Index 007 Chess 7.3 Alice (Alician) Chess 11.1 Aristocratic Chess 31.4 10x10 Chess All The King’s Men 18.4 Arithmetical Chess 3.5 (Sosnovsky) 15.2 All-Angle Chess 16.4 Arlequin 18.4 2000 A.D. 17.9 All-In Castling 8.6 Armageddon Chess 5.2 3 Dimensional Chess All-In Chess 7.1 Arrow Pawn Chess 15.2 (Carney) 25.2, All-In En Passant 3.5 Arthur Bliss’s Chess 13.5 (Mind Games) 25.2 All-Mate Chess 3.1 Artificial Intelligence 32.1 3-D Chess Allegiance Chess 37.3 Asha, The Game of 12.11 (Enjoyable Hour) 25.3 Allergy Chess 4.2 Assassin Chess 17.2 3-D Space Chess Alliance Assassin Kriegsspiel 2.1 (Dimensional Enterprises) (Liptak and Babcock) 34.3 Assizes 26.1 25.6 Alliance Chess Asteryx Chess 22.1 4-6-10 Chess 24.3 (Bathgate) 35.2, Astral Battle 37.2 4D 23.5 (Paletta) 19.6 Astral Chess 38.12 Allthought Chess 14.4 Astro (Lauterbach) 38.10 Abdication 19.6 Almost Chess 14.1 Astro Chess (Wilkins) 38.3 Abolition of castling 8.6 Altenburg Four-Handed Astronomical Chess 38.13 Absolute Checkless Chess 4.1 Chess 35.1 Asymmetric Chess 14.4 Absolute Rettah Chess 19.1 Alternating Chess Athletic Chess 12.9 Absorption Chess 18.1 (Marseillais) 1.1, Atkinson’s Three- Abstract Chess 18.2 (Poniachik) 4.3, dimensional Chess 25.6 According to Pritchard 38.11 (rotation) 12.3 Atomic Chess Acedrex de las Diez Casas Alternation Chess 34.2 (Benjamin) 17.4, 26.2 Amazon Chess 14.1 (originator unknown) 3.3, Active Chess 13.3 Amazon Queen 14.1 (Taher) 33.2 Actuated Revolving Centre Ambassador Chess 18.2 Atranj 29.2 8.4 Amber, The Royal Game of Attama, The Game of see Actuated Revolving 12.5 Persian Chess Quarterboard 8.4 Ambi-Chess 19.6 Auction TC 9.3 Admirals-Schach 32.1 Ambiguous Chess 7.2 Augmented Knights 20.1 Advance Chess 9.1 Ambition Chess 18.2 Augsburg Chess 18.3 Advice 32.1 Amoeba 13.6 Automatic Chess 10.11 Airplane Chess 17.1 An-nan Chess 18.5 Autorifle Chess 3.1 Ajedrez-4 35.1 An-nan Shogi 28.3 Autosuction Chess 12.7 Akenhead’s Chess 16.7 An-Qi 33.2 Avalanche Chess 7.3 Akers’s Game see Appendix Anchor-Ring Chess 24.2 Aviation 16.5 (Patents) Angel Chess 14.1 Ayanu 32.1 Alapo 32.1 Animal Chess 32.1 Aztec Chess 25.3 Albers’s Four-Handed Chess Anti-King Chess 19.7 35.1 Anticipation Chess 30.3 Baby Chess 13.2 Alberti’s Chess for Three Apocalypse 19.6 Babylon 20.1 37.6 Applied Chess 18.2 Balaklava Chess 15.2 Alberti’s Four-Handed Chess Arabic Chess 26.2 Balanced 007 7.3 35.1 ARC 8.4 Balanced Avalanche Chess Alcoholic Chess 12.9 Arch Chess (Moody) 15.3, 7.3 Algiers Chess 26.4 (Piacenza) 15.2 Balanced Doppelzug-Dynamo Alisher Navoi’s Great Chess Archer Chess 16.1 Chess 8.2 29.5 Archimedes Chess 3.1 .... 