No, 17. • MINUTES OF THE PROOEEDINGS OF THE I JEGISIJATI VE COUNCIL. WEDNESDAY, 17 AUGUS1', 1910. 1. The House me~ pUl'i;Uant to adjournment. The P resident took the Chair. Mernbe1's p,'esent:- The Honorable Sir Francis Bathurst Suttor, Rt., President. The H onorable James Ashton, The Honorable William Fergus Hurley, The Honorable Reginald J ame.i Black, 'rile Honorable Hem'V Edward Kater. The Honorable Colonel James Burns, The Honorable A l ex ~nder Kethe.l, . The Honorable Nicholas James Buzacott, The Honorable Colonel James Alexa.nder Kenneth The Honorable Sir Joseph Hector Carruthers, Mackay, C.B., K.C.M.G., LL.D., The Honorable Chades Kinnaird Mackella.r, M.B., The Honorable J obn Mildl'ed Creed, M.R.C.S., C.M., The H onorable William Thomas Dick, 'rhe Honorable Sir Henry N ormand MacLauri n, The H Oll Ol'able George F rederick Earp, Kt., M.D., LL.D., The Honorable John Gibson Farleigh, The H onorable H enry Moses, 'rhe Honorable R ober t George Dnndas FitzGerald, Tbe H onorable J ohn Brady Nash, M.D., The Honorable Frederick Flowers, The H onorable Broughton Barnabas Q'Conor, The Honorable Edmund Walcott Fostery, C.M.G., The l I onorable Ch arles Edward P ilcher, K.C., The Honorable James Conley Gannon, K .o., The H onorable Ch arles James Roberts, C.M.G., The Honorable John Garland, R .C., 1'he H onorable William Robson, The Honorable H enry GuUett, 'rhe Honorable Alexander Ross, 'rhe Honorable J oh n Hepher, The Honorable Fergus J ago Smith, The Honorll.ble Louis Francis Heydon, The Honorable John Travers. The Honorable William Charles H ill, . The Honorable William Joseph Trickett, The Honorable Colonel William H illier H olborow, The H onorable J ohn W etherspoon, C.M.G., The H onorablo J ames Cobb White, Tha Honorable John H ugbes, The Honorable James Wilson, The H onorable Thomas Hughes, The H onorable Frederick Earle Winchcombc. 2. PA1'ER :- Mr. John Hughes laid upon the Table, - Report of the Trustees of the Australian Museum for the year ended 30 June, 1910. Ordered to be printed. 3. UNCONT IWLLE D STORA GI!: AND HAND LI ~G OF P ETROL :-Mr. Creed having, pursuant to No ~ice, asked the V i c e~Pres ident of ~he Executive CouDcil,-Docs the G'O vel'nment realise the danger to which Sydney is subject, as a conseq uence of the uncontrolled storage and h [>, ndling of petrol, in view of ·the fact that every year t here is imported into New South Wales' upwards of 4, 500,000 gallons of explosive and infla mmabl e liquiJs, the product of petroleum , a very considerable proportion being petrol, and that the Acting Superintendent of the Explosives Department states that 3+ oz. of that mineral spirit will, when mixed with air, f.orm 100 cubic feet of an explosive gas, of force which is known to be as great as that of guopowcled lYlr. John Hughes replied,-The GO\'ernment is aware of the increasing danger which the use of explosive and inflammable liquids involves, and, as I informed the Honorable Member, in reply to a Question on this subj ect asked by him yesterday, the introduction of So Bill to deal with the matter is under consideration. 77532 4. .80 - \ MINUTES OF "THE l'ROCEEDL"I'"GS OF TilE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. (17 A"g",t, 1910.) 4. IGNORA..~T USE OF BENZINE OR SIl\HLAR MINERAL SPIRITS FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES :-·Mr. Creed having, pursuant to Notice, asked the Vice-President of the Executive Council,-Haviug in consideration the numerous eu,ses of loss of life or grave injury which have been cOllf:iequent on tbe ignorant use of benzine or similar minerArl spirits for dom e.~tic purpose3, will the Government direct that instruction u.s to the nature of and danger from such liquids shall fOl'm pal't of t.he teaching in the Sta.te schools, as suggested first in the report of the Select Committee of this House fol' the Prevention of Fire, and subsequently by the Petroleum Committee appointed by the Imperial Government 1 Mr. John Hughes replied,-Full consideration will be given to the Question I'aised by the Honorable Member. 5. SUSPENSION OF OERTAIN STANDI~G Ormrms :-Ml'. J ohn Hughes moved, pur,mant. to Notice, That so much of the Standing Orders be sl1~pe.nded as would preclude the passing of the undermentioned Bills through all their stages during one sitting of the Council, viz, :- (1.) Ole,· ic.1 WOI'kers Bill. (2.) Fisheries (Amendment) Bill. Debate ensued, Question put. amI passed. 6. MOTIONS POS'l'PONIW- CLOSE lt SETTLEMEN1' :- MI'. John Hughes postponed the motions standing in his name in refel'ence to this subject,. Nos, 2 and 3 on t he Notice Paper of Govel'UlUent Business for to-day. until To ~ mol'row . 