20i1ii iii lui 11 ìI I 20i1ii iii lui 11 ìI I 32101 0618112"93... RECORDS OF SOUTH-EASTERN AFRICA VOLUME V RECORDS OF SOUTH-EASTERN AFRICA BY GEORGE McCALL THEAL VOLUME V FACSIMILE REPRINT C. STRUIK (PTY.) LTD. CAPE TOWN 1964 c. STRUIK (PTY.) LTD. AFRICANA SPECIALIST AND PUBLISHER CAPE TOWN -SOUTH AFRICA Printed by 'The Ysfe Press' Deven/er, Holland RECORDS OF SOUTH-EASTERN AFRICA COLLECTED IN VARIOUS LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVE DEPARTMENTS IN EUROPE BY GEORGE McCALL THEAL, D. LIT., LL.D., HISTORIOGRAPHER TO THE CAPE GOVERNMENT. VOL. V. PRINTED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CAPE COLONY. 1901. LONDON: PIUNTED BY WILLIAU OLOWESwww.nuance.com AND SONS, LIM1TED, STAMPOLW STRZET "D CHAR[NG CROSS. CONTENTS. DATE.PDF Create! PAGE 5 Trial Letters from the King to the Viceroys of India from 1700 to 1715 1 25 Jan. 1718. Instructions of the ViceroytotheFactorofSena 40 Letters from the King to the Viceroy of India written in 1718 40 21 Jan. 1719. Letter from the Viceroy to the Lieutenant-General of Mozambique 5. 21Jan.1719.LetterfromtheViceroyto theFactorofSena 52 26 Jan. 1719. Letter from the Viceroy to the Administrator of Sena 54 26 Jan. 171-9. Letter from the Viceroyto the Captain of Quilimane 56 26 Jan. 1719. Letter from the Viceroy to the Governor of Mozambique 57 26 Jan. 1719. Letter from the Viceroy to Manuel Gongalves Guid.o 63 26Jan.1719.LetterfromtheViceroytotheMonomotapa. 66 Letters from the King to the Viceroy of India written in 1719 . 68 14 Dec. 1719. Letter from the Viceroy to the Governor of Mozambique 73 3 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Council of Commerce of Mozambique . 74 5Jan.1720.LetterfromtheViceroytoRamasVacara 75 6 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Tribunal of the Council 77 10 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Council of Commerce of Mozambique. 78 16 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Secretary at Goa to the Vicar General of the Dominicans 80 16Jan.1720.ContractwiththeGovernorofMozambique 82 17 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Provincial of the Jesuits 84 19 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Council of Commerce of Mozambique 86 19 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Vicar General of the Dominicans 87 20 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroyto the Judge of Mozambique 89 20 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to Dor Francisco Sottomayor . 90 20 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Lieutenant General of Mozambique, 91 20 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Episcopal Administrator 93 Contents. DATE PAGE 20 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Chief Captain of Manica 94 20 Jan. 1720. Letter from the ViceroytoDomE.GomesNobre. 95 20 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Prior of the College of Mozambique 96 25 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroyto the Judge of Mozambique 96 25 Jan. 1720. Letter fromtheViceroyto theFactor of Sena . 97 25 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroy to the Rector of the College of Mozambique . 98 26 Jan. 1720. Letter from the Viceroyto Manuel Gongalves Guiho 98 PlanofnewFortificationsatMozambique . 99 Papers sent with Instructions to the Governor of Mozambique 102 Letters from the King to the Viceroyswww.nuance.com from 1720 to 1726 104 16 Jan. 1727. Order of the Viceroy concerning Slaves of Mohamedans 143 Letters from the King to the Viceroyduring 1727 145 9 Jan. 1728. Order of the Viceroy concerning Slaves of Mohamedans 155 Letters from the King to the ViceroyPDF during 1728 . 158Create! 14 Jan. 1730. Order of the Viceroy concerning5 SlavesTrial of Moharnedans 163 Letters from the King to the Viceroys from 1731 to 1748 167 20 Aug. 1749. Petition of the Inhabitants of Mozambique 197 20March1751.LetterfromtheKingtotheViceroy 201 18Nov.1751.LetterfromtheViceroytotheKing 202 Report upon Application of the Episcopal Administrator of Mozambique 203 18 March 1751. Letter from the King to the Viceroy upon the above 206 15 Jan. 1752. Opinion of the Overbeer of the Treasury upon the above 207 20 Jan. 1752. Letter from the Viceroy to the King upon the above 209 16 Nov. 1751. Report on the Jesuit Mission in South Africa. 210 18 Nov. 1751. Report on the Dominican Mission in South Africa 211 8Feb.1752.LetterfromtheViceroytotheKing 217 19 Jan. 1753. Letter from the Viceroyto the Secretaryof State 218 Letters from the King to the Viceroyduring 1755 220 13April1755.OrderconcerningcertainFees 225 14April1755.OrderconcerningcertainGrants. 226 10 June1755.Lawrelatingtothe CommerceofMozambique 226 8April1756.LetterfromtheKingtotheViceroy 230 16 April 1756. Letter from the Secretary of State to the Viceroy 233 18 April 1756. Letter from the Secretary ofStatetotheViceroy 2356Jan.1758.SalariespaidatSofalaandSena 235 28 March 1763. Letter from the Secretary of State to the Viceroy 237 28 Jan. 1764. Letter from the Viceroyto the Secretaryof State 239 1548. Appointment of Pantaleo de Si as Captain of Sofala 241 26 Sept. 1548. Order concerning Appeals in Death Sentences 242 8 Oct. 1548. Instructions concerningAffonsode Freitas 243 23 Oct. 1548. Offices conferred upon Mattheus Correa. 