Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1999-2000 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 11-11-1999 The thI acan, 1999-11-11 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1999-2000 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1999-11-11" (1999). The Ithacan, 1999-2000. 12. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1999-2000/12 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1999-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. .Special 14-15 Saturday's defeat Cortaca Jug game evokes emotions on and off the field. VOL.67, N0.12 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1999 28 PAGES, FREE Forum quells rumors Assault report raises concerns among students BY JASON SUBIK Staff Writer --""----------- ---- -- -- Following the reported assault of a female freshman on Oct. 27, Associate Professor Katharine Kittredge, English, sensed a great deal of concern in her introduction to MELISSA THORNLEY/THE ITHACAN women's studies class. SGT. SCOTT O'DELL of the Tompkins County Sheriff's Department restrains an unidentified fan after Cortland's The reported attack took place around 2 victory In the Cortaca Jug game Saturday. Numerous fights erupted among students from both schools. a.m. The woman said she was abducted by "a tall, white male" and forced to drink alco­ hol and take an unidentified pill. When Cam­ pus Safety officers came to her aid at 2:20 am., they found her with a bloody nose and cut lip. MISPLACED,pirit "I perceived a lot of fear and worry in my class [about the reported assault]," Kittredge said. "I told my students they should not just deputies, intervened and brought a halt to started brawling, the state JX)lice ran in with be talking amongst themselves, they should Fans rush field, the sudden brawl within minutes. nightsticks and a dog to break things up." be getting out and telling more people in a Ithaca College freshman Brian Mc­ Sophomore Nathan Doane wit­ way that does some good." instigate fighting Clenahan described the situation from his nessed the activity on the field and said She assisted her students and students from view on the 50-yard line of the lower he felt it was nothing out of the ordinary. another section to plan a Nov. 4 open forum after Cortaca game bleachers on the south side of the field. "There was no more fighting after the at the Free Speech Rock to voice concerns and "At the realization that Ithaca lost, the game than what is generally expected," he questions about the reported attack. BY STEPHEN T. ALLEN Ithaca stands became dead silent and the said. "In fact, I would not even call the John B. Oblak, vice president of student AND JASON SUBIK Cortland fans began an uproaring fights riots. I think the crowd reactions are affairs and campus life, and Campus Safety Staff Writers cheer," he said. ''The Cortland fans ran just part of the tradition of this game." Director Robert A. Holt also attended the fo­ through police that were on the sidelines Sophomore Laura Venuto viewed the rum to answer questions and address rumors. As the final 16 seconds ticked off the and stormed onto the field. They start­ fighting and taunting in a more negative Sophomore Elizabeth Birch compiled a clock in the 40th annual Cortaca Jug ed yelling 'IC Shit!"' light than Doane but did not think it was list of all the rumors she had heard about the game at Butterfield Stadium Saturday, the A series of interconnecting bike rack · atypical. reported attack to read at the forum. Red Dragon sideline erupted in victory. barricades and black plastic mesh fencing "The behavior of the Cortland stu­ "I heard she was raped or that it was at­ Before the final buzzer sounded, hun­ encircling the field were successful in dents was immature, antagonizing and tempted," she said. "I heard she was in the dreds of wildly screaming Cortland keeping spectators off the field during the annoying," she said. "But I cannot tell hospital all weekend and that she dropped out fans poured onto the field in a red and game, hut did not prevent fans located on you IC students did not act the same way of school; I heard her pants were ripped and white stream of celebration. the northwest comer of the stadium from after we won the game last year. This her nose was broken; I heard about a man This excitement quickly escalated rushing the field as the game ended. kind of behavior was to be expected." into violent fighting between Cortland and "Every once in a while a Cortland fan Cortland junior Jennifer Ross was at See GOSSIP, page 4 Ithaca fans. Campus Safety officers, as­ would run near the Ithaca stands," Mc­ Butterfield Stadium for the game. She sisted by