... MoreRocky -page 6 VOL. XV, NO. 8 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1980 In Poland Crisis continues despite settlement WARSAW, Poland (AP) - the coal mines are still on strike" Workers said 500,000 Silesian in the mining region. The paper coal miners remained on strike repeated previous government yesterday despite statements by reports that a final agreement t~ ~munist government was near. that it would meet the strikers' Most of Poland's other strikers demands in an effort to end returned to work Monday after Poland's labor crisis. pushing the country to its worst In Katowice, center of crisis in a decade and winning Poland's vital mining and in­ concessions unprecedented in dustrial region about I 60 miles the Sovlet bloc. Strikers, with southwest of Warsaw, workers their power center in the Baltic said 17 mines had been closed by port of Gdansk, forced the strikes, idling some 50,000 communist leadership of Edward miners and a number of workers Gierek to grant them indepen­ in related industries. dent trade unions, the right to Warsaw Radio reported that a strike and release of jailed po­ government commission under litical dissidents. Deputy Premier Hleksander The 18-day-old strike by some Lake Marion was recently cleaned ofalgae and growth. Here is a before and after view of the cleanup operation. Kopec had found the demands of 600,000 workers in more than 20 (photos by john Macor.) miners at 10 coal pits to be cities a!so led to a sweeping "acceptable in their entirety" government shakeup. and that it was "ready to sign an Silesia is Gierek's power base agreement" with the joint strike and has about 325,000 workers Syrians consolidate African front committee. mining coal, Poland's major But hours after the an­ export for earning foreign cur­ DAMASCUS, SYRIA that toppled the monarchy and ended in failure because of nouncement, there was no in­ rency. A protracted strike in the Syria agreed yesterday to yet propelled him to power. Sources painful rivalries within the Arab dication that a signing was near. mining heartland would be a­ another experiment with Arab said Khadary would come here fold. A spokesman for the govern­ nother blow to Poland's econ­ unity- this time with the oil­ soon to firm up the merger Diplomats expressed skepti­ ment information service inter­ my, to Gierek's political future rich north African nation of blueprints. cism about the Libyan-Syrian press would say only that ne­ and could also unravel the gov­ Libya. Some diplomats ques­ "The Syrian people and myself merger plan and said it would be gotiati,~ns might continue "for ernment's settlement with port tioned the practicality of such a were deeply moved by your unity premature to comment before hours. workers. merger. appeal," Assad told Khadary in a the results of the Assad-Khadafy There was no official explan­ In Moscow, articles Tuesday in Syrian President Hafez Assad message broadcast by the state­ talks were known. Sources said ation for the delay, but a dis­ the Communist Party daily said the result of such a move run radio. the two leaders discussed the sident source in Katowice said Pravada and the government would be the consolidation of "This unity appeal has struck plan in a phone call Sunday Tuesday afternoon that the is­ newspaper Izvestia made clear Arab defenses against Israel. an immediate favorable response night. sues were not completely resol­ that the Kremlin was still angry He sent his approval of the amongst us." Arab affairs experts, who crit­ ved. and concerned about the situ­ unity plans to Libyan leader Col Damascus is the birthplace of icized the Egyptian-Syrian unity The afternoon Warsaw news­ ation in Poland. The articles Moammar Khadafy, who pro­ the Arab Socialist Baath Party effort from 1958-61, voiced the paper Express Wieczorny said warned that "anti-socialist ele­ posed the idea in a speech which originated the Arab unity same mtsgtvmgs about the other plants dependent on coal ments" were threatening Monday marking the 11th an­ philosophy in the 1940s. Syria "and several not connected with Poland's future. niversary of the military coup planned merger between Libya has led three unsuccessful unity and Syria. experiments: with Egypt in 1958, Libya in 1971 and Iraq in Libya and Syria are 500 miles 1978. apar-t by air,. they said, and this When Assad tried to unite his would render military coopera­ Mediterranean country with oil­ tion difficult between the rich Iraq, the attempt collapsed Sovietequipped armed forces of amid rivalries between the two the two countries. But Libya's oil wings of the Baath Party that rule wealth, they added, could be a the neighboring Arab nations. boost to Syria's efforts to up­ At least three other attempts at grade its