The DOMINION BREWERY CO., Limited Brewers & Malters TORONTO MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEB=iATED WHITE LABEL ALE Ask tor it and see that our brand is on every corlc rAC-siM I L E c r WHITE LABEL ALE Our Ales and Porters have been ex- amined by the best Analysts, and they have declared them Pure and Free from any Dele- terious Ingredients. .^/VW^W^.'V^ Wm. Ross, MANAGER. 35 KING STREET W., TORONTO SPORTING GOODS Boxing Gloves, PuochiogBags, Feociog Foils, lodiao Clubs, Dumj] Bells, Whiteli Exercisers, WristMactiioes Basket Ball, Indoor Base- FREE ! FREE ! FREE 1 Oiir 48 pag^e Iliuscrated Catalogf sent to aiy address on receipt of post-card. The HAROLD A. WILSON CO., Ltd., 35 King St. W., Toronto Curlers ARE NOW Ready THE SEASON For WITH "STANE AND BESOM" Satisfaction GUARANTEED AT "- BENNETT & WRIGHT CO., -- Toronto. Canada. CONTRACTORS For Steam Heating, Hot Water Heating, Hot Blast Apparatus, Ventilation, Plumbing and Gas Fitting, Electric Light Wiring. WHOLESALE DEALERS In Wrought and Cast Iron Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Etc, Steam and Hot Water Boil- ers, Radiators and Coils, Gas and Electric Fixtures, Plumbers and Steam Fitters' Supplies. New York Life INSUHHNGE Go. {ASSETS $262,190,512) IN 1900 gECURED $59,629,634 more new business than any ' Company in the world . .AND., ITS new business in Canada exceeded that of any other Company by $581,294 Our Patrons Advertise us. Ask for particulars of actual cash settlementB with many prominent Torontonians. J. A. MACFADDEN, 6 King St W. special Agent, Tel. Main 3217. TORONTO jHEl^QUoig g Hioquots THotel ^ n^oronto, Canada Centrally Situated. Cor. King and York Sts. STEAM HEATED, . ELECTRIC LIGHTED, ELEVATOE, .... ROOMS WITH BATH AND EN SUITE . I«A.TES 1^2.00 and ^2.30 PER. DAV. Special Rates to Clubs and F»arties. G. A. GRAHAM, PROP. LATE OF IMPERIAL HOTEL, GALT, ONTARIO. George will always be glad to see his Cvrling Friends. federal %itc assurance Compaing g g of Canaba ^ g HEAD OFFICE, - HAMILTON, CANADA CAPIUL AND ISStlS - - - $2,280,001,00 PmO TO POLICI-HOLDteS - - 2,035,166,31 Libera/ Policy Contracts DAVID DEXTER, MANAGING DIRECTOf^ "CANADIAN CLCB" WHISKT. " IMPtRIAL" WHISKT. DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY HIRAM WALKER & SONS, LIMITED, WALKERVILLE, CANADA London, New York, Chicago, Mexico City, Victoria, B.C. 0,i^oCiie4xu^C^ RCGtSTEREO Tiger Brand Clothing For Hen and Boys READY-MADE. THE BEST GOODS THAT MONEY CAN BUY. WE STAND BACK OF EVERYTHING WE SELL. Men's Suits - - |5 00 to $25 00 Men's Overcoats 5 00 to 30 00 Boys' Reefers - 2 50 to 10 00 Boys' Suits - - 1 50 to 10 00 In Famishing Goods we have everything for Curlers and Bowlers. Yonr Money back if yoa want it. E. BOISSERU & CO., National Portland Cement Co.. um^i TORONTO, ONT. WWX'VX'Vi FACTORY AT DURHAM, ONT. W>/W>^>«><>r The National Portland Cement Co. are constructing^ one of the largest plants under the British Flag at Durham, Ont. Their large and extensive buildings are being constructed of hollow cement blocks, which will be a visible and permanent evidence of this form of construction. There is no stable industry with as bright a future as the manufacture of Portland Cement. New uses are being found for it constantly, and it seems bound to revolutionize the existing methods of construction. The National Portland Cement Co. is capitalized at $1,000,000 in shares of the par value of $100 each, and identified with it are a number of gentlemen of high standing in business and finan- cial circles. The Directors are Mr. W. F. Cowham, who is also Director and General Manager of the Peninsular Portland Cement Co. of Jackson, Mich., and who is regarded as one of tbe highest authorities upon everything pertaining to the manufacture of cement. Mr. Cowham will give his personal attention to the affairs of the Company, and in this fact alone is embodied sufficient guarantee of an early arrival at complete success. The other Directors are Mr. A. F. MacLaren, M.P., President of the Imperial Cheese Co., Stratford, Ont.; Mr. P. W. Stanhope, Manager of the Toronto Offices of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.; Mr. Gilbert McKechnie, Ex-M.P.P. and prominent merchant of Durham, Ont., and Mr. Barlow Cumberland, Vice-President of the Niagara Navigation Co., Toronto, Ont. The highest degree of public confidence is felt in this enterprise by reason of the well known high character and ability of the gentle- men who are identified therewith, and it may be predicted as a fore- gone conclusion that the career of this Company will be one of decided success from the out-set, and that it will speedily take rank among the foremost business institutions in the Dominion of Canada. The Company own sufficient raw material of the finest quality to operate their immense plant for more than a century. The plant will be operated by electricity, and will, when com- pleted, be the latest improved and best equipped cement mill in this country. ANNUAL OF THE ONTARIO CURLING ASSOCIATION FOR 1901-1902. VOLUME 27. Toronto, the carswell co., limited, printers 1901. Office-bearers Ontario Curling Association FOR 1901-1902 PATRON HIS EXCELLENCY THE EARL OF MINTO GOVKBXOR-OKNIBIL OT CANADA, ETC., El C. HONORARY PRESlDEr HIS HON. