St. Thomas More Church Brooklyn, OH 44144 Tuesday, June 5th SATURDAY, JUNE 2 – VIGIL 7:00 PM Rosary for World Peace - +*4:30PM - Donald LaPorta Chapel SUNDAY, JUNE 3 – THE MOST HOLY BODY & Wednesday, June 6th - BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) 5:00 PM Bingo Gym & Utopia Hall +9:00AM - People of the Parish Thursday, June 7th - 7:00 PM Cub Scouts - Utopia Hall *11:00AM Agnes Kaptein - – 7:00 PM Lectio Divina Rectory MONDAY, JUNE 4 WEEKDAY - Sunday, June 10th 7:00AM Joseph & Grace Stofka 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Men’s Basketball - Gym TUESDAY, JUNE 5 – ST. BONIFACE 7:00AM - In Thanksgiving WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 – ST. NORBERT TRAVELING MADONNA 7:00AM - Mark & Irene Downes This week the statue is at the home of Robert THURSDAY, JUNE 7 – WEEKDAY Kristof. Please call the rectory to host the Traveling 7:00AM - James Banasik Madonna in 2018. There are still a few weeks left in FRIDAY, JUNE 8 – THE MOST SACRED November and December. Please continue to pray for HEART OF JESUS our host families as they share their home with our 7:00AM - Cecelia Inman Traveling Madonna. Remember to send in any pic- SATURDAY, JUNE 9 – THE IMMACULATE tures that you take of the Madonna when she is at HEART OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY your home. 8:15AM - Eugene Duke 4:30PM - People of the Parish SUNDAY, JUNE 10 – TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME *9:00AM - Alina Eberhardt +11:00AM - Women’s Guild +Cup Mass *Mass of Remembrance PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO FRIDAY REGISTRATION MORNING 8:15AM MASSES DURING THE SUMMER. Persons who live within parish boundaries should be properly registered. This includes all students in high school and college. Register with the priest af- ter Mass. If you move out of the parish, please noti- fy the rectory. Collection for May 27th…...………………$7,108.25 Maintenance ………………………………$1,698.00 BAPTISMS Votives……………………………………….$113.00 Sunday: 12:30 PM or during any weekend liturgy. Prior to baptism of their first child, parents are re- Thank you and God bless you for your generosity. quired to attend a Pre-Baptism class. Please call the rectory at 216-749-0414 to schedule an interview. MARRIAGES Should be arranged with a priest by calling the rec- tory 6 months prior to the wedding date. Individual Congratulations and welcome Lisa Eve Wiencek who conferences, plus attendance at a pre-marriage pro- was baptized last weekend at St. Thomas More. God gram, are required for proper preparation. bless you! The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 3, 2018 FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR The St. Thomas More Festival is quickly ap- SAINT OF THE WEEK proaching. There is still a lot of work to be done and Blessed Angeline of Marsciano founded the that is not to say all the work that needs to be done first community of Franciscan women other that day. This weekend and next, we will be in the than Poor Clares to receive papal approval. church vestibule taking names of anyone who is in- Angeline was born to the Duke of Marsciano terested in helping with preparing and executing the near Orvieto. She was twelve when her mother day. All the different organizations will be staffing died. Three years later, the young woman made the different booths, but I am sure that they can use a vow of perpetual chastity. That same year, your help. There are cabbage and noodles to be however, she yielded to her father’s decision made, cakes to bake and so much more that needs to that she marry the Duke of Civitella. Her hus- be done. Please consider helping us to make our Fes- band agreed to respect her previous vow. tival a day to remember. Thank you in advance for When he died two years later, Angeline your support and help. joined the Secular Franciscans and with several On Memorial Day, some of the people of our city other women dedicated herself to caring for the as well as people from our own parish, joined togeth- sick, the poor, widows and orphans. When er to honor the fallen men and women who gave their many other young women were attracted to lives for our Country and for our Freedom. On the Angeline’s community, some people accused annual City of Brooklyn Memorial Day parade, to- her of condemning the married vocation. Leg- gether we showed our gratitude to those who gave end has it that when she came before the King their life for our freedom. If we can gather together to walk for these brave men and women should we of Naples to answer these charges, she had not do the same for our God? I would like to person- burning coals hidden in the folds of her cloak. ally invite all of you to join me on this feast day of When she proclaimed