.... ................... T ' Mm/>r\WW!). YirnnnWUUÜ. COAL. COAL. We hare the tersest ripply ot GOOD HALL * WALKER, AGENTS DRY WOOD ln the City FINE CÎTT Best Hut and Household CoaL WCOD a specialty. Try us and uo Try ear Como* coal for furnaces. convinced. • par cent off tor cash with order. Bupt’a Wood Yard 1SS1 GOVERNMENT 6T. Phone m si PANDORA AY*, VOL, 47 VICTORIA, B. 0., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1909. No. 39 WATERWORKS STATE CEREMONY MANITOBA TO REDUCE AUSTRIA’S WAR LOAN AT WESTMINSTER TELEPHONE RATES OF 70 MILLIONS BILL DISCUSSED (Special to the Times) Winnipeg, Man., Feb. 16.— London. Fob. II.— A dispatch Hon. Hugh Armstrong delivered to the Chronicle from Vienna ESQUIMALT COMPANY . KING EDWARD OPENS his budget speech jn tke Ulgll t state* tl at Austria-Hungary laturv last evening, and an­ will shortly Issue a *$7 0, OOP. 000 WANTS PROTECTION BRITISH PARLIAMENT nounced that the profit* for the hloan at four |ier cent, in order .first year's" operation* »r a for-, to prejiaro foi any contingent y • «emnont-telephone were $166.000.. with -rcgird In Servis. This The government has decided to fund will apply to the- rcplentsh- Oak Bay and Saanich Desire Amicable Anglo-German Rela­ reduce the ‘phone rate* by one- infg of the wa,r treasury. third. City to Be Obliged to tions Alluded to in Speech Supply Them. From the Throne. FIVE STREETS The civic waterworks bill was befefre London,,Feb. lf.-A greater crowd RESIGNS COMMAND •then iwiWLaeUieffrt »t KW'-VlSE .n,nnm Tnm<f|t IK SIX Mm jltg the city ;<Wdh meat by King* tMewd, OF CHANNEL FLEET HiücUlar features. companled to the function by Qu«*en There wa* a large attendance of par­ Alexandra..the Prince and Princes* of ties concerned. Fur the city there Wales. and other member* of the Royal A. MACDONALD ON were present Mayor Hall. Aldermen family. A day of bright sunshine. and LORD CHARLES BERESFORD Henderson and Fullerton, Water Com­ the fact that this was the first public PRINCE RUPERT PLANS missioner Raymur, W. J. Taylor, K. appearance of their Majestic* etnee TO HAUL DOWN HIS FLAG i vit> barrister; J. P. Mann, city their return/from Berlin, whither they **1 j 9(.lkitor;_ A. P. Luxton, K. C., and went last week to visit the Emperor - , _ ,. i isi a a a 1 Theodore Lubbe, on behalf of the Es- William, wa* largely re*ponslble for Second Reading of water AcLttmauut waterworks e. v. Bod- the outpouring of the people, who lined Orders From Admiralty Said to n ... n . D. i well. K. (*.. on behalf of Oak Bay and the route to Buckingham palace, and -----Upposition to boat IftVoP PhAnlchf municipalities; Councillor* gave the sovereign* nn enthusiastic Be Outcome of Naval p n * if <Hiver. Newton and J. Herrick Me- greeting as they passed In procession rowei Dill, Gregor and J S. Floyd, clerk of Oak with an escort of the guards to the Feud, Hay; Reeve Quick. Saanich; Senator house* of parliament. Maeodnald. T. C* Sorhy, secretary of Another And a greater crowd had Legislative Pres* Gallery, Feb. lfc tlie Victoria Ratepayers* Association. assembled* In the Immediate vicinity of i« —Admiral ,, W. J. Taylor. K. C. described tho Ft. Stephen». The.» penple were curt- London, Eng Jeb *'C ' oèeÂOHove*® Th» Hon» started the weak well, gel- |mMm, of the bm le ,ffrrtM one to nee what would be the outcome Lord tharlea Be • , of ting to work i«h time and keeping at-it j; rowing,r..w,n. vuse of revenuerevenue, limitation Ofof of the threata made by the unemployed , reein wl to vhanncl until well on to six o'clock. , legal action, and collection of rate*. -6-nd m Vhm*n-«nirntzhtnt to tnduire I ro«nain<»r-ln-*lUrt ot Several now points were brought out In demonstration*. The police at thla I fleet, -to take effect un M«*T> by the leader of the op|Ki*lilon 111 cMt- point were nut In force and ready to waa aeen yesterday reg * AN UNINVITING PLUNGE. ivlzlnin the latest agreement with the A. P; Luxton, K. C., for the Esqui­ deal with any dlarorhance." „lM,me«t. He decUnad tu dl*-.»»a the Grand Trtmk PaetWe In regard to- mau Waterworks Company, *ald their -Ygithla the chamber* ths-rosmber* of I action of the A J. B.