The Social TV Viewer An explorative study of the viewing behavior associated with synchronous social TV DON MICHAEL GRABEN Master of Science Thesis Stockholm, Sweden 2013 The Social TV Viewer An explorative study of the viewing behavior associated with synchronous social TV DON MICHAEL GRABEN DM228X, Master’s Thesis in Media Technology (30 ECTS credits) Degree Progr. in Media Technology 270 credits Royal Institute of Technology year 2013 Supervisor at CSC was Pernilla Josefsson Examiner was Stefan Hrastinski TRITA-CSC-E 2013:003 ISRN-KTH/CSC/E--13/003--SE ISSN-1653-5715 Royal Institute of Technology School of Computer Science and Communication KTH CSC SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden URL: www.kth.se/csc The Social TV Viewer An Explorative Study of the Viewing Behavior Associated with Synchronous Social TV Abstract This thesis is a qualitative study conducted for Ericsson ConsumerLab which explores the phenomenon of Social TV consumption from the perspective of its adopters. Through a series of in-depth interviews it explores the phenomenon, investigating both how and why TV consumers are using social media to talk about TV content while watching it. The findings of this thesis include numerous insights about the viewing behavior associated with synchronous Social TV, covering several different aspects: Driving forces, the context in which Social TV viewing takes place, the features of the content being consumed, with whom and how Social TV viewers are interacting with each other, identified barriers and needs, as well as perceived effects on the TV viewing experience. It becomes evident that TV viewers consider the act of watching TV as a highly social activity, seeking to share it with other like-minded individuals, using social media to recreate the experience of watching together as a co-located group. The adoption of second screen devices, such as the smartphone, are identified as important triggers, as they are making it increasingly more easy for viewers to engage in social interaction. This is inevitably also pushing viewers to a converging use of devices. Content-related and real-time social activities are found to be highly value-adding to the TV experience, making it more fun to watch TV by introducing the notion of interactivity. As will be shown in this thesis, this is ultimately driving consumers to watching more content ”live” (according to the TV schedule), rewatching already consumed content and even to a new appreciation for commercial breaks. Den Sociala TV-Tittaren En Kvalitativ Studie om Tittarbeteendet Associerat med Social TV- Konsumtion Sammanfattning Detta examensarbete består av en kvalitativ studie som görs på uppdrag av Ericsson ConsumerLab. Syftet är att utforska fenomenet Social TV-konsumtion utifrån ett användarperspektiv. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer utforskas fenomenet genom att undersöka både hur och varför TV-konsumenter använder sociala medier för att prata om TV-innehåll parallellt som det konsumeras. Examensarbetet ger upphov till flera insikter om det aktuella tittarbeteendet, där flera viktiga aspekter täcks in: Drivkrafter, sammanhang där man finner fenomenet, med vilka och hur Sociala TV-tittare interagerar med varandra, barriärer och behov, samt påverkan på TV-upplevelsen. I studien blir det uppenbart att TV-konsumenter allmänt identifierar TV-tittande som något fundamentalt socialt, där man ofta söker likasinnade att dela upplevelsen med och där sociala medier används just för att återskapa känslan av att titta tillsammans med andra. Sekundära skärmar, som t.ex. smarta mobiltelefoner, agerar då ofta som utlösare, då dessa gör det mycket lättare för TV-tittare att interagera med varandra. Detta driver även i slutändan konsumenter till att allt oftare använda flera mediaenheter parallellt vid konsumtion av innehåll. Detta examensarbete påvisar även det mervärde som Sociala TV-tittare upplever av att i realtid kunna interagera med varandra om TV-program, som t.ex. att det blir roligare och mer interaktivt att se på TV. Det är detta mervärde som slutligen även driver TV-konsumenter till att se alltmer TV-innehåll ”live” (tablålagd TV), titta på program man redan sett, och till och med till en ny uppskattning av reklampauser. Acknowledgements I want to thank everybody at Ericsson ConsumerLab, with a very special thanks to my supervisor Niklas Rönnblom for all his guidance, insightfulness and positive spirit and without whom this thesis would not have been possible. I further want to thank my supervisor at KTH, Pernilla Josefsson, for all her feedback and guidance along the way. Of course I have to thank all the anonymous participants of this study for providing the very insights on which this thesis is based. Finally, I want to thank my beloved family and friends for all their support during these last few months. THANK YOU! Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ...........................................................................................................1 1.2 Purpose Statement ...............................................................................................2 1.3 Delimitations ........................................................................................................2 2. Theoretical Background ........................................................................... 3 2.1 TV Viewing Behavior and Practices ......................................................................3 2.1.1 Qualitative TV Studies ..................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 The Effects of New Technologies .................................................................................... 4 2.2 TV’s Social Dimension ...........................................................................................6 2.2.1 Social Viewing Behavior ................................................................................................. 6 2.2.2 The Effects of New Technologies .................................................................................... 7 2.3 Social TV ................................................................................................................8 2.3.1 Previous Research ........................................................................................................... 8 2.3.2 Significance of TV genres ............................................................................................. 12 2.3.3 Social Media And TV ..................................................................................................... 12 2.3.4 Social TV Applications .................................................................................................. 14 2.3.5 The Social TV User ........................................................................................................ 15 3. Methodology ........................................................................................... 17 3.1 Strategy of Inquiry ............................................................................................. 17 3.2 Target Group...................................................................................................... 19 3.3 Research Design................................................................................................. 21 3.3.1 Social Recruiting ........................................................................................................... 22 3.3.2 Interviews ...................................................................................................................... 22 3.3.3 Diary Assignment ......................................................................................................... 23 3.3.4 Virtual Observation ...................................................................................................... 24 3.4 Implementation ................................................................................................. 25 3.4.1 Social Recruiting ........................................................................................................... 25 3.4.2 Results of the Social Recruiting .................................................................................... 28 3.4.3 Interviews ...................................................................................................................... 29 3.4.4 Diaries............................................................................................................................ 31 3.4.5 Virtual Observations ..................................................................................................... 31 3.5 Reliability and Validity ....................................................................................... 32 4. Empirical Findings ................................................................................... 33 4.1 Participant Backgrounds .................................................................................... 33 4.1.1 Deviation from Target Group ....................................................................................... 33 4.1.2 Demographics ................................................................................................................ 34 4.1.3 General TV Habits ......................................................................................................... 35 4.2 Synchronous Social TV Driving Forces ..............................................................
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