244 13 April 1550.Appointment of Judge to tryCiiminalCases 244 15 Sept. 1559. Office conferred upon Fern~o Martins Freire 248 7 Contents. DATE 4 Dee. 1559. 16 Dec. 1561. 29 Jan. 1562. 29 Jan. 1562. 29 Jan. 1562. Privilege granted to Pantaleao de Si Concerning Joo Caldeia Castellobranco Concerning Fernao Martins Freire Concerning Ferngo Martins Freire Concerning Fernao Martins Freire Letters from the Queen Regent to the Viceroy written in 1562 29 Jan. 1563. Appointment of an Ecclesiastical Administrator 15 Feb. 1563. Concerning Dom Francisco Mascarenhas 9 March 1563. Appointment of an Ecclesiastical Administrator 12 March 1584. Concerning Rodrigo Alvares 2 March 1586. Letter from the King to the Viceroy 1 Dec. 1590. Order concerning Commerce at Mozambique 20 March 1591. Letter from the Cardinal Regent to the Viceroy Letters from the King to the Viceroy from 1593 to 1598 1607. Letterfrom the Cityof Goato the King 25 Dec. 1608. Letter from the City of Goa to the Kiog 28 June 1629. Treaty with the Monomotapa 24 Jan. 1687. Letter from the Viceroy to the King Annexures concerning English traders Extracts from Castanbeda's History 1686. Extract from a Relation of three years Sufferings of Robert Everard in a Voyage to India Note on the History written bywww.nuance.com Osorius Note on A JTournal of the First Voyage of Da Gama Abstract of the Accounts given by the early Portuguese Historians of the First Settlement of Europeans in SoPDFuth-Eastern Africa Create! 5 Trial PAGE 249 249 250 251 251 252 260 261 262 264 265 266 270 273 283 286 287 293 293 298 407 409 410 RECORDS OF SOUTII-EASTERN AFRICA. LETTERSFRO[THEKING TOTHEVICEROY OF INDIA. (Continuedfrom Volume ]V.) Antonio Luis da Camara Coutinho VRey da India Amo Ev El Rey vos emvio mto Saudar. Havendo visto o que escrevestes Sobre o negocio que se vos encomendou das dispoziçoens dos Rios, e se provoarem de Canarins noticia q dais dos Seus aucres, ensinuando o que para se descobrirem, e Concervarem he precizamente necessario povoarem se e guarnecerem se de Soldados Portugezes e nomearsse gal para os dittos Rios de tal suposiçaõ que Cauze respeito para que se possa Recuperar o que os inimigos tem perdido a este Est° por falta de quem os Saiba atimorizar. Me pareceo ordenar vos que da gente Com que vos achardes prouejais, e mandeis para os Rios toda a que vos for possivel por se entender que da que foy p& Mombaça se deixaria ficar muita parte della e que se guarneçaõ aquelias que se tiverem por mais pereizas, e necessitem de defenças. Recomendando vos apertadamente ponhais o mayor cuidado na defença Concervaçaõ, e augmento dos Rios socorrendo os Com tudo o que vos -for possivel, ensinuando vos se fica tratando desta materia para se dar na monçaõ que vem toda a expedicaõ que se tiver por mais vtil, e no que se respeita a pessoa- do geral que apontais ser necessario para os ditos Rios. Me pareceo dizer vos que a Antonio de Castro, e Sande se encarregou deste posto de Cujas experiencias, e Capacidade se pode esperar dezempenhe em tudo. muy Cabalmente a Sua obrigaçaõ. Escripta em Lisboa a 11 de Marco de 1700. Rey. Records of South-Eastern Africa. [English translation of the foregoing.] Antonio Luis da Camara Coutinho, viceroy of India, friend, I the king greet you well. Having seen what you wrote concerning the business entrusted to you in connection with the affairs of the rivers, and of populating them with Canarins, and the report which you sent of their riches, stating that to explore them and to preserve them, it is absolutely necessary to populate and garrison them with Portuguese soldiers, appointing a general for the said rivers of such ability as to inspire respect, so that this state may recover what enemies have caused it to lose for want of a person who knows how to inspire them with fear; I think fit to command you to send to the rivers as many of your men as possible, as it is understood that a great number of those who went to Mombasa would remain behind, and let garrisons be sent to those places which are considered to be most in peril and in greatest need of defence. I earnestly recommend you to give every care to the defence, preservation, and prosperity of the rivers, assisting them by every means in your power; and I inform you that this matter is being dealt with, that in the coming monsoon such steps may be taken as are considered most useful. As to the appointing of a general, which you say is necessary for the said rivers, I think fit to inform you that Antonio de Castro and Sande has been appointed to this post, from whose experience and ability it is expected that he will in every way strictly comply with his obligations.
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