DIE ERDE 139 2008 (1-2) Special Issue: Fog Research pp. 141-168 • Tropical montane rainforest – Climatic and pedologic altitudinal change – Bolivia Gerhard Gerold (Göttingen), Marcus Schawe (Hamburg) and Kerstin Bach (Marburg) Hydrometeorologic, Pedologic and Vegetation Patterns along an Elevational Transect in the Montane Forest of the Bolivian Yungas Hypsometrischer Klima-, Boden- und Vegetationswandel im Bergregenwald der bolivianischen Yungas With 7 Figures, 4 Tables and 5 Photos The “Mountain Agenda” of the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 emphasised the global relevance of montane cloud forests for important ecosystem services like water resources and biodiversity hot spots. Serious concern about the fate of tropical mountain forests has recently triggered intensified research on the ecological complexity of these forests. However, in Latin America research was focused on the Caribbean, Costa Rica and Ecuador (DFG Research Unit 816), whereas studies in the Andes of Peru and Bolivia were missing. In the framework of an interdisciplinary project aiming at understanding the relationships between vegetation and abiotic factors in the mon- tane forest belts of the humid Yungas of Bolivia, hydrometeorologic observations and research on the altitudinal change of soils along an elevational gradient were carried out. Results suggest that the floristic change of vegetation belts and the differences in forest stature are influenced by complex interactions of climatic and pedologic variables along an elevational transect from 1,700 to 3,400 m a.s.l. 1. Introduction An estimated 10,000 vascular plant species can be distinguished in the Yungas regions of which 7,000 Among the manifold ecoregions of Bolivia and the are known. This is 50 % of all plant species of Boli- eastern Andes the Yungas cover the altitudinal zones via (Bach 2004, Kessler and Beck 2001). Several of tierra templada and tierra fria including ‘lower groups have a maximum of diversity in the cloud for- montane forest’ (LMF), ‘upper montane cloud for- ests of the Yunga region (e.g., according to Bach est’ (UMCF) and ‘subalpine cloud forest’ (SCF). This 2004, Orchidaceae ca. 1,170 species, Melastomata- region is located north of 18°S and is one of the species- ceae ca. 100 species). Beck (1988) defines an altitu- richest regions of the world, i.e. it is a ‘hot spot’ of dinal range of 1,200 m a.s.l. to 3,400 m a.s.l. as the biodiversity (Barthlott et al. 1996, Myers et al. 2000). core zone of the Yungas forest, including the vege- 142 Gerhard Gerold, Marcus Schawe and Kerstin Bach DIE ERDE Tab. 1 Climate-vegetation-soil characteristics in the Yungas (Cotapata) Klima-Vegetation-Boden-Charakteristika in den Yungas (Cotapata) Altitudinal belt LMF UMCF I UMCF II SCF Altitude < 2,100 2,100-2,600 2,600-3,150 3,150-3,400 (m a.s.l.) Substrate and Meta-siltstone Meta-siltstone Meta-sandstone Meta-sandstone texture Lt 2 Lt 2 Sl 3 Sl 2 (B horizon) Mean canopy 20 18 13 5-10 height (m) Elaphoglossum Hymenophyllum Terpsichore Typical plant Elaphglossum yungense, Miconia verecundum semihirsuta, species squamipes staphidioides miconia sp. Ceradenia comosa Soil type Humic Dystrudept Typic Placaquod Typic Durorthod Typic Placaquod (USDA 1998) pH (Ah) 4.0 3.4 3.0 2.6 0,01 M CaCl2 C/N (Ah) 12 12 25 28 ECEC (Ah) 6.4 1.5 2.8 2.7 (cmol/kg) 2,310 3,970 5,150 Rainfall (mm/y) (altitude: 1,850 m) (altitude: 2,600 m) (altitude: 3,050 m) Temperature 16.8 12.8 10.0 (yearly average, °C) T-amplitude 9.8 6.6 5.9 (daily average, °C) Humidity (rF) 90.1 96.5 97.5 (yearly average, %) rF-amplitude 15.0 9.2 5.1 (daily average, %) tation zones of ‘lower montane forest’ (LMF), ‘up- evergreen lowland rainforest (tierra caliente) per montane cloud forest’ (UMCF) and ‘subalpine are: declining tree stand heights, emergents are cloud forest’ (SCF) (Bruijnzeel and Hamilton 2000). lacking in the SCF, cauliflory is rare, microphyl- lic leaves are found in UMCF, and there is a sig- Along the altitudinal gradient, the general differ- nificant increase of sklerophylly in SCF (Bach ences of the mountain forests in contrast to the 2004, Fig. 3.6) and a high amount of epiphytes 2008/1-2 Hydrometeorologic, Pedologic and Vegetation Patterns in the Bolivian Yungas 143 (maximum in UMCF; Tab. 1). These vegetation forest sites (Herrmann 1971; Cavelier and Mejia changes are expressed in the occurrence of the 1990; Bruijnzeel et al. 1993; Pendry and Proctor different elevational forest types LMF, UMCF, 1996; Hafkenscheid 2000; Holwerda 2005). SCF (Kappelle and Brown 2001). The timber line is reached at approximately 3,400 m a.s.l. in the Published studies on soil genesis in tropical research area of Cotapata National Park but var- montane forests elucidate stagnic and podzolic ies highly in the Yungas region with exposition, properties as dominant soil