Vol. IV No.23 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 30 July 1949 TRAIN PILOTS TO FLY 1949 CPO EXAMS TO BE BLIMPS OR AIRPLANES I ACTION ON PAY BILL HELD 1 DECEMBER j HELD UP IN SENATE Lakehurst, N. J. (AFPS)-Pilots Thursday 1 December 1949 has of the Navy's lighter-than-air been designated as the date fleet- blimps, which were recently assign- Senator Millard Tydings, wide examinations for advancement ed to a new role in antisubmarine of Maryland, recently stated to Chief Petty Officer, acting warfare, are now being qualified that the decision of the House appointment will be held. This date to fly conventional aircraft while Armed Services Committee was set in BuPers Circular Letter a group of standard aircraft pilots to postpone action on the 107-49 listed as item 49-471 (NDB are being trained to fly blimps. pending Service "unification" 30 June 1949). Lighter-than-air pilot-officers in bill will hold up his committee I It is important that all personnel the rank of commander and below from acting on the Armed eligible for the forthcoming ex- are eligible to apply for the Forces pay bill now before aminations be apprised in advance heavier-than-air flight training and it. The Senator, chairman of of the test date listed above. Naval Aviators in the rank of the Senate Armed Services Examinations will be given on 1 lieutenant and below can request Committee, said that some December 1949 only subject to non-rigid aircraft training. The members of his committee special provisions referred to in first transition class for the latter I feel that without the $1 paragraph 9 of BuPers Cire. Ltr. category will start August 15 at billion saving expected from 106-49 (NDB 30 June 1949). the Naval Air Station here. the "unification" bill, they Personnel who meet the require- During the Atlantic Command cannot vote the Armed Fore- ments for competition are those Exercises held last February and es a pay raise. The Maryland who are in all respects elegible March, two World War II type Senator is the author of the for advancement as of 1 Dec. 1949 blimps operated from Navy escort "unification" bill, which al- and those who may normally be carriers and proved their effec- ready has passed in the expected to become eligible not tiveness as antisubmarine weapons. Senate by a wide margin. later than 1 June 1950. The two airships accounted for or All commanding officers will participated in eight "enemy" kills. insure that all petty officers, first This marked the first time non- MODIFICATION OF NAVY class who are recommended for rigid aircraft flew from an aircraft PER DIEM RATES TOLD advancement and who are eligible carrier during maneuvers although in all respects are nominated. such flights had been routine since Nominations shall be made to reach carrier landing qualifications were The Navy has recently modified the appropriate convening author- held off the Virginia Capes last its per diem rates to coincide with ity not later than 6 September January. those of the Army and the Air 1949, using mails insofar as is The Navy blimps worked with Force it has recently been announc- practicable. a hunter-killer force composed of ed. All waiting lists which exist cruisers, destroyers and aircraft Under the old rates, officers for advancement to CPO, acting against both fleet-type World War under repeated travel orders were appointment will be cancelled as II submarines and the new stream- allowed $7.00 per day for more of 1 December 1949. lined "guppy-snorkel" type sub- than 24 hours travel and the actual marine. The operation took place at expense turned in if they traveled RESERVISTS TO TAKE a distance of twice the maximum less than 24 hours. range of a blimp PHYSICAL EXAMS effective operating Under the modified rates, they Local Fleet Reservists and off- from the Naval Air Station at will still receive $7.00 per day more Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. icers of the Naval Reserve on than 24 hours travel but will be inactive duty may expect to be paid in one-fourth-of-a-day figures ordered by the District Com- IDEAS SAVE NAVY for less than 24 hors travel. mandant to report to the Naval $265,000 Here's how it will work. For Hospital, Guantanamo Bay for each six-hour travel period or routine physical examinations. (SEA)-Annual savings of more fraction thereof, an officer will In a letter received recently from than $265,000 have been realized receive one fourth of the $7.00 the Commandant, TENTH Naval from work and time-saving sug- daily allotment or $1.75 (unless District, it was pointed out that gestions made by 11 naval civilian travel is entirely between 0800 and under the provisions, of Article employees who have received cash 1800, in which case no per diem is H-1602 of the Bureau of Personnel awards totaling $1,525 under the allowed). Manual (for