Fermilab Program Pier Oddone, Fermilab NAS Board of Physics and Astronomy, 2009 Outline • State of the program and future evolution . Energy Frontier . Cosmic Frontier . Intensity Frontier • Any other items the Board may want to discuss 2 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy The particle physics program • We are after a unified and coherent framework to understand the world around us • We have a beautiful and powerful “Standard Model” that organizes what we know and allows us to recognize the phenomena in nature that do not fit • Multiple experimental approaches are essential 3 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Three main thrusts • The energy frontier: produce particles at highest energy • The intensity frontier: the most particles for neutrinos and rare decays • Cosmic frontier: study phenomena in nature 4 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Fermilab: facilities and experiments Tevatron LHC LHC LHC LHC LHC upgrades ILC? CLIC or Energy Muon Collider? Minos NOvA LBNE Project X+LBNE MiniBooNE MicroBooNE Mu2e Mu2e MINERvA ν Factory Intensity P Auger P Auger JDEM JDEM DM Searches DM: scalable? DM searches SDSS DES Cosmic Now 2012 2015 2018 5 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Fermilab: facilities and experiments Tevatron LHC LHC LHC LHC LHC upgrades ILC? CLIC or Energy Muon Collider ? Now 2012 2015 2018 13 12 11 10 Green curve: same rates as 09 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Tevatron Performance: Run II from 2002 to 2009 Int. Lum / week Total Luminosity FY09 FY08 FY07 FY06 FY05 FY10 FY04 FY03 FY02 year year Ran ~20 months without a long shutdown Coming back very fast after a long shutdown Initial instantaneous lum ~ 3 x 1032 cm-2s-1 7 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Precision Higgs constraints +35 mH = 87 -26 GeV Tevatron and LEP2 (prel.) Now mH < 157 GeV @95%CL (mH < 186 GeV when LEP limit inclued) -1 with 10 fb mH < 117 GeV @95%CL (δmW=15MeV, δmt=1GeV) 8 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy The Higgs Search • Over the last years, there’s been a dramatic infusion of people, effort and ideas, aimed at finding the Higgs • The SM Higgs (if it exists) is being produced NOW Just not that often & it’s buried in “backgrounds” It will take luminosity, persistence and luck 9 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy SM Higgs Search Result: November Update and new Tevatron combination expected for HCP conference in November CDF Prelim. 2.0-4.8 fb-1 DØ Prelim. 0.9-5.0 fb-1 10 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy September 10, 2008 • The LHC has first closed orbit; 300 press outfits at CERN; hoopla everywhere 11 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy September 19th, 2008 • The demons take over: a quench at one of the splices leads to failure of a splice, arc that vaporizes vacuum pipe and six tons of superfluid helium spill and overpressure the many cryostats 12 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy The LHC repairs in detail P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Tracker Insertion: Dec’07 CMS Detector 14 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy US involvement is huge! Exp. Univ. Labs. % CMS 47 1 34% ATLAS 34 4 23% ALICE 11 3 4% LHCb 1 1% The LHC provides a great opportunity to the US HEP community for the next two decades LHC has been the largest investment in HEP over the last decade of both capital and human resources It is important to continue to be a good partner to CERN 15 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Lepton colliders beyond LHC ILC Enough By far the easiest! LHC Results or CLIC ILC not enough or Muon collider 16 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy ILC/Project X technology at Fermilab Horizontal Test Stand 1st cryomodule Vertical Test Stand 17 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Muon Collider R&D • For a machine of greater energy than the ILC: . Together with the existing collaboration on muon collider and neutrino factory we have proposed to carry out feasibility study in the next few years . Several aspects require new technologies: mostly in capturing and cooling muon beams . Time scale for either CLIC or a muon collider is well beyond a possible ILC 18 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy 19 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Muon collider layout 4 TeV 20 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Fermilab: facilities and experiments P Auger P Auger CDMS P Auger North? JDEM JDEM COUPP DM: scalable? DM searches DES Holometer? Cosmic SDSS Now 2012 2015 2018 21 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Intensity