MRS NEWS Joe Greene Selected for 1999 David Turnbull Lectureship for Contributions to the Science of Thin Films As an educator who has been named tions with scientists worldwide. His stu­ "outstanding teacher" every semester he dents have received nationally competitive has taught at the University of Illinois and fellowships and graduate student awards as a pioneering contributor to research in and have made a significant impact on the areas of the growth mechanisms of various areas of materials research. thin films and multilayers, the develop­ Greene has received numerous recogni­ ment of hard coatings, the use of energetic tions for his teaching, including the SRC ions in controlling crystal growth, and in Aristotle Award, the David Adler Lec­ the development and understanding of tureship Award in Materials Physics from metastable semiconductor thin film alloys, APS, and the AVS Distinguished Lec­ Joe Greene has been selected to deliver the tureship. Greene has delivered 22 plenary 1999 Materials Research Society's David or opening addresses at international con­ Turnbull Lecture. He is cited for "contribu­ ferences and more than 270 invited lec­ tions to the use of nonthermal methods in tures at scientific meetings, universities, the growth of thin films and the engineer­ and research laboratories. By invitation, ing of their phase, composition, and he has addressed the Danish, Dutch, microstructure; and for excellence in teach­ Hungarian, and Swedish Academies of ing and writing." Joe Greene Science during centennial-year anniver­ The David Turnbull Lectureship recog­ sary celebrations. He has authored 23 nizes the career of a scientist who has revolutionized the hard-coating industry book chapters, co-edited four books, and made outstanding contributions to under­ through studies on Tij.xAlxN and related published more than 310 articles. standing materials phenomena and prop­ alloys. Greene and his research group did In the science community, Greene has erties through research, writing, and lec­ pioneering work on surface morphological held leadership positions in AVS, APS, the turing, as exemplified by David Turnbull. evolution of hard coatings and were the International Union of Vacuum Science and Through his work in the areas of thin first to use in situ atomic-resolution high- Techniques, and the American Institute of film science and surface engineering, temperature STM to follow the dynamics Physics. He has served on policy and evalu­ Greene has focused on the controlled of island formation and decay during the ation panels for DOE, the National Science manipulation of the microchemistry, the growth of TiN by ultrahigh vacuum reac­ Foundation, and the Department of De­ microstructure, and thereby the physical tive magnetron sputter deposition. fense. Greene is currently Editor-in-Chief of properties of a wide array of systems. Greene has been awarded many honors Thin Solid Films; has served as editor of With his work on the use of energetic ion during his research career, including the CRC Critical Reviews in Solid State and and photon beams, he has created new Tage Erlander Professorship of Physics at Materials Science; and has served on the edi­ materials and improved existing ones in Linkoping University awarded every torial boards of several journals, including the development of wear coatings. Greene three years by the Swedish Natural the Brazilian Journal of Vacuum Science and has also developed a new class of meta­ Science Research Council, and the Doctor Technology, Physics Today, and the journal of stable semiconducting (III-V)1.X(IV2)J of Science Degree, honoris causa, from Vacuum Science and Technology. alloys that include (GaAs)i_x(Si2)» referred Linkoping; the John Thorton Award from Greene received his MS (1968) and PhD to as Greene alloys. the American Vacuum Society (AVS); the (1971) degrees in materials science from' In his seminal contributions to the Technical Excellence Award from Semi­ the University of Southern California. He development of Si atomic-layer epitaxy conductor Research Corporation (SRC); joined the University of Illinois in 1971 and (ALE), Greene used techniques such as the R.F. Bunshah Award (in 1994 and is currently head of the Electronic Mater­ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), 1998); and the U.S. Department of Energy ials Division in the Materials Science De­ synchrotron radiation photoemission, and Award for Sustained Outstanding Re­ partment and director of the Frederick electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) search in Metallurgy and Ceramics. He Seitz Materials Research Laboratory and to probe atomic-scale changes in the local has been named Fellow of AVS and the the Center of Microanalysis of Materials. chemistry and structure as layers were American Physical Society (APS). The award will be presented to Greene formed atom-by-atom. He developed the The University of Illinois at Urbana has at the 1999 MRS Fall Meeting during the basic surface science of Si ALE, followed named Greene as the first W.B. Willett Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, De­ by applications to real-world growth and College of Engineering Professor in recog­ cember 1, at 6:00 p.m. in Salon E of the device manufacturing which has since nition of his research and his outstanding Boston Marriott Hotel. He will present his been implemented by electronic compa­ teaching reputation. Two of his recently lecture, "Atomic-Level Control During nies in the United States and Japan. His developed courses, "Materials Science of Film Growth Under Highly Kinetically work on low-energy, accelerated-ion dop­ Thin Films' and Electronic Properties of Constrained Conditions: H-Mediation and ing during molecular beam epitaxy of Si Solids," are among the most popular grad­ Ultrahigh Doping in Sii^Ge* Gas-Source and Sij.jGe.,. film growth has led to the uate courses in the Materials Science MBE" as part of the joint session of modification of film properties for elec­ Department. Greene is known to encour­ Symposia I and N on Thursday, December tronic and optical devices. age his graduate and undergraduate stu­ 2,11:15 a.m. in the Wellesley Room in the In collaborative work with colleagues at dents to participate at every level of his Boston Marriott Hotel. EH Linkoping University in Sweden, Greene research and to involve them in collabora­ 72 MRS BULLETIN/OCTOBER 1999 .
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