E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1997 No. 73 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 3, 1997, at 12:30 p.m. Senate MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1997 The Senate met at 12 noon and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY morning business to give Senators an called to order by the President pro LEADER opportunity to speak. tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The At 2:30 the Senate will resume con- sideration of S. 4, the Family Friendly able majority leader, Senator LOTT of PRAYER Mississippi, is recognized. Workplace Act. I encourage any Sen- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John Mr. LOTT. Thank you, Mr. President. ator who intends to offer an amend- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: Thank you, Chaplain, for your won- ment to this legislation to be prepared to offer the amendment during today’s Gracious Father, the Rock of Ages derful opening prayer. We appreciate session. Any votes ordered on amend- who gives us an unchanging source of it, as always. ments offered today will be set aside stability and strength, You are our se- f with the possibility of votes occurring curity in the ups and downs of life. You CONGRATULATIONS TO SENATOR on those amendments after 5 p.m. have placed a homing spirit in us that THURMOND today. makes us restless to return to You in In addition, a cloture motion on S. 4 prayer. You are everything to us: Light Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, since this is the first time I have seen the distin- will be filed today. Therefore, the Sen- in the darkness of our doubts, nourish- ate can expect a vote on cloture on S. ment for our spiritual hungers, peace guished Senator from South Carolina since it has been official, I want to con- 4 to occur on Wednesday morning. in our pressures, guidance in our confu- As a reminder to all Senators, tomor- sion, hope when we feel helpless, heal- gratulate him, as all Americans do, on the record you have set. We are very row from 9:30 until 12:30 a.m. the Sen- ing of the hurts of our lives. ate will honor the services of our Presi- Lord, we are moved by Your majesty proud of you. And I want to say that I enjoyed seeing you on television when dent pro tempore, Senator THURMOND, and motivated by the magnitude of the the longest serving Member of the Sen- responsibilities You have entrusted to we were home, too. It is a magnificent record, and you ate. I encourage all Senators to partici- us. We often express our trust in You, pate in this important tribute on Tues- but today we are stunned by the trust are a magnificent human being. We look forward to commending you day morning. You express in us. It is awesome to re- further later on this week, Mr. Presi- For the remainder of the week Sen- alize the confidence You put in the dent. ators can anticipate Senate action on women and men of this Senate and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. the concurrent budget resolution, the those who work with them. May their Thank you for your kind remarks. supplemental appropriations con- humility match Your willingness to Mr. LOTT. Thank you, Mr. President. ference report, and possibly the adop- help, their dependence equal Your dy- f tion of legislation. namic power. As Members are aware, this is the Lord, we return to the work of this WELCOME BACK first week of a 4-week legislative pe- Senate creatively carefree. You have Mr. LOTT. Welcome back, all of you. riod prior to the Fourth of July recess. called us, You have promised to give us I hope that you are all rested and re- The Senate has a number of important wisdom, and You have assured us that charged physically and in spirit be- issues which need to be considered You will never let us down or never cause we do have a little work that we prior to that next recess. We anticipate leave us; that You will never give us need to get done this week. action on the budget reconciliation more to do than we can do with Your f bills, both on the spending side and the power. So we commit to You all that tax cut bill. we have and are to realize Your very SCHEDULE The DOD authorization should be best for this Nation. In the name of our Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, the Senate ready, and the chairman of the com- Lord and Savior. Amen. will be in session today for a period of mittee has asked that we try to reserve ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5157 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:53 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S02JN7.REC S02JN7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S5158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 2, 1997 time in the latter part of June to do he had jurisdiction over 95 separate exist between the home place and the that, if at all possible. local parks which are prized by com- workplace. Most American families en- Product liability legislation is pend- munities throughout the Washington counter two basic tensions. One is the ing, as well as various appropriations area. He has skillfully balanced the tension that is financial, that drives bills, including the legislative branch, needs of the parks with the needs of both adults in the family, if there are foreign ops, and Treasury-Postal Serv- the general public and park neighbor- two adults in the family, into the ice as they become available. hoods. With parks such as Meridian workplace; certainly if there is only So we are looking at those three ap- Hill and Montrose and Dumbarton one adult in the family, that one adult propriations bills that we would like to Oaks, he has dealt with many complex has tremendous pressure to be in the be able to finish in the Senate before issues with diplomacy and exceptional workplace. The other pressure which we go out for the Fourth of July recess. judgment. exists for most American families is As all Members know, this is not an Bill Shield’s retirement after 32 years the social pressure that comes when exclusive list that the Senate may con- with the Park Service will be a great you have all of the adults in the family sider. There are other issues that are loss. But because of his guidance and in the workplace. You have tension be- pending legislatively and executive leadership, many parks in the Nation, tween the workplace and the home matters as they are cleared. For in- and especially in the Nation’s Capital, place. stance, I understand the national mis- will be enhanced and preserved for fu- How in the world are we going to be sile defense legislation has cleared the ture generations. able to meet the needs of the home, when people are not at home when they Armed Services Committee. That is an f issue that we may be able to take up are needed the most—particularly before the Fourth of July period. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR when there are times when their pres- Therefore, I encourage all Members MORNING BUSINESS ence is very, very important. For ex- to adjust their schedules for a busy Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- ample, when someone is getting an month of Senate work. That could very imous consent that morning business award, or when someone needs to speak well include some votes on Monday be extended until 2:30 p.m. today. to the counselor or with a teacher at afternoons late and evenings on Fri- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without school, or when someone needs to go to day. But later on this week, probably objection, it is so ordered. the doctor. Most families understand tomorrow, we will try to give Senators Mr. LOTT. I have no further requests that when you have this kind of a need some clear idea of what Mondays and at this time. you should have the opportunity to be Fridays they should expect to be in ses- I observe the absence of a quorum. away from work. If both adults in the sion. At a minimum, the Friday that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The family are involved in the workplace it we are scheduled to go out for the clerk will call the roll. makes it very tough to do. There are times when certain condi- Fourth of July recess—that would be The legislative clerk proceeded to tions will justify the use of what is Friday, June 27—is clearly one that we call the roll. known as family and medical leave. will likely have to be in session to The PRESIDING OFFICER. In my The Family and Medical Leave Act was complete our work on reconciliation capacity as a Senator from the State of passed by the U.S. Congress and it al- bills. Ohio, I ask unanimous consent that the lows people to take time off without order for the quorum call be rescinded. f pay. But I have found in my family, Without objection, it is so ordered. MEASURE READ FOR THE FIRST and I am sure most Americans have TIME—H.R.
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