & Ammco Disc Brake Dial Indicator Set 131 15.00 Patented Sliding "T" Bevel, "Hold Fast" Pat. 12-15-14 132 35.00 North Bros. "Yankee" No. 31A Screwdriver IOB 133 30.00 Richardson Bros. Sliding "T" Bevel, Newark NJ 134 140.00 Lot of 6 Plumb Bobs 135 70.00 Stanley No. 12 Veneer Scraper, Type 1 136 70.00 Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane w/ Irons 137 120.00 Boxlot of 11 Plumb Bobs 138 30.00 Folding Saw Clamp by L.D. Gunn, Pittsburgh PA, Pat'd. 1895, 96 139 20.00 Railroad Spiking Hammer 140 5.00 Lancaster Scribe 141 130.00 Panel Rip Saw by H. Disston No. 7 142 5.00 Large Plane Iron by Manning, N.Y. (3-1/8") 143 20.00 Rabbet Plane by R. & W.C. Biddle, Phila. AWP** (1840-62) 144 40.00 Lot of 6 Leather Cutting Dies CRAFTS of NJ Auction April 14, 2012 Lot High Bid # (US$) Description 145 40.00 Book Binder's Plow Plane 146 60.00 Steelcased Rabbet Plane 147 70.00 Stanley No. 90 Steel Case Plane 148 25.00 Lot of 2 Planes: Stanley No. 4, Buckeye Smooth Plane 149 65.00 Gage No. 4 Transitional Plane 150 100.00 Stanley No. 386 Jointer Fence (Mint) 151 50.00 Stanley No. 44 Bit & Square Level Attachment 152 70.00 Lot of 3 Stanley Planes: No. 3, 4 & 6 153 50.00 Lot of 3 Stanley Planes: No. 4 (2) & 6 154 100.00 Stanley No. 8 Jointer Plane 155 55.00 Stanley No. 140 Block Plane 156 90.00 Stanley Bedrock No. 603C Plane (Early Style) 157 55.00 Lot of 3 Good Complex Molding Planes 158 25.00 Small Rosewood Bead Plane 159 120.00 Pair of Side Rabbet Planes by J.T. Jones, Phila. AWP** 160 30.00 Set of 8 Lathe Chisels 161 30.00 Stanley Russell Jennings No. 32½ Auger Bit Set in Wood Box 162 35.00 Stanley 4 Square Axe 163 30.00 Lot of 8 Magazines: The Wood Worker Magazine 1885, 1919, 1920, 1928, 1929 164 25.00 Glass Rule by Jones & Lamson IOB 165 10.00 Asparagus Buncher 166 35.00 Wooden Spool Washboard 167 15.00 Rosewood Spokeshave 168 25.00 Rosewood Spokeshave 169 65.00 Lot: Macadamizing Hammer, Millers Falls Push Drill (1894) 170 35.00 Tongue & Groove Plane by Webb, Pittsfield, AWP*** B Mark (3/4") 171 15.00 Pair of Hollow & Round Planes 172 20.00 Pair of Tongue & Groove Planes 173 50.00 Lot of 3 Disston Handsaws: 1940 Special, 8, D-12 174 30.00 Lot of 2 Handsaws: Disston No.
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