'\'T -J V. y- ■ , ^ * ' lATUmDAT, AtJCfbw. M, IM I Manchester Eveninjt Herald Averaire Daily Circniatlon rtw jskv* For the Moeth of Jaly, lt4« A h er day we did run aorosa such espocially during the test yeare. / Mrs. C. J. Marocckl, daughter of a story. AT THE HEAD OP THE CLASSl Listed as being paid $2 was Bur­ 8,728 , Mr. and Mrs. Calandra. 178 Char­ Heard Along Main Street ton Pearl, local household appli­ Tom Rooney of the Sheridan Memlwr ef tks Aedit (outTowi ter Oak street, is^ going on a ances and furnishings dealer. T h e says that he doesn’t hava to go BACK-TO-8CHOOL cation to ner former home In Uito a bub-bub-a-boo act to hold Bareae of Clicntetieae York City. W hile in the ^ ty rte total of the billa paid was close to And OH Some o f Manche$ter*$ Sfde Streets, Too $20,000 so we were somewhat at­ hla Job, hut he’s willing to sing Manche$ter^A> City of VUlage Charm ____ M *«on Jesiemwi, chll- will learn new steps for her laii tracted by the two bucks Item. anytime to prove to the Doubting K > Ubrarian it the_ Mary ,i»npin|r classes at the A m ir and 'Walk in front of his shop. The late Thomases that he can. Some'’ persons strolling along< Inquiry brought out that Mr. PERMANENT MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1944 Library will hold tha final N a »r rtiAfc ____ , Charles Dana of the New York Peqrl has had that $2 coming to VOL. LXin., NO. 274 (ClaaeiM AdverHsteg an Page It) ® ^ W ’a atory hour of tha aaw n Main street, in the vicinity of the Sun, coined the phrase so widely The office bsir-fly says he would ____ Recreation him for a couple of years. Back at *y morning: at tan oclocH m Tha SchooL atreet State Armory the other day were publicized, " I f you see it in the like td vlelt that place In New Jer­ 8PECXALI _ closed for repairs the beginning of oub part In the titer Park. building will W c amused aa they saw an elderly Sun, it’s so!” And because we hate war, radios equipped with short sey where they iell a 14-ounce gentleman— he must be approach- ^ginning Monday. Notice will ap­ to print anything in The Herald wave sets were ordered removed glass of beer for a nickel Juat to ™ p p e Oariblddl Sooiety wlh pear in this paper of *\s reopening. Ing 8P—nonclianlantly walking that is not so, we will let you in from homes of enemy aliens. see how It feels to have two big H u reevlar maatln* toroonw Showers will be available at the along the sidewalk with a large qn the secret— we have found out heads at the same time. Pearl's store received an order — A. Non. local at two o’clock at the West Side Recreation bullulng. paper kite in one hand and a big that the bkrber referred to suc­ from the police department to re­ l^m erlcan clabhouae on ball of string in the other. ceeded in frying .the egg all right move such a radio. It was done and $7.50 |p(«^ atreet At a meeting of committee Some were heard to remark on the sidewalk, but he made sure a bill for $2 was sent to police chairmen held last night at tM that a man of his aj>parent age he had the frypan sizzling hot on headquarters. For some reason, i r « c Montgomery Sees End of W ar in Sight; Free Enlarsement Sa*M John Derby .and daughter home of Mias Mary Chapman at certainly was hard up for amuse- , the range ........in the. .restaurant — next best known to the powers that be, w ith Every RoH o f f rFilm Be lovelier, mom vibrant, mere S alle, of Vernon atreet. ar« Forest street, the Manchester Gar­ ment If he had taken to kite-fly- ' qoor before doing so. the bill was not approved. 40c Developed and Prints^ alluring with one of our Wavaa |S Sn g their vacation In Maine. den club decided to cancel the Vic­ Ing. Others doubted that the man ^ ------ Burton Pearl didn't bother about that wUl give you pamaaent flat­ tory vegetable and flower show could run fast enough to get the Joe Hettinger, one o f the town’s It because he felt It was too small tery. which was planned for September kite off the ground. StUl others beat known welding experts, is to make a fuaa over. But not long ELITE STUDIO It was believed that »he club would Just shook their heads. alao expert in other waya, U has ago the local furniture man’s car fgg Mhte Street FLOOR LAYING not be able to sustain the reputa­ But the mt with