I 1 * I}=,,_-___......h.__.., . _ p- ._...__.._-. .._M.__. .%.-__ CHARLES PRETTY BOY" F 1~° YD KANSAS CITY MASSACRE I &#39;¥ l i. ea-aaqzs 5&#39;~lLB A +1 i SECTION 8 1 H _ _ ._..___ _......__ f _ &#39;ru "-* -&#39;~~"*&#39; :7" 7-_ --.- -- 7- -----~- -_ ..---- -----.-... ---_..-.-_-.. .---__......_..._...__..........r. &#39;- CHARLES PRETTYBOY FLOYD FRANK wasn ? vsams MILLER " % - % ADAM RIC!-lETTI_ KANSAS CITY MASSACRE ]ZiL¬ numE>¬R_ &#39; V A 5¬C2§iOD nuroE>eP._§i____ %RiAL5 Z60 @792LDA§¬S_..._l§3..._..._____ pxges R¬1.6A5¬ :5; - pgges w1@>DD¬LO________Q_______,______% ¬X¬mp@>iOD! useo._.&#39;i9.&#39;!E________ ri_l ~ ~ A ?- L~- 92 I f &#39;_92 |&#39;. . :_ !£ -- .0 0 J 1 92 1 tt <-.-.. 0|! 1 . v- an__M_JW1 _ llI!illI.__|_._M |I =s»~»;==n . 1&#39;-I. Q.,- . 1&#39;-"§!I_,..»=&#39;. In . -._, T up; < ..s¬.=..-.. - ,-92.. |. Q -ll 92 I n, 11.0 L Il¢hno|r|n¢o.hl|_ml|u_,Wn1- --1 Mr Floyd, III H1104 In n hod- v Jnlnu HlllI.&#39;0 neighbor, val &#39;&#39;_>,.-s=¢,;:l? I 0100- cIol.|_~o|_l ofms |hootln|&#39;.&#39;Lqloh 01;} Qllld n Illlllnayltil-lonlly lllllppoorolluul @- Inn obvious that &#39;~lI 1 . - _ 1| l * &#39;.¢:l.?-~. -..." -.. ell . 1&#39; u-806-1-up-1 ln&#39;I&#39;llI_l|Ii-92 1L nun; *-&#39;-&#39;.:&#39;...&#39;mChoral: "N." 9!"!!- pool 1m~&#39;..::: :1 &#39;1" Then lO§&#39; urn. at you!arm n¢oc|~o1|| III! m&#39;mm&#39;6 mm Ll1m-who "&#39; Plofdnwere hard nlrplono to command tlm cull. Pretty Bo!" More than 150 pommon ma boonauo-luuua ovolfthe an Ed9292 ll 1&#39;|lll?::lIl1dpn yro I it no only nbut hnndfil tho killer. -- » 1,Ull0;l&#39;l92l&#39;I§l1vlll":OI op ntly boon In ougohm alncoIn ~-.;~~.~=-=:*;:-- up by 92VolllVll_lOllnnw,=0klo.,-ln two I92 0 His clothing I&#39;lltllolr pockets lined I H0 dldn&#39;$hlvo ~ BoltCotton, oil? .l:&#39;. "-"1 Oonklo, tho that thobog. not urn this bankroll In harvest ollli Ind ll lntorrlow chu e bodto than in ill} on ~>.&#39;s,v ;:.-,.- -31-J| nurlclon.Louis Bt. otconamo- ,.»- , . _ Q,-__..92" &#39;3-J 1 &#39; =0 nnfor trial. took than&#39; llocitotlot-city.&#39; -u -nu convldod. I10-yd ii... _, 2: I &#39; p Y jgv -1&#39;.&#39; &#39; ~31; §i:*%t.&#39;;.:&#39;.&#39;.,"&#39;;i.."*x&#39;;.@ 1 .1."-e_&#39;i=.1 -:8-&#39;~&#39;§§: -ail "-" ~ _.,~:~+.925&3 . .9292i 3 , _ . _ 92o92 92 . -.-.---u~ --u U, or _l1:n:]l.", l my -"M I M" 92&#39; Pretty <-111,; Boy | lu, IIIld92;l;3lll; l,l| 1 a;|;ea1-ed|w|,i . dram 0, clump at bushes and CUI 9- .<~ Q. W! M-. I , 31&#39; Fa-. ,_ &#39; 1 n"-1% 9. "$ ii X s-5? an 13:1-__1f&#39;°P<&#39;_r°&#39;=:4 ya 2211 112*an 92 1200030» 0 n . , Gqnpmat. oi . ,.-I -_ plllnn, Ii aiolhlol aboltHn§ hlcqy s! i w. L .. .§_.<§~ . 1:- -,_ U2. 6 1Amer|cans* .1; f. xiii: J 0&#39; Coalinaaullnnfapal $ . F Mghadovar Oahu. about halfway _¢_ ,, bf I Illa! kU0 and I:-. :@I plaool T.