A History of Greece Blackwell History of the Ancient World This series provides a new narrative history of the ancient world, from the beginnings of civilization in the ancient Near East and Egypt to the fall of Constantinople. Written by experts in their fields, the books in the series offer authoritative accessible surveys for students and general readers alike. Published A History of the Hellenistic World R. Malcolm Errington A History of the Ancient Near East, second edition Marc Van De Mieroop A History of the Classical Greek World, second edition P. J. Rhodes A History of the Later Roman Empire, ad 284–621 Stephen Mitchell A History of Byzantium, second edition Timothy E. Gregory A History of Ancient Egypt Marc Van De Mieroop A History of the Archaic Greek World, second edition Jonathan M. Hall A History of Greece, 1300 to 30 bc Victor Parker In Preparation A History of the Roman Republic John Rich A History of the Roman Empire Michael Peachin A History of Babylon, 2200 bc – 75 ad Paul-Alain Beaulieu A History of the Achaemenid Persian Empire Maria Brosius A History of the Ancient Near East, third edition Marc Van De Mieroop A History of Greece 1300 to 30 bc Victor Parker This edition first published 2014 © 2014 Victor Parker Registered Office John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK Editorial Offices 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at www.wiley .com/wiley-blackwell. 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DF214.P35 2014 938–dc23 2013028385 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Cover image: 19th century watercolor painting of Greek trireme, by Rafael Monleon. Museo Naval / Ministerio de Marina, Madrid. Photo © Album / Oronoz / AKG Cover design by Richard Boxhall Design Associates Set in 10.5/12.5 pt Plantin Std by Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited 1 2014 Katherinae Adshead Mentori Collegae Amicae librum auctor DDD. Contents List of Figures ix List of Tables xii List of Boxes xiii Abbreviations and Reference Conventions xvi Preface xxii Introduction xxvii 1 The Geography of Greece 1 Part I: Bronze and “Dark Age”: circa 1300–800 bc 21 2 The Mycenaean Age 23 3 The End of the Bronze Age and the Great Migrations 46 4 Greece in the Later “Dark Age” (circa 900–750 bc) 58 Part II: The Archaic Period: circa 800–479 bc 73 5 Colonization 75 6 Sparta from the Messenian Wars to the Creation of the Peloponnesian League 93 7 Tyranny 106 8 Athens from Cylon to Cleisthenes 121 9 Persia and the Ionian Revolt 138 10 The Persian Wars 151 viii CONTENTS Part III: The Classical Period: 479–323 bc 169 11 The Athenian Empire 171 12 Sparta and Athens during the Pentecontaetia 182 13 From the Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War to the Peace of Nicias 196 14 From the Peace of Nicias to the Surrender of Athens 210 15 The Lacedaemonian Ascendancy in Greece 227 16 The Boeotian Ascendancy in Greece and the Second Athenian League 243 17 The West from the Sicilian Expedition to the Campaigns of Timoleon 257 18 Philip of Macedon and the Conquest of Greece 272 19 Alexander the Great and the Conquest of Persia 293 Part IV: The Hellenistic Period: 323–30 bc 317 20 The Wars of the Diadochi 319 21 The Creation of the Hellenistic States 336 22 Sicily and the West from Agathocles to the First Punic War 351 23 The Hellenistic World in Equilibrium 364 24 The Coming of Rome 387 25 Twilight of the Hellenistic World 409 Tables of Rulers 429 Glossary 434 Index 458 Figures 1.1 Satellite image of the Isthmus 3 1.2 Position of Miletus on Gulf of Meander River in ancient times 4 1.3 The exposed eastern side of Mt. Athos 5 1.4 Satellite image of Cape Malea 6 1.5 Eurotas River 8 1.6 The theater of Epidaurus (fourth century bc) 11 1.7 The Euripus today 13 1.8 The temple of Apollo at Delphi, with the theater in the foreground and the Pleistos Valley in the background 14 1.9 Satellite image of the Aegean Sea and surrounding land 15 2.1 Bull Leaper Fresco from Knosos 24 2.2 Early Helladic sealings from Lerna 25 2.3 The “Lion Gate” at the entrance to the citadel of Mycene 26 2.4 The Mask of Agamemnon 27 2.5 Linear B, Linear A, and Cretan Hieroglyphic 28 2.6 Plan of the Minoan Palace of Knosos 29 2.7 Plan of the Mycenaean Palace of Pylos 30 2.8 The ruins of the citadel of Tiryns today 33 2.9 Mycenaean chariot from stele from Shaft Graves at Mycene 36 2.10 Hunting scenes on a ceremonial sword from the Shaft Graves 37 x FIGURES 2.11 Mycenaean Psi and Phi figurines 40 3.1 Relief from Medinet Habu showing sea-borne invaders attacking Egypt 48 4.1 Geometric pottery from Athens, eighth century bc 65 4.2 Orientalizing pottery from Corinth, late seventh century bc 66 4.3 Population growth in Greece 68 4.4 Metal objects in the Dark Age and early Archaic period 69 5.1 Coin from Metapontum 80 5.2 Ortygia, the former island, on which Syracuse lay 82 5.3 The site of Zancle/Messene 83 6.1 Satellite image of Cape Taenarum 97 7.1 Hydria from Athens, circa 520, possibly depicting the Enneakrounos 112 7.2 The tunnel of Eupalinus on Samos 113 7.3 The temple of Zeus in Athens 114 8.1 The Acropolis of Athens 122 8.2 The demes of Attica 134 9.1 Reconstruction of the map of the world (Hecataeus’?) which Herodotus ridiculed 146 9.2 Darius’ inscription at Behistun 148 10.1 Two hoplite phalanxes meet circa 650 bc, on the Chigi Vase from Corinth 155 10.2 The soros at Marathon 156 10.3 Modern reconstruction of an ancient trireme 157 10.4 Thermopylae today 159 11.1 The Acropolis of Athens 179 11.2 The theater of Dionysus on the slope of the Acropolis 180 12.1 An ostrakon with the inscription “Themistocles of (the Deme) Phrearhi” 184 12.2 The natural fortress of Mt. Ithome seen from the city of Messene at its foot 185 14.1 A herm in front of an altar, on an amphora (circa 465 bc) 213 FIGURES xi 14.2 Operations around Syracuse 215 17.1 Third-century bc theater of Syracuse 258 17.2 A scene from Euripides’ Alcmene on a Sicilian crater from the mid-fourth century 259 17.3 Fifth-century temple of Hera at Acragas 260 18.1 Gold ossuary from Philip II’s tomb at Aegae 273 18.2 The treasury of the Athenians at Delphi 280 19.1 The Cilician Gates today 298 19.2 The Alexander bust (Roman copy of Greek original) 313 19.3 Alexander’s conquests 314 20.1 Four coins of the Diadochi 331 22.1 The site of Taras today 356 22.2 Apulian bell crater, circa 355–340 bc, depicting a mythological scene, the Judgment of Paris 357 23.1 The so-called Ludovisi Group; Roman copy of original from Pergamum circa 220s bc 366 23.2 The Winged Nike of Samothrace, circa 190 bc 367 25.1 Coins with portraits of Demetrius of Bactria 414 25.2 Coin of Eucratides 415 25.3 Coin of Antiochus VIII Grypus 416 25.4 Coin of Mithridates I 423 Tables 0.1 Major periods in Greek history xxxii 15.1 Three accounts of the Battle of Sardis 235 20.1 Persian satrapies 323 Boxes 1.1 Mt.
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