THE EDITORS' PAGE 41 A recent letter challenged us to re- quest that minority groups be sought out and especially included when pro- moting new classes. We're going to re- neg on this, and here's why — Most of us are pretty proud of our square dance reputations — the trouble free, nuisance free atmosphere of our conventions and festivals, the neatness and color or our costumes, the smooth- ness and beauty of our dances, and the phrase of the music and move rhyth- friendliness and warmth of our dan- mically to and fro where it leads us? cers. We'd just like to hope and believe Why do we shout in triumph when we that dancers everywhere would main- emerge from a series of smooth, intri- tain this pride in their dancing and ex- cate figures to catch our corners for an tend a welcome to every individual allemande? who comes tb participate in the joy Because, oh readers, we are doing and happiness of dancing. Why must our "thing", a thing that man has been we seek to involve a single ethnic or doing since he stretched skins and racial group for special attention? We made the first tomtom -- DANCING! want more people who love dancing, "A rhythmic stepping in time to the whether their eyes are slanted, their beat of the music" used by mankind skins dark, their eyes blue, their ac- as a form of self-expression. We are cents Latin, their hair white or their not usually very introspective about ages in the teens. our hobby. We go home from a dance Did you ever analyze why you and remark, "Gee, that was great!" dance? If sociability is the reason, We never say "Tonight I have ex- why not join a couples club?; if exer- pressed myself in the dance." But cise, why not go golfing or bowling?; that's what happened — we use our if skill and challenge, why not play hands and feet and bodies — and bridge?; if to have a hobby, why not that's what's important — how we coin or stamp collecting? Why do we use them, not their shape or color. dance? Why do our feet tap when the It's an ideal to say that dancing and music starts? Why do we run to join dances are for everyone who wants to in the first square tip when it forms, express himself this way, but perhaps as though we just couldn't wait any it would be wrong to say that the ideal longer to get our feet moving? Why is is impossible. Man has walked on the it such a thrill to feel the beat and moon; can't all men dance on the earth? 2 =74e /vela * VOLUME 24, No. 11 SQUARE * NOVEMBER 1969 "THE NATIONAL MAGAZ INE DANCE * WITH THE SWINGING LINES- Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Record Reviewers Doug Edwards Phyl & Frank Lehnert • 2 Editors' Page Feature Writers 4 Mail Myrtis Litman • 6 Meanderings Jeanne Stevenson Editorial Assistant 9 Current Trends in S/D Mary Fabik 12 Caller-Leader Directory 13 The Whirley-Girls National Advisory Board 16 Feedback on Fashion Edna & Gene Arnfield • 18 Puzzle Page Bob Augustin 19 Calling — What's In It Al -Tex" Brownlee Louis Calhoun For You? Johnny Davis 20 Square Line Jerry Holt John Hendron 21 Easy Level Page Dick Jones 22 Put Fun in the Funnel Phyl & Frank Lehnert Melton Luttrell • 24 R/D Reviews Singin' Sam Mitchell 25 We're Tired Vaughn Parrish Dave Taylor • 26 Caller Tips Bob Withers 27 S/D Reviews SQUARE DANCE Magazine is published 29 Workshop monthly at 309 W. Water St., Sandusky, 0. 37 News by Burdick Enterprises. Second class pos- tage paid at Sandusky, Ohio, Copy deadline 38 Events first of month preceding date of issue. Sub- scription. $5.00 per year. Single copies: 50 • 39 Bookshelf cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, San- 43 Sign-Off Word dusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1969 by Bur- dick Enterprises- All rights reserved. 44 Do-Ci-Do Dolores 3 Enclosed is check for $5.00. Please send me Square Dance magazine for a year. I have talked to other callers and they have showed me copies of your magazine and it has lots of new We received the copies of the new things that are coming out. I would Square Dance yesterday. Everyone like to get "in" on the new figures. was so excited about the nice article Lowell Hanson and the pictures of the Gem-Dandies. Montevideo, Mn. We have had an extremely busy summer. We performed at Fontana Village again last week.... We enjoy your magazine.... Thanks You are both due rich praise for the again from all of us. improvement in the magazine since Sheri Bryson Mike Penland you took over. It is indeed a contri Dana Crawford Dave Helvey bution to our square dance field. I Beth Faulkner Mike