Weather Distribution Fair and warm through to- Today tight with highi ranging from THEDAILY mid 8«i to .70s along the shore 27,175 and lows tonight in the 60s. Variable cloudiness and cooler to- I Red Bank Area J morrow high* in the 70s. Sun- Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1966. day's outlook, variable cloudi- DIAL 741-0010 ness and cool. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS Issued duly, Mnnday throu»h Friday. Second Clan Pojtan FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 88, NO. 235 Paid at K«d Bank and al Additional Malllnt Offices. Rebel Leader Flown to Ky Parley SAIGON (AP) — The leader of rebellious Vietnamese Army of the army's 1st Corps on March 10, met at tiie U. S. 1st and Thi together in hopes some agreement could be reached was held at the Marine headquarters. There were reports ttat forces in Hue, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi, was flown under a Marine Division's headquarters at Chu Lai, about 85 miles south which might lead to an easing of the political crisis. other members of Ky's ruling junta were present. U.S. guarantee of safety today to a seoret meeting with of Hue. A U. S. plane brought Thi from Hue »o Chu Lai to meet The evacuation of Americans from Hue, 400 miles north Premier Nguyen Cao Ky. Ky's dismissal of Thi, who controlled South Viet Nam's Ky, then flew him back to Hue after the meeting. of Saigon, followed the burning of the U. S. Information Ky flew from Saigon to meet his bitter rival as U.S. planes five northern provinces, precipitated Hie country's present po- There was no immediate indication of what transpired Service Library tfiere yesterday by a mob of Buddhist youths. evacuated 45 Americans and other foreign civilians from Hue litical crisis. Politically-minded Buddhist leaders seized on the between the two generals. A U. S. spokesman in Saigon said the American consul in unrest the ouster generated in the north and converted it into Hue, Thomas Corcoran, apparently had requested the evacua- ' and the Buddhist stronghold's pro-government mayor moved out "All we know was that it was a very solid session," an of the d<y with 1,000 loyal troops to a fortified headquarters a movement demanding the military governmertt's replacement tion, because there was insufficient protection for American authoritative source said. "They met for some time." , personnel and facilities. five miles southeast of Hue. by a civilian regime. Ky and Thi, whom the premier had fired as commander U. S. officials had tried before without success to get Ky No Americans were present at the meeting although it (See VIET NAM, Page <) Businessmen, Officials Form Group Press for Widening of Rt, 35 OCEAN TOWNSHIP-A group "that's a long way off." The "We are the forgotten people organizations must be coordi- Ellis Vieser, chairman of the of Rt. 35 businessmen yesterday construction of the freeway, he here in Monmouth County, We nated, and the businesmen along Middletown Township Safety agreed to join the county First noted, will not alleviate, traffic are getting nothing but a lot of the state highway must provide Committee, advised the group Aid Association in spearheading problems on Rt. 35. The road lip service," he said. financial backing for the drive. that pressure from a large num- a drive to prompt the immediate still will be used as the town- The group, organized by Dun- To Assist Noll ber of people must be exerted widening of Rt. 35 by the- state ships' main street and access to can Theoker, president of Dun- Joseph Bennett, Neptune Town- on state highway officials and Highway Department. shopping centers and Fort Mon- can Thecker Associates, also ship clerk; George Scheuler, legislative representatives to ob- The 17 businessmen and con- mouth. agreed that it must enlist sup- Ocean Township commercial de- tain a greater share of the de- cerried officials from Neptune He said the Highway Depart- port of a great number of people veloper, and Charles McKenzie, partment's allocations. and Eatontown named Elmer ment will spend (152 million this and petitions must be circulated; manager of the Monmouth Shop- He added that in the past three Noll, chairman of the Monmouth year, and one-tenth of one per efforts of the first aid squads, ping Center, Eatontow.n, were years there have been 735 acci- A VERY SPECIAL AIRPLANE — Fuselage of Aeronea 65-TL, painted in military dive County Safety Council, to head cent ($1.5 million) is allocated officials of the township and named municipal representatives dents along the controversial for the county. neighboring towns, and clubs and drab with U. S. Air Fores insignia on side, awaits truck shipment from Colts Neck the new group. to assist Mr. Noll. (See GROUP, Page 3) "We