1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7481 President, for his approval, a bill of the to ownership and control of J. M. Lehmann DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESIDENT House of the following-title: Co., Inc.; to the Committee on the J_udiciary. PRO TEMPORE H. R. 3695. An act for the relief of the The Secretary, Edwin A. Halsey, read estate of Thomas .Shea, deceased. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS the .following letter: ADJOURNMENT Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private UNITED STATES SENATE, Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I bills and resolutions were introduced and PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, severally referred as follow~: Washington, D. C., September 1, 1944. move that the House dp now adjourn. To the Senate: The motion was agreed to; accord­ By Mr. MARCANTONIO: Being temporarily absent from the Senate, ingly (at 5 o'clock and 50 minutes p. m.) H. R. 5284. ,A bill for the relief of Rosalia . I appoint Hon. KENNETH MCKELLAR, a Sen­ the House adjourned until tomorrow, Cataudella DiRosa and son, Georgia DiRosa; ator from the State of Tennessee, to per­ Friday, September 1, 1944, at 12 o'clock to the Committee on Immigration and Nat­ form the duties of the Chair during my noon. uralization. absence. By Mr. O'.NEAL: CARTER GLASS, H. R. 5285. A bill for the relief of William President pro tempore. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. M. Silk and Henrietta Silk; to the Committee 1786. Under clause 2 of rule XXIV a on Claims. Thereupon Mr. McKELLAR took the letter from the Secretary of the Navy, By Mr. RANDOLPH: chair as Acting President pro tempore. H. R. 5286. A bill for the relief of Monon­ THE JOUB.HAL transmitting a report for the fiscal year- galia, County, w. Va.; to the Committee on 1944, in compliance with Public Law No. Claims. .. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by 779, Seventy-seventh Congress, was taken By Mr. TOLAN: unanimous consent, the reading of the -from the Speaker's table and referred to H. R. 5287. A bill for the reiief of Elmer Journal of the proceedings of the cal­ the Committe on Military Affairs. C. Hadden; to the Committee on Claims. endar day Thursday, August 31, 1944, · H. R. 5288. A bill for the relief of Henry R. Butler; to the Committee on Claims. was dispensed with, and the Journal was PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS apprqved. Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT bills and resolutions were introduced and PETITIONS, ETC. severally referred as follows: Messages in writing from the Presi­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII; petitions dent of the United States were commu­ By Mr. ENGLE of California: and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk· nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one H. R. 5276. A bill to provide for the deporta­ tion after the war of Japanese aliens residing and referred as follows: of his secretaries. 1n the United States and citize·ns of Japanese 6053. By the SPEAKER: Petition of em­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE descent who have declared their disloyalty to ployees of General Electric Co., Fort Wayne, the United States or ·have requ~sted repatria­ Ind., petitioning consideration of their reso­ A message from the House of Repre­ tion; to the Committee on Immigration and lution with reference to promotion of Ameri­ sentatives, by Mr. McLeod, one of its Naturalization. can prisoners of war; to the Committee on clerks, announced that the House had By Mr. CAPOZZOLI: Military Affairs. passed the bill (8. 2051) to amend the H. R. 5277. A bill to amend the Judicial 6054. Alsq, petition of Eunice V. Taylor, Social Security Act, as amended, to pro­ Code with respect to the admission of attor­ Syracuse, N. Y., petitioning consideration of vide a national program fa; war mobili­ neys at law to practice before the departments her resolution with reference to her com­ zation and reconversion, and for other and offices of the Government exercising plaints on three judges; to the Committee on judicial or quasi-judicial functions; to the the Judiciary. purposes; that the House insisted 1pon Committee on the Judiciary. its amendment to the bill, asked a con­ By Mr. DAVIS: ference with the Senate on the disagree­ H. R. 5278. A bill to incorporate the Na­ ing votes of the two Houses thereon, and tional Safety Council; to the Committee on that Mr. DOUGHTON, Mr. COCPER, Mr. DIS­ the Judiciary. SENATE NEY, Mr. DINGELL, Mr. KNUTSON, Mr. REED By Mr. FULMER: of New York, and Mr. WOODRUFF of Mich­ H. R. 5279. A bill to provide for the estab­ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1944 igan were appointe~ managers on the lishment and operation of forest products pilot plants, and for other purposes; to the