forming processes relief (i.e. slope), humidity and anthropogenic in- (Schawe et al. 2007). Hetsch and Hoheisel (1976) fluence (maximally up to 3,600 m a.s.l., Beck 1998). concluded that hydromorphic processes are The typical diurnal climate of the tropics changes dominant for soil genesis and classified these with altitude as follows: declining barometric pres- soils as Spodic Dystropepts in montane forests sure and air temperature, reduced evapotranspi- of Venezuela. Working in the Ecuadorian Andes, ration and increasing intensity of UV-B radiation, Schrumpf et al. (2001) report increasingly aquic higher rates of cloudiness, more fog and cloud conditions and placic horizons with increasing precipitation (Hamilton 1995, Bruijnzeel 2005). elevation. However, at the highest elevations of The general sequence of the climate, vegetation around 3,050 m a.s.l., shallow and less developed and land use zones is known for the seasonal soils prevail. Thus, knowledge about soil gene- humid tropical eastern Andes (Gerold et al. 2003), sis in tropical montane forests is patchy, infor- but data on detailed hygric altitudinal gradients mation on soil forming substrate is not always (gradients of precipitation and complete water bal- available, and no comprehensive soil survey has ances) accompanied by gradients of soil and been conducted (Roman and Scatena 2007). plant diversity are missing so far. The objectives in this article are to describe the The exact factors underlying these altitudinal changes in climate and soils with elevation in the changes are still a matter of debate. According to Yungas region of Bolivia and to evaluate their in- some scientists, reductions in radiation due to fog fluence on forest stature along the elevational and low clouds, coupled with decreases in tem- gradient. Research questions include: perature and increases in atmospheric humidity, may limit photosynthetic activity, transpiration 1) How do soil and climate parameters change and nutrient uptake with elevation (as reviewed with altitude? by Grubb 1977; Bruijnzeel and Veneklaas 1998). Others have drawn attention to the fact that in 2) Which interrelations can be detected be- some places tree height and leaf area show an tween vegetation units and abiotic factors? inverse relationship with the degree of soil water saturation (e.g. Hetsch and Hoheisel 1976; The discussion is focused to unravel the key driv- Santiago et al. 2000). Thus, unfavourable soil ers for the decrease of tree height and the shift conditions caused by high precipitation excess- of vegetation units with elevation. es over evaporation may constitute an important factor determining forest stature in wet tropical mountains. However, these and other climatic in- 2. Research Area and Methods fluences on forest stature have only rarely been documented, mostly due to the difficulty in es- 2.1 Research area tablishing and operating meteorologic and soil water stations under the adverse topographic and The present study was carried out along a transect logistic conditions characterising so many cloud on a slope facing southeast in the Bolivian National 144 Gerhard Gerold, Marcus Schawe and Kerstin Bach DIE ERDE Fig. 1 Study area in the Cotapata National Park (16° 09' S, 68° 55' W). Transects start at 1,750 m a.s.l., Cerro Hornuni 3,647 m a.s.l. Altitudinal belts: green = 1,100-1,700 m; light brown = > 1,700- 3,100; dark brown = > 3,100 m; shading from W to E / Untersuchungsgebiet im Nationalpark Cotapata (16° 09' S, 68° 55' W). Aufnahmetransekte beginnen in 1.750 m ü.M., Cerro Hornuni 3.647 m ü.M. Höhenschichten: grün = 1.100-1.700 m; hellbraun = > 1.700 -3.100 m; dunkelbraun = > 3.100 m; Schummerung von West nach Ost Park of Cotapata, in the northeastern part of the riods in winter (July, August). The transect extend- Bolivian Andes and ca. 80 km north of La Paz ed from 1,700 to 3,400 m a.s.l. and encompassed the (16° 09' S, 68° 55' W; Fig. 1; Photo 1). The eastern entire vertical range of tropical montane forest types Andes are part of the seasonal humid tropical zone in the ‘Yungas of La Paz’ region (Bach et al. 2003; (Aw in Köppen’s classification), with a maximum Tab. 1). The longitudinal slope profile was mostly of precipitation during summer and short drier pe- linear and had an average inclination of 25° to 30° 2008/1-2 Hydrometeorologic, Pedologic and Vegetation Patterns in the Bolivian Yungas 145 Photo 1 Cordillera Oriental with Yungas (view from Coroico to Cotapata National Park with forest line at 3,400 m a.s.l.; photo: Kellner 2005) Blick auf die Ostkordillere mit den Yungas (von Coroico zum Cotapata-National- park mit der Waldgrenze in 3.400 m ü. M.; Photo: Kell- ner 2005) although the slope angle in some areas exceeded (LMF), Upper Montane Cloud Forest (UMCF), and 40°.
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