need a crusade, not a Airport io the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport, Mass. Airplane will be assembled campaign," Mr. Noll said at the today on Ka'nnedy lawn for late President's son, John-John. luncheon meeting in the Admir- al's table. The group will work to widen the highway — a chron- Brown Plans Battle to Keep To Be Sent From Colts Neck ic thorn in the township's side — from three to four lanss. At a recent meeting with coun- ty officials in Trenton, Russell County From Getting Airport Mullen, acting highway commis- Wings for John-John sioner, promised to alleviate FREEHOLD —Monmouth Air- tary land grab against a tax-lcedure. We will be filed on time "I want it clearly understood traffic problems along the three- port owner Edward I. Brown dug payer and businessman who island as long as the application that I do not want to sell and By BOB BRAMLEY dent Kennedy's son, on the lawn of the Ken- mile strip from the Eatontown to in yesterday for a hard fight as content to keep, his business with- is given a number before the I think the county's attempt to COLTS NECK — An airplane for John- nedy compound. the Asbury Ave. traffic circles the Monmouth County Board of in the scope of private enter- 15th, we will be considered. I force the issue may be illegal. "I just hope I can get it there in one known as the "death trap." John — this was the reason for frantic, top Freeholders moved ahead with prise." am confident we will get the <Wi Are Content' piece," Mr. Wagner said last night as he su- 'Long Way Off plans to buy and operate the Freeholder Director Joseph C. secret activity this week in the shops of money." "We have built this airport, pervised loading. Wall Township field. Irwin said after a conference Mr. Noll said he learned from Only vague estimates of be- we own this airport ... We are Shore Air Services, Inc., Colts Neck Airport. Shore Air Services got the subcontract to Mr. Brown called the proposed of the board that the four Re- state officials, however, that tween $1 to $2 million have been content . No power grab, Kurt Wagner, rated aircraft mechanic supply the aircraft circuitously, Gordon D. purchase, which the freeholders publicans stand firm in their there would be no action taken made for acquisition of the 700- no matter what the motivation, and shop superintendent, and his crew spent Donald, Shore Air president, said. Page Air- say will be forced by condemna- determination to proceed on to widen the highway until the plus acre property. is going to be successful with- the week repairing, painting and polishing a ways of Monroe County Airport, Rochester, tion, if necessary, "an involun- schedule. Democratic Freeholder Rt. 35 Freeway is completed and Mr. Brown hit at the lack of out a hard fight by us to keep 26-year-old monoplane purchased at Asbury N.Y., was first approached by the Kennedy Eugene J. Bedell remains op- accurate or current figures in what is ours. Park Airport from its two previous owners. family, he explained. Page in turn asked posed. his statement, making no men- Now resplendent in Air Force olive drab and Don Metsger of Atlantic Highlands, head of This means the freeholders tion, however, of the studies the "We believe that in the long sporting the Air Force star on wings and Bayshore Alrmotive, Inc., a specialist in re- will adopt a resolution June 7 freeholder director said are be- run the taxpayers will benefit fuselage, the little Aeronca 65-TL will be building old airplanes, to find a suitable air- Safety Experts ing made. by keeping the airport in pri- to acquire the field and author- trucked today to Hyannisport, Mass., by Mr. craft. Mr. Metsger subcontracted the work izing application to the federal The airport owner, a World vate hands , . that private en- Wagner and Robert Bowers, his assistant. to Shore Air. • government, under the Econom- War it flyer who has developed terprise is the American way Non-flyable, but with w«riiaWe controls The Aeronca, an ex-military light obser- ic Development Act, for 50-50 and operated the Rt. 34 facHity and worth fighting for and that except for the engine, the little ship will be vation plane, is of the type used by artillery Are Criticized matching funds. since 1944, challenged the free- i just what we intend to do." the plaything of John-John, the late Presi- spotters in World War II. Mr. Irwin said the application holders to find any public air- Mr.' Brown said that an engi- TRENTON AP Traffic n the "college squeeze." War- is being prepared and will be port in New Jersey operating In neering survey by Parsons and safety experts may be deluding ner said only about 45 per cent filed before the June 15 dead- the black.
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