VOLUME 4 CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE, FEBRUARY 28, 1923 NUMBERI 15 ROTARIANS SPEAK FIRST CONTRACT FOR SOUTH- "Y"OBSERVES ON CITIZENSHIP WESTERN AT MEMPHIS LET DAY OF PRAYER Bailey and Conroy Make Ad- Work Begun on Administration Building President Diehl Speaks dresses at Chapel Thelirust contract for the erec- wanitedl and President D~ielil as- Last Suniday the Y. M. C. A. The liocal Rotary (lullclebrat- 11i11 of thle admninistr-ationlbuild- sures us that it is as beautiful as obserc1veid the clay as thle Sund~ay cil the eighteenth anlniv-clsal-v ing, to be knowni as the "Palace exiledel. set asiide foi' prayer- for schlools an1d The pr-ogr1am was a oIf thle organlization with a (ity- Memorial" of Southwestern at '[his first building will b~e a colleges. wide camp~Iaigni to str-ess the im- Memphis, which is to be located three- story) cdifice, 265. feet long. very enjoyable one. Mr. Shelby on ireaidtile Scripiture lessonl from piort ancee and tile iniportalit r-- onl the Noit t P arkway, was let It will house the lbusiness and1( ad(- lPhil. 4 1- D.[r. D~i-ehl delivereid iltisites oif good citizenship. Mr. W'ednlesday in the (lffi(-V5s of .1ones mfinistlrative officer, a Board of Di- the ad-ess on "He W~ent About C.W. Bailey, president of tihe andil urbiinger, Architects, to rectors' roomi, (1lassroomls, an11(1o- D)oing (Good." Chambe odlie'(f( oluneuce, adldrei-sseid r~anchier'anid Hodges, genieral (on- ci a] roomns. Temporarily it will To tihe normal person wicked- the stuidenits at chlapel oil Moniday tractors. This1 1111it of the college house the chapel and library. It ness and evil have a singular moniIllg. H1is subject was "ed will ('ost ibetweenl .2:50,000 and is to be of the Collegiate (Gothic ('hal-Il. Most of uts think of it as ersh11il.'In his speech, Mri. B ailey j30O,000. work was lbegun on type of archlitecture, very substan- especially alluring. A man (can sidiithat thiere is anil 11iga tionll1)1 Thursday and will be hushed to tiallv built. Only the best mate- behav-e Iimisel f for fifty years r1i(d iver'y (one of ius tol per-formuilsome comletioni as rapidly as possibIle. rials obt1a inable will be used, and no( commient will be passed albout publ11i c serv ice. to ta ke sonie part iW1t 1t cars of stone havi e laeui everythinlg possiblde is being dlone it; lut just let hull get into) some- ill tihe affair's(f the ity, state ill dlel iver-ed onl the college gr-ound(s to the elii that thuis bu ildiing, like thliiig (questionlable or xicked and ilatioli. The avenueils illserivice a n] addiiti onal cars are expectedl those anlcient structures of the the nexwspapers 1un it in tile head- are very liii IlerlilS. (good blsi- to arrive daily. It is thought Old World, may defy th~e ravages lines. Howev-el- it may seemi, the ness men ar-c needed at the head of that about forty car s per month of time. good1 life is the most fascinating e very chaiitale inlstitultionlia hI will be recived until the 1 0,000) The maill approach to the b ii h- ill th~e worldil sc-hiool. We wo-0uld hav a-cI-il- tons (of stone for this first buijld- thing ing will ]ead to a broad tower not ing lists of leader-s if everyonue of in g hias b(eel del iver ed . ThIie stonle The life of Chrtist was a dull albout: dl feet high. Th'ie inter-ior iti 11( is laing quarriled in Arkansas. less listless existence. Probably 110 veal ability woulld cultivate of the tower is to be of stolne van]lt- 01n1 th an l00lmiiles from Memiphiis, one had a life of a morle romantic givec som11e IimelCandilthought ing and will he very attr active. Iron i a guarlvy puirclhiased by thle in- nature. We see him borninil the mangrin~'l Bet hlelii; later- on we Iilunately, Ave d(1(1 -thav-e tlis i-onl- stitutiion. Tile coloring of the Presidlent lDiel , who is chirI- see the cr-owdus followxing him ditioni. (n thle conltraryl, sille- stonei is suichi lbat, will muake the mianiof the building commiuittee, thrlongll (Galihee a11(1the surlrounld- tinies we have difficulty in pa- bunil1ding very beautiful, shad ing said that he hoped 1lie college ilng ciountry. Hie vas a frienld of suiadlin1g somieolne 1totake thle iad fr-omnblue gr-ey thlrouiglh yel lows Would be openIfoar woruk in Memn- pub~licans asiii ners1(i. '"I camie ill sonic xeuv helpf ul acti vityv. IC(- anud tans 10 a rich clocolate'brotvn plis in September, 1 924, an1d( that the iinstitutioni would conltinuei- nilt