her innocence and Corpus Christ (the Body of Christ) to process around showed the king that these coals had not the block to show our love for the Eucharist, the harmed her, he dropped the case. Church and most importantly our love for Jesus Angeline and her companions later went to Christ. It was unbelievable the number of parishion- Foligno, where her community of Third Order ers who showed to walk in support of our Lord the sisters received papal approval in 1397. She first year we processed. I had reached Memphis and soon established fifteen similar communities of the last person was just leaving the parking lot. Last women in other Italian cities. year, we did not have the crowd we had the year be- Angeline died on July 14, 1435, and was be- fore, but we did have a nice gathering. I would hope atified in 1825. Her Liturgical Feast Day is July and pray that this year we could really have a great 13th. (Franciscan Media) showing. The weather is supposed to be a bit cooler, so would you please consider walking with the Lord in the Eucharist. The walk is not long. It is down Brookway to Memphis, from Memphis to North Amber and back to the church. We will start right after the 11am Mass. This is a beautiful way to express our love of the Church and the faith we hold in the power of the Eucharist. What a statement we make when we as a Church gather together and walk the streets of this city proud of who we are as disciples of Jesus Christ. On June 24th, the parish will have a celebration of our Again, I invite and strongly encourage the people patron saint, St. Thomas More. The day will be filled of St. Thomas More to unite and proudly show our with food, entertainment and family activities. Tickets love for God and His Church by walking this short, for our $10,000 raffle are $5.00 each. Returns can be but profound procession. dropped off in the collection basket or at the rectory Peace and Goodness, where additional tickets are available. Congratulations Fr. Bill to Vernon Recker, Janet Sekerak, Paula Ritter and Kristine Pecek who won the early bird drawings! St. Thomas More Church Brooklyn, OH 44144 Join us at St. Thomas More - - MARY QUEEN OF PEACE: 216 749 2323 to celebrate the feast of - “Bones & Blues” Join us on June 16th at 7pm for ribs, pork shoulder, wings, classic picnic sides, vege- CORPUS CHRISTI tarian meal options, bourbon bar & tasting, compli- mentary Sangria, beer, wine pull, raffle, auction, clas- sic Rock & Blues, Jam with DJ Josh, all this and much more! Tickets $20/advance $25/at the door. Tickets may be purchased after Masses or at the par- ish office. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO: 440-884-3030 Salad Luncheon - Join the St. Charles Ladies Guild SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2018 for their 20th annual Salad Luncheon on Wednesday, August 8th from 11:30am until 2:30pm in Corrigan IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE Gym. Entertainment by the world-famous “Singing 11:00 AM Mass Angels” Tickets are $18 and only available by calling - - Toni Brachna at 216 661 3457. Deadline to purchase join us for a short luncheon tickets is August 7th. - - Eucharisc procession ST. LEO THE GREAT: 216 661 1006 Great Sweepstakes - Please sign up for our Great through the neighborhood Sweepstakes weekly drawing. The sign up forms are available at the information desk in the vestibule of the church or the rectory office. MUSIC MINISTRY In the arms of Your Mercy we find rest. Please join us on Thursday, June 14th at 7pm for our next Divine Mercy Chaplet. Please remember Betty Carney in your prayers. God grant her eternal rest. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! We recently registered the following at St. Thomas Bob & Carol Loy, Vinny Mercurio, George & – Martha Kysil, Nickola Badza, Barb Siegel, More during the month of May Teresa, Santino, Tyleena & Jazlene Capeles ◊ Nicole Carson ◊ Joyce Julianna Turner, Meg Zalar, Stephanie Ziolkowski, Jean Palumbo, Marlene Sutowski, McCain ◊ Anthony Ghann and Erica Bernard. Welcome to you! Ida Jean Hopkins, Joy Turner, Jeremy Cheetham, Mary Ryba, Greg Jakupcik, Rev. James Vesely, Raymond Kuhar, Jessica Kuhar, PARISH PRAYER Stephen Kuhar III, Alexis Simecek, Gregory O God, the Creator and giver of all things, bless this Simecek, Haley Simecek, Heather Hudak, parish. Strengthen our faith; grant us the spirit of sacri- Mary Misch, John Misch, James Malames, fice and service so that, with Your grace, we may pro- vide for the needs of our members, glorify You and Grayson Wilmot, John Szill, Melissa Korhely, Joel Gorski, Robert Wykoff, Nolan Wilmot sanctify ourselves. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
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