Federal Bar Association - Capitol Hill Chapter CAPITOL ASSETS Winter 2009 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: J USTICE SOUTER TO ADDRESS President’s Letter 2 C HAPTER ON MAY 12, 2009 Liptak Luncheon 3 Justice Souter will de- magna cum laude from Annual Meeting Recap 4 liver an address to the Harvard College with an Capitol Hill Chapter of the A.B. degree and as a Broder Luncheon 5 Federal Bar Association member of Phi Beta during the 2009 Supreme Kappa. Souter completed Wittes Luncheon 5 Court luncheon on Tues- an M.A. at Magdalen Col- Officers & Council 6 day, May 12th, from noon lege, Oxford, as a Rhodes until 1:30 p.m. in the West Scholar in 1963. After Conference Room of the receiving a law degree Supreme Court of the from Harvard Law School United States. Justice in 1966, he was an associ- Souter will then answer ate at Orr and Reno in questions. Reservations Concord, New Hamp- are required. Please check shire, from 1966 to 1968, your e-mail and our web- when he became an Assis- Caption describing picture or graphic. site tant Attorney General of Associate Justice David Souter (www.fbacapitolhill.org) New Hampshire. In for more information 1971, he became Deputy about reservations for this Attorney General and, in 1983. Souter then became event. 1976, Attorney General of a Judge of the United New Hampshire. In States Court of Appeals David H. Souter, 1978, he was named an for the First Circuit on Associate Justice of the Associate Justice of the May 25, 1990. President Supreme Court of the Superior Court of New George H.W. Bush nomi- United States, was born in Hampshire. He was ap- nated him as an Associate Melrose, Massachusetts, pointed to the Supreme Justice of the Supreme on September 17, 1939. Court of New Hampshire Court, and he took his In 1961, he graduated as an Associate Justice in seat on October 9, 1990. G REENBERGER TO ADDRESS FINANCIAL R EGULATION & THE CURRENT CRISIS ON 2-24 On Tuesday, February 24, role of financial regulation members; and is free for 2009, at noon in Dining in causing the current eco- members who wish to Room C in the Madison nomic crisis and the role it bring their own lunch. Building of the Library of can and should play in Please e-mail your reserva- Congress, Professor Mi- resolving the crisis. The tion to Tony Ogden at chael Greenberger will talk lunch costs $15 for mem- [email protected] by Fri- to the chapter about the bers; $2o for non- day, February 20th. Page 2 Winter 2009 M ESSAGE FROM CHAPTER PRESIDENT P AUL VAMVAS It is hard to imagine a chael Greenberger, who Chapter. William Suter better vantage point than will talk about the role of and Cynthia Rapp, repre- Capitol Hill from which to financial regulation in caus- senting the Supreme Court, witness all that is going on ing the current economic are the driving forces be- in Washington: a new ad- crisis and the role it can hind our most important ministration, new Members and should play in resolv- annual event, our Supreme of Congress, an economic ing the crisis. Court luncheon in May. crisis and the response to As always, several My three immediate prede- it, decisions about two on- members of the chapter cessors, Adam Bramwell, going wars and a raft of have stepped up to do the Susan Sawtelle, and War- other issues and problems work needed to keep the ren Burke, have agreed to that need to be addressed. chapter going and help it help track our programs All of it will affect and be thrive. Our President- for the year and see to it affected by the Hill and Elect, T.J. Halstead, has that our chapter and its what happens here. And agreed to chair the Mem- efforts are known to FBA members of the Capitol bership Committee. Amy National. Mary Levering “The Capitol Hill Hill chapter of the FBA Bowser and Jeff McDer- puts herself out to get us chapter is about you. will be involved in much of mott are co-chairing our rooms at the Library of it. Young Lawyers Division Congress for so many of So please be involved. As chapter President Committee. Amy and Jeff our events and Rich Lit- And tell your attorney this year, I am hoping to will serve as liaisons to the sey took the pictures you serve our members with national Young Lawyer see in this newsletter and friends who you think programs and services that Division and will work to has been sure over the years that we have not had would enjoy our programs will help them deal with all extend the chapter’s out- that is happening. I am reach to younger attorneys to rely only on our memo- and our company to come even