The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown part of the House at the conference. Committee on Agriculture. Harris, D . .D., offered the following ENROLLED BILLS AND A JOINT By Mr. NORRELL: prayer: RESOLUTION SIGNED H. R. 5280. A bill to terminate the use tax on motor vehicles and boats; to the Com­ Our Father God, to Thy chastening The message also announced that the mittee on Ways and Means. presence we would lift our sin-stained Speaker had affixed his signature to the By Mr. CANNON of Florida: lives at the morning call of prayer. Yet following enrolled bills and a joint reso­ H. R. 5281. A bill to extend the benefits of we shrink from Thy scrutiny knowing lution, and they were signed by the Act­ title II of the Social Security Act to certain that outer dissemblings, duplicities, and ing President pro tempore: employees performing service outside the sophistries which may mask us from our S. 1508. An act to provide effective date of United States; to the Committee on Ways awards of death pension or compensation in and Means. fellows hide us not from Thee from whom no secrets are hid. As we see the cases of persons missing or missing in action, By Mr. CASE: to authorize payment of such benefits from H. R. 5282. A bill for post-war construction, shame and smirch of our sinful selves the date of death of such person as reported improvement, and maintenance of Indian against the white ·splendor of Thy holi­ or found by the Secretary of War or the re1:ervation roads; to the Committee on ness, may we grow penitent, hating the Secretary of the Navy, and for other purposes; Roads. evil impediments that our self-deception · S. 1934. An act to provide for abandon­ By Mr. BARRETT: build up against Thy coming to us and ment of the project authorized in the act of H. R. 5283. A bill to provide for the ex­ through us. October 17, 1940, for a seaplane channel and tension of certain oil and gas leases; to the basin in Boston Harbor, Mass.; Committee on the Public Lands. Not only for our separate lives do we H. R. 1506. An act to amend- further the By Mr. PETERSON of Florida: pray but for the common global interests Pay Readjustment Act of 1942; and H. R. 5289. A bill to provide for the ac­ that bind us all together. For our Na­ H. J. Res. 306. Joint resolution authorizing / ceptance and protection by the United States tion and its leaders and the whole body the President of the United States to pro­ of property within the authorized boundaries of our citizens in this fiery ordeal of claim October 11, 1944, General Pulaski's of the Everglades National Park project, Flor­ testing and sacrifice guide us, 0 Thou Memorial Day for the observance and com­ ida, pending the establishment of the park, great Jehovah, be Thou still our strength memoration of the death of Brig. Gen. Casimir and for other purposes; to the Committee on Pulaski. the Public Lands. and shield. Give us gallant courage to By Mr. DICKSTEIN: endure to the victorious end and the wis­ ADDRESS BY SENATOR BARKLEY NOMI­ H . Res. 630. Resolution requesting infor­ dom from above so to mold and fashion NATING PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AT mation from the Reconstruction Finance the victory bought with so.grea-t a price DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION Corporation regarding distribution of surplus that we may not miss the way again to materials and other matters; to the Com­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- mittee on Banking and Currency. just and enduring peace. We ask it in pore. In his capacity as a Senator from H. Res. 631. Resolution requesting infor­ the name that is above every name. Tennessee, the Chair asks unanimous mation from the Alien Property Custodian as Amen. - · - consent to have printed in the RECORD 7482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE SEPTEMBER 1 the address delivered by the distinguished uttered the prophetic sentence, "This genera­ By these and other great measures of simi­ Senator from Kentucky [Mr. BARKLEY] tion of Americans has a rendezvous with lar importance to the American people, the at the recent Democratic National Con­ destiny"? American economic system and the American What a destiny. What a rendezvous. conception and way of life were fortified for vention placing in nomination President the impact of war and the defense of our land. Roosevelt. Is there objection? The Centering his searching mind and great abilities upon our own domestic problems, h<i THEY HAVE NOT SAID Chair hears none, and the address will be restored our financial institutions-strength­ printed in the RECORD. What will our opponents do with this mod­ ened them beyond any previous stability­ ern vehicle we have created? They have not The address is as follows: and rekindled the people's confidence in them said.
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