war preparations a­ Arab unity in the 25 years have gainst Israel. Rector finds kegs Grace party runs dry One of the many crowded clear the hallways, and with parties on campus last weekend inviting more people than could was broken up by the rector and be accomodated within rooms. his assistants in Grace Hall after a Students in Grace did agree keg was found in one of c section that "the place was just packed" 4-C's rooms. Three students in but claimed they had little con­ that section, who requested that trol over the number of people their names be withheld pending entering the "Florida" party and their appearance before the ju­ noted that the party rooms in dicial board of the hall, are Grace have not yet been avail­ charged with having a keg on able for use this semester. campus and face a possible fifty Under the new directive from dollar fine and/or other penal­ Dean of Students, James ties. Roemer, the keg itself was In a report from rector Brother turned over to ND Security and Charlie Burke the three students will not be returned, so the three were also charged with "slow Grace residents will lose around reaction" to the request to bring ten dollars in deposits in addition St. Ed's hall restdents recently were moved into Grace Hall study lounges after the keg downstairs, failure to to having to pay a possible fine. the destruction oftheir dorm by ji're. It appears that they must remain in their respond to head staff requests to quarters for the year. (photo by Helen Odar) (continued on page 5) ------------ ---------------- News Brie s Wednesday, September 3, 1980-page 2 by The Observer and The Associated Press Inside Wednesday Twelve members of the Whittier High School, Calif., football team were struck by gunfire yesterday afternoon during football practice when two shotgun blasts were fired at the practice field, police reported. None of the Time for a change: injuries were serious. One adult and one juvenile, however, were arrested and their car was impounded immediately after the incident, authorities said. The two were booked for investigation ofattempted murder and shooting at an inhabited dwelling. mountains and molehills A military judge yesterday turned down a defense request to eliminate one of nine potential jurors for the court-martial of Marine Pfc. Robert Garwood of Adams, Ind. Pam Degnan Attorneys for Garwood said Capt. R.A. 'Feeter, a food-services officer at Camp Lejeune, should be eliminated from the jury Once again it is the beginning ofa new term for student bettermen.t of student life at Notre Dame. because he appeared unwilling to accept some of the lines of government, and once again The Observer finds itself Which leads me back to Paul Riehle and his defense planned for the case. Garwood, a 34-year-old Indiana questioning the roles and functions of certain cabinet. The student senate proposal can be the native, disappeared while driving a jeep near Da Nang in 196). political bodies on campus. building block needed to solidify all the extensions He returned to the United States last year, saying he had been Take for example the Campus Life Council. It of student voice on campus. Here is a chance for held captive by the Vietnamese for almost 14 years. Jury was to have died a very quick death over the students and faculty to interact about issues that ~election began with a panel of 10 people, and one of those was summer according 'to Student Body President affect your daily lives without feeling oversha­ eliminated last week. She was 1st Lt. Donna Woods, the only Paul Riehle. Last year Riehle proposed that a dowed by the hierarchical presence of admin­ woman among the potential jurors, who was removed at the student senate composed of student represen­ istrators such as Van Wolvlear and Roemer. And request of the defense. Vaughan Taylor, an attorney for tatives and faculty members would take the place the Riehle Administration has shown that it does ( ;arwood, asked Switzer Tuesday to close the jury-challenge of the CLC. This would result in 1.) a more have the willingness and determination to make sessions to the news media because he was afraid news coverage effective student voice and 2.) would serve as a sure that a campus-wide student voice can and will would prejudice potential jurors. That was opposed by pros­ "viable" channel between students and the be heard. 1 ·cutor Capt. Werner Hellmer, who argued "This case is being administration thus providing more opportunities So why bite the hand that can feed you? It has 1 ried in the courtroom, not in the newspaper." for real concrete change- something which the reached the hallowed third floor ofLaFortune that CLC has failed to accomplish in the past.
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