Frontier Minos NOvA LBNE Project X+LBNE MiniBooNE MicroBooNE Mu2e Mu2e ArgoNeut MINERvA ν Factory Intensity Now 2012 2015 2018 22 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Two avenues to real understanding ! Intensity frontier: LHC: direct production the most particles of heavy particles Allows the study of neutrinos and rare Wonderful direct discoveries of physics process beyond the Standard Model Sensitive to physics far beyond the Very difficult and often impossible to LHC, but only indirectly study how new particles couple to each other and to ordinary particles Need to measure multiple processes Need both for a complete understanding 23 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Interplay: LHC Intensity Frontier nothing Only handle on the next energy scale Intensity LHC Frontier Determine/verify structure of new Lots physics. Anything beyond? 24 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Example: early discovery at LHC • ATLAS discovers strongly coupled SUSY q˜ ~0 χ 1 g˜ Missing ET dark matter candidate 0 χ~ 1 • A host of new particles: fit roughly some masses, make assumption on couplings 25 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Large effects in kaon decay rates d d d d W s d s quarks d quarks W W lepts Z ν ν ν 0 ν SM: ΚL π ν ν d d d d χ s d s squarks squarks χ χ d slepts χ ν ν ν 0 ν BSM: ΚL π ν ν 26 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy For particular classes of SUSY Decay Branching Ratio (×1010 ) Theory (SM) Experiment + + [1] +1.15[2] K → π νν (γ ) 0.85 ± 0.07 1.73-1.05 0 0 [3] [4] K L → π νν 0.28 ± 0.04 < 670 (90% CL) • Large effect on rare K decay modes highly suppressed with SM particles • Much higher SM backgrounds in B and C decays 27 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Or models with extra dimensions + one sigma 28 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Same for many other experiments • Neutrinos LBNE • Proton decay (same detector as LBNE) • Charged lepton number violation experiments • Other rare decays 29 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Central to intensity frontier: neutrinos • Only weak interactions: very small cross sections >> hard to study • Need large flux of particles and massive detectors • Complementary to LHC: measure neutrino parameters (new symmetries?), neutrino masses, matter-antimatter symmetry violation and surprises. • Long base-line and high intensities 30 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy L = 1290 km 31 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Intensity frontier: DUSEL 32 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Mu2e can probe 103 – 104 TeV New Physics Scale (TeV) with Project X pre-Project X MEG Experiment SUSY Compositene ss Model Parameter 33 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Ultimately will need Project X • Provide the most powerful beam of neutrinos to the Homestake site for the highest parameter reach in neutrino physics • Provide the most intense proton beams for muon, kaon, low energy neutrino physics and other possible applications – without affecting the neutrino program • Develop Project X to serve as the front end of future facilities like a neutrino factory or muon collider 34 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Evolution of the Project X concept • Originally an 8 GeV pulsed linac (5Hz, 1 msec pulses) with accumulation in the Recycler storage ring and acceleration to high energy in the Main Injector Original Idea 35 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Project X and LBNE to Homestake • 5% of the time line, the 2 GeV linac feeds a simple Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), 500m circumference, to strip, accumulate and boost the energy to 8 GeV • Six pulses of the SAB are transferred to the recycler, filling the existing recycler, and every 1.4 sec transferred to the Main Injector for acceleration to high energies (60 GeV to 120 GeV) 2 MW to DUSEL 36 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Project X and 8 GeV beams • 8/14 RCS cycles are available for an 8 GeV program driven by a fast spill (single turn). An example is a much upgraded muon g-2 • Slow extraction as needed for rare processes is very limited from circular machines: only method is resonance extraction which is “rad dirty” and limits extraction to 10s of kW. 8 GeV Fast spill 37 P. Oddone, NAS Board on Physics and Astronomy Project X and 2 GeV beams • The greatest potential for rare processes comes from 2 MW continuous beam. Intensity experiments need continuous beam: pile up is the main limitation in pulsed beams 2 MW at 2+ GeV 38 P.
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