Kinsland hope that I will now have more time Jane Cansler Douglas Swank to be of some help to you. Tammy Wilson Chuck Sutton Melton Luttrell Kevin Corbin Joy Williamson Ft. Worth, Texas Margaret Duvall Ren Corbin Tammy Ensley Scott Carmichael Sabrina Henson Mike Leguire Judy Dills Bruce Carroll Jean Sutton & Jean SWifford, directors. I have intended to write you before but just haven't gotten around to do ing so. I like the new look of your Fill It was such a delight to read Lee Kop- gazine very much, and am glad the man's intelligent and lucid defense of mid-west is so well represented in the challenge dancing in your Sept. issue. square dance publications field. The We were captivated by the dancing articles you have included are very in during the initial weeks of instruction teresting, and I especially like your and a few months later dropped out giving different opinions of some of because we were weary of the constant the controversial subjects which we all repetition. We'd been away from it talk about in square dancing. But most about a year when friends introduced of all, I like your 90/10 idea; and this us to a workshop group to which we've applies whether the 90 represents new belonged for almost five years now. At dancers or dancers with many years of the moment we are having so much experience, who want challenge calls. fun and are so involved that our plans If the 10% of the floor is catered to by for retirement include traveling and the caller, then the majority cannot square dancing with the many wonder- enjoy the dance. ful friends and callers we've met over I greatly enjoy your Meanderings the years. and the Editors Page, as well as the We'd like to express our gratitude to cartoons. And I especially want to you for publishing articles and move- thank you for the help you gave in ments that encompass all facets of making the Seattle Convention a suc square dancing, and our admiration cess. Your publicity was instrumental for Lee Kopman and his fellow callers in getting a lot of dancers from this for the many hours of work and in- part of the country interested in going tense concentration required to do to the far west to attend a convention. "their thing" so we may do "our I hope you will be as generous in sup thing." porting Louisville this year. Hazel Grundmeyer Floyd Lively Las Vegas, Nevada Indianapolis, Ind. 4 SQURRE ORNCE —.44:616 e 4;jft „; SQUARE ORNCE " SQUARE DRNCE Fashion Issue = A SHOWCASE OF COLOR, LIFE, INFORMATION AND FUN A WORTHWHILE COLLECTION TO SHOW AND TELL FOR YEARS DON'T BREAK THE CHAIN BY MISSING A SINGLE ISSUE P.O BOX 788 SANDUSKY, OHIO SOURRE ORNCE 44870 Please start my subscription SOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed_ [ j One Year at $5. ❑ Two Years at 59.00 4"...n.nilian and F.,reign add 51k: a year for positage. F ti NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5 SU PERCAL I FRAGI LISTICEXPIALI do-ci- of the column this month to blatant doCIOUS SEPTEMBE RF EST blurbs about this one affair, instead Well, the big experiment, the his- of all the usual trivia. As you all know, I usually do this column for mirth-y sakes, only. I was greeted by a mockingbird (do :/ you suppose anybody could train those birds to be callers?) when I arrived at the lavish hotel (they had hot and cold running mermaids right out of that legendary lucky lake — that's no toric new arrival, the thrilling SEP- fish story) and when I left in two TEMBERFEST is over, and all I can weeks, the trees were ablaze with co- do is spout superlatives as I sit here lor (especially arranged by the Mur- in contemplation and retrospect with ray Chamber of Commerce in coopera- my moog synthesizer by my side. No, tion with Mother Nature). friends, I'm not ill, I'm illuminated! I'm turned on! Seriously, the two week JET CLASS to CLUB experiment in Wes- tern Kentucky was definitely a smash- ing success. Three sets of practically I came home thoroughly enthused brand new, green-as-chlorophyll dan- about the potential of the double-bar• cers came in from nine states to learn reled festival as a TODAY WAY for western square dancing, and they grad- adding recruits to our esteemed hobby. uated spectacularly on September 27 I also came away from the magical amid cheers and a standing ovation Southern influence with a skip in my from the twenty sets assembled for step, an affectionate "you-all" on my the festi-level portion of the two-part lips, and an extra inch around my event.
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