NYS Tax bureau Reasoner discusses to re-examine American challenges bU..y Cathr>_il y rBarbell» i ii a wh. o America's saviors would^ be^ . Putting the standing-room-only crowd "I see no Franklin D. Roosevelt in the deli records at ease yesterday by admitting "I don't making," he added, but said a strong The United Student Government run know anything you don't know", ABC middle class living up to its respon- student deli, alrady assessed $13,700 for news anchorman Harry Reasoner, sibilities is a hope for the nation. unpaid back sales taxes, will be audited American Age's first lecturer of the for a two and one half year period prior to semester, discussed the challenges facing Reasoner, in black suit and tie, spoke February 1974, a period which is still America today. for about 45 minutes in the campus center unfiled with the state tax bureau, ac- Comparing an aging nation to a aging ballroom, and then answered questions cording to the state's special investigation person, Reasoner said both • after become from an attentive audience. Most of the bureau. scared of changes, but he added that both students' questions centered on Originally, USG president Jim Buckley also become wiser. Hope for our country Reasoner's opinion of journalism and said the state did not rule against the deli lies in learning from the past, he stated. broadcast news. for back taxes before February 1974 Reasoner cited Congress' "irresponsible because it considered the deli at that time behavior" toward inflation, the energy Bias is minimal, he said. "We try not to a small, cooperative venture. crisis, and the environment as a major build up stories past true news value," he The September 17 issue of The Ram reason for pessimism in this country. "If stated, but it would be "inconceivable" not erroneously stated the deli struck a deal the legislature refuses to answer our to give full coverage to someone like Lynn with the state to reduce figures on owed Paul Keene problems", he said, "someone else will." (Squeaky) Fromme. Reasoner then back taxes for the entire four years of HARRY REASONER: The ABC anc- But with the dearth of "realistic heroes," classed her in America's "community of the deli's operation from $52,000 to horman said yesterday he looks to the Reasoner admitted he was not sure just nuts." $13,000. middle class to save America. According to Crawley, the $13,700 figure was decided by the state alone, although he said he opposed the deli Keith: alternative to dorm living paying any taxes at all. He said he still considers the deli a cooperative existing by Ann Flynn On the street below people hurry by filled with the energy that comes with for the student's benefit only. It looks like any of the thousands of with the indifference of urban dwellers. three o'clock. The state has yet given no reason for buildings that tower over New York Men and women glance quickly at one A street in the heart of Manhattan? No, the second audit. According to Buckley, City's streets. Though new, its walls seem another, too unconcerned to notice or a view of Keith Towers, Fordham the case was considered closed by both tinged by the dirty city air. Windows, remember the hundreds of faces they see University's latest alternative to dor- the USG and Dean of Students William sparkling in the sun, seem to promise that each week. A mounted policeman sits mitory living. Crawley. they too will succumb to the drabness of placidly surveying the traffic while across Still in the process of being completed, Festus Nkwocha, field auditor for the city life. The building itself stands mute the street an elderly man sits on a park Keith Towers now houses over one Bronx division of the sales tax bureau, against a background of noise and con- bench alone with his thoughts. Crowded hundred Fordham students. By now other stated the second audit would begin in fusion. school busses stop to release children tenants will have started moving in. mid-October, despite the abscence of deli Located three blocks from campus on records for the period prior February Southern Boulevard, Keith Towers, like 1974. He said he would make independent 555, places students within easy access of checks of supplier's records and make an the school while enabling them to ex- estimation of gross sales to arrive at a tax perience some of the independence of off- figure. campus living. Although Buckley would not speculate Though not primarily an institutional on exact gross sales figures for the three facility, Fordham students who have years prior to 1974, he said the figures chosen to live in Keith Towers are subject would be far less than the $200,000 sales to the rules and regulations imposed by figure for February 1974-75 period alone. the university. Resident advisors are The original audit came in response to a provided to insure that student residents state Special Investigators Bureau abide by these rules. examination on charges of alleged fraud Admittance into the building is and mismanagement of funds. There was, guarded. The entrance, located on the side however, no evidence of criminality found, of the building, is staffed by a uniformed according to a department spokesman. security guard. Identification cards are Crawley indicated the deli has been required of student residents and visitors paying off the tax debt in installments, Joe Spinosa are required to sign a register on both and said the deli would be able to meet an KEITH TOWERS: Located three blocks from campus, it houses over 100 Fordham entering and leaving the building. As agreed-to, December 1976 deadline. students this semester. names and faces become more familiar, however, students are often waved through with a smile. The lobby is small and stark. Heels click Fordham: no place for radicals loudly on the white tiled floor and the there must be a student body that is professors expressed a sense of futility white and yellow walls are devoid of by Cathy Carson looking to change that which they do at the unquestioning student. Afro- decoration. Students check the mailboxes For years, I have entertained the not like, if in fact, they do not like it. American Studies teacher Mark which line one wall and glance quickly at notion that a college atmosphere was Fjvery professor interviewed made one Naison said he is constantly pleading the notices posted in the lone bulletin one of the last frontiers of idealism sweeping comment about the Fordham for rebuttal, frequently to no avail. board-the only indication of college life. amidst society's whirlpool where fresh, student in the classroom: he is passive, Assuming students do not challenge Elevators respond quickly and students innovative ideologies were fostered. I he does not challenge that which the the teacher, it is difficult to determine board, anxious to retreat to the privacy of believed that college was the breeding teacher presents as fact or opinion. The whether they are in agreement with their rooms. Students greet each other ground for whatever radicalism is reasons for this may vary. However it the professor's opinions, or whether with a quick hello-strange faces are slowly injected into America's bloodstream, seems the parochial school background they are resigned to the classroom becoming familiar. They seem to realize by attempting to take an outsider's of many students has brought a passive authority structure. "Maybe they just that they must compensate for the view of the system, they would become acceptance of authority where don't want to bother," one student starkness of the building. major agents of social change—or at challenge is not encouraged. stated. In either case, it is inevitable Senior Peggy O'Leary who has lived in 'cast maintain a certain political Political science Professor Martin that since he is not protesting, he is at both Martyrs' Court and 555 compares awareness that would never actually Fergus discussed an experiment he least taking it all in from the singular Keith Towers favorably with the other absorb the system. Thinking myself to conducted in his classroom where viewpoint of the professor. buildings. The cleanliness of the new he realistic, I knew that this was not students on their levels of respect for To exactly what type of program- building is an obvious advantage as is the necessarily everyone's purpose in authority. As he divided the class into ming are students voluntarily sub- solitude the location provides. "You don't seeking a liberal arts education, and three groups according to this critera, jecting themselves? Is the professor have nearly as many visitors as when you that the whole process would not take he noticed that the submissive insighting revolution or is he preparing live on campus." place in the classroom. Simply, I students found it difficult to create him for a career in the FBI? The an- thought that the university was the their own society. "They were used to swer is nebulous (although Fordham FattyMcGuinness.Fordham College '77, radical's sanctuary—a place where he having the teacher tell them what to boasts many more government cites "complete kitchen facilities" as a ( ( ' Hild imagine a complete reformation do," Fergus said. "They didn't know workers than just the infamous G. bonus but objects to the building's "I society. If such a phenomenon could how to think and act for themselves. I Gordon Liddy or Mr. Mitchell); distance from campus. "Even though n "t happen in college, I thought, it believe this may be typical, rather than professors outside the political science we're considered campus residents, other '''•uld not happen.
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