Master is the only One Who is your true helper. He is the only One Who is your true friend, and He doesn't accept anything, He doesn't demand anything from you for helping you. Sant Bani Magazine The Voice of the Saints May 2003 - Volume 27, Number 11 Master is Our TieFriend Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a Satsang of September 1, 1995 Have no Anxiety; He is Always With YOU Baba Jaimal Singh Ji The Test ofthe Shipwrecked Disciple Swami Ji Maharaj "Always Keep Me in Your Refigen Sant Ajaib Singh Ji an underground rooom talk of February 3, 1990 Make a Schedule for Meditation Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a walk talk of February 2, 1980 Photo credits: Front cover, p. 32, Gurmel Singh; p. 5, Neil Wolf: pp. 10, 16, Joe Gelbard. SANT BANIIThe Voice of the Saints is published by Sant Bani Ashram, Inc., Sanbornton, N.H., U.S.A., for the purpose of disseminating the teachings of Sant Ajaib Singh Ji, of His Master, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, and of the Masters who preceded them. Editor Emeritus: Russell Perkins. Editor: Richard Shannon, with help by: Lori Budington, Wendy Schongalla, Susan Shannon, and Cab Vinton. Annual subscription rate in the U.S. is $30.00. Individual and back issues $2.50. Foreign and special mailing rates available on request. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Sant Bani Ashram, and all payments from outside the U.S. should be on an International Money Order or a check drawn on a New York bank (with a micro-encoded number). Correspondence should be addressed to Sant Bani Ashram, Sanbornton, N.H. 03269, U.S.A. Articles, including stories and poems, on the theory and practice of Sant Mat, are most welcome. Views expressed in individual articles are not necessarily the views of the journal. Articles are edited for clarity and may be cut to fit available space. Master is Our True Friend Sant Ajaib Singh Ji alutations unto the feet of Su- Some Mahatmas mentioned the Bpreme Fathers, Lords Sawan name of Their Masters. They wrote and Kirpal, Who have allowed us in Their writings who Their Master to sing Their glory. It is all due to was, and from where He got the Their grace that we are able to sit perfection, from where He got the here in Their remembrance. It is all grace and the Light; whereas some due to Their mercy that we are able Masters have not mentioned Their to sing Their glories. Master's name, even though Their Although Saints and Mahatmas, writings, Their banis, are full of the the beloveds of God, are sent into praise and the glory of Their Mas- this world by God Almighty Him- ter. Reading the writings of the per- self there are two kinds of Masters fect Masters, we learn that those or perfect Mahatmas. One is He who hide the name of their Master Who is sent by God Almighty Him- - it is not a good thing. Although self, someone Who is already per- some Masters have mentioned Their fect before He came into this world, Master's name and others have not like Guru Nanak Sahib. When He that doesn't mean that They have came into this world He was per- hidden the name of Their Master. fectly Perfect right from the begin- The historians exaggerate, and ning. Whereas Guru Angad Dev Ji they write about the kings and the Maharaj went and sat at the feet of emperors of the time. They write a Guru Nanak Dev, and there He lot about them, but they do not pay gained perfection. So there are two attention to, and they don't write kinds of Mahatmas. First are those anything about the perfect Masters, sent by God Almighty, Who are per- such as who were the parents of the fectly Perfect right from the begin- Master, who was the Master of that ning; the others are those who go Master or where He was born. They and take refuge at the feet of the have cared very little for the per- perfect Masters and then become the fect Masters Who come into this perfect Ones. world. What do we people usually do This Satsang was given September 1, when we talk about the Masters 1995, in Brisbane, Australia. Who have sacrificed so much at May 2003 Their Master's feet, and Who have cause without the Master, I am noth- even given up Their body, Their ing." mind and soul to the Master, and The bhatts* who were the disci- Who have done so much seva for ples of the Sikh Gurus have said, Their Master? When we talk about "Those who have not seen the Mas- those Masters, we feel honored by ter in this world, they have seen saying that They did not have any nothing." Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maha- Master. raj goes so far in glorifying the Mas- A brief hymn of Swami Ji Ma- ter by saying, "Those who have seen haraj is presented to you. It has been the Master with their own eyes, they about 100 or 125 years since Swa- have made their human birth suc- mi Ji Maharaj has left this world, cessful." left the body, but still some follow- So Swami Ji Maharaj sings the ers of Swami Ji Maharaj feel and glory of the Master in this brief they say that Swami Ji Maharaj did hymn. Listen to this with much at- not have any Master. [They do this] tention. Every single word written even though Baba Jaimal Singh Ji in this hymn is very valuable, and used to tell the people, "Please don't if you swallow every single word, say that Swami Ji Maharaj did not it can change your life. have the Master." Even at that time there were many dear ones who 0 Brother, catch hold of the knew that Tulsi Sahib was the Mas- Feet of the Master with ter of Swami Ji Maharaj, and Swa- Jirm determination; mi Ji Maharaj got His blessings. In Make the company of the fact, Swami Ji Maharaj came into Master fruitful. this world only with the blessing of Make the words of the Master Tulsi Sahib. your support; Only one who has eaten rock Have the darshan of the Mas- candy can talk about the taste of ter completely. the rock candy. So one who has gained anything from the Master, Swami Ji Maharaj says very lov- one who has brought peace to his ingly that first of all what should soul from the Master, one who has you do? - first of all, according to gained the benefit from the Master, the instructions which the Master how can he hide the name of his has given to you, do the Simran, Master, how can he not say that he bring your attention behind the eyes got everything from the Master? Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj says, *The bhatts were those disciples who "0 my mind, go on repeating the used to sing and play musical instru- word 'Master, Master, Master,' be- ments in the court of the Sikh Gurus. SANT BANI and, rising above the stars, moon all, you reach the Feet of the Mas- and sun, reach the Feet of the Mas- ter." Master Sawan Singh Ji used ter within. We bow down at the out- to say that the disciples have a cer- er feet of the Master also, because tain responsibility. It is the duty, they are also very precious, very the responsibility, of the disciple to valuable. The place where the per- reach the Feet of the Master. It is fect Masters put Their feet, that just like when a student goes to the place becomes worth worshippmg, school. The teacher is there, and it becomes the place of pilgrimage. when the teacher sees that the stu- He says that the place where the dent has arrived in the school, then perfect Masters lay Their feet, it is it becomes his responsibility, his more holy, more precious, than the duty, to teach him and to take him sixty-eight places of pilgrimage. further. So in that way, it is our But what do the Masters mean responsibility, our duty, to first by saying "reach the Feet of the reach the Feet of the Master. Master"? They mean to say that af- But what do we usually do? In- ter vacating from the nine openings stead of reaching the Tisra Til, the of the body, when you bring your Third Eye, instead of reaching the attention behind the eyes, when you school where we are supposed to reach the Tenth Door, only then you go, we sit here and we make the reach the Feet of the perfect Mas- prayers, we make the requests. We ter. Tulsi Sahib also says, "Once request the Master, "0 Master, you you reach there, constantly remain do this for us. You take us there." over there. Go on enjoying at the Often I talk about when I was in Feet of the perfect Master." Tulsi the army, and in the city of Poona says, "Only by remaining there and when I was studying in the wireless being there constantly can one get operator course, the instructors used peace." Guru Nanak Sahib has said to tell us, "When you come to the that after reaching there, one gets school, you should be all packed. the Light of knowledge and getting You should have your backpack on that Light of knowledge, one is en- your back, because you don't know lightened from within, and the dark- when you will be ordered to go and ness of ignorance is removed.
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