Alphabetic Book List August

Alphabetic Book List August

Lot Description Estimate Book list sorted alphabetically 142 Abela Medici Anthony J., Maltese Picutre Postcards - The Definitive Catalogue Vol 1& 100 - 180 2 269 Agius De Soldanis Canon G. P., Gozo - Ancient and Modern Religious and Profane. 12 - 20 Laferla A. V. British Malta Vol 1 (2) 311 Agius M., Il-Mons F.S. Caruana Patriot u Isqof ta' Malta. Muscat-Azzopardi Ivo, Nicolo 12 - 25 Isouard. Bonnici Alexander, Frenc ta' L-Ghar (3) 194 Alexander Joan, Mabel Strickland. Denaro Marie, Daughter of an Empire, a family 25 - 40 history (2) 1 Apap Bologna Alaine, The Silver of Malta (HB) 45 - 70 2 Apap Bologna Alaine, The silver of Malta (PB) 40 - 60 76 Aquilina George P, Is-sorijiet Gerrosolimitani, il-knisja u l-monasteru ta Santa Ursola 55 - 75 Valletta. Muscat Christine, Magdelene Nuns & Penitent Prostitutes Valletta, signed (2) 195 Aquilina Victor, Strickland House (Books 1&2) 35 - 50 115 ATLANTE, Istituto Geografico de Agostini, Malta, 1964 10 - 20 202 Attard Edward, Mintoff u De Gray. Spiteri Lino, L-Onorevoli. Jien u ghaddej fil-Politika. 12 - 20 Borg Dione, Liberta' mhedda (4) 319 Attard Joseph, The Ghosts of Malta, 1983. Camilleri George, Realms of Fantasy - Folk 12 - 25 Tales from Gozo, 1984. Zammit Temi, The Collected Short Stories, translation by Godwin Ellul (3) 206 Attard Lawrance Fr E., The Great Exodus. Boyond our shores. Profiles in Maltese 20 - 35 Migration. The Safety Valve (4) 316 Azzopardi Aldo E., The Maltese Shooter's Handbook, 1985. Bonnici Joseph & Cassar 12 - 25 Michael, Old Malta Views form Cousis Cigarette Cards (2) 138 Azzopardi Emmanuel, Malta - The History of the Coinage 25 - 40 224 Azzopardi M, Dun Karm. Mizzi Lawrance, Il-Kaz Borg Pisani. Pirotta J., Nerik Mizzi and 12 - 20 2 others (5) 120 Balbi di Coreggio Francesco - Diario dell'Assedio di Malta. Rome 1965. L/e No 138 550 - 650 84 Baldacchino Alfred E., Azzopardi John, L-Ghasafar li jbejtu fl-ambjent naturali tal- 12 - 25 gzejjer Maltin, Malta University Press 2007 103 Ballou Maturin M, The Story of Malta, Boston 1893, hb 18 - 30 43 Balzan Francesca, Jewellery in Malta 70 - 100 280 Barnham Denis, One Man's Window, an illustrated account of the ten weeks of war - 18 - 30 Malta, April - June 1942, London 1956, hb with dust jacket 308 Barrington Rev B Leo, Note book of the British Commonwealth with reference to 12 - 25 Malta. Il-Hajja tar-Re Gorg u Tar-Regina Maija, Malta 1935. Cohen R., Knights of Malta - Help for Students of History (3) 318 Bellanti P.F., Studies in Maltese History, HB. Leopardi E.R., Malta's Heritage, 1969. Din 12 - 25 L-Art Helwa, Historic Monuments restored, 2002 (3) 215 Bencini Alfred, Nothing but the Truth. Buttigieg Anton, Mill-Album ta Hajti - Fil morsa 15 - 25 tal-Gwerra. Boissevain Jeremy, Saints and Fireworks (3) 219 Bencini Alfred, Nothing but the Truth. Cassar Carmel. Sex, Magic and the Periwinkle. 