NullaNet Tiny: Ultra-low-latency DNN Inference Through Fixed-function Combinational Logic Mahdi Nazemi*, Arash Fayyazi*, Amirhossein Esmaili, Atharva Khare, Soheil Nazar Shahsavani, and Massoud Pedram School of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0001 Email: fmnazemi, fayyazi, esmailid, aakhare, nazarsha, [email protected] Start TABLE I COMPARISON OF ACCURACY & HARDWARE REALIZATION METRICS OF NULLANET TINY AND LOGICNETS [34] ON THE JSC TASK. Model Training Target Pre-trained Architecture Data Accuracy Weights Accuracy LUTs FFs f Arch. max 1. Training (% Inc.) (Dec.) (Dec.) (Inc.) Quantization-aware Multi Minimization 69.65% 39 75 2,079 MHz Training Granularity JSC-S Config. - levelLogic (+1.85) (5.50×) (3.30×) (1.30×) Fanin-constrained Pruning 72.22% 1,553 151 841 MHz No Reduce Filter Optimization JSC-M Pruning Rate Met Target Yes (+1.73) (9.30×) (2.90×) (1.40×) Accuracy? Layer Optimization 73.35% 11,752 565 436 MHz Network Optimization JSC-L 2. Logic Minimization (+1.55) (3.20×) (1.40×) (1.02×) LUT-mapping Completely specified Boolean function Generation level Logic Logic level - Config. optimized LUT-based implementation by enumerating all its possible Minimization Minimization Two-level logic Two End minimization input combinations, recording encountered output values, and opti- mizing truth tables reflecting those input-output combinations. QAT refers to the quantization of activations to binary, bipolar, or Fig. 1. A high-level overview of NullaNet Tiny’s design and optimization multi-bit values during neural network training. One of the critical flow. differences between NullaNet Tiny and prior work is that it employs different activation functions for different layers to yield higher accuracy. For example, if the inputs to a DNN assume both negative EXTENDED ABSTRACT and positive values, it uses an activation function such as the sign While there is a large body of research on efficient processing of function to capture the range of inputs better. On the other hand, if deep neural networks (DNNs) [1]–[31], ultra-low-latency realization a set of values can only assume non-negative numbers, it relies on of these models for applications with stringent, sub-microsecond the parameterized clipping activation (PACT) [9] function to quantize latency requirements continues to be an unresolved, challenging activations. problem. Field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based DNN accel- FCP applies fanin constraints to individual filters/neurons such that erators are gaining traction as a serious contender to replace graphics the number of inputs to each filter/neuron is small enough to make processing unit/central processing unit-based platforms considering a realization based on input enumeration (as described in NullaNet their performance, flexibility, and energy efficiency. NullaNet (2018) [32]) feasible. In this work, FCP is either based on the alternating [32], LUTNet (2019) [33], and LogicNets (2020) [34] are among ac- direction method of multipliers [35] or gradual pruning [11]. celerators specifically designed to benefit from FPGAs’ capabilities. Finally, functions of different filters/neurons are represented using arXiv:2104.05421v1 [cs.LG] 7 Apr 2021 This paper presents NullaNet Tiny, an across-the-stack design truth tables which are then fed to the logic minimization module. and optimization framework for constructing resource and energy- This paper employs the ESPRESSO-II logic minimizer [36] for two- efficient, ultra-low-latency FPGA-based neural network accelerators. level logic minimization and Xilinx Vivado for multi-level logic The key idea is to replace expensive operations required to com- minimization and retiming. pute various filter/neuron functions in a DNN with Boolean logic Our experimental evaluations summarized in TableI demonstrate expressions that are mapped to the native look-up tables (LUTs) of the superior performance of NullaNet Tiny in terms of accuracy, the FPGA device (examples of such operations are multiply-and- inference latency, and resource utilization compared to prior art accumulate and batch normalization). FPGA-based DNN accelerators on the jet substructure classification Fig.1 depicts different steps of NullaNet Tiny’s design and (JSC) [37] task (the three architectures are based on those described optimization flow. The training module is responsible for both in LogicNets [34]). At about the same level of classification accuracy, quantization-aware training (QAT) and fanin-constrained pruning compared to Xilinx’s LogicNets [34], our design achieves 2.36× (FCP) while the logic minimization module performs two-level lower latency and 24.42× lower LUT utilization (please note that and multi-level logic minimization in addition to retiming. These not all reported clock frequencies are realizable on the target Xilinx modules’ ultimate goal is to convert each filter/neuron into a highly VU9P FPGA). Similarly, compared to Google’s optimized design [38], our design has a 9.25× lower latency. *M. Nazemi and A. Fayyazi contributed equally to this work. 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