Naval Reserve Off- Navy's beneficial suggestion pro- Thus an officer in a travel status icers) and Article H-9604 (for gram. The awards were granted for 9 hours (overlapping the above Enlisted Fleet Reservists) such on the basis of reduced costs and non-per diem period) will receive personnel must be examined physi- yearly savings resulting from two times $1.75 or $3.50 as reim- caly once every four years, or Navy-wide application of the sug- bursement. oftener as may be deemed neces- gestions. BUY SAVINGS BONDS sary. Two THE INDIAN Pag~ePage Two TEIDA SURFACE TRANSPORTATION By LT. John K. Metzger -U-* Port Director Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg. Sunday, 31 July 1949 Room 205 - Phone 254 The old familiar assault trans- CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY port,. President Adams APA-19 has Catholic Masses Saturday, 30 July 1949 been removed from the run lifting 0700-Naval Base Chapel 0900-Naval Base Chapel U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE passengers and cargo from NOB 1745-Naval Base Chapel Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Instead, Daily Mass - 0630 Rear Admiral W. K. Phillips, USN n the Chief of the Naval transporta- Confessions before all Masses Commander tion Service has released a schedule Protestant Services of transports 0930-Sunday School at Schoolhouse Allen Collier, JOSN-------------- Editor from the Pacific to 1100-Naval Base Chapel P. H. Teeter, LCDR--------Staff Advisor make an east-west coast run on Protestant Choir rehearsal each Thursday S. F. Dodge, YNC---------- Staff Writer about once each month. These ships at 1930 J. G. McCarthy, YN1--------- Staff Writer are of the General class, such as Chaplains at this Activity R. A. Barchenger, YNC- Staff Writer CDR R.W. FAULK, USN E. J. Kazmierski, PFC- Staff Writer the General William Mitchell (Protestant) A. H. Borresen, CHRELE._ Staff Writer arriving today to lift passengers Writer LCDR Carl A. Herold, USN Cecil Pederson----------Teen-Age here for west coast ports. (Catholic) "Skiddy" Masterson- -Teen-Age Writer The General class ships are built THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- anced by appropriated funds, printed on along the following lines and are government equipment, for free distri- nearly all the same. Length 622 Mrs. Vera M. bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, feet 7 inches, Beam 75 feet 6 inches, McMahon, Lt(jg), Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by order of the Displacement Base Commander. full load 19,631 tons. NC, USN, de- THE INDIAN is published in compliance Accommodations for cabin class parted via MATS with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 passengers 367, troop class 2,187. Tuesday morning (Rev) 1945. The schedules for these ships, for separation at THE INDIAN is a member of the Ship's which may Editorial Association and republication of be obtained at the Port the Naval Re- credited material prohibited without per- Directors office, indicate the arrival ceiving station, mission from SEA. and departure from Gtmo. On the Jacksonville, Flo- THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press northbound trip all passengers will rida. Upon sep- Service Material, which may not be re- disembark at Norfolk, Va. For the printed without permission of AFPS. NOTE S aration from the All Photographs used by THE INDIAN west coast departure, passengers N a v a l Service, are official U. S. Navy pictures credited to embarking here will disembark Mrs. McMahon will join her hus- the NAS Photo Lab. unless indicated either in San Diego or San Fran- otherwise. band at the Naval Air Station, cisco, California. Coco Sola, C.Z. It is essential that the Port This week we welcome aboard Director have requests for trans- T. W. Foster, HM1 from duty at A LEGEND portation in his office six weeks COMSERVLANT; A. L. Cave, prior to the arrival of a vessel. HM2, from the USS Mt. Olympus The Chief of Naval Operations AGC8; and C. W. Ramaker, HM3, One night in anient times, three requires that this base submit from the USS Salem, CA 139. horsemen. were riding across a passenger requirements about six Also orders are in this week desert, As they crossed the dry weeks before the ship sails from for L. M. (Kip) Cummings HMC bed of a river, out of the darkness here. Persons contemplating orders, to the Naval Hospital San Diego, a voice called "Halt". They obeyed. desiring to go on leave, or persons California; and C. Jacobs, TN, for The voice told them to dismount, having relatives visiting should assignment by COMPHIBLANT. pick up a handful of pebbles, put make plans far enough in advance Congratulations are in order and the pebbles in their pocket and to request the transportation prior go to AD2 and Mrs.
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