370 Index Balanced Equidistant Big Horse Chess 33.4 Bughouse Chess (Hulf) 12.11, Marseillais Chess 1.1 Bilateral Marseillais Chess (replacement) 5.4 Balanced Marseillais Chess 1.1 Burglar and Policemen 33.6 1.1 Billiards Chess 16.3 Burmese Chess 29.3 Balbo’s Game 13.4 Bingo Chess Burtsev’s Game 14.3 Ballot Chess 9.3 (Connect-Four) 33.4, Butters 3.3 Baltic Four-Handed Chess (Gutzwiller) 3.5 Buzzard Chess 12.4 35.4 Biological Warfare Chess 3.3 Byelorussian Cheskers 17.1 Banana-Skin Chess 4.6 Bird Chess Bystander Chess 12.11 Bank of Scotland 1.5 (Freeling) 13.2, 22.1 Byzantine Chess 26.2 Bankhouse Chess 5.3 Bird’s Chess 14.1 Barasi Chess 6.5 Bishop Chess 10.7 Caissa 21.9, 22.1 Baring the King 10.1 Bishop Relay Chess 18.5 Calculation, The Game of 9.4 Baroda Chess 29.2 Bishops 38.4 Cambodian Chess 29.3 Baroque 17.9 Black and White Marseillais Camel Chess 26.2; see also Baroque Chess 18.4 Chess 1.1 Persian Chess Baroque Renaissance Chess Black Hole Chess 4.4 Camelot Chess 16.3 17.9 Blackout Chess 9.4 Camps, Le Jeu des 12.11 Barrier Chess Blind Shogi 28.6 Canadian Chess 5.4 (generic term) 9.4, Blitz Chess Cannibal Chess 18.1 (Stone) 4.2 (Progressive Chess) 1.5 Cannon Chess 18.2 Bartasso, Le 19.6 Blitz-Chess (Snider) 9.4 Cannon Shogi 28.3 Basic Intense Chess 35.2 Blizzard Chess 12.4 Cannons and Crabs 15.2 Baskerville’s Hexagonal Blockade Chess 4.2 Capablanca Concentric Chess Chess 22.3 Blood-Brother Chess 3.5 23.5 Bastardo 38.1 Blot-Straight Chess 10.4 Capablanca’s Chess 14.1 Batailles, Jeu de 21.12 Boar Chess 22.2 Capapranka 4.4 Batak Chess 29.4 Bogart’s Chess 17.9 Capitalist Chess 31.4 Bates’s Game 16.3 Bolshevistic Chess 9.1 Capricorn Chess 3.3 Battle Chess (Ratushny) 1.6 Bomb Chess 17.4 Capturing Progressive Chess Battle, Game of 33.6 Bombalot 32.1 1.5 Battlefield 38.9 Bosley Chess 9.4 Capturing the king 10.1 Battu-Battant, Les Echecs Bosworth 38.4 Card Ches 31.1 10.9 Bottle Chess 33.5 Card Chess (10x10) 38.1, Bauern-Schach 18.4 Bouncy Chess 16.3 (A.C.) 31.2, (Dunne) 31.2, Beach Chess 12.11 Bowling Chess 12.9 (Nominated Pawns) 31.2, Bear Chess 15.2 Braithwaite’s Game 15.3 (Ramsden) 31.1 Beirut Chess 17.4 Braunschweig Four-Handed Cardinal Super Chess 15.3 Belt Chess 8.4 Chess 35.1 Cardmate 31.1 Benighted 33.3 Brecht Schach 19.5 Carelman’s Spherical Chess Bennie Chess 5.1 Brenman’s Game see 24.3 Berlin Chess 6.3 Appendix (Patents) Carnivore Chess 21.7 Berolina Chess 6.3 Brick Chess 1.2 Carre-Schaak 35.1 Berolina Grid Chess 4.5 Brickchucking 4.6 Carrera’s Chess 14.1 Best Decimal Butter 17.6 Brinkmanship 32.2 Carrier Chess 8.1 Betza’s Chess see Equal British Chess 19.1 Casino Chess 12.11 Armies Brownian Motion Chess 8.7 Cassandra Chess (Betza) 3.5, Bhagavathi Chess 5.4 Brunner’s Game 30.2 (Karten Schach) 31.4 Bi-Place Chess 12.1 Brusky’s Hexagonal Chess Cataclysmo 18.4 Bicapture Chess 3.8 22.4 Caterpillar Chess 36.3 Bicolour Chess 3.8 Buczko’s Dice Chess 30.1 Caturanga-Dipika 34.1 Biflux Chess 12.7 Buckzo’s Game 13.1 Cavalcade 38.9 Big Battle 15.4 Bughouse (partnership) 36.1 Cavalier Chess 16.2 Index 371 Cavalry Chess 15.3 Chess Cards 13.6 Chicken