7. RAILWAY SERVlm: SUPERANNUATIO:s' BILL :- Mr. J oh n Hughes moved, That this Hill be now read a third time, ' Debate ensued, Question put. The House divided. Ayes, 28. Noes, 4. Colonel ~lnckay, Mr. Creed, )oil', Trickett, Mr. Ashton, Mr. Kater, ~lr. Hurley. Sir Normand MacLaurin, Sir Joseph Carruthers. Mr, Roberts, )o'lr, Winchcombe, Mr, Rill, Ttllers, Mr, } .... oshery, :Mr.O'Conor, .l\I r. Pilcher, Mr. John Hughes, Colonel Burns, Dr. Mackellar, MI'. ~oses, Mr, Garland, Mr. Flowers, Mr, Gullett. Mr, Ja,go Smith. Mr. Thomas Hllghee, 111" Robson, Mr. Wotherspoon , Mr. Kethcl, :Mr, Fo.l'ieigh, Colonel Holborow, MI'. Wilson, Mr, White, ~h, Gannoll, ~11-. Ruzacott. Bill read a.. thil'd time, and passed, Mr, John Hughes then movcd, 'Tha.t the Title of thi:i Dill bo Ie A / ~ Act to J)l'ovide supel'anntloation allowances mul g1'atuities f01' J)(31'80ns employed in lh'J R'1.ilway and l',oam,way Services; to amend the Acts 1·eg'l.dating lh'J Pltblic Sel'/)ic~ arLr.l the C;overnment Railways Act, 1901~' and for 1l purposes consequent tlurreon 01' incidental the1'elo. Question put Ilnd passed. Whereupon 1\'11'. John Hughes moved, That this Bill be returned to the Legislative A ssembly, with the following M essnge :- • • MR, SPEAKER,- 'l'he Legislative Council has this day agreed to the J,3il1, returned herewith, intituled "An Act to )Jrovide supe1'annuation allowances a1ul gratuities for lJe'/'sons employed in the Railway and Xr.amwaiJ Services; to mnenil the Acts reg1.4lating the Public Service and the G01:ernment Railway! Act, ~901 ~' and f01 ' PU1'poses consequent the1'eon 01' incidental t/u!1'eto,"-with the amendments indicated by the accompanying Schedule, in which amendments the Oouncil requests the concurrence of the Legisla.tive Assembly. ' • ,., Legislative Council Chambm', Sydiney, 17th Aug"st, 19,0. ~"{.AILWAY SER'TICl~ SUI'li: llANNUATION BILL. Schedule 01 the Amendments ,'efe1'red to in Message of 17th August, 1910. JOHN J. CALVERT, , Olerk of the Parli aments. Pa.ge 2: clause 2·, At end of clause add" This Act shn.ll not apply to any officer W]lO at the (( commencement of the Act is a. cootributol' to the superannuation accoun.t urider the " Civil Service Act of 1884," Page 2, clause 3, line 1~ , Omit H by the officers" inse1't If of whom two shall be elected by the " officers in the raiJwn.y sen·ice and one by the officers ~n the tramway service 1I Page 5, clause 18, ~ine 8. Omit" Officers It insert" Any officer 11 Page 5, clause 19, lille 14. AftC'}· " has "insert (l in pursuance of the Go¥erDluent Railways Act, "1901" r Page 5, clau~e 19, liue 17. After" commencem.ent" inse1't "elect either 00,- u ~a) hold such policy in whic1i case t he provisions of the Government Railways Act, 1901, " shall cease to apply to the same; or" \ .. ' • Page 5, clause 19, line 18. Omit cc the said" insert U such" Page 5, clause 19, line 20. Omit "Government Railways Act, 1901," inse-rt "said Act" Page 5, cla.use 22, line 42. Om'it" on the recommendation Of the board" Examined,~ - W. J. ~rRICKET'r, Chairman of Committee!, Question put and passed. -". llIlfUT.E:S OF THB PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLA.TIVE COUNCIL.. (17 A"gust, 1910.) 8. MESSAGES FROY THE LEGISLATIVF. ASSEMBLY:-The President reported and read the follo\:.in~g Messages from the Legislative AS'8embly:- (I.) Clerical Workers Bill :- " MR. PRESIDENT,- The Legislatl\Te Assembly In(:ing this day p3.<;l:icd [L Bill, intitulcd (( An Act lo constitude n. tribunallo fix a minimum wage for lH1'8ons en!JuJf!.d in cteri~u~ w ::lr,~; ani fvl' purposej consequf!.nt th'!1'eon 01' in!1identalth,!1'eto,"-pl'esents the same to the L 3gis\ative CJuncil for its c)n('nrren~o. L,yi,lative Assembly Chamber, WILLIAM McCO,U.RT, Sydney, 16th "!"y,,,t, 1910. flpeaker. (1.) Bill, on motion of ~Il'. Garland, read a fil'st time. (2.) ¥r. Garland Ill.oved, That'tbis Bi.ll be now rea~l a second time. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. Bill road a second time. (3.) On motion of Mr, Garland, the President left the CIt.il·, ,and the H Q;>se resolved i ~<e lf into a Committee of the Whole for consideration of this Bill. The Chairman having reported the Bill without ameudmeut,- The House adopted the report. Ordered, That the third readtng stand an Ordel' of the Day for rrO-mol'l'ow, (2.) Fisheries (Amendment) Bill:- Ma, PRESlDENT,- The Legislative Assembly ha.ving tliis day passed a Bill, inHtuled U An Act to amp.n.i the Fishe1·ies Act, 1902, and th'! Net Fishing (Port llacking) Act, 1901; and /01' othm' purposes incidental the1'eto/'-presents the same to the L egisl<ttive Council for its conCUl,'rence.
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