hoping to attract on the Hill. Chuck Ar- ries of the speakers and some new members to berg and Peg Perl will co- events we have enjoyed. join us too.” enjoy the benefits of the chair our Professional Af- And last, but certainly not Capitol Hill Chapter. Else- fairs Committee and or- least, Ellen Sutherland where in this newsletter ganize a Spring symposium volunteered to put to- you’ll read about four ex- on ethics and professional gether the newsletter that cellent luncheon speakers responsibility. The chapter you are now reading. And we already have had the ran these symposia for that list is not nearly com- pleasure of hearing this several years in the past plete either. year: Glenn Fine, the In- and they were always very I am hoping that this spector General of the popular and well attended. is the first of at least three Department of Justice; Chuck and Peg have newsletters we can get out Adam Liptak, the incom- agreed to help revive that this year to let you all ing Supreme Court corre- tradition. And Nicole know what we have done spondent for The New York Isaac has agreed to help us and what we plan to do. Times; David Broder, Wash- start what will hopefully be The Capitol Hill chapter is ington Post columnist and a new tradition, a series of about you. So please be reporter and widely ac- policy breakfasts featuring involved. And tell your knowledged Dean of the lawmakers focusing on attorney friends who you Washington press corps; issues of major concern to think would enjoy our pro- and Brookings Senior Fel- the Nation. grams and our company to low Benjamin Wittes, au- Needless to say, that is come join us too. Thanks. thor of Law and the Long just a short list of all the War. On February 24th, we people who are contribut- —Paul Vamvas will be hearing from Mi- ing time and energy to the Capitol Assets Page 3 A DAM LIPTAK ADDRESSES CHAPTER AT OCTOBER LUNCHEON Adam Liptak, the new self whether he wanted to New York Times Supreme give up a position that al- Court correspondent, lowed him to travel all over spoke to the chapter mem- the country essentially cov- bers and guests at our Oc- ering whatever legal story tober luncheon. Liptak, he found interesting to who just began in this po- take what he acknowledged sition at the beginning of was the most prestigious the Supreme Court’s 2008 job in legal journalism. “I October Term, follows made up a list of pros and long time correspondent cons, and there were a lot Linda Greenhouse, who of cons. And then I tore retired from the Times and up the list and took the plans to teach at Yale Uni- job,” he said with a shrug. versity. Liptak was the Liptak said one of the New York Times’ greatest challenges of the National Legal Correspon- job was figuring out who “I made up a list of dent, based in New York, exactly he is writing for Adam Liptak, New York Times before moving to D.C. to and what he needs to write Supreme Court Correspondent pros and cons, and there cover the Court. in the age of the Internet. were a lot of cons. And It was a daunting task When Greenhouse started said he supported the push taking over from Green- covering the Court, he then I tore up the list for cameras in the Su- house, Liptak told his audi- noted, there was no other preme Court Chamber and ence. When Greenhouse way to learn what hap- and took the job,” did not think they would announced that she was pened there other than have the deleterious effect Liptak said with a retiring, Liptak asked him- reading the newspapers. about which the Justices shrug. have expressed concern. Now, he noted, He also spoke about the everyone really lack of a federal shield law interested in what for journalists and said the Court is do- that, while he supports ing can go to having one, it is a more SCOTUSBlog, complicated question than the Court’s own it seems at first. Since he is web site, or a certain it would include a dozen other complicated balancing test sources and see for when a reporter could almost immedi- refuse to reveal a confiden- ately what the tial source and when a re- Court decided. porter could not, a federal That suggests a shield law would not al- different mission ways provide the necessary for Liptak and his protection. But the exis- newspaper. tence of such a law would Responding nevertheless make it more to questions from difficult to tell federal the luncheon courts “no” if the balanc- Liptak and Chapter President Paul Vamvas guests, Liptak ing test came out against protecting the source.
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