Chess 10.3 CCC 16.6 Chess Empire 38.4 Children’s Chess 32.1 Celtic Chess 33.7 Chess Football Chimaera Chess 17.8 Centaur Royal 19.1 (Arbogast) 32.3 Chimaerine Chess 17.8 Centenniel Chess 21.3 Chess For Three Chinese Chess 27.1 Centigrade Chess 21.8 (Hochberg) 37.6 Chitty-Chatty Chess 34.2 Central Marseillais Chess 1.1 Chess II (Trone) 15.3, Chiu-Hua Chang’s Four- Centre Chess 23.5 (Ungame) 12.11 Player Game see Appendix Centreless Chess 4.4 Chess in Disguise 21.2 (Patents) Centrepoint 38.9 Chess in the Round 23.5 Chivalry Chess 17.1 Centrum 38.9 Chess in the Third Dimension Cho-Sen Chess 28.2 Century Chess 13.1 25.2 Choice Chess 7.2 Chad 21.8 Chess Mess 31.2 Choiss 13.6 Chafts 32.1 Chess Mutation 18.4 Choson Chess 28.2 Chain-Letter Chess 36.3 Chess on Four Boards 16.4 Chromopolis 24.1 Chakra 18.6 Chess Patience 10.11 Chromopolis Simplified Chameleon 38.7 Chess Too 13.4 17.12 Chameleon Chess 18.1 Chess With Reserves 9.4 Chu Shogi 28.2 Chance Chess 31.2 Chess-112 21.11 Chuck-A-Chess 30.2 Chancellor Chess Chess-Battle 17.2 Chummy 38.9 (Foster) 14.1, (Horne) 14.1 Chess-Checkers 33.1 Ciccolini’s Game 16.1 Change-Over Chess 18.2 Chess-Draughts Cincinnati 4-Way Chess 35.2 Changgi 27.2 (Charosh) 10.4, Circe Chess (Monréal) 5.4 Chaos (Kensek) 21.12, (Richter) 15.1 Circe Progressive Chess 5.4 (Koch) 9.4 Chess-M-48 21.11 Circe Vulcanici 5.4 Chaos Chess 31.2 Chess-O-Rama 35.4 Circean Chess (Parton) 19.5 Charters’s Game 13.1 Chess=Izer 30.2 Circle Chess 23.4 Chass 23.1 Chess3 38.6 Circuit Chess 16.4 Chatrang 26.1 Chessapeak Challenge 35.1 Circuits, The Game of 10.8 Chatty Chess 34.2 Chessball (Gramolt) 24.3, Circular Chess Chaturaji 34.1 (Kamzalov) 32.3 (Byzantine) 26.2, Chaturanga 26.1, 29.1 Chessboard Morris 33.4 (Lincoln) 23.5 Chazz 6.5 Chessenat 17.6 Cirondo 38.7 Chebache 33.5 Chessence 32.1 Citadel Chess 26.2 Check 18.3 Chesser 37.2 Citizen Chess 1.1 Check Chess 10.3 Chessers (Maus) 18.3, Clairvoyant Chess 31.4 Check Force 4.1 (Phillips) 15.4 Clockwork Orange Chess 5.6 Checkchess RoundBoard 23.5 Chessgi 5.2 Co-Capture Chess 12.7 Checkers Chess Chessington 38.9 Co-Chess 12.7 (Multhopp) 4.6, Chessmatch 31.2 Co-Regal Chess 10.2 (Parton) 33.1 Chessmen-At-Arms 31.2 Co-Relay Chess 12.7 Checkless Chess 4.1 Chessnik 22.4 Co-Tuong 27.2 Chego 10.12 Chessnuts 38.4 Cockayne Chess 31.4 Chemical Chess 33.7 Chessplexity 33.5 Codrus, Game of 10.9 Ches3 37.3 Chessquito 20.1 Cohen’s Error Chess 16.7 Chesh 37.2 Chessword 32.2 Coin Chess 4.6 Cheshire Cat Chess 4.4 Chessy-Quattro 38.4 Columbia Cannon Chess Chesica 33.1 Chex (Knizia) 22.2, (CCC) 16.6 Cheskers 19.5 (Smith) 13.6 Combination Chess 18.3 Chesquerque 21.10 Chexx 38.2 Commando Chess 2.1 Chess 2000 32.1 Chez 38.3 Compact Chess 17.8 Chess 960 9.1 Chezz 20.1 Complete Chess, The 26.2 Chess Addresses 33.4 Chi Chi’s Chess 13.3 ...
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