-=57 1;-he qIum.ssv.4_. 1 1?»:- 65 :|$.ido5P¥q|"? -r;9.~_ :_, was-&#39;_9"u-1&#39;-&#39;3-¢o?: ma» Umhhf Ami .11?: louoa-only oaa la Hy|an&#39;t Fear Whoa 8003 I "llIGlOlaoliaI!92Ial0lllpI laa HQ mil, at but Illtljlawaylll from thou at 11:02 """JZ»" ii %?&#39;i&#39;;"1=.1"&#39;!John ll. m. llomlay, Now Y a former Y1» Darwin, Australia. Hwy "L &#39; mus DELAY, - landed at Koopan: at 10:03 a m. or Pangbom an Tumor orata Tholding to third piano, throatonod I PACIFIC HOP b Jallar,LL Briton: Cathout who lookJonas and oft fromKan IIJVA, Pill ll-Ilr Slgnaporo ior koapnnl at 8:48 a. _.0c&#39;t. as um.-can-no an. :48 p an. Monday, Now York Gan-In Kingatorl-hnltb, hiya! nal. hnatodayayboannluowaaa I VICTOIY "0lIlClA.L" l:glauat!o|law,aIatatab thalnod to tho ooilaoan Gonna a92.aoaa us 92 ail. Tkoovalui aanhautwill i . llrlaa 1 bib! nib _ o 92 - K. E2: edlqdqlthbnp -1.. i< 1&#39; _92_ lo &#39;1-1. :3. ~_. _ r w.»§l-ucpqu-H": am u» nobody III t-Ill nllh ill u than 0. Wmouw morumg U" um _ .1 192pol&#39;L92:r, Iul- IS HURTJ¢. Hy. any and nuung &#39;||0lllu&#39;daL vunnl Aualluila. né u - E 4.1.r.m4nm>, India, &#39;1-mm, UP! .~uld:r0n - Lnnln Ill " INFALI. FROM POLE nu- nu. _ _ IMIEUPANG. an Tlmoaidlalid,, - 4.1. &..."".l*B...-. and ~ ~ =1: 1 "- -:=:-_- 92!_i§¢§&#39;r &#39;. v . J -.III|I 192.1an2&#39;.Bl-8* Kill.-112 .-M-&#39; I-u vi _ I» .. Quinn. IQ lilo mr : &#39; &#39;It In nub 7;» I. too only to 92N-K,lIlgPeterlI &I-_*s_;_"";-;v&#39;,;-_&#39;-&#39;,,";&#39;;_.--&#39;-.T I do- 92&#39;-in-5R4D!vY92Il92&#39;lI|l&#39;il¢°$ 33 Th J;-nah: was llhl Inlnpw; J- unm-nu Nikola umnua ulm irlh -HI-u 0- ouch ". """""~"&#39;. Q lnneo cl tho ind IIIII Cab- Iyal nil. It iliat, In 2&#39;32 M Q . COP | lLLER&#39;SPLEA .&#39;$70 sta 0 . Inll "~ &#39; Wt un- P 0 ~.!!9292l&#39;W|I&#39;0 us HEARD av count ll T: ALBANY. Oat. ll 18!.--Ih HURRICANE |<|_u.s la {J.¢.&#39;£.. ft Com of Appull hilly hull til &#39; on m:||=|c int 92U0: oar-olll otnlL_- &#39;oéthe KipArmy app-ul of Lnonml Bcarnielnlllld SEIZE2 Q. POI. g 011-. The format I lint degree numb! eonvidloal 1?mar,_"i"E¢u, Cubism I I0- for tho slaying 0! Detective haul ,. 1 ¢ A. Btovau, dun-In; u hold-0&#39;01 &#39;Pu tumod I &#39;l|.:lcl tho R-annular Ocnnty Bank and ." -7 with the neop- 1:-at Go. In In 1088. Ben-akl III iron Gen. ivy ma, l&#39;lOilJIuIOl|IlTlilhOllDIl8I-III. M n VRWW AY T m S A B N M M ____|H!__H__ir_:__.:__*__nIn_Yhv._WW192 KA P_ mmv&#39;__._ Llh_ O U1 r___U 92I___U M MVH___JM_w____M_m"w*%_m%_mu_PmMm_§m"_Q _ %LmwWq%:mmmM_nm%mmmmmM/WWW_MM_Mmmm4mWm_wgJ mgmm % Q%WmmmMmW%mMmmMm__wmWMmWMWmmmmmhmmmmmmmmnmmmmnmmimam92_jwH1I,_m _/_92. 1__ M h___I-J_________.M|J____";___HM_______~&#39;_H, K_ l _HQ_hIfv_______,FH _ &#39;_ CMm___W1_w~£MM92_?