ImprovingJ. Litbang agricultural Pert. Vol. resilience 32 No. to2 Juniclimate 2013: change ....-.... .... (Fahmuddin Agus et al.) 147 IMPROVING AGRICULTURAL RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE THROUGH SOIL MANAGEMENT Peningkatan Ketahanan Pertanian terhadap Perubahan Iklim melalui Pengelolaan Tanah Fahmuddin Agus, Husnain, and Rahmah Dewi Yustika Indonesian Soil Research Institute Jalan Tentara Pelajar No. 12, Bogor 16114, Indonesia Phone. (0251) 8336757, Fax. (0251) 8321608 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Diterima: 29 Maret 2015; Direvisi: 7 Oktober 2015; Disetujui: 21 Oktober 2015 ABSTRACT musim hujan dan musim kemarau yang sulit diduga, dan penurunan atau kenaikan jumlah curah hujan merupakan kondisi yang tidak menguntungkan yang dapat memengaruhi pertumbuhan dan Climate change affects soil properties and hence crop growth. produksi tanaman. Beberapa pendekatan, baik secara tunggal atau Several soil management practices potentially reduce vulnerability kombinasi dari dua atau lebih tindakan, bisa dipilih untuk to unfavorable climate conditions. This paper reviews how climate beradaptasi dengan perubahan iklim. Ini termasuk olah tanah change affects soil properties and how should soil management be konservasi, konservasi tanah vegetatif dan mekanis, penggunaan tailored to increase adaptation capacity to extreme climatic mulsa, pemanenan air, pengelolaan hara, ameliorasi tanah, dan conditions. The main symptoms of climate change such as the manajemen biologi tanah. Pengelolaan bahan organik tanah sangat increase in the global atmospheric temperature, unpredictable sentral dalam praktik pengelolaan tanah karena bahan organik onset of the wet and dry seasons and excessive or substantial tanah berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kapasitas tanah decrease in rainfall are unfavorable conditions that affect crop memegang air, meningkatkan kapasitas infiltrasi dan perkolasi growth and production. Several approaches, singly or a tanah, menyangga suhu tanah, serta meningkatkan kesuburan tanah combination of two or more measures, can be selected to adapt to dan aktivitas mikroba tanah. Teknik pengelolaan bahan organik the climate change. These include conservation tillage, vegetative dan praktik pengelolaan dan konservasi tanah yang dibahas dalam and engineering soil conservation, mulching, water harvesting, makalah ini merupakan cara yang relatif sederhana dan telah lama nutrient management, soil amelioration and soil biological dikenal, tetapi sering diabaikan. Makalah ini menekankan kembali management. Management of soil organic matter is very central pentingnya penerapan praktik-praktik pengelolaan tanah tersebut in adapting to climate change because of its important role in untuk mempertahankan peran pertanian di tengah efek perubahan improving water holding capacity, increasing soil infiltration iklim yang lebih serius. capacity and soil percolation, buffering soil temperature, improving soil fertility and enhancing soil microbial activities. Kata kunci: Perubahan iklim, pertanian, adaptasi, bahan organik, konservasi tanah, pengelolaan tanah Organic matter management and other soil management and conservation practices discussed in this paper are relatively simple and have long been known, but often ignored. This paper reemphasizes the importance of those practices for sustaining INTRODUCTION agriculture amid the ever more serious effects of climate change on agriculture. he increase in greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions Keywords: Climate change, agriculture, adaptation, organic Thas caused the climate change which in turn has matter, soil conservation, soil management affected crop productivity for human livelihood. By the end of this century, mean air temperature may increase as high as 4.0 °C relative to the 1980–1999 level (IPCC 2013) if ABSTRAK no significant mitigation action is implemented globally. With this increase, other climatic processes also change, including unpredictable weather, extremely high rainfall Perubahan iklim memengaruhi sifat-sifat tanah dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Beberapa praktik pengelolaan tanah berpotensi dapat and long dry season. These changes affect the soil, living mengurangi kerentanan terhadap kondisi iklim yang tidak biota and agricultural production. Agriculture, especially menguntungkan. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan bagaimana perubahan the annual cropping systems, is the most vulnerable iklim memengaruhi sifat-sifat tanah dan bagaimana seharusnya economic activity that can be severely affected by the pengelolaan tanah disesuaikan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas climate change (Nelson et al. 2009). adaptasi terhadap kondisi iklim yang ekstrem. Gejala utama Extreme climate events such as El-Niño and La-Niña perubahan iklim berupa peningkatan suhu atmosfer global, awal which recently have become more intense and more 148 J. Litbang Pert. Vol. 34 No. 4 Desember 2015: 147-158 frequent can cause crop failure, damage agricultural land opportunities to increase soil resilience, and range of soil resources, increase intensity of floods and droughts, and management options that can be selected to alleviate the increase intensity of pest and disease infestations. adverse climate change effects. Changes in precipitation patterns increase the likelihood of annual crop growth failures that in turn threatens crop production. In some cases, there may be opportunity to EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE expand planting areas to a higher altitude due to the ON SOIL QUALITY increased atmospheric temperature, but the overall impacts of climate change on agriculture are negative Climate change affects the soils through the carbon, (IPCC 2007; Nelson et al. 2009) threatening the nitrogen and hydrologic cycles. On the other hand soils household, national and global food securities. Soils also also affect the climate because of emissions of tend to be negatively affected by extreme climate in terms greenhouse gases (GHG) they exert. Climate change will of accelerated erosion, aggregate breakdown, nutrient impact soil organic matter dynamics, and various soil leaching, dryness, and the changes in microbial properties related to organic matter, soil water, and soil population and activity. On a global scale, food shortage erosion (Brevik 2012). There are several elements of will be experienced, especially in developing countries climate change that affect soil quality (Table 1). due to climate change. The food sufficiency can only be satisfied by improvement of agricultural methods including the use of fertilizer, pest control, breeding of Increased Temperature new varieties, expansion of agricultural area, and a more sustainability-oriented consumer behavior (Sakschewski In general, soil microorganism activities increase with the et al. 2014). increase in soil temperature. Although relatively high Agriculture is one of the sectors that are particularly activities of microorganisms are important for organic vulnerable to the effects of climate change so that matter mineralization, very rapid activities may deplete soil adaptation is a must to avoid harvest failures. These organic matter content which in turn causes soil adaptation actions require changes in land management aggregate breakdown. This requires addition of organic and cropping patterns to increase its resilience in order to matter into the soil. be able to adapt to the extreme climate conditions. There are various soil management technologies that can readily be implemented to alleviate the negative Unpredictable Weather climate change effects. These range from soil conservation practices, soil nutrient management, and Unpredictable weather, especially the onset of rainy soil biological activity enhancement. This paper season causes uncertainty of soil water availability and discusses the effects of climate change on soil quality, the hence it’s problematic among farmers on when to start Table 1. Climate change variables, the effects on soil and adaptation approaches. Climate change variables Effects on soil Adaptation approaches Temperature rise Increased microbial activities that potentially Mulching with plant residues and regular recycling lead to increased carbon emissions and of organic matter to maintain high soil organic soil aggregate breakdown matter content Unpredictable weather Uncertainty in the amount and timing of soil Weather prediction, e.g. using cropping calendar water availability and hence uncertainty of planting date Extremely high rainfalls Increased runoff, high erosion by water, Improvement of infiltration capacity, reduction high rate of soil nutrient leaching of slope steepness and slope length, reduction of rain drop kinetic energy using cover crop and mulch, increasing soil organic matter content, improvement of drainage systems, and construction of water retardation systems Low rainfall and long Soil dryness, cracks and surface sealing Water harvesting, mulching, organic matter dry season because of high evapo-transpiration application, irrigation, increasing water holding capacity Sea level rise Salty water intrusion and inundation causing Salt leaching, improving drainage, reducing salinization and dispersion of soil aggregate evaporation (e.g. by mulching), applying chemical treatments, and a combination of these methods Improving agricultural resilience to climate change .... (Fahmuddin Agus et al.) 149 their crop planting. Technology on rainfall prediction is a Water Shortage key to avoid water shortage or excessive water. This could be coupled with soil organic matter management Water shortage
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