New York State Police and Clenahan said. "Small groups began to Tompkins County Sheriff's Department fight. As more kids ran onto the field and See POLICE, page 4 Panel questions drug amendment BY CHIKODI CHIMA Convicted students will be unable to receive "It is an absolute fact; we live 111 a very Staff Writer aid for one year for a first conviction and two racist society," said Ethel David, director of years for a second. A third conviction the Opportunity Programs. "How many roadblocks would politicians would mean indefinite suspension of aid. All of the pancli~ts agreed that selective like to put in people's way of getting an ed­ Approximately 20 students showed up to law enforcement along racial and social line!-> ucation?" asked Assistant Professor Elizabeth discuss the amendment at the forum spon­ is a hole in the coverage of 1hc bill. l11ey said Callaghan, sociology. sored by the Ithaca College chapter of the Na­ the amendment was more likclv 10 affect _:,.1, Callaghan's challenge was a frequent rc­ tional Association for the Advancement of racial m111orit1cs because racial r111.nont1e~ arc sronse among students. faculty members and Colored People. more likely 10 be convicted of a drug olli:n,e. administrators at a Nov. -f oren forum on the A panel of students. faculty and adm1n- Blacks make up 12 percenl of the ropulat1on 11nplications or a 1998 amendment 10 the 1strators was also prc~cnt to discuss many and arc 12 percent of drug offender~. hut the: Higher Education Act of 1965 that would !-trip con~cquence~ of the amendment a~ well as nrni-e up 55 percent of drug con\·1ct11 in,. ,aid ~tudcnts of all forms of linancial aid 1f thev to share 1h op111wns w11h the audience Callaghan. abo a pancl1~l arc convicted of rosscssion of a con1rolleJ During lhe meetmg, the mo~t common "'l\!Jnunlle, and cert,11n popui,lllllll' .u-c d1,­ -\LEX iJARION,'THE ITHAC,;\ substance. complaint brought agam!-,t the .imendment prPpo11wnately ta1gl'ted !I': la\, l'ni<,rcl'llll'lll SOPHOMORE ELIZABETH BIRCH recites The amendment. ratilied la~I ycur by 1hc wa~ that 11 e:,..cmplilied the pcr~1~tencc ol a list of rumors about Oct. 27"s reported 106th Congrc~s. will go into elkcl Jul) I. rac1,111 111 ,\111e11ca. See STUDENTS. page 4 assault at the open forum Fnday. ACCENT 17 CLASSIFIED 13 COMICS 12 OPINION 10 SPORTS 23 www.1thaca.2dw1thacan 2 THE ITHACAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1999 Issues in the News Federal judge declares Microsoft's antitrust case to be deceptive BY MICHAEL W. BLOOMROSE committed to seeing the case brought to News Editor conclusion as fairly as possible. However, according to the Atlanta Following federal Judge Thomas Pen­ Journal Constitution, several lawyers and field Jackson's finding of fact that con­ analysts think the initial ruling of the judge cluded Microsoft is a monopoly, Chainnan is so sympathetic to the government that Bill Gates declared the software maker is Microsoft will have to pin all its hopes on committed to "a fair and responsible" res­ an appeal rather than a settlement of the olution of its antitrust trial. year-long trial that began on Oct. 19, 1998. The 207-page denunciation of the soft­ "It will reduce Microsoft's incentive to ware giant released Friday was the first part settle," said David Yoffie, a Harvard of the judge's verdict in the case. business professor who wrote a book According to The New York limes, the about Netscape's battle with Microsoft. finding of fact is not a final verdict but a "Microsoft may feel that any settlement declaration of which side's version of now is likely to be so adverse that it may events he believes. The document clearly as well roll the dice and go through a long, showed that he found the government's case complicated appeals process." against Microsoft credible and rejected as The government "has to be emboldened "specious," as he stated in one part, virtu­ now to ask for about the toughest penal­ ally all the arguments Microsoft put up in ties you can see," said Robert Litan, a for­ its defense. mer senior Justice Department official to In one key test of-.a monopoly, Jackson the Journal Constitution. "It is more like­ concluded that Microsoft could charge as BARRY WONG/KNIGHT-RIDDER ly than not that it will ask for a breakup of much as it wanted for its Windows oper­ MICROSOFT CHAIRMAN BIii Gates reacted confidently to federal Judge Thomas the company in some form." ating systems without fear that price in­ Penfield Jackson's finding of fact that shed an unfavorable light on the company: · As to how this will ultimately effect the creases would reduce demand.
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