to call the righteous, but sill- Ipeatn xx-i-ly gathierinlgs, A samiple wall was built to show thle c-ontr actor's exactly what was here 11111il .June of that year. ners5 to repentenlce," lie said. He healed thle lepers, alnid cured all havelb-ought mnIlodidlise together' the (defective of various classes. lol have awvakenecd slumbl'elinlg Theo Christ ilassed hlis life with civic activities and hiave- hrought Calvary. There is no dull line ill forthl eaders. Morec :-1-lycal 1(11 V. CONVENTION SIGMA UPSILON UNI 1' ' I f the life of the perfect 11101. He is whiat xwe need1;1(1re am.iidbetter- is the imaster of mnh. Icaeris, foa' lea del-sh ip) often (i.d Volunteer Band at 1 A Student Christ was naiturl in lla l his tlill ls whetiher 'aipro ject will S. P. U. Urged nlot merCIelyv su cce or' fa ilI. We shoul1 d ci eI gooldiess. His life was Stylus Club Enjoys Good oll actedl pai-t. Sonie people go to to iilake (our15the ideal ((Iuillluit), ablb-eviat ion 01 S. V. is t he Program s}iil uhany conceer-s not from love of rather the symbilol oif one the of music, buit ibecause of style. 'I1v -i, cne-getic. liappy-, xxhei-e (argani iza tionis iiiost p11 sewoi liy They (10 not meally lov-e music buit biusila- s stanida~rd;, ale high, a101 ill exi stenice toila}', the Student The Stylus I 'hapter' of ,iglna (Contill Iedl oniiPage (CI onti iueid oI IPage 2) Volnteels. It was finltd iln I-psibui enjoe eov1l~(f the best 2) l8I he I1>,-xDight L. Moody at \Mt. mecetinugs (If the year- on last Feb- \'rcrn lMass. IHIcwith a few coil- inar-y 22 ulleti ng iln their room alt the ( 'iniion. rhe busincs o(f INTRAMURAL EPSILON seci-ateil. pr)i-iug students met to ALPHIA PHI fo-unul ate plalis for a imiissionllary t he evening wa ir st acciuulli sl- hand Whichi shoulid 1 cyto get Vol- edi. BASKET BALL MEETING uniteers foi- foleignIrfeldt. The first genei-al iieetingthier-e were two by Prof. Ai-rowooil. who gave a i-- Interfraternity Tournament '[hte regular- nieeting,,oft Alpha h inied anid fifty. preseit xwi tl view oif "C apltainl Blood" by Ra- The Varisity b1)0sketball season I xentN -ioie volulnteers. Robert P. fael Sabatini. This review pi-ove:l is over, but thiere is to be quite a Fr-ater-nity Was hiel on Wedlles- WilIder w-as amnig those wvho had to be one of the best given -thiis and1(1to lot oIf basketball yet. There is day, elbuary 21, ill Prlofessolr given theiri lives 10 the foreign year-, due tol the Ibook itself tile annual I nterfi at-eriit y touirna- Arl-rowIod's clanssroml. After tile work. 13ythle timie the conference thle delightful numaiier ill which it followed mlent to lbe playedl oil. Tell gamles flieetinlg wxas calledl to older, Miss hai l (Ioseid, there were one 11111- was given. -Mr. Hadeii al-c requlired 1(o determline tile win- Cirr- yl-er- Mi-hInuiel wais ili- dyed voliit eels for servi celabro-ad. this w-itisi'initiatory paper.* In lie]'. It is e arnestly desiredl to get ti ateid into membilershlip. Furithiei There welre four of thiis number this p)ap1er, Mr. Hadeni gave every thlese games played as soon as pos- buisinIess was thenu a1t tendedl to. plickedi to go to ot her collieges to pr1oo~f of havilng the qualities gan'i s of tile oganize mlore band-., 1)but three' whichi Stylus desir1es ill its men. sible. Tile followxinig Fr-aternity tournament are an- wals Illit inter'estinlg. Miss Mc- could1( not go, and thiis left Wilder- He chose to i)v-e a shio-t onle-act n)ounlced: l~cyn11(1(1 gave a mo1(st enteti-1 to carl-v lilt the plains. The first pla1y, (eltitled -Treason," wich (Gamle 1. A. T. 0. vs. P. K. A. ig tal1k (ill 'Holly a Meeting school which took a (definitestep colltainedl plot, origiiality, and Wedllesday niigilt, February 28. ShouldId n-, ganized and ('on- aniih ad a Stuident V olunteer band stylec. From the mlomnlt lie began (Gane 2. S. S. K. vs. S. A. E.- dueled.'' This N as taken fr-om was Hal-ard. Thlis «-as in the his reading, he held the attentioni Thul'sday nligh~t, March 1. ..Rober-1ts' Rules of O rder-" as 1had Year 1888. From this timle to tile if all, and at its close, mliiy (Gamle 3. K. S. v-s. Loser of bemu decided at thei last meciniug, preentlf, the mlovemnent 1has551p1ead wer-e the expressionls(If pleasure. on Page 2) (Coti iHuedl (n I'ag- 2) ('out inued onl Page 4) (Continued onl Page 3) (Conltinued THE SOU'WESTER '[HE SOU'WESTER CLUB MISS SETTLE PERSONALS Vol.
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