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR SIR 01 IVER MOWAT. PRESIDENT E. B. EDWARDS, K.C., PETERBOROUGH GRANITE CLUB. VICE-PRESIDENTS GEORGE MOORE, WATERLOO CLUB. DR. RUSSELL, HAMILTON ASYLUM CLUB. CHAPLAIN REV. R. N. BURNS, BRAMPTON CLUB. SECRETARY-TREASURER J. A. MACFADDEN, 6 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE D. CARLYLE, TORONTO PROSPECT PARK CLUB. T. O. ROBSON, ST. MARy's CLUB. W. C MATTHEWS, TORONTO GRANITE CLUB. GEO. DUTHIE, PARKDALE CLUB. W. W. WILKINSON, GAI.T GRANITE CLUB. W. D. m'iNTOSH, TORONTO CALEDONIA CLUB. STANDING COMMITTEES On Complaints and Appeals W. B. McMURRiCHj'k.C. ALEX. CONGALTON. GEO. MOORE. On the Annual james hedi.ey. r. j maclennan. j. a. macfadden. AuOITOBS G. R. HARGRAFT. T. G. WILLIAMSON. LIST OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE ONTARIO CURLING ASSOCIATION. Date. Name. Clcb. 1875-76 'Hon. Peter Gow GfteTph 1876-77 'Dr. James Hamilton DaiudaB 1877-78 'George H. Gillespie Hamilton Thi»tle 1878-79 J. S. Russell Toronto 1879-80 • George C. Ward Port Hope 1880-81 David Walker Toronto 1881-82 'Lieut. -Col. Moffat London 1882-83 'Judge Macpherson Owen Souad 1883-84 *Dr. James Ross Toronto Caledonia 1884 85 'John O. Heward Toronto 1885-86 'Henry Michie Fergus 1886-87 J. D. Flavelle Lindsay 1887-S8 W. F. Davidson Toronto Granite 1888-89 'R. Fergusson, M.P. P Thamesville 1889-90 John Harvey Hamilton Thittle 1890-91 Dr. R. P. Boucher Peterborough 1891-92 'W. Badenach Toronto Granite 1892-93 A. H. Beaton, M.D Orillia 1893-94 Geo. N. Matheson Sarnia 1894-95 W. H. Biggar, M.P.P Belleville 1895-96 'Thomas McGaw Toronto 1896-97 Thomas Woodyatt Brantford 1897-98 'Judge Dartnell Whitby 1898-99 A. F. MacLaren. M.P Stratford 99-1900 David Dexter Hamilton Victoria 1900-01 C. C. Dalton Toronto Granite 1901-02 E. B. Edwards, K.C Peterborongh Granite 'Indicates those deceased. TIm ntfriTort are ex-ofieio, members of the ExecutiTe Committee. PRCrAGiE. The Twenty-Seventh volume of the Anjnual goes to Its readers in an enlarged form and a new dress. Hitherto the copies printed have not exceeded 700, and these have been pur- chased by about one in five of the members of the Ontario Curling Association. This year the edition is 3,000, and it is intended that a copy shall be placed in the hands of every curler, who is a member of the Association, without charge. The Committee, in presenting the result of their joint labor, are confident that this new and wider policy in the distribu- tion of the Annual Avill be productive of much good; that it will unite the members of the Association with firmer bonds, will make many players familiar with the rules who have never read them, will show more widely that the game has a worthy literature, and will tend to bring into the fold some wandering clubs not now on our register, so that they may in seasons to come have a share in the gratuitous distribution of our valuable and interesting year book. At the April meeting of the Representatives the Execu- tive Committee recommended, that 1,000 copies of the Annual be printed in a paper cover, and be sold at ten cents, instead of twenty-five cents as formerly. After some discussion the suggestion was referred to the October meeting, and coming up there was passed back to the Executive, with power to act. The Executive decided upon th6 plan outlined above, and asked Messrs. A. F. Maclaren and David Carlyle to assist the Annual Committee by procuring advertisements. The suc- cess of the venture is due in a large measure to Mr. Maclaren, who said at the outset that he would guarantee the cost, and who gave generously of his time and influence in soliciting advertisers. Having to depend upon the patronage of our advertising friends, in giving the Annual as a Christmas box to the curlers, the latter are earnestly requested to reciprocate by patronizing those who patronize them. We have said that curling has a literature, and we desire to maintain this unique and interesting feature of the game at a high level, and to discover and encourage fresh talent. This year we have more original matter, written specially for the Annual, than has ever appeared before. We trust our readers will get much enjoyment from what has been provided.
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