%mm_%m%m_m$f__|i.92_._"_.__m_AW _% I mmI_._4_ {I _______imgl_|§92W .n_ nMmGiM _M M?W?WIII W$ _ J___ ___1_ ____&#39;__ _,_W. Iv,__tJ LH&#39; "__ _ 4*:_FAr_ ____ C__T &#39;_ T ___ A IA&#39;__M I!_1;1kl-I1 _ F_____|N :1_&#39;-I__. T..__._ ~ ._.,____._.._..... .i * "* - ;.1g_§;f*1 §:*_ _. .....- r<jl I I c -0I /:.-"]92 "#"92:"§&#39;" __ _ _ g__,l4~"-t:-aaldi-&_*&#39; .-.nn-A-.- . 1- -1- -h--&#39;?7 -T? :2-""i&#39;i 7&#39;" J7 - &#39;________.,, qq-92._.|,..¢..ji Nlr. N.=:"&#39;-!lr.....--- I G O -.1.».-rl,--.... new cnmms; u. &#39;1-rm-&#39; - Oetobew 88. 194- .:r. F.-lo 1 I!_ Mr. £r.::i;i:n~.ah.... Ir. lnrehell Ballard, IMWP» C;.i¢..I Clerk The New Orleans Item. hfr. Coll-E Y ------- - ..T.-. Co" or ......... -- _;- :_ -.1r. t;-.-.-.- rde ..._.... -- g_&#39;_ -&#39;1. "--..-..--- i Good Work Qiuckly Done Mr. If":--0...... &#39;I&#39;an!:eweeni_grraei92yneyneye@u&#39;believedto be in New Orleana. ainee Mr. l;.".Zi92 ------ thenhehaebeenreportedlnhaltadoeen Mr. l.=.*..ur etatee trom Louisiana to Minnesota. e&#39;e i»&#39;:!&#39;. C 5"" dead now. in Ohio. That liiean.l&#39;!&#39;loyd. tn [|.];&#39;, E _ .;. .:r.......... Mr. Inmm thoeethreeweekahaehadtoeoveraletMr. ireli ---- -- or territory to eecape death or capture» -----_ with hie purauere breathing on his neck day alter day. Here ie a technique new to I American policing. The result prom tie I great worth. - &#39; When Floyd was thought to be here. De- partment or Justice ag-ente converged upon New Orleana. They captured one Galatae. alleged "brains" behind I&#39;loyde operations. 5* Galataa is out at-he-may of harming ae- clety: hewiiidowelitoaaehiebralnaln vr 4&#39; - It meditating the telly oi matching acareer of crime against the wite and vigilance of I 2; I.-.; - I hilt &#39; Federal police. Gaiatae in hand. the liederal 4 men kept to l&#39;loyda trail. lire showdown came awi.itly.&#39; 3" l_:intil a very raw months age civilisation 92!.." ix &#39;ur__. .&#39;_.,. , gi. aeemedtobeplivihgintothehandeoithe _ . 3:"-- -&#39; -&#39; 3.:. &#39; =---r*.~"&#39;.&#39;. hardened criminal, the daeperado or the . -&#39; .. .9 Dillinger and Floyd type. _lhe automobile, .t>-&#39; -. 1 21$-_v *- the paved highway. .1111! the airplane had annihilated diltahee-that he might ea- cape eaeily tron: the laggard llrnbe oi-the law. True, the law also had airplane: and motor care, but the law war erlhbed and confined by lirniie or Jurisdiction, by atate lines that local police could not croaa and I retain their authority to apprehend crimi- i lnala Whl1eoneeorpaod"po1leewaaeall- ing upon another eorpa in another aiate to I carry on_a relay pursuit, the criminal was 1 ; crossing etill another atate, and laughing at his pureuere.
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