15 - 30 Silvio Janet editor, 100 Women - 100 stories. Calles Angela editor, Il-Mara Maltija wara s-seklu 2000 (4) 62 Bianchi Petra & Serracino Inglott Peter, Encounters with Malta 30 - 45 63 Bianchi Petra & Serracino Inglott Peter, Encounters with Malta 30 - 45 128 Biscottini Umberto, Colori di Malta, con 20 disegni di P. Consiglio, Roma 1941, 18 - 30 inscribed 117 Blouet B.W., Town Planning in Malta, reprinted from Town Planning Review, Oct 1964 12 - 25 270 Boffa Charles J., The Islets of Comino, Filfla, Hagret il-General and the Volcanic One. 12 - 20 Soler W & Ganado A, The Charting of Maltese Waters (2) 89 Boissevain Jeremy, Saints and Fireworks: Religion and Politics in Rural Malta, New 25 - 40 York, 1965, hb with dust jacket 190 Bonanno A., Malta Phoenician, Punic and Roman. Trump D., Malta Prehistory and 20 - 35 temples. Dalli C., Malta the Medieval Millenium (3) 66 Bondin Ray & Gringeri Pantano Francesca, Sicily and Malta 25 - 40 24 Bonello Giovanni, Histories of Malta Volumes 1-12 450 - 700 80 Bonello Giovanni, Nostalgias of Malta - Images by Geo Furst from the 1930s 25 - 40 78 Bonello Giovanni, Nostalgias of Malta 1860-1900, 1890-1930, 1900s, 1920-1964 & 60 - 100 Nostalgia of Gozo 1880s-1930s (5) 79 Bonello Giovanni, Nostalgias of Malta, Images by Horatio Agius 2009, and Images by 35 - 45 S.L. Cassar, 2008, FPM, 2 volumes, hb with dust jackets 54 Bonello Giovanni, Robert Caruana Dingli - Letters, Carricatures and other works 45 - 70 75 Bonello Giovanni, Valletta - Lost city 45 - 60 85 Bonnet Guido & Attard Joe, The Maltese Countryside (Vols 1&2) 25 - 35 156 Bonnici Alexander & Grech Joseph, Il-Kwadri Titulari, Birkirkara, Storja Kolleggjata 15 - 30 Knejjes filjali (2) 317 Bonnici Art Prof., L-Ordni ta 'Malta, 1955. Scicluna Hannibal P., The Order of St John 12 - 25 of Jerusalem and Places of Interest in Malta and Gozo, 1969 (2) 67 Bonnici Joseph & Cassar Michael, A Chronicle of Twentieth Century Malta 30 - 40 137 Bonnici Joseph & Cassar Michael, Malta and British Army Infanty Regiments 35 - 50 265 Bonnici Joseph & Cassar Michael, Tifkira tal-Kungress Ewkaristiku Internazzjonali 20 - 35 Malta 1913, The Malta Grand Harbour and some of its visitiros, The Gozo Boat (3) 238 Borg C. L. Salute To Maltese Infantrymen. Attard Edward, A History of the Malta 15 - 25 Police (2) 348 Borg Can. Vincent., The Seminary of Malta and the Ecclesiastical Befices of the 12 - 25 Maltese Islands, 1965. Ward C.V., Shipwreck on the Island of Malta, 1995 (2) 157 Borg Malcolm, British Colonial Architecture - Malta 1800 - 1900; De Giorgio Roger, A 20 - 35 City by an Order (2) 221 Bowen-Jones h., Dewdeny J.C., Fisher W.B., Malta - Background for Development, 2nd 12 - 25 edition 1962, hb 151 Bradford Ernle, Mediterranean - Portrait of a Sea, 1st edition, Great Britain 1971 25 - 40 275 Bradford Ernle, Mediterranean - Portrait of a Sea. Von Daniken Erich , Signs of the 25 - 40 Gods (2) 284 Bradford Ernle, Siege Malta 1940-43, 1985. Nolan Brian, Hero - The Falcon of Malta, 12 - 25 1982. Both HB with dust jackets (2) 249 Bradford Ernle, The Knights of the Order St John Jerusalem Rhodes Malta, Dorset 25 - 40 Press USA 1972. Bradford Ernle, The Shield and The Sword The Knights of St John, 1st Edition 1972 (2) 93 Brereton LT.-Colonel F.S., A Knight of St John - A Tale of the Siege of Malta, illustrated 18 - 30 by W Rainley, Blackie & Son, London, hb 188 Bres Onorato, Malta Antica Illustrata. Ferres Achille, Descrizione Storica delle Chiese. 