the kite Just been reported to ua this week. Joe was reported aa having- passed a a n d s a n d i n g tion for quality gained In former kept walking along paying atten­ doubts that hop#— th ^kin d used "stop” aign down Hartford road in making beer—are A™wn in this Freneh Units Yirtnally Eneirele Toulon iMlBlehlng and Waxing. exhibits of flowers because of ^ e tion to no one and not bothering way. He was told to call at,, police country and if they are they don t Kattmatea Olailly Given. continued dry weather arid the to explain the kite and the ball headquarters and there he was compare with the hops grown In TEDSOIVOl.D depredations of thC Japanese of string. He evidently felt that it charged the $5 fee that Is levied Roofing—Asbestos his native Germany. He is willing The Beauty Nook ‘ TELEPHONK P254 beetles, fhls applies to vegeUbles was no perspn’f business what he for passing "atop" signs. in an even greater degree. to drive to Northern New York Then Button remembered the $2 172 EAST CENTER STREET - TELEPH O NE 8011 was doing with the k|te. When we State, if he can save Up enough Siding and Rock heard the story and leim ed the fee the police department owed Chineac Make Cave Mnnitiona Plant gasoline, to see hops growing. Be­ him. So he sent a bill to the Board Mr. and Mrs. Ben T. Savory, of man's fdentlty we knew one thing ''^ o o l Insulation cause he has been told that hops of Police Commissioners with «n Three. Big Nations AUCE OOFRAN 122 Green road, are leaving today — if anybody, under any other cir­ do grow In Cherry Valley, N e ^ explanation. It was then approved for a two weeks' vacation at South Expert, worinnaaship. All worti g/i' (Known Aa Queen cumstances, had told' him to "go York, and In great quantity. and the bill was paid. So Mr. pearl SPnUTDAL MEDIUM Yarmouth Mass. Mr. Savory Is guaraatecd. 'Beasonahle Prkwa. fly a kite” he would have hit the According to Hettinger hops In now figures that It cost him only lb Daughter of a Seventh Son ‘Safety Engineer for the New No obUgaUoa tor an I sky and would have told anybody the German beer country grow 20 44 to pass the "stop” .sign— If ho Bom With a Veil. Haven railroad. , . , making a crack where to go. feet tall and are attached to polea. Write. The Army and Navy Cliib, Open Conferences actually did pass one. ____ j«a Dally; biclodlng Sunday, Before reaching home he did Then they are out. from the poles lA. M. to S P. M. Or By Appolnt- Sides of Paris Now; confide in^ some friends. He had and the bloaaoma of the hop vines ■ It In the Service of the Pee­ been up to the old golf lots help­ are picked off. He was told that The principal topic along the Burton Insulating Co — Incorporated ler SO Veara. ing a couple of youngsters fly the hops In this country grow shout street this paiV^week has been the PlMMM Hartford tS-MIS Church StfWt.'Martfordi Conn. 0|i Security Plans kite, 'ftie youngsters had remain­ five feet tall and the vines sre cu t argument in the police depart­ IBS Oxford 8 i Hartford Phene S-40S4 . STOP ment about vacations. $(oat read­ ed there to play other games and with a sickle and then the blos­ T he had agreed to carry the kite soms picked off. sun another self- ers are acquainted with the stofy, Base 3 Miles Awa and string home for them. proclalmcd expert claims that ha we believe, but some of y ^ paay TERMITE has seen poles 40 feet, above the have missed It. Captain Schendel United Statcfs Britain ground with hop vines growing up has given considerable of his time, Japs Hated Many persons In town were Craftsman And Ruaaia Agree" O r­ ovsr them. He claims that where to the training of dogs, especially B IN GO General Tells Alli« ■addeaed to read this past week DAMAGE he has seen these vines the grow­ German shepherds. Since the war ganization Mnat Be of the death in Akron, Ohio, of t City ers let them climb to the top of he hasTbeen doing considerable in­ By .Natives Units Enemy in Noi Dr. Joseph U (dcEvitt. KspeclaUy Biggest Prixes In Town! the pole, then grow down so that spection of dogs offered for train­ Aula Body Shop Baaed on ^Sovereign were the older ^IdenU on' the western France^ TTSRMINIX COMPANY you don’t have to reach for them.
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