— Excuse me, Herbert, but don't yon think the water will be rstber wsrm for you?" ITlme Rupert towns de. Mr. Mavdou- only objection was te the section ratl- the two houses and a select few who) T,‘an »y nothin* Beyond^. pld lpqjte fur littjf an hour, snaking.an fyiiijr and confirming the act of 18«â, liad bean Invited-to witnee- th*actual saUV the 1 tu._^ able M;ec« h. Hv jspohe Ln the. mt?5l. and de.Taring tüe rights conferred by ceremony expectantly awaited Oîe' nvksrfo nhey Wderg and Iwvs 'i^wfl»^TO»r"^niSiwr«Ttn 'hf cls,M,!' reading of the King1* speerh. Urgent to haul down my flag at the tiro*-the. VESSELS COLLIDE, tudv to be assumed toward* the rail­ Consolidation Act. In 1873 the water­ whips Tind been Issued by the leaders admiralty has ordered me to do S6l HUNDREDS DEAD RECRUITING FOR way, d-spevlally a» co-partner* w-ith tUe works act was passed, giving the city Any further Information on this sub- power to go anywhere within twenty of both houses and had brought Into TERRITORIAL ARMY _provlnce in the townslte. but île empha- BOTH FOUNDER ^i««Ml tlie matter* In which, as he <*on- mile* for water, but. he argued, it dl l IN THEATRE BLAZE lendtnl, the government had allowed tho not give, the City exclusive rights In New York. Feb. It,-On* th'.u- •future t-4ty to bo hamllcapped, —1 that alrea. in US tl» Esquimau nani! and Iwenty-flve reeriiH» These Ini luded the failure to provide Waterworks (Company got power to go to Thetis lake and in 1892 they got roasted alive in for the Territorial army were THIRTY LIVES LOST IN | for street end* reaching the water front ______ _ .... _ ; -« xcept by owi-head bridge* at the pub- an extension, giving them power to g,> enlisted In London last night, to Goldstreajn. ,A very làrge sum had ACAPULCO STRUCTURE arrordlng to a epeclal ruble dla*- MEDITERRANEAN WATERS ! ||,«- c*pcnsc. tin- shutting up or two j wtlons of the city by the grant of been spent on developing these patéli to the New York Time*. sources, about a million in art. The — "" ',,‘l j additional Ii1-h k* of land at the mouth* Thl» I» double the Tate ot on­ Thetis Lake and Ooldstream water­ us tan til per day la#t week. •f Hay* creek and Morse creek, the Panic Stricken Persons Block Ten Survivors From SS. Aus­ taking of two blocks of water front for sheds having been taken by Ms com­ the province on land which ran down pany were lost to the city, and it Uj> Exits Cutting Off tralia Are Landed at streets'from a height pf sixty feetqjnto should be made plain that Lt had no the water, and the fact that tbe'Wftter iwwcr to expropriate their rights there. Escape. Algiers. deepen* so rapidly that It will be. al- Mr. Taixton aske.1 that to the aaving tno*t Impossible to put ift wharves oUt- Clatiw already In the bH! should be EARTHQUAKE IN klde the right-of-way. which 1» below added a provision that nothing In It- should derogate from nor affect in Fem ld-^-Thàt ty -Uvea-wars high water mark aloflg the entire front Meako. ~Tat." ta-.Brtwren K* end - nnv wav me rights of the company. 11)0 perevna were burned to drath and ASIATIC TURKEY tost when an UftlUtoWii - Ip Wear of the fart that members Are you afraid they might take remrasd the pelften elwmef Aua» hnXv ITïTT* kn^w dg,» of the fact*, and your water from you?" askêd J. F. many Injured m a flrr which dotroy- Garden (Vanroyver.) tt >Ha during tt tU'iffl on FebrtiàD’ thet there arc mnny thing* irbloh the e<L the Fiona theatre In the rlty of ”Th<-> might tty It.” replied Mr. 12th.--near Alboran t*lahd. in the M« <1- rlan filed by th« rails; y and townnite Acapulco oh Sunday rrt*hh The new» BUILDINGS COLLAPSE. comi-anle* and approved of by tf\f tom* Luxton. - s* of the disaster reached the capital yes­ ltcrrancsn. a hundred miles fro** Gi­ Mr. Luxton went on to point out that both veeadla foundered. ml**loner of land* doe* Hot show* Mr. terday afternoon, ’ telegraphte com­ NUMBER OF CASUALTIES braltar. and Maedonald moved for the referenee of in the petition asking for the bill the Of this number, fourteen men were on city a*ked for permission to follow It» munication having been Interrupted the sailing vessel and sixteen from the bill to a small select committee, which could take evidence In one way expert.’* adyice lyid go to Sooke lake, owing to the fart that the telegraph the Australia. but ln the bill lt asked for a confirm­ office adjoining the theatre wa* burned Ten members of the crew of the Aus­ or another for the Information of the Inhabitants of Hungary Dis­ House. ation of its original act. The clause to and ail the wires put out of commis- tralia, who liad put off from that ves­ which his clients took exception was tricts Flee in Terror to sel In a small boat, were picked, up by The Water Clauses Consolidation A Ot.
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