35 - 50 Abela Gio Fran., Malta Illustrata (Facsimile Editions) (3) 340 Briguglio L & Bezzina J., Gozo and its Culture. Il-Bennej (2) 12 - 20 338 Brincat Giuseppe, Incontri Siculo - Maltesi 15 - 25 123 Brydone P., Tour through Sicily and Malta in a series of letters to William Beckford, in 90 - 120 two volumes, 1798, leather bound 2 volumes in one 256 Bugeja L, Buhagiar M & Fiorini S, Birgu - A Maltese Maritime City (Vols1&2) 55 - 75 333 Bugeja Pawl Kaptan, Kelmet il-Malti. Il-Fidwa tal-Bdiewa (opra). Sutcliffe Edmund F., A 18 - 30 Grammar of the Maltese Language with Chrestomathy and vocabulary (3) 39 Buhagiar Mario, The Iconography of the Maltese Islands 1400-1900 45 - 60 13 Buhagiar Mario, The Late Medieval Art and Architecture of the Maltese islands 45 - 65 303 Busuttil E.D., Opera, 1950's (10 booklets) 25 - 40 296 Busuttil V., Holiday Customs in Malta, 1922. Bonnici Cali Raphael, Our Lady of 18 - 30 Mellieha, 1952. and 4 other guides: St Johns Church 1895. Hasan's Cave, 2000. Mdina, 1957. Malta & Gozo (6) 200 Buttigieg Anton, Mill-album ta Hajti, volumes 1-3 20 - 35 154 Camilleri M., Vella Theresa editor., Celebratio Amicitiae. Grima Joseph ed, 60th 25 - 45 Anniversary of the Malta Historical Society - A. Commemoration (2) 107 Caruana Ant. Em., Sull' Origine della Lingua Maltese - Studio Storico Etnografico e 35 - 45 Filologico, Malta 1896 50 Caruana Dingli Mario J, Caruana Dingli Artists 45 - 60 210 Caruana Michael, Eddie Fenech Adami. Calleja Joe Fr, Ugo P. Mifsud. Tonna E & Galea 12 - 20 M, L-Arcisqof Gonzi. Buttigieg A., L-Isbah zmien ta' hajti (4) 282 Caruana Richard J., Victory in the Air, 1999. Kemp Paul J., Malta Convoys from 12 - 25 Warships Illustrated, 1988 (2) 264 Casha Kevin ed. Vanishing Malta. Pedley M, Hughes Clark M & Galea P, Limestone 25 - 40 Isles in the Crystal Sea (2) 236 Cassar Carmel, Daughters of Eve. Boissevain J. Saints and Fireworks. Cassar Carmel, 12 - 20 Society, Culture and Identity in Early Modern Malta (3) 337 Cassar Carmel, Witchcraft, Sorcery and the Inquisition. Galea Joseph, F'Gieh il-Haqq. 15 - 25 Mizzi Laurance, Meta faqqghet il-Gwerra (3) 49 Cassar Joseph Paul, Carmelo Mangion - His life and works 1905-1997 90 - 120 252 Cassola Arnold, The 1565 Great Siege of Malta. Attard J., The Knights of Malta. Mifsud 12 - 20 R., Maltese Legion. The Epic of Malta (4) 230 Cassola Arnold, The German Memoirs of a Maltese Intellecual - Giovanni Frencesco 15 - 30 Buonamico. Galea Michael, Grand Master Aloph De Wignacourt and 3 others (5) 187 Castagna Pietro Paolo, Lis Storja ta' Malta bil Gzejjer tahha (Facsimile Editions 1985) 25 - 40 Vols 1&2 27 Castilli Giuseppe & Cini Charles' Roman Malta, L/e No 41 25 - 40 233 Catania Cesare, Strickland, Britain and the Vatican 1929 - 1932. Sultana & Baldacchino 12 - 20 editors. Maltese society - A Sociological Inquiry (2) 189 Chesney A.G., The Maltese Corps of the British Army, facsimile edition 1986. 25 - 40 Macmillan Allister, Malta and Gibraltar Illustrated, facsimile edition 1985, both hb with dust jackets 279 Churchill Winston (foreward) The Epic of Malta - Odhams Press 10 - 25 177 Cini Charles (Ed.) The Siege of Malta 1565 35 - 50 290 Coder S Maxwell, Dobbie Defender of Malta, Chicago 1946.

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